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Alternate Universe

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
they have tacos over there?!?
Well tacos are like crisps (chips) yeah? Sort of triangle shaped.


VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I think Microsoft products are WAY more vulnerable than android. General browsing and searching is also where you get hit the easiest IMO.
Android dude is based on UNIX actually LINUX for your info.. You are correct the reason Microsoft is so vulnerable is because it is the most widely used OS in the world anytime you have an operating system that is as open meaning not needing Root rights to do things it will get trumped for example I am not on a Windows machine I have them to play games but I am on a Linux box very high end I do not have to worry about funny things happening no virus no crap... Android and IOS (Iphone) are both based originally on UNIX their underside is UNIX based so the biggest vulnerability is the pop up ads



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Watching Nascar pre-show. Waking up at 9am on a Sunday is meh, but I have a really big mug of latte.

Cat woke up when I did, then gave me a "it's too damn early" look and went back to

Vape-mail is in town, but I won't get it until tmrw...

Mailing out your box of stuff tomorrow


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@Whiskey ... what else needs to be done with your house after the floors and well are taken care of?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Whiskey ... what else needs to be done with your house after the floors and well are taken care of?
Little carpet, bath tile flooring, lights start tomorrow, plumbing, we got the heat running so far, and lot grading, still a lot to do before the snow flies.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Are you saying that there are actually some folks that are bent out of shape because you're a moderator now?
Oh just to be expected on forums everytime someone fills a gap as a place is taking form. It makes some people feel isolated when their friends become moderators.

Silly. Moderation is about deleting spam, violent and abusive threats towards people just trying to enjoy themselves and maintaining a safe environment for members. Any other conclusion is drawn from member's own personal experiences on the forums they currently or previously belonged to.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No No. He can't be a Pal no more... He's a moderator now, he has to be a...... Moderate....

But this is the VU. Moderator is just a glorified word for babysitter here and since most of us are adults he'll have plenty of time to kick back and bs, like always. Besides... how would he keep himself at the top of the post count list if he didn't ;)


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years

I've used duct tape for a lot stuff.. but never that.. not yet. I do give her props for ingenuity. I saw a woman on naked and afraid wearing similar attire the other night. I think she stuck tape to the back so as to not have sticky nipples though. EDIT: Found the pic..lmao

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