2, 3, 6. Response to traumas. Thoughts begin as intrusive memories and flashbacks, turn to imagined response. Shoving coworkers heads into desks or windows, from old workplace where I experienced bullying. Setting fire to doctors’ clinics who have belittled, coerced and mistreated me. Tayla after coercion to NDIS, stomping on her throat, messing up her hair etc. More often verbal shouting thoughts, but also visual with sense of proprioception involved. Several hours a day. Suicidal thoughts also, and trying to work out logistics of jumping in front of a train
21, 22. Was context dependent and tied back to adolescent/childhood abuse. I worked in child care in Canberra, I had always been taught that i was a monster. Changing nappies, I would experience repulsive image based thoughts of rape. Experience repugnant groinal response
23. Towards recent health professionals. Particularly Beenish 2016, bending her over and fist fucking her. Some towards Tayla, after she tried to coerce me into NDIS. Towards Dr Wong, if he ever blocks the exit
37. Neighbours sometimes make me question if they are hallucinated. It can seem that way. My first period of hearing voices began as thinking it was neighbours shouting commands, but it wasn’t
42. Heart palpitations and stiff jaw, particularly when tired, after GP and cardiologist drew attention to these. I often watch porn, to correct heart rhythm
54. Mental checking for intrusive memories and thoughts “Am i thinking about Beenish?”. Checking for updated policies by organisations tied to trumas, for reassurance that it won’t happen again. Mental checking/Reviewing traumatic memories
58. Counting down toaster. Accompanied by walking to back door and touching door handle
61. I sometimes attempt to plant an earworm/catchy song, to replace repulsive thoughts
62. Emails. To health care, MPs, government bodies. CCed to friends and family for them to check the email that I sent
64. Staying awake to prevent harm to mum or other events in my sleep. Avoiding medication to avoid side effects and control by doctors and health professionals
67. Grade 5 I went quite bald, but it was at least partly psoriasis related hair pulling