It's not to late to enter. You still have 18 days counting today to KEEP entering.
I have similar spells. Tire goes flat, put the spare on then find out it's flat. Get that taken care of, finally get home, find out the power is out for who knows what reason, pull the blinds up, they decide they want to fall completely from the window. I have plenty of these days. Had the DVR box replaced twice 2 days ago.
I had Vista, got used to it and really, had no problems with it. 9 years later, that computer bites the dust, I end up with 8.1. Couple weeks ago, I wake up and have Win10. Wanted to scream, because I tried it out a while back and IT SUCKED. This go 'round, I'm actually not having issues, except where to find things again, but I got used to Vista, I guess I can do this, too. You just really have to comb the settings to be sure every tiny little thing is set how YOU want it.
Closing in on 12