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Just Me

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I keep trying to post the video I took at the fest but its too big sorry


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Just Me

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And now because this song has been stuck in my head all weekend I hope to get it stuck in yours> (I swear the bands played it 8 times)

Just Me

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And this would be my messy desk OMG its usually CLEAN Hard work does pay off tho, contractor just signed a contract


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Going to the doctor tomorrow, now I'm bleeding too. Joy. He said I might get light spotting. Light spotting my ass
"Likes"are weird, cuz like....what part of that post am I liking??


Vapid Vapetress
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And this would be my messy desk OMG its usually CLEAN Hard work does pay off tho, contractor just signed a contract
for some reason, i can't see that pic or the one of your new bag. :(

Lamont Cranston

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Just a typical 17 year old with a big mouth thinking he was better then everyone else. Someone needed to put him in his place. My 16year old (6'3 215#s) wanted to hit him when he grabbed my wrist and tried to twist but he couldn't hold on (I gave my son the "I got this look"). I mean really what kind of parents do you have for you to think this behavior is ok? I guess he thought he was going to treat me like he was treating the woman working with him. Sad really

Shoulda kicked his @$$. Kids think they can get away with anything...because they can.

Really, when WhupAss was available everywhere most kids behaved themselves.


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There is no "light spotting" like the doctor said. I think I just got my period a week early :(


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I think I give more likes than I give fucks. Or is it the other way around? Or is one dependent on the other? Or not? So hard to keep track sometimes! :p


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Oooo, I want to give fucks instead of likes. Though, some may see that as Harassment. I guess we could give craps.


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The kid playing abel, the oldest son on SoA, is seriously off. That isnt acting, thats serial killer in the making. I keep waiting for him to ask if they want to go to the corn fields.

I don't watch that (yet) but I kind of know what you mean. Mark Harmon played Ted Bundy in a movie a long time ago and he did it SO well that he still creeps me out with that serial killer vibe.


Vapid Vapetress
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Good mornin Ms. Kelli. How are y'all doin' this fine mornin?

doing pretty well so far, thanks. nobody has invaded my space yet, so that could change. ;)

and i hope you are doing fine. :)

Just Me

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hi everybody.
Hi @kelli ,
Hope everything goes well for you today @cherrycakes , make sure you send @VapeOn86 your email so you get that credit
@Fishee did you still want to try the Orchid?? if so send me you address I will mail it out. I am just not likeing it.
I decided to get my mom the itaste VV after talking to her and she love mine now a better tank she kills the evod ones. Already bought her a ton of juice!


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@Fishee did you still want to try the Orchid?? if so send me you address I will mail it out. I am just not likeing it.
I decided to get my mom the itaste VV after talking to her and she love mine now a better tank she kills the evod ones. Already bought her a ton of juice!
Good morning! Wow thank you. I will definitely send you my address. that is very kind of you.

I think the VV3 is awesome. I love mine and I always recommend them to people. I think your mom will like it.

Just Me

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I <3 playing phone tag with doctors ... :(
I will be more then happy to make those calls for you, I am the go to in my family for that as i get the fastest results. My Aunt once told me you have to be stern with doctors in order to make things happen (my cousin had spinabifida). Sounds wrong but I have never waited in an emergency room more then 15 min.

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