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Vapid Vapetress
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Good night folks!!


is he biting a butt? g'nite, ms. whiskey


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ouch! what happened?
Monday she had an armpit to armpit incision to clean up scar tissue, the original incision site and to remove a couple of fibroid lumps of scar tissue.
Tuesday she was back at work.


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Monday she had an armpit to armpit incision to clean up scar tissue, the original incision site and to remove a couple of fibroid lumps of scar tissue.
Tuesday she was back at work.
Sounds like she's a strong lady and a fortunate lady to have such a loving son.:)


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I see a lot of listing issues though:
They have clones selling for $100+ too and batteries...

I will wait till some other trustworthy vendor gets them in-stock.
Ebay'ers jack the prices up to ridiculous amounts when they run outta stock.. Keeps people from ordering without reading that they are out and then start complaining. See it all the time.

BTW - This was the only ebay'er that had proof that he already paid for the order before trying to sell them..



Vapid Vapetress
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Ebay'ers jack the prices up to ridiculous amounts when they run outta stock.. Keeps people from ordering without reading that they are out and then start complaining. See it all the time.


and if someone does order at the ridiculous price.....score!!!


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Ebay'ers jack the prices up to ridiculous amounts when they run outta stock.. Keeps people from ordering without reading that they are out and then start complaining. See it all the time.

BTW - This was the only ebay'er that had proof that he already paid for the order before trying to sell them..


I'll just wait cause I saw the price at $33.95 several hours ago and now up to $35...I never trust eBay, to many shady ways to confuse/manipulate potential consumers.


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and if someone does order at the ridiculous price.....score!!!
LOL... Maybe, but I haven't seen that yet. Usually its just canceled by agreement.


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I'll just wait cause I saw the price at $33.95 several hours ago and now up to $35...I never trust eBay, to many shady ways to confuse/manipulate potential consumers.
Thats fine.. Not hurting my feelings :)

And ya, the price went up and prolly will again now that its in stock.


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Thats fine.. Not hurting my feelings :)

And ya, the price went up and prolly will again now that its in stock.

As soon as I see the ever so slightest unethical business practice, I stay away...I am an extremely vigilant consumer. Price fixing is an absolute no-no for me, keep the price ethical unless it's a sale/clearance/refurb item/s which will cost less but going from $30 to $35 with zero explanation is unethical.


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I dunno.. I see prices change all the time on ebay.. Usually to keep up with someone trying to undercut you.

I'm unclear what you mean by 'price fixing' though? As I said, prices are usually jacked sky high to avoid people from ordering when OOS.

When I asked once why the price was for an I-Go was $1500.00 :eek:, this is what I got:
Dear customer, thank you for emailing us. This item is out of stock right now. We will make the price reasonable after we get our new arrivals.
We are here at your service.
Best wishes!

- utopdeals


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I dunno.. I see prices change all the time on ebay.. Usually to keep up with someone trying to undercut you.

I'm unclear what you mean by 'price fixing' though? As I said, prices are usually jacked sky high to avoid people from ordering when OOS.

When I asked once why the price was for an I-Go was $1500.00 :eek:, this is what I got:

Removing the listing is common sense and avoids headaches much easier is all. They have changed the pricing multiple times, I consider that price fixing.


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Lightning is strong, bbl.


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Just Me

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As soon as I see the ever so slightest unethical business practice, I stay away...I am an extremely vigilant consumer. Price fixing is an absolute no-no for me, keep the price ethical unless it's a sale/clearance/refurb item/s which will cost less but going from $30 to $35 with zero explanation is unethical.
supply and demand always jacks up prices


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That doesn't sound funny, hope she is ok.
Yep, she has found her groove just a bit slower than some.
She swims and or lifts 6 days a week, so far lost over 120lbs. BP and heart rate of a triathelte a third her age.

She still lets silly shit get to her tho, raised in a different age... but since she has gotten sick my bullshit putting up with filter broke. Perfect example getting pizza tonight some greasy looking gel bot was blabbing to someone blocking the door... granted he was holding it open he was blocking it all the same. After those quarter inch shooches not looking at the people trying to get around him.. I got in his face between him and the other greasy gel bot and told him "get the fuck out of the doorway!" he finally moved enough jusr barely so a woman could get in... He still sat there running his gums.


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No Tornado but some wicked lightning and downpours...lightning struck the ground directly outside the window in my room (at least 6 inches away) and I felt the heat and power plus the crack and the amazing flash/color/layout...fuckin awesome and beautiful yet severely dangerous. That is the closet I have ever been to an actual lightning strike.


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No Tornado but some wicked lightning and downpours...lightning struck the ground directly outside the window in my room (at least 6 inches away) and I felt the heat and power plus the crack and the amazing flash/color/layout...fuckin awesome and beautiful yet severely dangerous. That is the closet I have ever been to an actual lightning strike.
WOW! Closest I had was the power lines in front, about 200ft away... Was LOUD and electrified the air so much our hair stood :)


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WOW! Closest I had was the power lines in front, about 200ft away... Was LOUD and electrified the air so much our hair stood :)

After that strike, I fell asleep or maybe even passed and or blacked out...not sure really how I fell asleep so quickly.


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After that strike, I fell asleep or maybe even passed and or blacked out...not sure really how I fell asleep so quickly.
I had one less than 5' over head once... knocked my ass flat into the dirt from the concussion.
Just remember a ultra bright flash and heat, like a sun burn at night hot... then picking my ass off the ground feeling like I had dental work on all my fillings.

No I did not get struck but it was damned close enough.

In 87-88 I read an article in Alaskan Magazine about a group of hikers who were up about 14000' well above the tree line when a squall rolled in. Lightning striking all around they dropped packs, hit the deck and got low... they thought they had hit a nest of some tiny biting insects.. then they noticed sparks on their glasses and watches.
So they were up on this hillside with their metal starting to arc.. they dumped all metal on them, rings, glasses, buckles, and pants and hauled ass down hill. They got just a few feet before a strike hit and slagged the pile of metal items.
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I understand that but you are not worried about all your other data being stolen and sold? All your data is a gold mine, they sell everything they get by data-mining so that info you think isn't any good is just as precious as scrap metal to them. Who are they selling this collected data to and what is the buyers using this collected data for? If none of this concerns you, so be it. I will post a link to Google where you can see with pinpoint accuracy of your geo-location throughout your time using the service even if you disable it. You can see where you travel and the routine you take, hell...some criminals are now using that geo-location data to lurk with intent. Technology is getting mighty scary and reckless yet I still love it.

Enjoy seeing where you go:

Location History allows Google to periodically store your location data when sent by Location Reporting, and connect the data to this Google account.

This data can be used to improve your overall Google experience.

Remember that Location Reporting sends data to Google even when you are not interacting with a specific Google product, such as Google Maps.

You can view and manage your Location Historydata on the Location History website. You can pause Location History at any point, but doing so won't delete your Location History data. Pausing Location History also does not turn off Location Reporting, or location services (like GPS) for your devices.

This data is gold for both collector/seller/buyer...
Story of my life now, I have no location data as shown by the link :( then again, I religiously deny all requests to use or share my location...


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Ugh ugh ugh.

Today I leave for my dad's up north to the middle of nowhere. I hope the leaves are changing so there's at least something nice to look at.

My trashy nasty step sister and him got into a knock-down drag-out over the summer.. She's over 40 and lives there popping pills all day and is the single most annoying person I've ever encountered. I'da beat her azz too. Then again, my dad is also annoying and not very nice to females. Then there's the other step sis who lives in the camper in the front yard. Her and aforementioned annoying step sis are actually both pill junkies. Step mom aka Edith Bunker (I do love her but she's just so naive) just puts on her blinders and cooks piles and piles yummy food.

Speaking of piles of food, my dad is a nearly 400lb diabetic, and also quite crazy. Oh and refuses to wear a hearing aid, so it's all him going, "HUH?" and me repeating every goddamn thing I say 500 times. I HATE repeating myself. Plus, I've got a pile of unaddressed childhood issues with him.

He's good with wiring & shit tho, so I'm hoping he can teach me some ohm safety & stuff with my coil building whatnots. Maybe a good way to pass some time and perhaps learn something useful.

Last Thanksgiving on the way there, dad & I stopped at a store and I grabbed a bottle of wine to have a couple glasses with dinner. Dad said that's a no-no, because Camper step sis had an OD mix of booze & pills, so we can't have booze around her while she's "just getting sober". Then the twat sat around all Thanksgiving completely gorked out on pills talking complete nonsense and I couldn't even have a fucking drink to take the edge off being around these cretins.

Everyone's gonna be sooooooo curious (read: possibly judgey, since it's foreign to them) about my vaping stuff. I've emptied out half my box of goodies and it still looks like "too much". But I have to bring a variety of things because #1: I am a flavor changing junkie, and #2: Annoying step sis is a smoker and wants to try it out. Normally I'd be really excited about spreading the good word of vaping, but she is not only the most annoying person I've encountered, she's one of the *stupidest* too. So MORE repeating myself.

I really need to get some quick links to answers about common misconceptions to be at the ready for anyone who starts giving me shit.

Grammie's funeral is tomorrow. I don't even wanna think about it. :(

Tomorrow is also my 3 month vaperversary.
I'll prolly have to vape out on the smoking porch.... I don't mind the smell of a little secondhand smoke, but I'm not sure how being enclosed with it will be. Prolly best I just go outside. I've actually been craving an analog for a couple days now. Don't really wanna do that. But around these people.... I'll be hitting the vape like it owes me money.

Then on Sunday is the annual family Lobstahfest. Usually I'd be super over the top excited for this event, but it seems kinda fucked to have a family gathering without Grammie. Whatever I mean, it has to happen, obviously she can't come. :p Uncle #1 makes kick azz homemade wine, and Uncle #2 is visiting from Alaska and I love both of them very much so hopefully we'll just get a little tipsy and bust out a guitar and a banjo & sing some old-timey bluegrass.

But man, the next 3 days are gonna be ROUGH. I will be checking in here a lot for support and to vent. Are y'all cool with that? <3
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Diamond Contributor
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Ugh ugh ugh.

Today I leave for my dad's up north to the middle of nowhere. I hope the leaves are changing so there's at least something nice to look at.

My trashy nasty step sister and him got into a knock-down drag-out over the summer.. She's over 40 and lives there popping pills all day and is the single most annoying person I've ever encountered. I'da beat her azz too. Then again, my dad is also annoying and not very nice to females. Then there's the other step sis who lives in the camper in the front yard. Her and aforementioned annoying step sis are actually both pill junkies. Step mom aka Edith Bunker (I do love her but she's just so naive) just puts on her blinders and cooks piles and piles yummy food.

Speaking of piles of food, my dad is a nearly 400lb diabetic, and also quite crazy. Oh and refuses to wear a hearing aid, so it's all him going, "HUH?" and me repeating every goddamn thing I say 500 times. I HATE repeating myself. Plus, I've got a pile of unaddressed childhood issues with him.

He's good with wiring & shit tho, so I'm hoping he can teach me some ohm safety & stuff with my coil building whatnots. Maybe a good way to pass some time and perhaps learn something useful.

Last Thanksgiving on the way there, dad & I stopped at a store and I grabbed a bottle of wine to have a couple glasses with dinner. Dad said that's a no-no, because Camper step sis had an OD mix of booze & pills, so we can't have booze around her while she's "just getting sober". Then the twat sat around all Thanksgiving completely gorked out on pills talking complete nonsense and I couldn't even have a fucking drink to take the edge off being around these cretins.

Everyone's gonna be sooooooo curious (read: possibly judgey, since it's foreign to them) about my vaping stuff. I've emptied out half my box of goodies and it still looks like "too much". But I have to bring a variety of things because #1: I am a flavor changing junkie, and #2: Annoying step sis is a smoker and wants to try it out. Normally I'd be really excited about spreading the good word of vaping, but she is not only the most annoying person I've encountered, she's one of the *stupidest* too. So MORE repeating myself.

I really need to get some quick links to answers about common misconceptions to be at the ready for anyone who starts giving me shit.

Grammie's funeral is tomorrow. I don't even wanna think about it. :(

Tomorrow is also my 3 month vaperversary.
I'll prolly have to vape out on the smoking porch.... I don't mind the smell of a little secondhand smoke, but I'm not sure how being enclosed with it will be. Prolly best I just go outside. I've actually been craving an analog for a couple days now. Don't really wanna do that. But around these people.... I'll be hitting the vape like it owes me money.

Then on Sunday is the annual family Lobstahfest. Usually I'd be super over the top excited for this event, but it seems kinda fucked to have a family gathering without Grammie. Whatever I mean, it has to happen, obviously she can't come. :p Uncle #1 makes kick azz homemade wine, and Uncle #2 is visiting from Alaska and I love both of them very much so hopefully we'll just get a little tipsy and bust out a guitar and a banjo & sing some old-timey bluegrass.

But man, the next 3 days are gonna be ROUGH. I will be checking in here a lot for support and to vent. Are y'all cool with that? <3

We are DEF cool with that


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Thoughts and prayers will be with you m3rma1d!
I don't think I have enough patience for dealing with that.


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Thoughts and prayers will be with you m3rma1d!
I don't think I have enough patience for dealing with that.

I don't either, tbh. I will have to medicate a bit. (NOT a pill junkie, I only take a little something to get the edge off in extreme circumstances)


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Grab that bottle of wine and keep telling yourself it is only a few days.
Best of luck to you!


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Don't think wine is allowed still, under the disillusion of any kinda "sobriety" they pretend is happening in that house of horrors.
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Doesn't it make you thankful you are not there all the time?
Gotta think of something positive. :oops:

Ok, I'm trying here....


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Doesn't it make you thankful you are not there all the time?
Gotta think of something positive. :oops:

Oh gawd yes.
My excuse for going used to be to be able to see Grammie since she lived in the area. Now I don't even have that. But at least I'll see the uncles. Thank fuck for my awesome uncles!!


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They probably have no idea...

I just past my one year vapeversary and I always thought I'd buy myself something special when I reached one year.
Hmm.. I think I have splurged a bit in the past year cause there is nothing I need. Is that sad or what?


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They probably have no idea...

I just past my one year vapeversary and I always thought I'd buy myself something special when I reached one year.
Hmm.. I think I have splurged a bit in the past year cause there is nothing I need. Is that sad or what?

Nah, sounds about right :)


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@m3rma1d what you just described sounds exactly like my wife's family, people living in campers in the front, back, and side yards and all.

It can be a real chore getting through visits, especially when trying to say goodbye to someone you care for so much, but at least you can pop in here every now and again to vent. Even @Fishee lunatic pics are bound to bring a smile :)

Hang in there


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So one of my issues is technically called "Mild Cognitive Impairment", basically a pre-cursor to alzheimer's that seriously screws with my short term memory, so... I've been reading about 10 pages of posts because I don't remember being around in a while and then I start seeing stuff I've posted and responded to and realize, holy deja vu batman, but in reverse?
Anyway, it's an opportunity to say that if I don't remember pissing you off in the recent past, it's not my fault. If you loved something I have said in the recent past, it was all on purpose and thanks for listening :)

BTW, I'm 44 and my wife is a caregiver helping eldery people remain in their homes in stead of in a home. She works with clients who have dementia and alzheimers and keeps looking at me in ways that let me know that she is listening, has heard it before, has said it before, is scared for the future, but still loves me.

Sorry but @m3rma1d made me a bit maudlin... so I thought I'd cheer up her day :)

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