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Drive by posting... one thing I miss about working in CA and AZ is the people who cooked fresh tamales and brought them in.

Another thing that I miss is people eating them and say that they weren't sure they cared for them because they were so hard to chew, and the look on their faces when you told them they were supposed to remove the corn husk first LOL that never lost entertainment value!


Just Thomas
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Black Friday special I order 120 ml from a site called paramountvapor........$12 bucks, i bought a mellow mango max vg and man this stuff is really good. I am impressed for the price, they even included the spout and free 10 ml of another flavor in my nic level :) just saying, I barley just now tried it.


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Black Friday special I order 120 ml from a site called paramountvapor........$12 bucks, i bought a mellow mango max vg and man this stuff is really good. I am impressed for the price, they even included the spout and free 10 ml of another flavor in my nic level :) just saying, I barley just now tried it.
I buy GNS Vapor juice by the 120 but not at that price...........well bought sir


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I have an AM/PM plus one for my before evening meal pills. I hope my someone knows what she's getting into with me lol.


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@TheWestPole I tried the Q-tip method. Brilliant! Thanks again for the vid. Really enjoying the tank:D

Allow me to vaporize my reply @muth:


Cheers to you.
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Just Thomas
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You as well brother:)

So looks like it was a slow Sunday around here.

man oh man, not slow in the land of pizzas though.
Seems that pizza, football, and cold weather go well together.

I still need to find out if the Broncos won!:eek:

Of course we did, division is ours


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It appears that my someone is a Packers supporter.
You do have me curious about your "someone".
I know our darling kelli is a cheese head.
But I tend to think you may be referring to a different someone.

You gonna let us in on who the someone is?;)


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You do have me curious about your "someone".
I know our darling kelli is a cheese head.
But I tend to think you may be referring to a different someone.

You gonna let us in on who the someone is?;)


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You do have me curious about your "someone".
I know our darling kelli is a cheese head.
But I tend to think you may be referring to a different someone.

You gonna let us in on who the someone is?;)
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You do have me curious about your "someone".
I know our darling kelli is a cheese head.
But I tend to think you may be referring to a different someone.

You gonna let us in on who the someone is?;)
A dear friend.


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In retrospect.......eating popcorn for dinner was not a genius move on my part.


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Yes, he came back out and finished the game...I mean, you seen the old man throw a block right lol
Glad that our Peyton is working out for you guys. Hate the way he got traded. Really hated the way Irsay treated Manning as well as several other veteran players that year.


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Yes, he came back out and finished the game...I mean, you seen the old man throw a block right lol
Cool I know he's been in some pain or a lil while. And that block seemed to sting him a bit.
But I actually missed the block. I was here in the thread alternating.


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How ya doin this morning IMI?
Actually starting to get tired. Son has been keeping some crazy hours and my back hurts because we have someone coming to the house tomorrow so of course the wife has to have our "messy house" cleaned up first.


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Glad that our Peyton is working out for you guys. Hate the way he got traded. Really hated the way Irsay treated Manning as well as several other veteran players that year.
Yeah some crazy shit went down.
But we sure seem happy to have him.


Colts fan huh?
That's okay, I still like ya.;)


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Actually starting to get tired. Son has been keeping some crazy hours and my back hurts because we have someone coming to the house tomorrow so of course the wife has to have our "messy house" cleaned up first.
You aughta get your old ass to bed then:)


Just Thomas
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Glad that our Peyton is working out for you guys. Hate the way he got traded. Really hated the way Irsay treated Manning as well as several other veteran players that year.

I am glad the way it turned out for us....I seen Elway since he was a rookie until the's just not like that anymore. Teams pay for the chance at a super bowl rather than building a team around a rockie qb and stick with him the way it use to be. There's a couple out there but look how it's turning out :)


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Yeah some crazy shit went down.
But we sure seem happy to have him.


Colts fan huh?
That's okay, I still like ya.;)
Actually, I'm not a football fan, but when I do watch, I am a Peyton fan. I enjoy the way he runs his offense. He is a very strategic player and his management of the pocket is incredible.

His last couple of seasons with the Colts were plauged with injuries though which is what led to his release which was understandable, especially given how expensive it was to have him sitting on the sidelines not only financially but also from a team performance.

The backup quarterback truly sucked and nobody seemed to figure out that the second backup was better than the first backup until it was too late to make a difference.

My understanding is that it was the first time in years that so many people did not renew their season tickets. There are litterally thousands of people in line waiting to get them because apparently the renewal rights are inheritable so there have been some seats that have been in families since they first moved to Indy.

I think Irsay manipulated the league a bit knowing that several teams who were going to want Manning would have to release and trade players to make room for him so he basically said squat to everyone, including Peyton until the last moment he could.


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Alright my dear is time for me to turn it........quite knackered I am! Nite Nite and see you all later today!

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