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Alternate Universe


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No problem I still do I have a problem with speed and torque I always considered Muscle cars roller coasters that I can control the layout at will hahaha
and if we do crash then I go out the way I wish to "With a boom"



Put a bed in the back...then either way ya go out with a Bang.... ;)


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Ok time to find food what to eat where to go so many choices hmmm
Carry on as soon as I leave the place will liven up :)


Vapid Vapetress
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I wonder what one I fit into? Alternate Universe...May I suggest adding rules and guidelines for this thread...It might help other people who decide to post in this thread who don't know them

there doesn't need to be any rules or guidelines. just be nice and considerate of others feelings. that's it. :)


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Here's my wolf. He's 50% Siberian husky 50% timber wolf!

Vaping to help quit dipping. Gotta have that nicotine :)

Current: Nemesis Mod w/ Dark Horse RDA

2nd: Vamo V5 w/ Pro Tank 2 | Pro Tank 3

1st: EGO-C Twist 1300mAh VV w/ Pro Tank 2 | Pro Tank 3
:( reminds me of my first dog. He was a husky/wolf mix also. We named him "Jaws" because he kept ripping the innards out of stuffed animals. It had the funny side effect that anytime someone asked what his name was, they slowly backed away after we told them :)

No Ash More Cash

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there doesn't need to be any rules or guidelines. just be nice and considerate of others feelings. that's it. :)
And that's where the problem lies...I have always been nice but I don't know every bodies feelings being "considerate" is a 2 way thing


Vapid Vapetress
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And that's where the problem lies...I have always been nice but I don't know every bodies feelings being "considerate" is a 2 way thing

i am weary of talking about it, hon. if you insist on using the word, so be it. i won't try to tell you what or what not to do. it's not my place. it's all good.


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I'm waiting on the pelvic pain specialist to call me back as well as the new obgyn. After I get back from Texas we're going to start calling them and setting up appointments and hopefully get the nerve block done
Yep, just remember that with your plan you can pretty much go to whoever you want whenever you want without the need for a referral. Meaning if you want to see a pain specialist, you just call and make an appointment. The only thing you want them to do is confirm that they are "in-network" for your plan. After that, you don't need anything special to see them and don't even have to tell your primary doctor that you are doing it.

Do be careful about pain management contracts though for any narcotics that are prescribed. Don't get new scripts from a different doctor unless you plan to have that doc write them moving forward.


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Nope... it's just a conundrum
Bro let it go man some never do thats just the way it is .. Its better to not take it to serious either we all get hurt even me
but in the end we are all here for a great purpose... :) I say this for reasons others cannot understand VU is important to me
I keeps me sane from going down a spiral and starting to smoke again it also allows us all to express opinions right or wrong and to correct each other
animosity of any kind will just creep in to your mind as @moecat was hinting to and eat ya up... my purpose on this board for myself is to help others when I can at every opportunity with the technical aspects of vaping thats it... I enjoy hanging with everyone as well... since you are newish man Just let it out if you have to but do it in a conversation with the person no on a thread I have made this mistake and other times it had to be done but in the end it did not change my reason for being here ;)


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I'm new here, have no kids, own a wolf dog, there was talk about surgery on lady parts, red satin underwear, lots of back and forth about the c word (done now I hope), coffee creamer, Christmas music, wolfs, liking pain, etc. Lol
Just a normal day @Midniteoyl


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As usual I'll abruptly change the subject with no regard for whatever anyone else is talking about. I am SOOOO glad Sons of Anarchy is over. The only reason I watched this last season is because I saw everything before so I felt compelled to see how it ended. What a long, drawn out, self gratuitous season it has been, with Jax being the ultimate narcissist and not in a likable way, and this last show (warning spoiler close your eyes)--if Jax was going to kill himself anyway why did he have to kill his mom and Unser and have one of his guys get shot in the arm to fake like he put up a fight and escaped when he was suppose to meet Mr. Mayhem, just so we can have another long drawn out artsy fartsy scene with a boring song playing? And then to end with a quote from Shakespeare, really? Shakespeare? LOL. Hey guys who made this show, it wasn't Shakespeare.

No Ash More Cash

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i am weary of talking about it, hon. if you insist on using the word, so be it. i won't try to tell you what or what not to do. it's not my place. it's all good.
It's not even insisting that I say that...It's the fact that I got shit for saying it...I have said it once in this whole thread and again not aimed at anyone here but used In a description of a strong feeling I had on two people that has nothing to to with this board ...I haven't used that word again since that out of respect...But I don't go around telling people they can't use a word but that's just me... Don't worry I won't say it again


Vapid Vapetress
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It's not even insisting that I say that...It's the fact that I got shit for saying it...I have said it once in this whole thread and again not aimed at anyone here but used In a description of a strong feeling I had on two people that has nothing to to with this board ...I haven't used that word again since that out of respect...But I don't go around telling people they can't use a word but that's just me... Don't worry I won't say it again

ok so what do you want from me?

No Ash More Cash

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Ash, I know both sides are very sensitive on the issue, how about we all bury this and start over again, BTW, get some clothes on, you'll freeze your weener:D
Me saying a word not aimed at anyone here and basically being told to shut up are two different things (Yes I see it that way and it is that way)...One was aimed at me...Like I just said In my last post...Theres nothing to worry about now


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Ok I can't take it anymore. WHAT "word" was said???? Someone please private message me if you don't want to see that "word" here again, or do I really have to go back and read a hundred comments to figure out what y'all talking about? (biting my nails)


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Trying to make myself get bundled up and walk to Petco for Tiki-Food....Argh.

(she has food of course, but will need her tinned food replenished soon)

Not feeling it today...
Comapre the prices of the food you get to the prices on Amazon. We have found it cheaper for us to order it online and have it delivered to our door. We also have Prime and now subscribe to several of our household items like laundry detergent and dryer sheets, etc and get an additional 15% off each month that we have at least 5 subscription items delivered.


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Comapre the prices of the food you get to the prices on Amazon. We have found it cheaper for us to order it online and have it delivered to our door. We also have Prime and now subscribe to several of our household items like laundry detergent and dryer sheets, etc and get an additional 15% off each month that we have at least 5 subscription items delivered.
Was looking into that too.. Unfortunately, its not available here :(

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