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Feels like white pine but even lighter weight
Oh well, hard to see just by the photo. One thing I would recommend, if your tanks are anything like mine they sometimes gradually leak out of the connector, so you might want to put something under them to protect the wood. I'll post a pic of my own homemade contraption when I have a moment. You can't upload photos here right? It has to be from a URL?


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I did, the holes are all filled up with my different tanks now and double folded papertowel underneath them:)
Correct on the ulr, at least thats how I do mine.


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I did, the holes are all filled up with my different tanks now and double folded papertowel underneath them:)
When I get the chance I'll post a pic of my crazy contraption and tag you in it; you'll get a laugh out of it.


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how did you know i am lurking? well i wasn't really til now. but hi :)
Because I know that you rule your domain quietly. Only speaking when you feel the need or responsibility.



Vapid Vapetress
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Thanks Kelli! I really enjoy this whole forum, people are awesome! This thread on the other hand, is quite crazy lol. If you like random topics normally 3 or 4 at a time then this is definitely the thread for you lol

are you saying we are scatterbrained? oh wait....what? feel free to pick a topic. or 3 or 4. :)


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are you saying we are scatterbrained? oh wait....what? feel free to pick a topic. or 3 or 4. :)
Hummingbirds in a wind tunnel are we

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No Ash More Cash

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RE: previous posts and "likes" on this matter I feel a lot of animosity against me about me saying ONE WORD that wasn't even directed at anyone here...I could understand all the fuss If I called her or anyone here that but I didn't!!! I used it to to describe my feelings on the two people I was talking about and how Strongly I felt about them and it's not like every other word I say here is That C word but to tell you the truth NO SINGLE WORD is offensive to me NOT ONE!!!...In Australia the word and I'm not saying it out of respect this time can be used as term of endearment Cunt...When you get a small group of people who want words banned that is a slippery slop to really stupid shit and the next thing every other word someone don't like will be banned...Like what Fran said In the UK Most people uses that word and on a daily bases I may add ...Guess what I'm from the UK and I use that word all the time( it's a cultural thing)... Also the word "Fag" the other name for Cigs in the UK and a small group ("Small" compared to the population) of people want that word banned too...I guess anyone who don't like certain words should do some research if they are going to travel out of there country or go on the Internet where there is no international boundaries and where one word isn't a big deal for them or means something different...People need to deal with things other then just saying "BAN THAT WORD"...I embrace the English language for it is... Rich, Colorful and the only language that is so diverse and that incorporates other languages into it like a sponge (Many words you think that are pure English are from different languages) ...This guy in the video below pretty much sums it up for me and how people who think so called "offensive words" and want them banned...people who want words banned are offensive to me and are doing more harm then the words themselves... if they are so offended by a "word" I really think they should seek therapy...there are deeper things going on that should be dealt with...Kelli and InMyImage and whoever thinks certain words should be banned This isn't a direct dig at you guys here but This is my feeling on anyone who get easy offended by a word and especially a word not even aimed at them (Something is not right there)...I'm properly going to be hated by a few or a lot of you guys for this and to tell you the truth I really don't care... I say things how they are and some people can't deal that that either but I'm just saying what I think on this matter of "Banning words"...If you guys never want me to post in here again after this thats fine... Just tell me... I'm a big boy and can handle it...Oh one last thing...My 7 year old is "Bossy" and guess what... yes she's Bossy and I embrace that too ...Shows me strong character and not what that shit that woman is crapping out of her mouth with (Ban the word Bossy...Oh For fucks sake it never ends)'s clear to me she has issues as from a kid and needs to seek counseling and it needs to be dealt with ...Anyway that's all I have to say on this matter and hope you get a grasp on how I feel about banning of words as a whole


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are you saying we are scatterbrained? oh wait....what? feel free to pick a topic. or 3 or 4. :)
Scatterbrained? You guys? Nooo! I have a question, Christmas music before Thanksgiving? Yes or no? There is a radio station in my girlfriends home town that started playing Christmas music 24/7 the week before Thanksgiving and I find it absurd! Just kind of curious as to how some of the other people out there view this!


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Are we still on this? I speak for everyone when I say there is no animosity. The common vernacular in Scotland does not go over well in the US, so I temper my speech accordingly is all. It is all water alloo the bridge if we let it.

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I don't want you to be "fucked off" about this ash. Discretion is the better part of valour sir...cheer up mate!

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Thanks Kelli! I really enjoy this whole forum, people are awesome! This thread on the other hand, is quite crazy lol. If you like random topics normally 3 or 4 at a time then this is definitely the thread for you lol
You have at least the presence of mind to figure that out, along with the rapid degeneration of your Avatar?

We'll mess up the rest as time goes on ;)

Just Me

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Scatterbrained? You guys? Nooo! I have a question, Christmas music before Thanksgiving? Yes or no? There is a radio station in my girlfriends home town that started playing Christmas music 24/7 the week before Thanksgiving and I find it absurd! Just kind of curious as to how some of the other people out there view this!
I feel Chritmas music should wait until the second week of December but thats my opinion


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I personally feel the week before Christmas is sufficient enough, but before Thanksgiving is just ridiculous...


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I do not fancy traditional Christmas songs. I prefer orchestral music with a Christmas theme.

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Vapid Vapetress
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RE: previous posts and "likes" on this matter I feel a lot of animosity against me about me saying ONE WORD that wasn't even directed at anyone here...I could understand all the fuss If I called her or anyone here that but I didn't!!! I used it to to describe my feelings on the two people I was talking about and how Strongly I felt about them and it's not like every other word I say here is That C word but to tell you the truth NO SINGLE WORD is offensive to me NOT ONE!!!...In Australia the word and I'm not saying it out of respect this time can be used as term of endearment Cunt...When you get a small group of people who want words banned that is a slippery slop to really stupid shit and the next thing every other word someone don't like will be banned...Like what Fran said In the UK Most people uses that word and on a daily bases I may add ...Guess what I'm from the UK and I use that word all the time( it's a cultural thing)... Also the word "Fag" the other name for Cigs in the UK and a small group ("Small" compared to the population) of people want that word banned too...I guess anyone who don't like certain words should do some research if they are going to travel out of there country or go on the Internet where there is no international boundaries and where one word isn't a big deal for them or means something different...People need to deal with things other then just saying "BAN THAT WORD"...I embrace the English language for it is... Rich, Colorful and the only language that is so diverse and that incorporates other languages into it like a sponge (Many words you think that are pure English are from different languages) ...This guy in the video below pretty much sums it up for me and how people who think so called "offensive words" and want them banned...people who want words banned are offensive to me and are doing more harm then the words themselves... if they are so offended by a "word" I really think they should seek therapy...there are deeper things going on that should be dealt with...Kelli and InMyImage and whoever thinks certain words should be banned This isn't a direct dig at you guys here but This is my feeling on anyone who get easy offended by a word and especially a word not even aimed at them (Something is not right there)...I'm properly going to be hated by a few or a lot of you guys for this and to tell you the truth I really don't care... I say things how they are and some people can't deal that that either but I'm just saying what I think on this matter of "Banning words"...If you guys never want me to post in here again after this thats fine... Just tell me... I'm a big boy and can handle it...Oh one last thing...My 7 year old is "Bossy" and guess what... yes she's Bossy and I embrace that too ...Shows me strong character and not what that shit that woman is crapping out of her mouth with (Ban the word Bossy...Oh For fucks sake it never ends)'s clear to me she has issues as from a kid and needs to seek counseling and it needs to be dealt with ...Anyway that's all I have to say on this matter and hope you get a grasp on how I feel about banning of words as a whole

sorry you got your knickers in a knot, skipper. i tried to splain that the word is probably not offensive to many people, but it is to me for reasons i'd rather not go into here. but that is my problem, not yours. should have never brought it up. sorry.

Just Me

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RE: previous posts and "likes" on this matter I feel a lot of animosity against me about me saying ONE WORD that wasn't even directed at anyone here...I could understand all the fuss If I called her or anyone here that but I didn't!!! I used it to to describe my feelings on the two people I was talking about and how Strongly I felt about them and it's not like every other word I say here is That C word but to tell you the truth NO SINGLE WORD is offensive to me NOT ONE!!!...In Australia the word and I'm not saying it out of respect this time can be used as term of endearment Cunt...When you get a small group of people who want words banned that is a slippery slop to really stupid shit and the next thing every other word someone don't like will be banned...Like what Fran said In the UK Most people uses that word and on a daily bases I may add ...Guess what I'm from the UK and I use that word all the time( it's a cultural thing)... Also the word "Fag" the other name for Cigs in the UK and a small group ("Small" compared to the population) of people want that word banned too...I guess anyone who don't like certain words should do some research if they are going to travel out of there country or go on the Internet where there is no international boundaries and where one word isn't a big deal for them or means something different...People need to deal with things other then just saying "BAN THAT WORD"...I embrace the English language for it is... Rich, Colorful and the only language that is so diverse and that incorporates other languages into it like a sponge (Many words you think that are pure English are from different languages) ...This guy in the video below pretty much sums it up for me and how people who think so called "offensive words" and want them banned...people who want words banned are offensive to me and are doing more harm then the words themselves... if they are so offended by a "word" I really think they should seek therapy...there are deeper things going on that should be dealt with...Kelli and InMyImage and whoever thinks certain words should be banned This isn't a direct dig at you guys here but This is my feeling on anyone who get easy offended by a word and especially a word not even aimed at them (Something is not right there)...I'm properly going to be hated by a few or a lot of you guys for this and to tell you the truth I really don't care... I say things how they are and some people can't deal that that either but I'm just saying what I think on this matter of "Banning words"...If you guys never want me to post in here again after this thats fine... Just tell me... I'm a big boy and can handle it...Oh one last thing...My 7 year old is "Bossy" and guess what... yes she's Bossy and I embrace that too ...Shows me strong character and not what that shit that woman is crapping out of her mouth with (Ban the word Bossy...Oh For fucks sake it never ends)'s clear to me she has issues as from a kid and needs to seek counseling and it needs to be dealt with ...Anyway that's all I have to say on this matter and hope you get a grasp on how I feel about banning of words as a whole
We still love you! Its that infinate wisdom that we adore so much. I think you took the whole thing a lil to much to heart. I hate that word yes but my girlfriend (coworker) Loves it, Out of respect she doesn't use it in front of me (often). I believe they didn't ask to ban the word more liked asked out of respect for Kelli and others we not use it. That said I am done.


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RE: previous posts and "likes" on this matter I feel a lot of animosity against me about me saying ONE WORD that wasn't even directed at anyone here...I could understand all the fuss If I called her or anyone here that but I didn't!!! I used it to to describe my feelings on the two people I was talking about and how Strongly I felt about them and it's not like every other word I say here is That C word but to tell you the truth NO SINGLE WORD is offensive to me NOT ONE!!!...In Australia the word and I'm not saying it out of respect this time can be used as term of endearment Cunt...When you get a small group of people who want words banned that is a slippery slop to really stupid shit and the next thing every other word someone don't like will be banned...Like what Fran said In the UK Most people uses that word and on a daily bases I may add ...Guess what I'm from the UK and I use that word all the time( it's a cultural thing)... Also the word "Fag" the other name for Cigs in the UK and a small group ("Small" compared to the population) of people want that word banned too...I guess anyone who don't like certain words should do some research if they are going to travel out of there country or go on the Internet where there is no international boundaries and where one word isn't a big deal for them or means something different...People need to deal with things other then just saying "BAN THAT WORD"...I embrace the English language for it is... Rich, Colorful and the only language that is so diverse and that incorporates other languages into it like a sponge (Many words you think that are pure English are from different languages) ...This guy in the video below pretty much sums it up for me and how people who think so called "offensive words" and want them banned...people who want words banned are offensive to me and are doing more harm then the words themselves... if they are so offended by a "word" I really think they should seek therapy...there are deeper things going on that should be dealt with...Kelli and InMyImage and whoever thinks certain words should be banned This isn't a direct dig at you guys here but This is my feeling on anyone who get easy offended by a word and especially a word not even aimed at them (Something is not right there)...I'm properly going to be hated by a few or a lot of you guys for this and to tell you the truth I really don't care... I say things how they are and some people can't deal that that either but I'm just saying what I think on this matter of "Banning words"...If you guys never want me to post in here again after this thats fine... Just tell me... I'm a big boy and can handle it...Oh one last thing...My 7 year old is "Bossy" and guess what... yes she's Bossy and I embrace that too ...Shows me strong character and not what that shit that woman is crapping out of her mouth with (Ban the word Bossy...Oh For fucks sake it never ends)'s clear to me she has issues as from a kid and needs to seek counseling and it needs to be dealt with ...Anyway that's all I have to say on this matter and hope you get a grasp on how I feel about banning of words as a whole

this is an alternative thread. for folks that don't quite fit in. there are some things that happened to some folks that make them feel like they aren't "usual" people. they might use the word damaged. Miss Kelli started the thread. she has very real, and very strong reasons why she hates that word. that's good enough for me. InMyImage has a problem with big swirly gifs. that's all i need to know. i don't post them.

if you don't give a shit about people's feelings, especially folks with mental health and health issues, them maybe you shouldn't post here. or you can start your own alternate thread. i don't care. i do care the Kelli feels comfortable enough to post here. and that's an understatement.;)

it isn't about censorship, it's about consideration. there's a difference. :)

on that note, it's time to head to the pool. :p


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this is an alternative thread. for folks that don't quite fit in. there are some things that happened to some folks that make them feel like they aren't "usual" people. they might use the word damaged. Miss Kelli started the thread. she has very real, and very strong reasons why she hates that word. that's good enough for me. InMyImage has a problem with big swirly gifs. that's all i need to know. i don't post them.

if you don't give a shit about people's feelings, especially folks with mental health and health issues, them maybe you shouldn't post here. or you can start your own alternate thread. i don't care. i do care the Kelli feels comfortable enough to post here. and that's an understatement.;)

it isn't about censorship, it's about consideration. there's a difference. :)

on that note, it's time to head to the pool. :p
Spot on

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RE: previous posts and "likes" on this matter I feel a lot of animosity against me about me saying ONE WORD that wasn't even directed at anyone here...I could understand all the fuss If I called her or anyone here that but I didn't!!! I used it to to describe my feelings on the two people I was talking about and how Strongly I felt about them and it's not like every other word I say here is That C word but to tell you the truth NO SINGLE WORD is offensive to me NOT ONE!!!...In Australia the word and I'm not saying it out of respect this time can be used as term of endearment Cunt...When you get a small group of people who want words banned that is a slippery slop to really stupid shit and the next thing every other word someone don't like will be banned...Like what Fran said In the UK Most people uses that word and on a daily bases I may add ...Guess what I'm from the UK and I use that word all the time( it's a cultural thing)... Also the word "Fag" the other name for Cigs in the UK and a small group ("Small" compared to the population) of people want that word banned too...I guess anyone who don't like certain words should do some research if they are going to travel out of there country or go on the Internet where there is no international boundaries and where one word isn't a big deal for them or means something different...People need to deal with things other then just saying "BAN THAT WORD"...I embrace the English language for it is... Rich, Colorful and the only language that is so diverse and that incorporates other languages into it like a sponge (Many words you think that are pure English are from different languages) ...This guy in the video below pretty much sums it up for me and how people who think so called "offensive words" and want them banned...people who want words banned are offensive to me and are doing more harm then the words themselves... if they are so offended by a "word" I really think they should seek therapy...there are deeper things going on that should be dealt with...Kelli and InMyImage and whoever thinks certain words should be banned This isn't a direct dig at you guys here but This is my feeling on anyone who get easy offended by a word and especially a word not even aimed at them (Something is not right there)...I'm properly going to be hated by a few or a lot of you guys for this and to tell you the truth I really don't care... I say things how they are and some people can't deal that that either but I'm just saying what I think on this matter of "Banning words"...If you guys never want me to post in here again after this thats fine... Just tell me... I'm a big boy and can handle it...Oh one last thing...My 7 year old is "Bossy" and guess what... yes she's Bossy and I embrace that too ...Shows me strong character and not what that shit that woman is crapping out of her mouth with (Ban the word Bossy...Oh For fucks sake it never ends)'s clear to me she has issues as from a kid and needs to seek counseling and it needs to be dealt with ...Anyway that's all I have to say on this matter and hope you get a grasp on how I feel about banning of words as a whole

Ash, it isn't a matter of hating you or even disliking you. But I do get tired of people saying "well I didn't mean it that way" or "it wasn't directed at you", or "it's how I grew up". The main thing comes down to adjusting to your surroundings and then taking note of what is acceptable and not acceptable in ones surroundings. Other than that it is merely common courtesy and respect.

Unfortunately, in the case of Kelli's objection (and one I share), here in the USA that word is universally taken as being a serious knock against women and typically being used by people who either are, or are one step away from abusing a woman. The simple fact that they use the word in the presence of most women is offensive and when directed at a particular woman is verbal abuse.

In the case of the R word, even though it is rarely directed at someone with Downs Syndrome or someone with a real developmental disability, it is offensive to a significant number of people who are developmentally disabled or love someone who is. Additionally it is a word that is commonly used to bully those who are less likely to be able to defend themselves, and in today's society anything that encourages and validates bullying is something that I at least think should be stopped.

That being said, I personally do not jump on every person who uses the word, or judge them for it. Depending on who the person is, how frequently I have contact with them, and how they use it, I will at some point ask them to stop.

And yes, my son has a developmental disabily and has profound autism. Even though members of my family have always been sensitive to those with mental disabilities, now that we are involved in community directly and participate in Special Olympics it is a much more sensitive topic.

I don't seek to censor you, nor am I telling you that you can't exercise your first amendment rights. What I am asking you to do, is to think about why you use the words you use, whether there is another word you could use to convey the same meaning with the same veracity, and to show us the courtesy of trying to not use them around us now that you know that we find them offensive.

Whether you choose to do so or not will probably have an impact on our willingness to maintain any sort of relationship with you, but not because of hate or disgust, but because we don't want to be around someone is going to consistently irritate us and have an adverse impact on our happiness.

So, hopefully you take this to heart and think about what you are and are not willing to do, and then we'll see how things go from there.
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