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Actually, I think I may be the one who was being dense ... I had not even consdered that aspect. :(

Now I'm wondering if I should change it. :confused:
No, it's an OCD thing. Doubt anybody else thinks twice about it. Wouldn't be surprised if several think once about it, but very few twice... ;)


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So if I stopped responding in the middle of a conversation, I'll apologize now. I got a bit irritated in another thread and even though I recognize that my censor circuit has once again been compromised by missing a few pills this week... I'm not a big fan of erasing posts and quite frankly what I said I meant... but anyhow... I'm still a bit irritated and took a lorazepam to try to calm down so I might drop off kind of suddenly at some point.

Moral of the story, don't take it personally if you say something eloquent and it looks like I completely blow you off becuase I thought it was your normal drivel :)

Not sure I follow, IMI. As a former benzo addict, saw the word lorazepam, and slipped into a drug dream... :oops:


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TYTY... :D






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Not sure I follow, IMI. As a former benzo addict, saw the word lorazepam, and slipped into a drug dream... :oops:
Oops, sorry if I took you someplace you didn't want to go ;( On the plus side, even though I'm still amped up, my probelm resolved itself amicably



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Actually I thought the same thing.
But I also thought it was funny ;)
Well come to think of it I'm not the only one with OCD (and a variety of other issues) on this thread...

But that is what makes us such a great group :) So @NGAHaze don't worry about it. Plus when you do an @ username your's come up really quick with only one entry :)


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Naw, sweet dream and sober reminder. :) Glad it resolved for you, whatever it was.
Well I may have to try to be around longer... my son just woke up... And here I thought he was finally going to get back on a regular schedule since he went to bed at 10.
Ever since his trip to the hospital to get his innards flushed a couple of weeks ago he just hasn't been himself and still hasn't gone back to school because of bowel control issues. Expecting a call back on Monday with an appointment for a pediatric GI specialist right now. Just hoping that they find something wrong that they can fix and he doesn't end up in @cherrycakes'land...


Vapid Vapetress
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i have seen the same person get picked twice in one show several times. but yet some people (me) NEVER get picked. must be a karma thing. (or @VaporJoes hates me).


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i have seen the same person get picked twice in one show several times. but yet some people (me) NEVER get picked. must be a karma thing. (or @VaporJoes hates me).
Is it random??? I can't watch it...I don't have a laptop and my phone won't support it


Vapid Vapetress
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Lol I never win anything random either literally

yeah we suck beyond all suckdom. and knowing my luck, if i ever did win, it would be some cotton or kanthal or something i don't use.


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yeah we suck beyond all suckdom. and knowing my luck, if i ever did win, it would be some cotton or kanthal or something i don't use.
You don't use cotton or kanthal at all?


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Crap... it's warm enough outside for the neighbor kids to play basketball... I really HATE driveway basketball goals!!!

Really, really, really sensitive to any repitive low frequency sounds. Can't stand heavy bass either, particularly when it is NOT coming from my TV or stereo!!! Grrr... has the potential to be a long morning and afternoon...
I had this very same problem in my driveway. Know what you mean. The only thing that stopped it was, the kid grew up and went to college!
Don't get me wrong, I think it was great that the neighborhood kids were throwing hoops rather than hangin on the corner, but this was only 15-20 feet from my front door.


Vapid Vapetress
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This is why I love you:D Nothing worse than a braggart coil builder:p

believe me, sweet will never see me brag about building ANYTHING! not even suspense. :p


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ok 2 things.....

no, 3

1. good morning
2. wtf went on in here last night??
3. @CaFF got the 20,000th post and didn't even notice.

WOW, I actually didn't notice...eeep!

I blame the Gif

Pretty cool though.
Thanks goes first to Kelli, for taking up my dedicated chat topic suggestion waaay back in the 4-words thread and making it the biggest topic on VU!!

And of course, to everyone who contributes to this thread of Alternate rock.



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