OK, don't care what weather says, it's fuckign cold.
This is my LR temp now....and it's only 2am. Havens seen it that low in like 5 years.
Time to put facets on slow drip...
I'm struggling to keep our little bedroom that IS heated above 70.
We'll be fine ..we snuggle and have many blankets. Milly is lost inside a queen-size flannel sheet I gave her. And I just changed sheets to microfiber with a thick comforter. We'lll be fine. Just brrrr..
Milly is not dumb, when it gets COLD, she'll snuggle the fuck outta me under the covers. Together, our heat is greater than alone.. Simple woodsmanship that she knows.
Cold cannot kill me short of cell death.
It tried at -54F in BC, not counting wind chill in a blizzard, wearing just a t-shirt, sweater, and leather jacket, and it failed. I walked 2+, miles home in a blizzard, to find my parent NOT HOME and I had to shelter in a shed with cardboard.. Sadly, I lived.
I do think i can die. which sux. I've tried it all short of munitions and firepower for 30yrs.
By belife, i do not think I can kill myself, and get away with it. It is a coward's way out in all civilatations.If I am dead, do contact the appopiate agenci...I mean that as they may know somethings.
My things, please take care of them. They mattered. Some also valubale to u hogs