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Daily Check-In Thread


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He likes himself, so that's something?



Cranky Old Fart
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This thread has slowed down from the beginning when we didn't know what was going on with the 'rona. If folks got scared away it was because of someone else this past week, not you @Jimi!

I'm guilty of not posting in this thread recently, just lots of stuff going on and I'm seen around the forum in other threads. I just haven't checked in here.

Lady Sarah

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Hubby and I are nearly done with fencing in half of the front yard. We have all the heavy welded panels up. Just gotta finish with the light guage stuff being wire to it to keep the Yorkie in, and then put up the gate.

Prolly more than I should be doing so soon after having the big toenails removed, but I get bored watching TV. I even started working on our Halloween masks already, the type with movable mandibles. Since I have a cousin that does a haunted village professionally, I'm hitting him up for ideas.


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Following @Lady Sarah's lead, I'm going to use this as a check-in thread today! Will wonders never cease! :teehee: @DogMan is right, though; we need to try to get the thread back on track. It still has a purpose to serve, if people still need or want it.

A week ago Friday night, all night long I kept waking up, just feeling myself getting sicker as the night went on. I spent most of last weekend asleep, was out of work for 3.5 days, and have slept more in the past week than I probably have in the past month.

Had a TeleHealth visit with my PCP on Tuesday, and she sent an ophthalmic and an oral antibiotic (azithromycin) to the pharmacy for me. Told me I have bacterial sinusitis and conjunctivitis. I have never had a sinus infection make me feel this bad.

Son has also had it for a couple of weeks, and he broke down and went to the doc on Wednesday. He's in the other room asleep right now, as we speak.

Heard hubbs sounding all congested and wimpy this morning, and I'm afraid he's coming down with it, too. He's back there in bed asleep.

We are a full-of-fun household right now, I tell ya. Everybody needs to be waited on, and nobody feels like doing the waiting. I have now finished my antibiotic and don't feel much better than I did days ago. I guess the good thing about azithromycin is that it keeps working for about 10 days after you stop taking it. So we'll see.

Hubbs will probably need the doc on Monday. I feel bad for him, and I tried to stay away from close contact with anyone so they wouldn't pick this up. I guess it's difficult to stay far enough away from the people in the same household.


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Hi dailies

No beach since Friday, with holidays

Case manager Wednesday. I dropped letters to her and doctor to the desk last week. With their no email, no snail mail policy. But I am just more comfortable writing, especially sensitive subjects

Mum has tried to get foot X-ray twice. But local pathology is shut with COVID-19. It is just off chance that she sustained a stress fracture. She says foot is better with new shoes, except going up hill


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I hope you all had a good weekend! It's pretty nice hear, sun is shining and air is comfortable. I started walking, better than being a couch potato. Jessie thinks I'm nuts when I walk around and around in the house, lol. I got out my beading, started making ornament covers. I got into audible books so I need something to do with my hands while I listen, plus my daughters and grand-daughters love them.

My doctor talked me into seeing a counselor, all they wanted to do was give me pills. I don't want to just zone out! How does that help me adjust to my new reality? Sheesh. I think I'm doing ok, me and Jessie.

Stay safe and healthy :hug::inlove:

Lady Sarah

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Completed the fencing for the front yard. Then, drove an hour to pick up a vape order from a B&M vape store. Hubby wanted specific coils so he could use one of my Vapefly Galaxies tanks, and I ordered 3 Vandyvapes Pyro 4 RDTAs. I was down to 1 RDTA that I like, so I was putting that tank from mod to mod in my rotation. Problem solved. Just gotta build the other 2 decks.



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bloody spammers spoiling subjects

Case Manager today

On the agenda:

3. Fear of sleeping
7. Fear of psychologists
4b. Fear of discussing sleep with psychologists
5. I am a spammer ban me dysfunction

3 of which might come down to things like watching youtube compilations of dogs snoring with a psychologist. And looking at photos of people sleeping

Lady Sarah

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Decided to buy plants today. Got the hibiscus planted. The juniper is waiting on the porch for me to cool off. It's nearly a hundred degrees out already (currently 98°F). We already have 2 juniper planted, and they are healthy and beautiful.


...and what our eldest juniper looks like...

Lady Sarah

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They look beautiful, that's pretty hot already isn't it?
This time of year, it can fluctuate between highs of 70 and 100 in my part of Texas. Today, we reached 102. I waited til it got back down to 98 before planting the little juniper, and then weed-eating what grass grew between patio pavers.

Ain't any use dragging out the mower yet. The lawn ain't seen enough rain to grow. We do have 275 gallon totes and 55 gallon drums full of rain water for what I do need to take TLC of. The new plants will need that all summer long.


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bloody spammers spoiling subjects

Case Manager today

On the agenda:

3. Fear of sleeping
7. Fear of psychologists
4b. Fear of discussing sleep with psychologists
5. I am a spammer ban me dysfunction

3 of which might come down to things like watching youtube compilations of dogs snoring with a psychologist. And looking at photos of people sleeping
she said first is treat med side effects by switching to better ones

then work on distress tolerance and safety

slowly add stuff like lifestyle, food on a voluntary not forced basis

then introduce a talk therapist/psychologist into an appointment with case manager. She can introduce herself, say what she does and how she works. Then go. And we can decide with my involvement in the dcision if it is something i'd pursue

then sleep

then, with lots of softeners like if you feel ready to voluntarily etc, we can address trauma


“Widgy Pidgy”
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I’m glad we’re back on track! What a shitstorm…….

Checking in with Covid. 10-14 people in my department alone have it. Not sure about the rest of the store. I’m achy, snotty and a bit cranky. Lol. Out for 7 days…… least I’ll get paid!


SnapDragon NY

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I’m glad we’re back on track! What a shitstorm…….

Checking in with Covid. 10-14 people in my department alone have it. Not sure about the rest of the store. I’m achy, snotty and a bit cranky. Lol. Out for 7 days…… least I’ll get paid!

Oh No- I hope you feel better soon my friend!



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I’m glad we’re back on track! What a shitstorm…….

Checking in with Covid. 10-14 people in my department alone have it. Not sure about the rest of the store. I’m achy, snotty and a bit cranky. Lol. Out for 7 days…… least I’ll get paid!


I also hope you feel lots better soon. Is it for sure that you have Covid? I hope not, but if you do, apparently it's better now than back in the beginning of it all. Hope everybody in your household doesn't end up sick, but just like with us over the past couple of weeks, it's almost impossible to isolate enough within your own digs to keep others from getting sick.

I'm a believer in Vitamin C, echinacea, and garlic. Good for what ails ya.

I'm sorry for my part in stirring up the shitstorm, but it felt like something that needed to be addressed, It also seemed appropriate for me to be the one to address it. Didn't feel right for you to take that kind of disrespect - you're one of the kindest people at VU.

Feel better soon. I'll be thinking 'bout ya.


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Know this may sound a bit odd. Had Covid 2 over Thanksgiving with my wife. Got some kind of allergy medicine and an antibiotic drip.

Got over the ailment itself I believe. The odd part is I'm in the schools working. Get a weird sensation that the stuff is "hanging in the air". Can only say I get a real woozy feel and like a tingle in my throat.

I usually do what needs done and don't mess around, wash up right after. Not sure it can "hang in the air", or not. Only conveying what I observe.


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I’m glad we’re back on track! What a shitstorm…….

Checking in with Covid. 10-14 people in my department alone have it. Not sure about the rest of the store. I’m achy, snotty and a bit cranky. Lol. Out for 7 days…… least I’ll get paid!

Yes I am sorry for my part in the storm too, I try to avoid shitstorms but knowing the intentions of this thread I just couldn't stay silent

Oh No, I hope you get over it soon my friend, you might wanna take vit. D3 too, it boosts your immune system and should help you get over it a little sooner.


Cranky Old Fart
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Checking in with Covid. 10-14 people in my department alone have it. Not sure about the rest of the store. I’m achy, snotty and a bit cranky. Lol. Out for 7 days…… least I’ll get paid!
Hope you get over it as easily as I did @wildgypsy70. I had the Omicron end of Jan first of Feb. Slight fever for a day, light cough, and a headache was it. Only reason I knew I had it is I had to get tested to justify cancelling two work trips. I've had worse colds. Vitamin C, D3, K2, quecertin, elderberry capsules, wild wormwood caps, Lactoferrin caps, and turmeric caps do wonders. These are all recommended by doctors @Jimi follows. Only use the wormwood and Lactoferrin while you are fighting the rona.


“Widgy Pidgy”
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Thanks, everyone! I’m doing a lot better. Still a little achy, but the majority of the symptoms are gone. Definitely kicked my ass for a few days! I don’t go back to work until Friday, so I’ll have plenty of time to get back up to 100%.


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Know this may sound a bit odd. Had Covid 2 over Thanksgiving with my wife. Got some kind of allergy medicine and an antibiotic drip.

Got over the ailment itself I believe. The odd part is I'm in the schools working. Get a weird sensation that the stuff is "hanging in the air". Can only say I get a real woozy feel and like a tingle in my throat.

I usually do what needs done and don't mess around, wash up right after. Not sure it can "hang in the air", or not. Only conveying what I observe.

I'm obviously not a medical person, so sometimes when I think I know something, my understanding is far short of complete - but - I do believe that most viruses are tiny enough to "hang in the air." That's why it's possible with some of them to just walk through the air where someone just sneezed, and end up catching their cold/Covid/flu/whatever. Bacteria I think are generally heavier, which affects their methods of transmission, also. Case in point, strep throat, caused by streptococcus something-or-other, one generally has to kiss the affected person, or drink after them, in order to catch the bacterial stuff.


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I do believe that most viruses are tiny enough to "hang in the air." That's why it's possible with some of them to just walk through the air where someone just sneezed, and end up catching their cold/Covid/flu/whatever.

Kind of my thinking as well. Got further thinking but likely merely over thinking. Still reckon it would be possible to put viruses into aerosol containers to distribute. Ah well, over thinking like I said. *wanders along pondering where Waldo is hiding today*


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Heroically discusses this (by way of writing) with case manager and young female Muslim doctor last week (and that I worked in education years ago)

And the presumably "Autistic meltdowns" when I feel pressured

I have to do a forensic assessment. Which is understandable. I think it's the sum total and the fact that it was in writing means that I have to be assessed for risk to public

I have assumed a degree of maturity in this thread

Case manager was either close to crying or fainting. And said that she was glad to be going on maternity leave and was considering a change of career after a year off

Lady Sarah

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Having had a few left over supplies from remodeling the house, I decided to build a dog house (in case hubby has a problem with the new dog being in the house). Our local hardware store does not sell 2x2 lumber, and their 2x4 lumber is $13.24 per 8 foot board, but their pallets are free.

I loaded 4 pallets into my truck, and took those home. After taking apart the 3 larger ones, I used the smaller one to build onto. I used 3/4 inch plywood for the floor, covered in indoor/outdoor carpet. The exterior walls are the same material as we have on the house.

Now, if hubby don't behave, he has someplace to stay.

Lady Sarah

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I'm obviously not a medical person, so sometimes when I think I know something, my understanding is far short of complete - but - I do believe that most viruses are tiny enough to "hang in the air." That's why it's possible with some of them to just walk through the air where someone just sneezed, and end up catching their cold/Covid/flu/whatever. Bacteria I think are generally heavier, which affects their methods of transmission, also. Case in point, strep throat, caused by streptococcus something-or-other, one generally has to kiss the affected person, or drink after them, in order to catch the bacterial stuff.
From my understanding, viruses are much smaller than bacterium. This allows them to hang in the air, especially humid air, where they can cling to water droplets. This is why it's easier to get the flu during winter and spring, in areas where the humidity goes up and does not get warm enough for that moisture to evaporate. Viruses can also hang onto bacterium, so you can get a double whammy, so to speak... if you were to to drink from a glass someone else used.


Cranky Old Fart
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I have arthritis in my right hip and have been dealing with it for 2 years now. Went to see an orthopedic surgeon Tuesday and he said it's bone on bone now and will start the process to get it replaced. It should happen in around a month which is fine by me. I was expecting to wait longer. He said 3 month recovery time, but I've read around 6 weeks. We will see about that. Fortunately I have short term and long term care insurance which should pay 2/3 of my salary while not working.

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