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Oh also there is no cel service up there, hopefully my dad's WiFi stays strongly connected to my phone or I'll lose it for realzies.

If no one hears from me tomorrow, that means I'm dead. Please ensure I have a really stylish funeral. :p


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Have you considered throwing together a special DIY blend with like double the nic level to get your through the visit?

Seriously, will help you cope and fight the urges for a cancer stick...


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Have you considered throwing together a special DIY blend with like double the nic level to get your through the visit?

Seriously, will help you cope and fight the urges for a cancer stick...

I don't have any DIY supplies. And nowhere to get them between now and the time my dad picks me up in a few hours.
I am packing some of my higher nic juices from the past tho, just for that reason. ;)
(Oh and also if annoying step sis #1 wants to try, I figure she'd need a higher nic so I don't have to hear "That didn't do anything, you're lying, this is stupid, why didn't it do anything?" if I gave her a 6mg to try)


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Give her her very own Vuse LOL I have started seeing the commercial's in the middle of the night and they are really pushing the pomp and circumstance line. But you can't take back the look that @VaporWatch had on his face when he tried one on his last show


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No 'cos she already tried to argue, "I tried ecigs, got them at the gas station they don't do shit!"
And I stupidly said, "Nah, I get the REAL deal, fuck gas station crap."
"Oh well I wanna try yours!"

If she thinks I'm giving her a setup she better just pop some more fucking pills and chill her fat azz out. She gets a hefty SSI check (for nothing), so she can buy her own shit. I work hard for my things. She can TRY them, but she ain't keepin' anything.

Celtic Fog

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9,996 members!!! Good morning family!


Vapid Vapetress
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good morning.


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Good morning all. @m3rma1d, I know families like that, I'm an honorary member of one. I get through it by knowing I get to GTFO as soon as possible. And drinking. Heavily. BTW- you're gonna get a package while you're gone.


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Good morning all. @m3rma1d, I know families like that, I'm an honorary member of one. I get through it by knowing I get to GTFO as soon as possible. And drinking. Heavily. BTW- you're gonna get a package while you're gone.

OOOH yay something nice to look forward to coming home to!! I mean even besides just my quiet peaceful apartment. :D

Side-note I live in such a terrible neighborhood, it's actually hilarious that my peaceful little sanctuary is smack dab in the middle of a goddamn ghetto :p
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Sooooooooooo hoping my Alice in Vapeland order comes today. If it does, I'll toss it into my suitcase unopened, then open it right when I need a smile the most! Prolly like 5 minutes after I arrive at the house of horrors :)


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Good morning all. @m3rma1d, I know families like that, I'm an honorary member of one. I get through it by knowing I get to GTFO as soon as possible. And drinking. Heavily. BTW- you're gonna get a package while you're gone.
I moved to the opposite coast to escape mine. My wife's side? Pure heaven in comparison.


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Wanna hear something FUCKING CRAZY!?

Turns out @TygerTyger and I knew each other eleventy billion years ago from chatting online way WAAAAAAAY back when Al Gore first invented the interwebz. She recognized me today. INSANE! :D Now we're having a massive flashback party.


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In 87-88 I read an article in Alaskan Magazine about a group of hikers who were up about 14000' well above the tree line when a squall rolled in. Lightning striking all around they dropped packs, hit the deck and got low... they thought they had hit a nest of some tiny biting insects.. then they noticed sparks on their glasses and watches.
So they were up on this hillside with their metal starting to arc.. they dumped all metal on them, rings, glasses, buckles, and pants and hauled ass down hill. They got just a few feet before a strike hit and slagged the pile of metal items.

Ten or so years ago while on a cave diving trip to the freshwater springs in north / central springs of Florida, my wife and were underground when an afternoon thunderstorm popped up and started throwing lightning bolts everywhere. My wife an I were out in the middle of the woods, diving in a fairly small system. We surfaced just as the storm was brewing and were faced with the choice of going back under for the duration or getting the hell out and making a run for it (you do not want to be floating at the surface, strapped to 100lbs of metal tanks and gear when lighting hits the water...). We made the choice to bail. The 75yd walk back to the car with two fat steel cylinders on our backs was a little scary :eek:

We didn't get struck or have any issues, but several folks we met later that evening reported getting lightly shocked while diving. It seems a couple of bolts hit the ground near the spring / cave entrance, and the groundwater carried the current. As it was clear when they went under, some of them had no idea what the hell was happening. Fortunately no one was injured.


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Wanna hear something FUCKING CRAZY!?

Turns out @TygerTyger and I knew each other eleventy billion years ago from chatting online way WAAAAAAAY back when Al Gore first invented the interwebz. She recognized me today. INSANE! :D Now we're having a massive flashback party.
Stop talkin' like yer "old." Ya ain't, young 'un! :p :D


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I understand that but you are not worried about all your other data being stolen and sold? All your data is a gold mine, they sell everything they get by data-mining so that info you think isn't any good is just as precious as scrap metal to them. Who are they selling this collected data to and what is the buyers using this collected data for? If none of this concerns you, so be it. I will post a link to Google where you can see with pinpoint accuracy of your geo-location throughout your time using the service even if you disable it. You can see where you travel and the routine you take, hell...some criminals are now using that geo-location data to lurk with intent. Technology is getting mighty scary and reckless yet I still love it.

Enjoy seeing where you go:

Location History allows Google to periodically store your location data when sent by Location Reporting, and connect the data to this Google account.

This data can be used to improve your overall Google experience.

Remember that Location Reporting sends data to Google even when you are not interacting with a specific Google product, such as Google Maps.

You can view and manage your Location Historydata on the Location History website. You can pause Location History at any point, but doing so won't delete your Location History data. Pausing Location History also does not turn off Location Reporting, or location services (like GPS) for your devices.

This data is gold for both collector/seller/buyer...

You have no location history for:
(Pick any date)

No location data for me :)


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Oh also there is no cel service up there, hopefully my dad's WiFi stays strongly connected to my phone or I'll lose it for realzies.

If no one hears from me tomorrow, that means I'm dead. Please ensure I have a really stylish funeral. :p
Do we get to start calling dibs on your juice?


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I moved to the opposite coast to escape mine. My wife's side? Pure heaven in comparison.
Mine are smack dab in the middle of the country. Even the Jerry Springer show wouldn't have them on. Seriously, they tried. There are a couple cases of 'fathers' raising kids not their own, divorcing the wife, marrying the kid and having kids with the kid. I guess even the Springer show had it's standards.


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Wanna hear something FUCKING CRAZY!?

Turns out @TygerTyger and I knew each other eleventy billion years ago from chatting online way WAAAAAAAY back when Al Gore first invented the interwebz. She recognized me today. INSANE! :D Now we're having a massive flashback party.

Damn straight! @m3rma1d and I were chatting online before it was even cool..... in our diapers LMAO...... when I finally tell you what little tidbit of info helped me connect the dots, you'll laugh your ass off, chica! :D


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Damn straight! @m3rma1d and I were chatting online before it was even cool..... in our diapers LMAO...... when I finally tell you what little tidbit of info helped me connect the dots, you'll laugh your ass off, chica! :D

Oh here I was just assuming it was my completely unforgettable awesomeness* that transcends all time and screen name changes.

(*anesomeness HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)


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Oh here I was just assuming it was my completely unforgettable awesomeness* that transcends all time and screen name changes.

(*anesomeness HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Well, @m3rma1d , there was your immutable "anesomeness" of course...... but it was a post (by someone else, but you replied) at an aquarium place that sewed the nicks and names together for me. Ring any bells? *giggle*


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jesus christ if this is the mini nautilus, how big is the regular one!?!?!

@m3rma1d I got my AiV order has yours came yet?


Vapid Vapetress
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should i find it disconcerting when someone becomes a follower and i have no freaking clue who they are and have never had any contact with them whatsoever? or is it just me?


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should i find it disconcerting when someone becomes a follower and i have no freaking clue who they are and have never had any contact with them whatsoever? or is it just me?

Makes me want to start a bunch of new accounts just to follow people (read you) and freak tjem out.


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BTW your finger made me smile a lil bit;)
Hahahaha I was seriously wondering if anyone would notice the finger injury!

But really, who is that creature?

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