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Alternate Universe


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ECF Refugee
The best play here is the understanding that we all bugger it up on occasion. Get up, dust off, put yer elbows back in and enjoy the thread and the people who make it the BEST FUCKING THREAD ON VU!

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this is an alternative thread. for folks that don't quite fit in. there are some things that happened to some folks that make them feel like they aren't "usual" people. they might use the word damaged. Miss Kelli started the thread. she has very real, and very strong reasons why she hates that word. that's good enough for me. InMyImage has a problem with big swirly gifs. that's all i need to know. i don't post them.

if you don't give a shit about people's feelings, especially folks with mental health and health issues, them maybe you shouldn't post here. or you can start your own alternate thread. i don't care. i do care the Kelli feels comfortable enough to post here. and that's an understatement.;)

it isn't about censorship, it's about consideration. there's a difference. :)

on that note, it's time to head to the pool. :p


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That doesn't sound too bad.
Maybe a same day procedure?

Is it something that may alleviate some of your painful discomfort?
No I don't have any cysts at the moment but I think my ovaries are trying to ovulate again and it's usually pretty painful. I really wish they'd remove them. I've been in bed since Monday but have to get at least three days work in sometime this weekend :(

Just Me

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The best play here is the understanding that we all bugger it up on occasion. Get up, dust off, put yer elbows back in and enjoy the thread and the people who make it the BEST FUCKING THREAD ON VU!

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
In Varina the knickers off of some "Creme Brulee" by Jimmy The Juiceman"

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Scatterbrained? You guys? Nooo! I have a question, Christmas music before Thanksgiving? Yes or no? There is a radio station in my girlfriends home town that started playing Christmas music 24/7 the week before Thanksgiving and I find it absurd! Just kind of curious as to how some of the other people out there view this!
I think Black Friday on is fair game. We actually had a couple stores with Xmas stuff out on the floor shortly before the 4th of July :eek:


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I think Black Friday on is fair game. We actually had a couple stores with Xmas stuff out on the floor shortly before the 4th of July :eek:
Yeah I know I used to work retail and I thought it was the stupidest thing to have the next holiday's items out before the nearest one was here... I can understand if those holidays are within a month of each other, but we had Christmas stuff out a couple of weeks before Halloween


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Alright everyone I'm getting off of here to finally head home for the day... Been at work since 5 am and have to do it again tomorrow... I'll prolly check in a time or two later on tapatalk just to see what crazy shenanigans you guys are getting into, but I prolly won't be as active as I am here at work sitting at my computer... Good to get to know you all (well kinda, all I really know is anything is fair game lol) Later


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I know my wife didn't think it was fun. She also didn't think it was fun when they used the LEEP procedure to cut out her cervix twice!
Oh god I can't imagine. they had to cut a piece of my cervix off to test for cervical cancer and HPV I forget the technical term and that was the worst pain of my life. they really oughta give you an anesthetic for that


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The best play here is the understanding that we all bugger it up on occasion. Get up, dust off, put yer elbows back in and enjoy the thread and the people who make it the BEST FUCKING THREAD ON VU!

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk


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Have you guys tried that Nestles toll house cookie coffee creamer yet, its like having hot chocolate and coffee together......yummmmyyy

I'll have to give it a whirl. I don't do cream and sugar, I drink my coffee black. I have a weakness for yummy flavored liquid creamer though. The white chocolate raspberry is awesome.

One thing I do sometimes that reminds me of the toll house that's good. Take a cup of coffee, add half a pack of swissmiss or other hot Chocó then add just a little cream, like half and half. It gives the same effect you're describing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'll have to give it a whirl. I don't do cream and sugar, I drink my coffee black. I have a weakness for yummy flavored liquid creamer though. The white chocolate raspberry is awesome.

One thing I do sometimes that reminds me of the toll house that's good. Take a cup of coffee, add half a pack of swissmiss or other hot Chocó then add just a little cream, like half and half. It gives the same effect you're describing.
What a cool idea!


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RE: previous posts and "likes" on this matter I feel a lot of animosity against me about me saying ONE WORD that wasn't even directed at anyone here...I could understand all the fuss If I called her or anyone here that but I didn't!!! I used it to to describe my feelings on the two people I was talking about and how Strongly I felt about them and it's not like every other word I say here is That C word but to tell you the truth NO SINGLE WORD is offensive to me NOT ONE!!!...In Australia the word and I'm not saying it out of respect this time can be used as term of endearment Cunt...When you get a small group of people who want words banned that is a slippery slop to really stupid shit and the next thing every other word someone don't like will be banned...Like what Fran said In the UK Most people uses that word and on a daily bases I may add ...Guess what I'm from the UK and I use that word all the time( it's a cultural thing)... Also the word "Fag" the other name for Cigs in the UK and a small group ("Small" compared to the population) of people want that word banned too...I guess anyone who don't like certain words should do some research if they are going to travel out of there country or go on the Internet where there is no international boundaries and where one word isn't a big deal for them or means something different...People need to deal with things other then just saying "BAN THAT WORD"...I embrace the English language for it is... Rich, Colorful and the only language that is so diverse and that incorporates other languages into it like a sponge (Many words you think that are pure English are from different languages) ...This guy in the video below pretty much sums it up for me and how people who think so called "offensive words" and want them banned...people who want words banned are offensive to me and are doing more harm then the words themselves... if they are so offended by a "word" I really think they should seek therapy...there are deeper things going on that should be dealt with...Kelli and InMyImage and whoever thinks certain words should be banned This isn't a direct dig at you guys here but This is my feeling on anyone who get easy offended by a word and especially a word not even aimed at them (Something is not right there)...I'm properly going to be hated by a few or a lot of you guys for this and to tell you the truth I really don't care... I say things how they are and some people can't deal that that either but I'm just saying what I think on this matter of "Banning words"...If you guys never want me to post in here again after this thats fine... Just tell me... I'm a big boy and can handle it...Oh one last thing...My 7 year old is "Bossy" and guess what... yes she's Bossy and I embrace that too ...Shows me strong character and not what that shit that woman is crapping out of her mouth with (Ban the word Bossy...Oh For fucks sake it never ends)'s clear to me she has issues as from a kid and needs to seek counseling and it needs to be dealt with ...Anyway that's all I have to say on this matter and hope you get a grasp on how I feel about banning of words as a whole

That's what always helps me :cool:


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just paid my hospital bill from the laparoscopy in February I only owe 150 and 55 cents. Which means hopefully I'll have it paid off in time for the pudendal nerve block


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@CaFF Got my stand in today, its smaller than I imagined and was already put together.


Cool! So, how are you liking it thus far?

Odd about the wood being light...but then you've been around lots of heavy wood lately...(lol...eep!)

I'm waiting on it until I get Xmas cash, I could get one now, but prefer to wait and buy what I actually want. Might ask if they could make a custom setup too.

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