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Bwaaaahahaaaaaaa, what does "Lock thread" Mean?????
Carry on folks

The pleasure of spanking a troll is particularly sweet here on VU.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This place is fantastic. It's like Gone With the Wind on Mescalin.Listen to me, they walk imaginary pets here, On a fucking leash. Alright? And they're all heavily armed and drunk. New York is boring!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I feel the need to swear to make what i'm saying more profound, just like anyone else. And people take it for granted. Can't swear in ECF but can swear here, so this place is better etc..

In the real world, in my real world, the UK, it is a criminal offense to swear in a public place. It's called a section five public order offense. Sits on a list of hundreds of things people cannot do in a public place, common decency really, like not being allowed to take a shit in the middle of the mall, that kind of thing.

Most people, and i do mean most people, have absolutely no idea that swearing in a public place is a criminal offense. And when they do get arrested, usually when they're drunk, they say stupid shit like "what the "fuck" am i being arrested for i've done nothing wrong, you "fucking arsehole" !. It's the stupidest thing, and i laugh my arse off.

Even people who wouldn't normally swear start swearing in a forum such as this one just because the forum rules say they can. So it's not like they are using their free will, they're doing it because the forum says they should.

So is ECF being unfair by not letting members swear ?. No, they're just maintaining some integrity and trying to provide a family atmosphere, which a lot of people prefer.

And would you let your kids use the vaping underground forum ?. I hope not !.
FUCK ECF...."they're just maintaining some integrity"...are you out of your spotted dick mind....using the words ECF and integrity in the same sentnece is ludicrous......and Fuck England and their suppresion of free speech and free thought.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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FUCK ECF...."they're just maintaining some integrity"...are you out of your spotted dick mind....using the words ECF and integrity in the same sentnece is ludicrous......and Fuck England and their suppresion of free speech and free thought.

What both are maintaining is a tightass-friendly environment. What's hard to grasp is how such tightasses have such almighty sticks up their asses!



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What both are maintaining is a tightass-friendly environment. What's hard to grasp is how such tightasses have such almighty sticks up their asses!

HAHAHA I like your EFC refugee banner. CHEERS! my friend. :) :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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The shit hole forum is on it's last breaths, only a few of the Senior Assholes are posting and recruiting more members every (rare) time I sign in over there because the new members get so turned off by the normal bullshit.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
FUCK ECF...."they're just maintaining some integrity"...are you out of your spotted dick mind....using the words ECF and integrity in the same sentnece is ludicrous......and Fuck England and their suppresion of free speech and free thought.
It is all to blame on the wrinkled cunt in power... fuck the queen.
The flouride and the bastard shit they call bacon.

Besides I trust no one that eats beans at breakfast and thinks that shit is healthy.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well there was a couple of good things that came out of England..............................:bomb:


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aww are you guys all mad? need a pat on the back or something.
personally, I find ECF a lot better than this place.
ECF is kinda i guess more for the reserved. Id prefer for people not to look up vaping and see a bunch of whiney assholes on a forum praising the forum because they can actually say the word asshole.
Its a little funny, because for all the people who got banned its just a testament that they are unable to comprehend (or unable to read) any types of Rules.


Bronze Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
aww are you guys all mad? need a pat on the back or something.
personally, I find ECF a lot better than this place.
ECF is kinda i guess more for the reserved. Id prefer for people not to look up vaping and see a bunch of whiney assholes on a forum praising the forum because they can actually say the word asshole.
Its a little funny, because for all the people who got banned its just a testament that they are unable to comprehend (or unable to read) any types of Rules.

If you read what people are writing here, you'll surely find it isn't the censoring of naughty words, but the bullshit moderation.


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its the idea that everyone must feel, act and say whatever is agreeable to the masses- even if it is factually incorrect


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
aww are you guys all mad? need a pat on the back or something.
personally, I find ECF a lot better than this place.
ECF is kinda i guess more for the reserved. Id prefer for people not to look up vaping and see a bunch of whiney assholes on a forum praising the forum because they can actually say the word asshole.
Its a little funny, because for all the people who got banned its just a testament that they are unable to comprehend (or unable to read) any types of Rules.
personally I enjoy the freedom to be treated as an adult with a mind and don't need someone to tell me what the rules are...not a fan of I say I prefer the freedom to be able to express myself in whatever way I see fit and in this case the way I see fit would Flash why don't you get your trifeling ass the fuck outta here and go let classwife peg you,instead of boring us with your leave it to beaver sense of decorum...


Silver Contributor
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I got sent to the outside cause i was talking about fallopian tubes bursting... i forgot how it got to that, but still... wtf.
Edit: might have just been a reprimand via pm talkin about the outside... it was pretty freakin ridiculous anyway.
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I got sent to the outside cause i was talking about fallopian tubes bursting... i forgot how it got to that, but still... wtf.
Edit: might have just been a reprimand via pm talkin about the outside... it was pretty freakin ridiculous anyway.
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that's funny right there

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oh wait I'm an jerk face for laughing at that.
or should I say I'm a *******


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Old Flash is one **************who most likely sucks*********while ***********a**********.I wish he'd just go ********** himself with a **********, besides you just know Flash is an ECF moderator.....
And... pulsevape... Is Not!!!


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the best part is, they take the time, out of their hectic lives, to come over here and use the freedom of speech we offer to lecture us; because, they are that bored over there, since so many people are leaving ecf. - but we mad- :giggle:
-I like typing that too, e-cigarette forum- yup no edit.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
ECF Moderators spout the rules and delete threads on a whim for anything they do not agree with. Point out they are 100% wrong with fact you comment gets deleted. Go off topic and your comment is deleted then the moderator starts talking about what they had for breakfast in a hardware thread.



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ECF Moderators spout the rules and delete threads on a whim for anything they do not agree with. Point out they are 100% wrong with fact you comment gets deleted. Go off topic and your comment is deleted then the moderator starts talking about what they had for breakfast in a hardware thread.

Jealous Much???


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I got sent to the outside cause i was talking about fallopian tubes bursting... i forgot how it got to that, but still... wtf.
Edit: might have just been a reprimand via pm talkin about the outside... it was pretty freakin ridiculous anyway.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Oh fuck yeah you start talking about fallopian tubes and what's next...posting pictures of Brazilian porno....yeah had to nip you off at the bud.

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