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@Whiskey I am so happy to hear your mom is recovering nicely, hope she realizes what a great daughter she has!
(if she only knew):D



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There were also Nicorette inhalers but they were way too high nic level, I always felt like I was gonna pass out

Just Me

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I started at 18 my stupid friends held me down til I tried 3 on 1 fuckers!!! My sisters were like 14 and 15. I was the one always hiding people cigarettes go figure


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I was reading some of the other threads and what people thought of parents letting their kids vape, I wish when I started I had the option, I guess we all forget how old we were when we started.. Now to go home a deal with hubby about all this LOL that should be fun!
Tell your husband it is kinda a no brainer. He is already smoking a pack a day at 16 . So you also know that if you tell him to quit he won't and just do it behind your back. What then he will be smoking a pack and a half by the time he is 20 and you will be begging him to quit and vape because it is a better choice than smoking. So you are just taking the quicker route to him ditching the cigarettes. No brainer to me.

In a perfect world we would rather our kids only breathe fresh country air and live in a box but that is not going to happen. If you do not give him an alternative he will just keep smoking and that is just crazy.


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All caught up....gaaaaaaaa I need a nap, too late in the what should I slap together for supper....sigh!!!!!!!!!!
Order some pizza from Fishee when he wakes up. :) Awesome news about your mom!

@cherrycakes you can take as many 30ml bottles as you want pretty much. Just put them in a clear plastic zippy like your shampoo and stuff. 30ml is a little over an ounce and I *think* the most is 2 ounces per container.

@Just Me I dunno, maybe you should let him smoke and stunt his growth a little. Kidding! lol I started smoking pretty early so yeah, at 16 I'd let him vape.

Just Me

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Tell your husband it is kinda a no brainer. He is already smoking a pack a day at 16 . So you also know that if you tell him to quit he won't and just do it behind your back. What then he will be smoking a pack and a half by the time he is 20 and you will be begging him to quit and vape because it is a better choice than smoking. So you are just taking the quicker route to him ditching the cigarettes. No brainer to me.

In a perfect world we would rather our kids only breathe fresh country air and live in a box but that is not going to happen. If you do not give him an alternative he will just keep smoking and that is just crazy.
My husband thinks that telling him not to will work. I think he is kinda thinking the same just won't admit that to me (he put 2 bottles of juice on my sons dresser) He just doesn't wanna see it.

Just Me

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Order some pizza from Fishee when he wakes up. :) Awesome news about your mom!

@cherrycakes you can take as many 30ml bottles as you want pretty much. Just put them in a clear plastic zippy like your shampoo and stuff. 30ml is a little over an ounce and I *think* the most is 2 ounces per container.

@Just Me I dunno, maybe you should let him smoke and stunt his growth a little. Kidding! lol I started smoking pretty early so yeah, at 16 I'd let him vape.
LOL his older brother smokes and he is 6'6". I am trying to get him to vape bought him all kids of gear but he is stubborn


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On another note I have a question that might be a touchy subject.
I found out my 16 yr old started smoking is it really that bad for me to prefer he vapes?? If we are all honest with ourselves then we know if he wants to get cigerettes he will and has, I would prefer he not smoke but if thats not an option is it really that bad to let him vape?
Honestly as a mom I feel you should do whatever you feel is right...

As for me, I would definitely prefer my kid vaped than smoked. However I would try to somehow allow him to only do it at home or while he wasn't around me in public. I know a lot of people disagree with underage smoking anything but being 24, I just recently went thru the whole underage thing with alcohol and I know just how easy it is for someone to get something illegal when they want it. I agree with you that if he wants to smoke he will.

use this info how you see fit... :)


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thats what I am thinking, he has already went into my retired stuff and started playing around with it was kinda shocked when I saw him puffing away on a my stingray with my penelope. Looks like he did a good job on building the coil. I took it away but now am thinking its the lesser of the 2 evils
Honestly (if you were to let him vape) I think it might be a good idea to let him start with an RDA. If he's anything like my brother and I at that age he loves to tinker and build shit. He might be more likely to stay with vaping if there's a fun challenge to make the best combo of coils you can.


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I quit 4 1/2 years ago you would think having a brother who had a double lung transplant and never smoked would have made him think... KIDS!!
My girlfriends dad is 51 and has had triple bypass surgery, 4 or 5 stents, and 5 heart attacks now because of smoking. We got him a vaporizer and that lasted almost a week. It's hard for us to keep him on it when he lives 2 hours away from us... at what point do you learn?


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i defer to Mr Belushi:

No I didn't. Honest... I ran out of gas! I--I had a flat tire! I didn't have enough money for cab fare! My tux didn't come back from the cleaners! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!


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Back from my's yucky, drizzling, and chilly out...but she's got foods for the month now. Only cost $20 even cuz I round up to donate to the local animal shelter. :)

The tinned food was 10 for $ almost half price.

(The opened bag is the Solid Gold she loves, I got the Ultra in dry form this time too because it was $2 off and a good fall-back if I run out)



My newest mod/coil combo. One of my brothers old mods a TR with my dark horse atty with dual coils made of twisted 32g wire

Cool looking gear. Is that build wicking OK though?
Seems a bit uneven there, like one coil is burning a bit. (or, maybe it's just running uneven on the coils lighting up at the same time)
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Back from my's yucky, drizzling, and chilly out...but she's got foods for the month now. Only cost $20 even cuz I round up to donate to the local animal shelter. :)

(Theopened bag is the Solid Gold she loves, I got the Ultra in dry form this time too because it was $2 off and a good fall-back if I run out)


Cool looking gear. Is that build wicking OK though?
Seems a bit uneven there, like one coil is burning a bit. (or, maybe it's just running uneven on the coils lighting up at the same time)
Yeah it still vapes fine, and before I added cotton they both got red at exact same time... but now obviously the one is getting hotter... idk why?


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Yeah it still vapes fine, and before I added cotton they both got red at exact same time... but now obviously the one is getting hotter... idk why?

Not sure man, I've not used that particular atty. Might just be that one coil has the wicking packed in too tightly, compared to the other?

But for $5 more you get the batteries charger and a tank

You bet, I just thought you'd like a stand-alone price too. (me, I don't need more chargers or stuff...prefer saving

Just Me

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Not sure man, I've not used that particular atty. Might just be that one coil has the wicking packed in too tightly, compared to the other?

You bet, I just thought you'd like a stand-alone price too. (me, I don't need more chargers or stuff...prefer saving
lol I don't need anything now what I want is another story


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
On another note I have a question that might be a touchy subject.
I found out my 16 yr old started smoking is it really that bad for me to prefer he vapes?? If we are all honest with ourselves then we know if he wants to get cigerettes he will and has, I would prefer he not smoke but if thats not an option is it really that bad to let him vape?

Underage in any case for either vice. That brings it strictly into your jurisdiction, mom. You know best. I wasn't vaping when I found out about my daughter's early smoking. If I were I think I would have felt the same as you, and acted upon it.

Luckily it was just a phase for her. She's 25 now and I never see her with a cig. She's tried my PV and choked on it. Hurray! :D


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Underage in any case for either vice. That brings it strictly into your jurisdiction, mom. You know best. I wasn't vaping when I found out about my daughter's early smoking. If I were I think I would have felt the same as you, and acted upon it.

Luckily it was just a phase for her. She's 25 now and I never see her with a cig. She's tried my PV and choked on it. Hurray! :D

Good to see ya in the Alt, man....

I'm reaaallly digging my Orchid now with just that simple tank mod. :D

Unlike most of ya, I didn't like the wide-open draw very much. So, besides giving me a true 4ml+, syringe filling from the port, and the ability to SEE my damn juice, it's now drawing more to my liking. Hasn't leaked a single drop either.

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Almost succumbed to fast-food, but made my own instead:

  • chopped up one of those chicken patties from before
  • chopped pickled jalapenos
  • chopped onion
  • American and Colby-Jack cheeses (the colby-jack got cubed and put with the meat to hold it together)
  • Dave's Hurtin' Habanero sauce
  • Sriracha sauce
  • sprinkle of garlic pepper & KC spice seasoning
  • a Ciabatta roll

That particular Dave's is not really hot at all, the Rooster sauce is hotter. But, it's got a lovely sweet/tart BBQ type of flavor.

Warmed 'er up and...Nommm

Not a pretty thing, probably not super-healthy either. But, it was damn tasty.
I had craved something like an Arby's Melt, but I made this in the time it would have taken to wait in line and with food I had on hand. :D


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Just in time for the Friday night lull... read through ten pages to catch up and will say a couple of things all at once...

Hey @Just Me , I'm a capricorn...
Glad to hear that you mom is doing better @Whiskey
@muth pulling pig-tails is always fun, and sometimes hot ;)
@franciscan has your admirer come back to pursue her interest in a courtship?
@CaFF I don't know... that ciabata sammich looked mighty healthy to me, nom nom nom
@Fishee I want pizza, how much would delivery be to Indiana?
@Midniteoyl I thought you were were off 90 headed to Fort Wayne, not off 65 headed towards Chicago?
@adk1989 your marriage will be fine, your fiance has already built up the foundation for years worth of manipulation
@kelli we all get carried away by you at some point or another :)
@cherrycakes sent you some PM's with tips for dealing with CVS, if all else fails I'll beat them into submission for you and then you can take your paddle to them o_O

I'm sure I'm missing someone... so Howdy to the rest of you :D


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Just in time for the Friday night lull... read through ten pages to catch up and will say a couple of things all at once...

Hey @Just Me , I'm a capricorn...
Glad to hear that you mom is doing better @Whiskey
@muth pulling pig-tails is always fun, and sometimes hot ;)
@franciscan has your admirer come back to pursue her interest in a courtship?
@CaFF I don't know... that ciabata sammich looked mighty healthy to me, nom nom nom
@Fishee I want pizza, how much would delivery be to Indiana?
@Midniteoyl I thought you were were off 90 headed to Fort Wayne, not off 65 headed towards Chicago?
@adk1989 your marriage will be fine, your fiance has already built up the foundation for years worth of manipulation
@kelli we all get carried away by you at some point or another :)
@cherrycakes sent you some PM's with tips for dealing with CVS, if all else fails I'll beat them into submission for you and then you can take your paddle to them o_O

I'm sure I'm missing someone... so Howdy to the rest of you :D
I am straight up 35, just south of 30...


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Lol first off she isn't my fiancé and secondly no... Just when you're using a wheel puller and it's pushing the CV joint out the back because it's not moving you have a problem lol. It was rusted in there nice and tightly, lots of sledge hammering.
Hmm.. did show the quote..

Heat.. it needed heat :)


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Is anybody else noticing VU is really slow? Or is it just me again..?


Gold Contributor
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Just in time for the Friday night lull... read through ten pages to catch up and will say a couple of things all at once...

Hey @Just Me , I'm a capricorn...
Glad to hear that you mom is doing better @Whiskey
@muth pulling pig-tails is always fun, and sometimes hot ;)
@franciscan has your admirer come back to pursue her interest in a courtship?
@CaFF I don't know... that ciabata sammich looked mighty healthy to me, nom nom nom
@Fishee I want pizza, how much would delivery be to Indiana?
@Midniteoyl I thought you were were off 90 headed to Fort Wayne, not off 65 headed towards Chicago?
@adk1989 your marriage will be fine, your fiance has already built up the foundation for years worth of manipulation
@kelli we all get carried away by you at some point or another :)
@cherrycakes sent you some PM's with tips for dealing with CVS, if all else fails I'll beat them into submission for you and then you can take your paddle to them o_O

I'm sure I'm missing someone... so Howdy to the rest of you :D

ME! You forgot me ya silly goose! Lol but howdy!


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My endocrinologist is a jackass. CVS called and said the insurance requires a 90 day supply. So they called endocrinologist who said I need to make an appointment first so I call to make an appointment and they've all gone to a fucking Christmas party. I'm leaving for Texas I don't have time to deal with this shit. Grr
Thats BS.. The doc can fax it in.. unless its a controlled substance.

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