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did you mean the 50 watt? as bad as the cloupor may be, and i own 7 or 8, sigelei has been putting out crap! my cloupor 30 watt are more accurate than my sigelei 50 watt. of course, sigelei doesn't make anything. my guess, is that once they complete a design, they search for someone to manufacture that product cheaper than the first run.

it does look like the 100 plus is a solid product. i'm prolly gonna get one, but i like small. i also like to charge the battery in the mod. however, the cloupor will be $20 or so, cheaper than the sigelei, maybe more. i'm gonna write cloupor and bitch them out some more for not putting a floating 510 pin on theirs.

so far, the new sigeliei 50, not the old one, i have 3, and the cloupor mini are the ones i'm deciding between.

cloupor gets and edge for customer service. i wrote them about a 30watt, i got from fluid vapes. it died and fluid vapes didn't give a shit. cloupor gave me, not only the price of the mod, but refunded my shipping, as well. i was shocked, but happy. ;)

oops! :eek:

i see the sigelei 30, now. hmmmm....

According to, there will be both a mini 30 and a mini 50.
Definitely agree with you on the level of Cloupor's high level of customer service.


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What does everyone think of these trends? Don't you feel like a rat following the Pied Piper? I have to ask myself do I really want a mini box and why?


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did you mean the 50 watt? as bad as the cloupor may be, and i own 7 or 8, sigelei has been putting out crap! my cloupor 30 watt are more accurate than my sigelei 50 watt. of course, sigelei doesn't make anything. my guess, is that once they complete a design, they search for someone to manufacture that product cheaper than the first run.

it does look like the 100 plus is a solid product. i'm prolly gonna get one, but i like small. i also like to charge the battery in the mod. however, the cloupor will be $20 or so, cheaper than the sigelei, maybe more. i'm gonna write cloupor and bitch them out some more for not putting a floating 510 pin on theirs.

so far, the new sigeliei 50, not the old one, i have 3, and the cloupor mini are the ones i'm deciding between.

cloupor gets and edge for customer service. i wrote them about a 30watt, i got from fluid vapes. it died and fluid vapes didn't give a shit. cloupor gave me, not only the price of the mod, but refunded my shipping, as well. i was shocked, but happy. ;)

oops! :eek:

i see the sigelei 30, now. hmmmm....
That is real good to know. I have a Clouper DNA 30 and it's never given me a problem.


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What does everyone think of these trends? Don't you feel like a rat following the Pied Piper? I have to ask myself do I really want a mini box and why?
After a while, I've made mental notes of what a mod has to have before I consider purchasing it.

Now the trick is to actually exercise patience and wait for this to be released, as opposed to jumping on the next, newest shiny metal toy. :confused:


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What does everyone think of these trends? Don't you feel like a rat following the Pied Piper? I have to ask myself do I really want a mini box and why?

no, i'm glad that the race is on, but i'm surprised it's taking so long. i'm disabled, so i like lighter mods. i prefer box mods, cuz they stand on their own. i love, love the atlantis, but, maybe due to my decreased lung capacity, anything over 30 watts feels like i'm breathing a volcano.

so, i'm looking for the perfect, small, 30-50 watt box mod. when i find them, i'll get 10 or more and be done with it. :)

the race for 250 watts, or whatever, i don't care. at 34 watts, i'm starting to collapse from the heat. :oops:


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That is real good to know. I have a Clouper DNA 30 and it's never given me a problem.

6 month warranty on the cloupors. and, by experience, they back it up. i didn't even have to send the mod back. but,i did send them a laundry list of what they needed to do to perfect the 30 watt. i think they thought i worked for a vape company. i still get updates.

but now i do work for a vape company...

Just Me

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@franciscan I'm thinking of getting a parallel 18650 box that doesn't have a mosfet. Some people say the button will heat up, others say no. What's your opinion? Or anyone else here for that matter*******thank you:)
As long as your build is above .15 you will be fine with most buttons. I run .17 on a dual parallel box with no MosFet with no issues

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk


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My endocrinologist is a jackass. CVS called and said the insurance requires a 90 day supply. So they called endocrinologist who said I need to make an appointment first so I call to make an appointment and they've all gone to a fucking Christmas party. I'm leaving for Texas I don't have time to deal with this shit. Grr


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ha ha. cloupor thinks they have an iStick killer: :p

i laugh, but until something better comes along, i may end getting a bunch of these. o_O

It's a few mm bigger than iStick in all dimensions, but they did an exceptional job designing around the 18650. Probably the shortest regulated 18650 mod out there. Hell, it's even shorter than the shortest 18650 tube mech, the SMPL. :)

If it were price competitive I would favor it. iStick was a great new form factor, but still looks like a piece of junk. This Cloupor is a much cleaner design IMO. Hopefully with their long 30w experience, the quality of the electronics is solid on this one, unlike the T6 and T8.

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I have like three days left of my meds I'm just going to call and have them fill it and pay out of pocket


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Hello all

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It's not Christmas and still normal business hours and they all leave
Well at least there's still some time between now and your trip. Unless, of course, your own schedule makes it overly difficult to accommodate your a-hole endocrinologist. He may as well have told you to jump off a cliff rather than have you call the office while everyone's at a Christmas party.


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My endocrinologist is a jackass. CVS called and said the insurance requires a 90 day supply. So they called endocrinologist who said I need to make an appointment first so I call to make an appointment and they've all gone to a fucking Christmas party. I'm leaving for Texas I don't have time to deal with this shit. Grr

is there some kind of ombudsman in your state? they can take a look at all the BS, that you are given on a regular basis. and CVS might be wrong, too. 90 day supplies are for maintenance drugs. if you have a year prescription, you can get them 3 months at a time. your insurance company should know better, too.

how did you get saddled with all of these freaking morons? :mad:

if you're in a "system", then the doctors should be required to write scripts, according to the plan. they'd be required to.

the insurance company is now "practicing medicine" by countermanding your current script. call them and ask how good their malpractice insurance is! if your med is covered, then they must pay for the script. if it can only be done in 90 day lots, then it better be explained to you and it better be correct. if it isn't, then it is malpractice.


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It's a few mm bigger than iStick in all dimensions, but they did an exceptional job designing around the 18650. Probably the shortest regulated 18650 mod out there. Hell, it's even shorter than the shortest 18650 tube mech, the SMPL. :)

If it were price competitive I would favor it. iStick is a great form factor, but looks like a piece of junk. This Cloupor is a much cleaner design IMO.

the iSticks are nice. cloupor is known for shoddy work. i use them, though. they are usually the cheapest.


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is there some kind of ombudsman in your state? they can take a look at all the BS, that you are given on a regular basis. and CVS might be wrong, too. 90 day supplies are for maintenance drugs. if you have a year prescription, you can get them 3 months at a time. your insurance company should know better, too.

how did you get saddled with all of these freaking morons? :mad:

if you're in a "system", then the doctors should be required to write scripts, according to the plan. they'd be required to.

the insurance company is now "practicing medicine" by countermanding your current script. call them and ask how good their malpractice insurance is! if your med is covered, then they must pay for the script. if it can only be done in 90 day lots, then it better be explained to you and it better be correct. if it isn't, then it is malpractice.

She lives in PA. Not in Philly, either.
The whole state is in a state of malpractice and corruption. ;)


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Hi Folks, just got back, Mom made out fine and is resting, now I'm off to catch up on things, back in a few~
Awesome news! :) What was the surgery for, if you're willing to divulge?


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It's kind of sad I'm considering buying it online but we will pay out of pocket for the 30 day supply and then I'll call them Monday and call them assholes


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Because of the PCOS my hormones are imbalanced and I take the sprionolactone 2 lower my abnormally high testosterone


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My endocrinologist is a jackass. CVS called and said the insurance requires a 90 day supply. So they called endocrinologist who said I need to make an appointment first so I call to make an appointment and they've all gone to a fucking Christmas party. I'm leaving for Texas I don't have time to deal with this shit. Grr
What a bummer :(
Fuckin dicks!


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I called to reschedule my appointment and then they said call back when you're feeling better. Which is never so I haven't called back


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Good to hear!!
I woke up nauseous as all hell and skipped work again and I'm feeling pretty lousy about it. I'm trying to not get depressed all the snow and crap so much crap to do I had to pick up prescriptions and mail packages and call idiots and fight with them when all I want to do is curl up and cry


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endocrinologist doesn't really do anything anyway I go there I talk to them 5 minutes they take my blood and then I go home what is the point


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I need some benadryl to knock my ass out so I actually go to sleep at a reasonable hour


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cell phone vid?
Bloody shame that. It is what truly separates Men and women from simply males and females. Men and women should have a certain mystique that brings a profound yet gentle manner

Sorry, meant to quote fishee....I'm an imbecile

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Good to hear!!
I woke up nauseous as all hell and skipped work again and I'm feeling pretty lousy about it. I'm trying to not get depressed all the snow and crap so much crap to do I had to pick up prescriptions and mail packages and call idiots and fight with them when all I want to do is curl up and cry
Aw thinking about you crying makes me wanna cry too:(
Try to keep that sexy hairy chin of yours up.

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