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Haha.. I was looking at the voltage.. Only up to 4.2v, but it says 'step up and step down'...?


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Great stuff. As a Franciscan...I am a penitent first and foremost. I like this because it is important to focus not so much on the sin in and of itself...but the making of spiritual and material amends. It is only through this humbleness of spirit that we can achieve greater success in our "mortification of the senses" that helps prevent sin in the first place. BRAVO IL PAPA! As it says in the last line of the Catholic Act Of Contrition "With Your help, to amend my life" can only arrive if asked for!
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I think that we would find a lot of our beliefs are at the very least complimentary although I don't feel that mine are rooted in religion but in a compassion for and respect of others.

That being said I have a vaping related question... If you build a coil using a single wire but with two coiled portions with a small straight portion in between, does that effective make it a dual coil/quad coil when figuring out the Ohms?

Back on @Celtic Fog's old thread when he was giving away the speciality wires there were a lot of coils with a similar configuration and I've been wondering about it for a while now...


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I think that we would find a lot of our beliefs are at the very least complimentary although I don't feel that mine are rooted in religion but in a compassion for and respect of others.

That being said I have a vaping related question... If you build a coil using a single wire but with two coiled portions with a small straight portion in between, does that effective make it a dual coil/quad coil when figuring out the Ohms?

Back on @Celtic Fog's old thread when he was giving away the speciality wires there were a lot of coils with a similar configuration and I've been wondering about it for a while now...
Nope. It would be a single coil...but you would add the values of the individual strands as they are in series with relation to each other. As a dual or quad...the math assumes that the build is parallel.
As far as beliefs not rooted in religion....consider that Aristotle in "The Nicomachean Ethics" outlined virtues and their related vices of excess and deficiency LONG before the birth of Christ....Aristotle of course being a pagan of the Greek pantheon. So many Christians would like to believe that moral ethics are a Christian tenet, when in fact they are solely dictated by the mores of a society or culture, based on what is just and fair. This is even further delineated in Plato's "Republic".
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I think that we would find a lot of our beliefs are at the very least complimentary although I don't feel that mine are rooted in religion but in a compassion for and respect of others.

That being said I have a vaping related question... If you build a coil using a single wire but with two coiled portions with a small straight portion in between, does that effective make it a dual coil/quad coil when figuring out the Ohms?

Back on @Celtic Fog's old thread when he was giving away the speciality wires there were a lot of coils with a similar configuration and I've been wondering about it for a while now...

If its a ---v^v^v^------v^v^v^--- Coil, then no, its a calculated out as a single coil..


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If its a ---v^v^v^------v^v^v^--- Coil, then no, its a calculated out as a single coil..
Yep, that's pretty much what I was referring to. And thanks as well for your similar response @franciscan.

But to make sure I'm getting the right idea... if I use Steam Engine and calculate a "dual serial" coil using 28g wire at 2.0 ohms and come up with 6/5 wraps then if I use 2 of them I should expect to get a 1 ohm coil in a true dual configuration. Is that the right way to come up with that answer?


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Yep, that's pretty much what I was referring to. And thanks as well for your similar response @franciscan.

But to make sure I'm getting the right idea... if I use Steam Engine and calculate a "dual serial" coil using 28g wire at 2.0 ohms and come up with 6/5 wraps then if I use 2 of them I should expect to get a 1 ohm coil in a true dual configuration. Is that the right way to come up with that answer?
Oh, and that figure is assuming a 2.4mm coil ID.

Also, safe to assume that I'd want to use 4 wicks? Which might make me want to consider moving down to a 1.6mm ID in an Orchid? That would use an 8/7 wrap.


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Yep, that's pretty much what I was referring to. And thanks as well for your similar response @franciscan.

But to make sure I'm getting the right idea... if I use Steam Engine and calculate a "dual serial" coil using 28g wire at 2.0 ohms and come up with 6/5 wraps then if I use 2 of them I should expect to get a 1 ohm coil in a true dual configuration. Is that the right way to come up with that answer?
You might have to increase the 'leg length' setting to include the straight center section, but ya


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Oh, and that figure is assuming a 2.4mm coil ID.

Also, safe to assume that I'd want to use 4 wicks? Which might make me want to consider moving down to a 1.6mm ID in an Orchid? That would use an 8/7 wrap.
So, you are going to build a series/parallel setup? 2 coils in series, paralleled with 2 others in series?


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So, you are going to build a series/parallel setup? 2 coils in series, paralleled with 2 others in series?
Thinking about trying it. I like using 28g better than 32g but like being around 1 ohm and using 28g in a standard dual coil I need 12 wraps which seems to give me a burnt taste a lot.

I like the flavor from my KFL+v2 at 1 ohms and my Orchid v4 (both Tobeco clones) but using the 32g to get that on the Orchid is a pain.

Increasing the leg length even to 10mm doesn't make much of an impact on the wraps.

Thanks for bringing attention to the leg length. I really haven't been paying much attention to it because it doesn't seem to impact the typical builds I've been trying, but now that I'm moving to @franciscan's "Mickey Mouse Ears" style in the Orchid (which works really well) the leg length is now long enough to make a difference in the calculator and explains why my ohms were about .1 ohm off the last build I did.


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I was just called an anti gun,18 year old pussy kid, who would piss myself if i ever saw a real the owner of Punisher Mods.....LOL. Oh the stories I could share.....Im LoLing and pissed all at the same time. Just wanted to vent, to say Hello to my friends, Merry Christmas and Fuck Punisher Mods. Keep it Foggy everyone!

I pissed him off because he popped into a thread where we were talking about Bitcoin and world currency, he chimes in with this " What the hell is all this junk, lmfao" , so I said this to him,
"Its a scary day when someone can own a gun, use it as his avatar like a big boy, but can't understand world economics and or the need for a stable non debt related form of currency...
LOL, How the fuck did I miss that??

I can tell its gonna be a strange day:D
Good morning

Just Me

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Good Morning!! Cherry I think I finally get how you feel daily, woke up in the middle of the night feeling like someone had my ovaries in a vice grip and was trying to rip them out. On a good note they let my son come home, they got back at 10 last night.
Another positive note my neice had her baby this morning (right about the time my pains started wonder if it is sympathy pain.)
Have a great day All!!


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Hi peeps. My son got food poisoning yesterday and isn't coming down. :( Poor guy. I got about 5 texts at 4am...not sure if he feels worse about not making it or being down with sickness. I told him to go to sleep and we'll do Christmas and his birthday in April. Damn. :(


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Hi peeps. My son got food poisoning yesterday and isn't coming down. :( Poor guy. I got about 5 texts at 4am...not sure if he feels worse about not making it or being down with sickness. I told him to go to sleep and we'll do Christmas and his birthday in April. Damn. :(
Yikes ... 'tis the season. Been hearing stuff around work about fevers, viral infections and such going around. Hope he feels better soon so that there's at least a small chance he can catch a last minute flight or something.


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What kinda trubble yawl gettin inta dis har mornin'?


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Thanks Whiskey. I hope so too. He hardly ever gets sick. Moe, he won't. If he does start to feel better he said he'd drive down. I don't think it's a good idea though...he should just stay home and rest.

Just Me

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Hi peeps. My son got food poisoning yesterday and isn't coming down. :( Poor guy. I got about 5 texts at 4am...not sure if he feels worse about not making it or being down with sickness. I told him to go to sleep and we'll do Christmas and his birthday in April. Damn. :(
awe I am sorry sweetie hope he gets better soon


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Sorry to hear about your ovaries @Just Me, that is @cherrycakes domain and no two people should be able to have the same problems. Causes sympathy and empathy conflicts ;(

@glassgrl sorry to hear about your son. Know that you were looking forward to seeing him. I have a daughter I can send your way if you are looking for a stand in ;)

Hope @cherrycakes is enjoying her time in Texas (at least I think that is where she is now right?)


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Hi peeps. My son got food poisoning yesterday and isn't coming down. :( Poor guy. I got about 5 texts at 4am...not sure if he feels worse about not making it or being down with sickness. I told him to go to sleep and we'll do Christmas and his birthday in April. Damn. :(
Food poisoning is the worst. Sorry to hear about that.


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Everybody at work around the world is probably feeling: it's almost Christmas ....


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Wow, so ornate! I'm curious about the murals up on the nave arches, in particular the upper left here with the figures in modern dress. Can't make out what that commemorates. Something about modern charity?
The history of Catholic settlement in St Louis. The Cathedral Basilica of St Louis has the largest collection of ecclesiastical murals in the western hemisphere. Our nickname is "Rome Of The West"

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