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Daily Check-In Thread


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Brrr, cold this morning. I have to get cleaned up and dressed pretty quick, I'm meeting a friend for lunch! She's coming in from out of town, I don't get to see her in person very often. We are on the phone often, more lately, as she lost her Hubby a year ago. I'm so excited to see her again! Great reason to get out of the house.

Jessie is spending more time outside, liking the warmer days. She's not happy about the rain showers! She still flops on the arm of my chair and lets her butt slide down onto my leg - her version of sitting on my lap. Silly girl.

Stay safe and healthy :hug:


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Marathon 1.5 hour session with specialist yesterday. And my case manager has done a great job of filling him on before hand

The mostly inconsequential part was being told that I am probably on the Autistic Spectrum. I think that will mostly guide how they deal with me, especially in relation to routine suggestions

The bigger thing was something not as widely spoken about. Though often parodied or mocked. He thinks that I have an uncommon variant of an Anxiety Spectrum Disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Commonly associated with the stereotype cleaning compulsions etc

Mine is mostly obsessions. Disturbing, intrusive, involuntary vivid thoughts. Often around harming people, and violence. And my Compulsions are writing trademark Grumpy Old Man Letters to various politicians etc. Which do help quell the thoughts and associated anxiety



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Marathon 1.5 hour session with specialist yesterday. And my case manager has done a great job of filling him on before hand

The mostly inconsequential part was being told that I am probably on the Autistic Spectrum. I think that will mostly guide how they deal with me, especially in relation to routine suggestions

The bigger thing was something not as widely spoken about. Though often parodied or mocked. He thinks that I have an uncommon variant of an Anxiety Spectrum Disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Commonly associated with the stereotype cleaning compulsions etc

Mine is mostly obsessions. Disturbing, intrusive, involuntary vivid thoughts. Often around harming people, and violence. And my Compulsions are writing trademark Grumpy Old Man Letters to various politicians etc. Which do help quell the thoughts and associated anxiety

More importantly, how do you feel about the diagnoses ?

And a great big :hug:


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More importantly, how do you feel about the diagnoses ?

And a great big :hug:
OCD puts lots of things in perspective. The more that I read, the more it nails it

He thinks the ASD is just mild. I have to look into it. But I think that probably impacts how I react to professionals harping about changing routines etc

I have booked in for some acupuncture for ocd. I have always found antidepressants as the slowest meds to work. And the acupuncture is apparently fast acting relief of tension

Just answers is awesome at this point

Lady Sarah

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This year, I am taking spring cleaning to extremes. The back yard was awful. I still have a ways to go with organizing what is left after removing the trash. The pile out front is half the size it would be if I hadn't posted on FB for folks to come get scrap lumber for DIY projects. Still, we have ordered a roll-off dumpster for what we know will remain.


Fortunately, the metal we put out there never lasted long. Scrappers snatched that up fast.

I guess it was just part of my mother's own mental illness that she just could not let go of junk.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Well folks, in the distant past (before this thread even) I was posting quite a bit about how a move from Alaska to Hawaii, with the intention of building a dome house

We managed the move, then covid hit

Last week, we began a three-week workshop to help build a dome temple. Today is the half-way mark. Hopefully, we can break ground on ours in MayScreen Shot 2022-03-24 at 7.05.10 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-03-29 at 6.32.51 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-03-24 at 7.05.10 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-03-29 at 6.32.51 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-03-31 at 7.44.21 AM.pngScreen Shot 2022-03-31 at 7.44.27 AM.png


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Well folks, in the distant past (before this thread even) I was posting quite a bit about how a move from Alaska to Hawaii, with the intention of building a dome house

We managed the move, then covid hit

Last week, we began a three-week workshop to help build a dome temple. Today is the half-way mark. Hopefully, we can break ground on ours in MayView attachment 192082View attachment 192084View attachment 192082View attachment 192084View attachment 192085View attachment 192086

That's so exciting, Lucy! I'm so happy for you and the Mister!


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Marathon 1.5 hour session with specialist yesterday. And my case manager has done a great job of filling him on before hand

The mostly inconsequential part was being told that I am probably on the Autistic Spectrum. I think that will mostly guide how they deal with me, especially in relation to routine suggestions

The bigger thing was something not as widely spoken about. Though often parodied or mocked. He thinks that I have an uncommon variant of an Anxiety Spectrum Disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Commonly associated with the stereotype cleaning compulsions etc

Mine is mostly obsessions. Disturbing, intrusive, involuntary vivid thoughts. Often around harming people, and violence. And my Compulsions are writing trademark Grumpy Old Man Letters to various politicians etc. Which do help quell the thoughts and associated anxiety

Glad to read it seems you're getting the actual help you need.

Know that I often ruminate over situations. Will play things out in my mind. For example might play out a discussion with my wife & then not have that discussion.

In some respects this can be good. It lets a person work through stress, facing difficult issues. In other respects such as going on and not communicating yet expecting others to be "in the loop", it can be bad.

That dissonance has gotten me trouble, frustration. That then feeds a vicious cycle leading me to "bottling up" far too much, letting everything "stew" until eventually the top blows off.

When younger I was taught a fair bit regarding how to live. Part of that was being taught to neutralize if need be, effectively. I also started liking physical abuse, beatings only.

Emotions are difficult for me. Too much passion despite a seeming reserve. Lots say I wear that "heart" on my sleeve & can own that. I care too much at times and that too can be a dual bladed dagger.

Not been given anything but listed as NOS (Not Otherwise Specified). I got the depression, PTSD, anxiety, generally anti-social. They just cannot draw any specific mental illness, "um, he's just a loon."

Pretty clear I've a dark humor as well. Used to run as volunteer EMT. Saw a few things doing that which likely could turn stomachs. I walked away though with a perspective of life, some good jokes about patient treatment generally, some humor about odd stuff people do sexually.

Anyway, ...

:hug:Glad you seem to be getting there.


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Pretty morning here, supposed to get to 80*. Guess I'd better get the hose going on the trees. I need to vacuum the deck, too. Jessie will hide for a while, lol.

I'm doing ok, trying to stay busy. I've gotten into audio books, I can listen and still do other stuff! They are expense to buy so I'm checking out places to find them for cheap or free. I'm all caught up on re-coiling all my CLR coils, and wicking them. Maybe I'll think about cleaning out my file cabinet.

Stay safe and healthy :inlove::hug:


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Pretty morning here, supposed to get to 80*. Guess I'd better get the hose going on the trees. I need to vacuum the deck, too. Jessie will hide for a while, lol.

I'm doing ok, trying to stay busy. I've gotten into audio books, I can listen and still do other stuff! They are expense to buy so I'm checking out places to find them for cheap or free. I'm all caught up on re-coiling all my CLR coils, and wicking them. Maybe I'll think about cleaning out my file cabinet.

Stay safe and healthy :inlove::hug:

I've never signed up for it, but you might want to check into Amazon's AudibleBooks subscription. I've had Kindle Unlimited for years, and I see all the time that many of the books I borrow through KU also have an offer to add narration if you're subscribed to Audible.

Some (most?) months I might read as many as a dozen books. There's no way I could afford to buy that many, month after month, nor would I have space to store them, so KU at about $12 a month is a great deal for me. Maybe Audible would be a great deal for you!


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Thanks, Nada, I'll check it out. I have and also love Unlimited. For me it is very much worth it. I read a lot, go through many books. Like you, I couldn't afford to pay for that many!

Lady Sarah

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The roll off dumpster came today. I was ready for it. I got my ass in gear (overdrive) and loaded it in about 3 hours, getting rid of the wood pile plus some other trash my mother had clunked out back. We could have had the dumpster til Monday. I already had them pick it up and take it away. There ain't no sense risking having some jackass pull up and unload a truck full of busted concrete into it. We have to pay extra for anything over 2 tons, and assholes are a dime a dozen.
I am glad the trash is gone. We can move on to the next project.


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5 hours into this audiobook

really interesting

need a break. Hoping for a beach walk

and i need to grocery shop


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What kind of a sadist sends their son shoe shopping?

And yes, I know "An injured one"

I think I will manage


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Apparently I passed. And foot feels better already



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Howdy, all!

With the state of things right now, a lot of people may not be ok. People are losing employment, being asked to stay home(sometimes alone) and do some fairly big sacrificing. And it’s not gonna be a two week thing.....

So here’s a check-in thread to make sure people know that they’re not alone. That they have people that care about them and maybe can even help. We can be there for each other in a time of uncertainty.

Tell us how you’re doing. Let us all know if you’re ok.....or if you’re not.

We’re here. Your big, dysfunctional vaping family.

interesting, nice to see love or see uncertain thoughts that have great feeling but who is that feeling for? what you and i feel about being alone could be vastly different, and that is good. am i alone? very much so, 30's brother and sister 5 and 18 months. two mins into xmas day,,gone. me sadlt still here. why? was i not good enough to go with them? did i do wrong? was it just luck? i go for luck..bad bad luck. my outlook on life changes i look at things in a way that many can't. a friends dad dies at 60, he is broken. i think at least he saw all the things you did, work marriage etc etc. what else do i see? uncles that carried me around when i was a toddler, fit health men. now what do i see, old men bent over,illness with them. then i see my mother and father, beautifull strong when they went. nobody will understand the feeling, pleased in a way they did not age, sad in a way we had no time together,
life as with me can become so worthless, try suicide 3 or 4 times, ite not fun.
constantly feel cold. yeah make a comfortable life, big house, overseas travel, buy what i want. is that happy? they used to say life is what you make it, that is the biggest lie of all time. life is cold.demanding life is mapped out to you by people that dont know of the dark side. try surviving when you dont want to be here but whenever you try to find your own way of changing things, you cannot. you cant leave where you dont want to be....and that is something that i wish on nobody.
do you know who you are? do you know if you are good or bad? do you laugh at things that are not funny because others in the room laugh?
we are what we are expected to be,,expected to be in other peoples eyes. untill you sit alone looking at your nice cars and house, sipping on a nice wine feeling hearing teard drip into the glass, who or what are we? we will never never know that..its what the call life..or what i call..just nothing,

all of you enjoy this life, be safe,be happy, or wonder. what the hell are we here for.


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I was a member of the VU community before I was asked to be a moderator, and it's as a member of this community that I am going to say, @geordie, I think your post is unkind in the extreme to the author of this thread. You obviously don't know a thing about her, so why would you think it's appropriate to question her intent this way? Gestures of caring don't do it for you if they can't resolve your own particular tragedy?

I've never wanted to delete a post so much in my life.


“Widgy Pidgy”
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I have no idea where this is all coming from. This thread was originally posted at the start of Covid-19(3 years ago?)so that people could connect and chat. To keep up with each other, outside of vaping. To make sure people felt heard and connected. Some people had their lives upended by Covid. This thread was a place to vent and let everyone else (who wanted to participate) know that they’re alive and how they are doing. I think, after 127 pages, that it was successful. I had no ulterior motive other than making sure that the people I care about had somewhere to go(and to have a place outside of the other threads that have nothing to do with this).

As a member, I can say if you don’t like it or feel like it’s fake or whatever you think, then don’t post. It’s that simple. No one needs a monologue . No one needs to be questioned about their motives. No one needs any more negativity in their lives.


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I have no idea where this is all coming from. This thread was originally posted at the start of Covid-19(3 years ago?)so that people could connect and chat. To keep up with each other, outside of vaping. To make sure people felt heard and connected. Some people had their lives upended by Covid. This thread was a place to vent and let everyone else (who wanted to participate) know that they’re alive and how they are doing. I think, after 127 pages, that it was successful. I had no ulterior motive other than making sure that the people I care about had somewhere to go(and to have a place outside of the other threads that have nothing to do with this).

As a member, I can say if you don’t like it or feel like it’s fake or whatever you think, then don’t post. It’s that simple. No one needs a monologue . No one needs to be questioned about their motives. No one needs any more negativity in their lives.
fair enough


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I was a member of the VU community before I was asked to be a moderator, and it's as a member of this community that I am going to say, @geordie, I think your post is unkind in the extreme to the author of this thread. You obviously don't know a thing about her, so why would you think it's appropriate to question her intent this way? Gestures of caring don't do it for you if they can't resolve your own particular tragedy?

I've never wanted to delete a post so much in my life.
well delete it then.

Lady Sarah

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Just got back from the podiatrist. Big toenails were getting thicker, and started growing backwards. No forward growth. He could see I had done very basic surgery to remove the front halves of the nails that died. I also told him I had used a rotary tool to grind down the nails previously, only to have them grow thicker again.

He removed both, using phenol so they don't grow back. Now, I get some much needed rest for at least a couple weeks while my toes heal. Hubby took the day off from work to look after me and make sure I'm OK.


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Just got back from the podiatrist. Big toenails were getting thicker, and started growing backwards. No forward growth. He could see I had done very basic surgery to remove the front halves of the nails that died. I also told him I had used a rotary tool to grind down the nails previously, only to have them grow thicker again.

He removed both, using phenol so they don't grow back. Now, I get some much needed rest for at least a couple weeks while my toes heal. Hubby took the day off from work to look after me and make sure I'm OK.
take it easy my lady, i would like you to stay around so that the plastics dont bore me.


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Well, I was going to post a bit more about my day. Can you read what I'm not doing?

@geordie I can see your point of view. Can understand it. That said I also agree we don't all need, or desire negativity in our lives. This thread is here for us to share and keep in touch with friends, some of us borrow from Carlos Castanada and create our own families. If our plastic lives mean nothing to you other than boredom, then please see yourself out. We're not changing for anyone and don't apologize for being ourselves. We're not your circus, nor your clowns.

Excuse me though, still don't feel keen to convey my day here now.
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Lady Sarah

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Member For 5 Years
take it easy my lady, i would like you to stay around so that the plastics dont bore me.
You don't have to bring the same old drama in here, trying to bum everybody out and make them feel sorry for you. We have all already seen you write what happened to you and your family, and how you feel about it. You don't see me writing every fucking week about a psycho serial killer / babysitter killing one of my brothers, and you won't. It ain't gonna bring anybody back. You can let it make you stronger, or you can let it take over your life.

Calling people "plastic" just because you fing them boring... 🙄 Just think how boring it is for them to see you post the same shit all the time.


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You don't have to bring the same old drama in here, trying to bum everybody out and make them feel sorry for you. We have all already seen you write what happened to you and your family, and how you feel about it. You don't see me writing every fucking week about a psycho serial killer / babysitter killing one of my brothers, and you won't. It ain't gonna bring anybody back. You can let it make you stronger, or you can let it take over your life.

Calling people "plastic" just because you fing them boring... 🙄 Just think how boring it is for them to see you post the same shit all the time.
shit is better than some people i guess


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Well, I was going to post a bit more about my day. Can you read what I'm not doing?

@geordie I can see your point of view. Can understand it. That said I also agree we don't all need, or desire negativity in our lives. This thread is here for us to share and keep in touch with friends, some of us borrow from Carlos Castanada and create our own families. If our plastic lives mean nothing to you other than boredom, then please see yourself out. We're not changing for anyone and don't apologize for being ourselves. We're not your circus, nor your clowns.

Excuse me though, still don't feel keen to convey my day here now.
as the song goes, and another one bites the dust


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You don't have to bring the same old drama in here, trying to bum everybody out and make them feel sorry for you. We have all already seen you write what happened to you and your family, and how you feel about it. You don't see me writing every fucking week about a psycho serial killer / babysitter killing one of my brothers, and you won't. It ain't gonna bring anybody back. You can let it make you stronger, or you can let it take over your life.

Calling people "plastic" just because you fing them boring... 🙄 Just think how boring it is for them to see you post the same shit all the time.
well now we know how ladies speak after you write something nice about them. class shows.


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Well, I was going to post a bit more about my day. Can you read what I'm not doing?

@geordie I can see your point of view. Can understand it. That said I also agree we don't all need, or desire negativity in our lives. This thread is here for us to share and keep in touch with friends, some of us borrow from Carlos Castanada and create our own families. If our plastic lives mean nothing to you other than boredom, then please see yourself out. We're not changing for anyone and don't apologize for being ourselves. We're not your circus, nor your clowns.

Excuse me though, still don't feel keen to convey my day here now.
one, i dont want anyone to change, two, most cant, three, spitting out swear words is worse than boring,four i can tell by the writings that there are of course others that support your statements, so thats good, now both sides know who to ignore.


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Try and get this thread back on track?

Is it northern hemisphere weather for firing up that smoker?

Sorry if I have also been a downer lately with my own drama


I don't know about other northern-hemisphere people, but the weather doesn't have to be any particular way for my hubbs to fire up the grill. We don't have a smoker, but if we did, it would probably be the same.

He put together a shelter outside where the grill sits, along with his chair and side table. Loves to sit outside in the dark with a fire going in the fire pit, even in the middle of winter, although rain will naturally put a damper on that.

Hopefully @LadySarah will tell us about cooking on her new grill/smoker!

Now I wish hubbs would barbecue a chicken! See what you did? lol


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as the song goes, and another one bites the dust

Ignore me if you want, no hard feelings on my end. Frankly do not care. Not here to be liked by everyone. There's ... almost 8 billion people in the world, some will like me, some won't. It's no big deal either way to me.

one, i dont want anyone to change, two, most cant, three, spitting out swear words is worse than boring,four i can tell by the writings that there are of course others that support your statements, so thats good, now both sides know who to ignore.

No you don't want anyone to change yet ask us to perform differently. You bemoan that we don't.

Most could change if need warranted it I would guess. It was done back in the 1930's here. People got by with or without.

When, where did I spit out swear words? Have I directly cursed someone out? I will own up to at times using colorful language. I'm an adult I can use adult lingo. I try avoiding cursing someone out. That's a crime.

But if I want to say fuck all stupid idiots, that's just colorful expression of frustration. Boring? Maybe, maybe not. If that's why you ignore me, oh well. Again, don't care.

May just ignore you on the principle of it. Seems you've been there twice now with me. After third time, I'll leave you there. I am at least fair.
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Ignore me if you want, no hard feelings on my end. Frankly do not care. Not here to be liked by everyone. There's ... almost 8 billion people in the world, some will like me, some won't. It's no big deal either way to me.

No you don't want anyone to change yet ask us to perform differently. You bemoan that we don't.

Most could change if need warranted it I would guess. It was done back in the 1930's here. People got by with or without.

When, where did I spit out swear words? Have I directly cursed someone out? I will own up to at times using colorful language. I'm an adult I can use adult lingo. I try avoiding cursing someone out. That's a crime.

But if I want to say fuck all stupid idiots, that's just colorful expression of frustration. Boring? Maybe, maybe not. If that's why you ignore me, oh well. Again, don't care.

May just ignore you on the principle of it. Seems you've been there twice now with me. After third time, I'll leave you there. I am at least fair.
oh i have been there twice with you? or was that you have been there twice with me?i never said you swore. i did nott start this. i said to lady sarah..i hope you star,,,as in a compliment...look at what i got back! so either forget it and shake or dont.


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Ya know, I haven't been here for some time, (NOT BECAUSE i DO NIT LIKE THIS THREAD BUT BECAUSE i HAVEN'T HAD THE TIME, but last night I stopped in and seen this
interesting, nice to see love or see uncertain thoughts that have great feeling but who is that feeling for? what you and i feel about being alone could be vastly different, and that is good. am i alone? very much so, 30's brother and sister 5 and 18 months. two mins into xmas day,,gone. me sadlt still here. why? was i not good enough to go with them? did i do wrong? was it just luck? i go for luck..bad bad luck. my outlook on life changes i look at things in a way that many can't. a friends dad dies at 60, he is broken. i think at least he saw all the things you did, work marriage etc etc. what else do i see? uncles that carried me around when i was a toddler, fit health men. now what do i see, old men bent over,illness with them. then i see my mother and father, beautifull strong when they went. nobody will understand the feeling, pleased in a way they did not age, sad in a way we had no time together,
life as with me can become so worthless, try suicide 3 or 4 times, ite not fun.
constantly feel cold. yeah make a comfortable life, big house, overseas travel, buy what i want. is that happy? they used to say life is what you make it, that is the biggest lie of all time. life is cold.demanding life is mapped out to you by people that dont know of the dark side. try surviving when you dont want to be here but whenever you try to find your own way of changing things, you cannot. you cant leave where you dont want to be....and that is something that i wish on nobody.
do you know who you are? do you know if you are good or bad? do you laugh at things that are not funny because others in the room laugh?
we are what we are expected to be,,expected to be in other peoples eyes. untill you sit alone looking at your nice cars and house, sipping on a nice wine feeling hearing teard drip into the glass, who or what are we? we will never never know that..its what the call life..or what i call..just nothing,

all of you enjoy this life, be safe,be happy, or wonder. what the hell are we here for.

It was late and I was tired so decided to post today, here are my thoughts

I was completely shocked that anyone could think this of this wonderful thread.

Come on @geordie, WTF??? This forum is for members to help members and get along.

To me this thread shows care and concern for our fellow members, so many are losing that in this world today, care for your fellow man/woman. How could this possibly be taken as anything plastic or fake.

I know this poster has a debilitating disease and I do feel sorry for that, I also know (from experience) that this disease can make one cranky to say the least, but, there is no reason to be this way to our members who are just trying to show concern for others.

I always try to get along with everyone and encourage it in others, anguish feeds diseases so I try to avoid any conflict that I can, sometimes there is some things that I can't, this is one of them. Please, lets ALL get along, it truly makes LIFE better for you and everyone.
Thank you!!!

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ya know, I haven't been here for some time, (NOT BECAUSE i DO NIT LIKE THIS THREAD BUT BECAUSE i HAVEN'T HAD THE TIME, but last night I stopped in and seen this

It was late and I was tired so decided to post today, here are my thoughts

I was completely shocked that anyone could think this of this wonderful thread.

Come on @geordie, WTF??? This forum is for members to help members and get along.

To me this thread shows care and concern for our fellow members, so many are losing that in this world today, care for your fellow man/woman. How could this possibly be taken as anything plastic or fake.

I know this poster has a debilitating disease and I do feel sorry for that, I also know (from experience) that this disease can make one cranky to say the least, but, there is no reason to be this way to our members who are just trying to show concern for others.

I always try to get along with everyone and encourage it in others, anguish feeds diseases so I try to avoid any conflict that I can, sometimes there is some things that I can't, this is one of them. Please, lets ALL get along, it truly makes LIFE better for you and everyone.
Thank you!!!
Remember Smigo? He left because a certain troll followed him here from another vaping forum. That very troll is trying to bring us all down. We don't have to let him do that. He already told me to "shut up" because I was right. Responding to the troll encourages him. Don't engage him. Better yet, ignore him. He will find somewhere else to go pester people.


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Remember Smigo? He left because a certain troll followed him here from another vaping forum. That very troll is trying to bring us all down. We don't have to let him do that. He already told me to "shut up" because I was right. Responding to the troll encourages him. Don't engage him. Better yet, ignore him. He will find somewhere else to go pester people.

Yeah, @Smigo used to always join us on the Porches. I miss his Smokin Pics~!


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Remember Smigo? He left because a certain troll followed him here from another vaping forum. That very troll is trying to bring us all down. We don't have to let him do that. He already told me to "shut up" because I was right. Responding to the troll encourages him. Don't engage him. Better yet, ignore him. He will find somewhere else to go pester people.
I just had to have my say, I know not to feed the trolls but some things just chap both cheeks of my azz and I haveta have a say :facepalm:


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I always try to get everyone to get along, just makes it a better place to be. I am surprised too, I could never figure out what makes some do that right outta the blue, just like when he had a go with you, I didn't see any provocation on your part.


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Member For 5 Years
I always try to get everyone to get along, just makes it a better place to be. I am surprised too, I could never figure out what makes some do that right outta the blue, just like when he had a go with you, I didn't see any provocation on your part.

I will never understand what or why it came about and that was right after losing my Sister to the Corona and my Dad in 6 months of each other. So he went on Ignore and that was the end of it for me.

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