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vapin Grampa

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Good morning

Poor big puppy

Just Me

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Good Morning. Had a great weekend!! The food venders refused to take my money so the kids ate steak kabobs, araepas and choclate covered cheese cake all weekend and I got to get a new top and a purse. Put the little 17 yr old kid in the booth next to mine in his place (while holding my 16 yr old back for killing him) Met a bunch of new people vaping and refered them here. pretty productive.

vapin Grampa

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Good Morning. Had a great weekend!! The food venders refused to take my money so the kids ate steak kabobs, araepas and choclate covered cheese cake all weekend and I got to get a new top and a purse. Put the little 17 yr old kid in the booth next to mine in his place (while holding my 16 yr old back for killing him) Met a bunch of new people vaping and refered them here. pretty productive.
Mornin' Mz Me.... Please do explain (and entertain) with details about afore mentioned 17 year old.....

Just Me

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Just a typical 17 year old with a big mouth thinking he was better then everyone else. Someone needed to put him in his place. My 16year old (6'3 215#s) wanted to hit him when he grabbed my wrist and tried to twist but he couldn't hold on (I gave my son the "I got this look"). I mean really what kind of parents do you have for you to think this behavior is ok? I guess he thought he was going to treat me like he was treating the woman working with him. Sad really

vapin Grampa

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Just a typical 17 year old with a big mouth thinking he was better then everyone else. Someone needed to put him in his place. My 16year old (6'3 215#s) wanted to hit him when he grabbed my wrist and tried to twist but he couldn't hold on (I gave my son the "I got this look"). I mean really what kind of parents do you have for you to think this behavior is ok? I guess he thought he was going to treat me like he was treating the woman working with him. Sad really
I guess I'm a little old school in my beliefs but, once he laid a hand on you, #1. Your son could have leagaly turned him into a grease spot..... #2. That was "assault" jail time to follow.

This youngen is going to hurt someone someday that won't have your abilities of persuasion. With any luck he will only hurt someone just like him....


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I missed something... Where the frig were you?

Just Me

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We sponsered Apple Fest In Long Grove this weekend. He had a booth next to mine.

vapin Grampa

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We sponsered Apple Fest In Long Grove this weekend. He had a booth next to mine.
How am I supposed to live vicariously through others if you don't supply PICS?
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Woke up this morning wanting to go to the ER. Almost out of ultram and not sure what I'm going to do. Contacted Dr to ask for a pelvic pain specialist and nobody has gotten back to me :(


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How long has this pain been going on?

vapin Grampa

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Wishen there was somethin I could do to help... Y'all have my best wishes for less pain... Hang in there Baby.


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They tell me to come back in 3 months what am I supposed to do for 3 months in constant pain every day if they had to put up with it for one day they would be bawling like a baby

vapin Grampa

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They tell me to come back in 3 months what am I supposed to do for 3 months in constant pain every day if they had to put up with it for one day they would be bawling like a baby
Call'em and Tell'em ya can't get out of bed.... Ask them if you can come it NOW

vapin Grampa

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ER is your only alternative, while in there, tell them you can't put up with this pain anymore that they need to do something, and hope there's a simpathtic doctor on call that will order what is necessary.
Try call your Doc from the ER.....


Vapid Vapetress
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i agree, cherry....if your pain is 9 or above, ER is warranted. they can at least give you a shot to take the edge off. then tell the attending physician what you have been going thru. hate this for you, sweetie.


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i agree, cherry....if your pain is 9 or above, ER is warranted. they can at least give you a shot to take the edge off. then tell the attending physician what you have been going thru. hate this for you, sweetie.
9?????? hell I am a wuss, I get to 7 and I freak....LMAO!!!!!!!!:eek::cool:


Vapid Vapetress
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cherry, if you go to the ER and tell them what's been going on, it is their responsibility to refer you to a dr. who can help you. barring that, it is your primary physician's job to find someone who can treat you for whatever is causing your pain. make them do it. you have to be proactive in your healthcare. otherwise you will be lost in the shuffle indefinitely.


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some of us have lower thresholds than others. i think women as a whole can do pain better than men.
Agreed. My wife waited until 45 min before our daughter popped out before deciding it was time to go to the hospital. She later said that she wanted to minimize hospital stay.


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I accidentally pushed the damn button and it wouldn't stop.... Had to shoot it...... It's quiet now......very very quiet
I had figured that by now you would know better than to push play on the things I post here.o_O
However, if you are in fact inclined to push play then I am very inclined to continue posting wonderful videos for your viewing pleasure


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ECF Refugee
Just a typical 17 year old with a big mouth thinking he was better then everyone else. Someone needed to put him in his place. My 16year old (6'3 215#s) wanted to hit him when he grabbed my wrist and tried to twist but he couldn't hold on (I gave my son the "I got this look"). I mean really what kind of parents do you have for you to think this behavior is ok? I guess he thought he was going to treat me like he was treating the woman working with him. Sad really
Nope I know the tough chick thing but totally agree with @vapin Grampa, the kid should have been a greasy turd smear.
The kid is close enough to an adult to realize actions have consequences.. and by playing stupid games he should have won the stupid prize.
If and when the next time it roles around and your son steps up to defend you, let em. It is a testament you raised him correctly. Just stay out of the middle of the fray and only stop him when it is time.

Trust me I have but mom got in the middle of it and cost me a injury, nothing major but still injured.
Yes I have reduced a few guys into greasy smears for less than physical contact with her.. even my step dad once for getting way out of line. It was always verbal then they decided to go hands on and became apparent the error of their ways.

People always say violence never solves anything..
I found that incorrect, properly applied and liberally applied justified violence solves more than it disrupts.
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ECF Refugee
Now gramps can live vicariously through a purse!!
NO purses are portable black holes of impossible weight..
I got two funny stories about purses.
Many years ago while outside waiting for the GF to get out of work I hear "FIRE!!" and look up to see a mugger running like hell.. he choose poorly trying to strong arm the guy while the wife beat the hell out of him with her 35lbs purse.
The other is after mom's masectomy she was told not to lift more than a few pounds and was seriously complaining about her purse being to heavy.. I lifted it and was shocked how heavy it was. Since we were at the store I had them weight the thing at the check out it was 25 and some change....we got home and emptied it and it was 25lbs of coins in the bottom of her purse.

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