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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Lol I'm referring to Saudi/Iraq, silly bastard!

Naw! Couldn't have been in Iraq in '90. That was a couple years later? I'm pretty sure, because my Bestie and me took advantage of the cheap "Beware of Travel" airfares to tour Europe. So I had some money again.. Man, Divorce. Was the first time I actually knew REAL hunger. Like, I can afford Wendy's salad bar once a day and I better get a days calories in, kinda hunger.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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ROFL!! That's hilarious! I was watching "How I meet your mother" with my 17 year old dawter about a week ago. Was an episode where one character got barged in on, in the bathroom. He was uh.. shaving. I chuckled out loud, and said something about "damn, he was manscaping". Kept watching. Looked over at dawter a few minutes later, and she was still staring at me, jaw in her lap. She believed in Santa till she was 9. Super innocent! omg, she had to go have a conversation with the Moms. I laughed all night long, couldn't help it..

Hank F. Spankman

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ROFL!! That's hilarious! I was watching "How I meet your mother" with my 17 year old dawter about a week ago. Was an episode where one character got barged in on, in the bathroom. He was uh.. shaving. I chuckled out loud, and said something about "damn, he was manscaping". Kept watching. Looked over at dawter a few minutes later, and she was still staring at me, jaw in her lap. She believed in Santa till she was 9. Super innocent! omg, she had to go have a conversation with the Moms. I laughed all night long, couldn't help it..
Dude, I have 2 of em, 9 & 7 lol those poor poor girls


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Funny how trouble making seems to be every other generation. Mom & Dad were very.. straight. We was hellions. My kids are super straight. Never got a call from school or anything. Now Grandma in Montreal. Was visiting there when I was about 12. Had to go to the bathroom. It was busy. Had seen a room in the basement that HAD to be a bathroom, so I went down there. Locked. No answer. Had a KEY lock! But I grabbed a hanger from the laundry, and did the hanger trick. Imagine the shock I got, finding plants growing in the tub! GRANDMA WAS HIP! lol.. I leaked in the vermiculite, laughed, and locked it back up. Hey grandma, did that have a lil WANG to it?


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Funny how trouble making seems to be every other generation. Mom & Dad were very.. straight. We was hellions. My kids are super straight. Never got a call from school or anything. Now Grandma in Montreal. Was visiting there when I was about 12. Had to go to the bathroom. It was busy. Had seen a room in the basement that HAD to be a bathroom, so I went down there. Locked. No answer. Had a KEY lock! But I grabbed a hanger from the laundry, and did the hanger trick. Imagine the shock I got, finding plants growing in the tub! GRANDMA WAS HIP! lol.. I leaked in the vermiculite, laughed, and locked it back up. Hey grandma, did that have a lil WANG to it?
Oh that cracked me up


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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ROFL!! That's hilarious! I was watching "How I meet your mother" with my 17 year old dawter about a week ago. Was an episode where one character got barged in on, in the bathroom. He was uh.. shaving. I chuckled out loud, and said something about "damn, he was manscaping". Kept watching. Looked over at dawter a few minutes later, and she was still staring at me, jaw in her lap. She believed in Santa till she was 9. Super innocent! omg, she had to go have a conversation with the Moms. I laughed all night long, couldn't help it..
You would think she lived in a convent. 17 and does not know about manscaping? Wow. Enjoy that innocence while you can....


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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You would think she lived in a convent. 17 and does not know about manscaping? Wow. Enjoy that innocence while you can....

Rural upbringing partially. Much of it is self-induced. She still wants to be 3. NO hurry to grow up there, at all. I adore it. But I'm a lil worried about THEIR kids, should they decide to have em.. ;) BAD grandpa!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I've got 4, from 32 to 17. Two marriages. But I got custody of the two boys 2 years after the divorce. She was busy with the bars, and working nights.So they are "brothers and sisters" in every sense. They would be shocked if someone said something about "step". They all go out together to the movies, dinner, WITHOUT us. I couldn't be more damn lucky, if I had my own Genie. Not sure how, but I am not complaining!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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We really, really thought about having another one before I got too old. As much as I love my girls, so glad we didn't.

Can't imagine having a teenager in the house right now!

Keeps ya young! I used to play "leech on my foot" with all of em. They'd ride my foot like a carnival ride, while I hoisted em high as I could walking around the house. Taught em all how to ski, snowboard, waterski.. No wonder I needed a hip at 52.

Hank F. Spankman

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I've got 4, from 32 to 17. Two marriages. But I got custody of the two boys 2 years after the divorce. She was busy with the bars, and working nights.So they are "brothers and sisters" in every sense. They would be shocked if someone said something about "step". They all go out together to the movies, dinner, WITHOUT us. I couldn't be more damn lucky, if I had my own Genie. Not sure how, but I am not complaining!
I was very fortunate to not have younguns with my ex-wife


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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My gf is 33 tho, so....... make of that what you will



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Hellz yah, Hank! I could see how that could be a LOT of fun. THAT said, my Mrs. and I grew up together. Met at 13. I chased her for 18 years before she had a momentary lapse of reason. THAT took awhile! We have a LOT in common, having gone to concerts, parties, etc. together as part of a group of friends. It's pretty awesome to talk about things we did together, 40 years ago. I love reading the appetizer side of the menu, but I couldn't be more delighted with the Single Course entree I've got.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Gotta share this.. Went to visit the MIL Sunday after brunch. She started talking about my Mrs. first wedding. I stood up in it. Talk about the fox in the henhouse! Anyways, MIL was talking about when my Mrs. spilled some red wine on her wedding dress at the reception. Her new husband was non-plussed, but my wife was OTT upset. I ran to the bar and got some ice and club soda, and helped her clean it off. MIL said.. " I knew right then, you had married the wrong guy". I was REALLY touched by that....

Hank F. Spankman

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Hellz yah, Hank! I could see how that could be a LOT of fun. THAT said, my Mrs. and I grew up together. Met at 13. I chased her for 18 years before she had a momentary lapse of reason. THAT took awhile! We have a LOT in common, having gone to concerts, parties, etc. together as part of a group of friends. It's pretty awesome to talk about things we did together, 40 years ago. I love reading the appetizer side of the menu, but I couldn't be more delighted with the Single Course entree I've got.
Lol I wish I had that luck, buddy! I was married for 9 painful years. Actually met my gf while I was still affected with the vile cheating wench I called my wife. It's all worked out quite well. Who would complain trading one in for a newer, sportier model, right? lol


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Gotta share this.. Went to visit the MIL Sunday after brunch. She started talking about my Mrs. first wedding. I stood up in it. Talk about the fox in the henhouse! Anyways, MIL was talking about when my Mrs. spilled some red wine on her wedding dress at the reception. Her new husband was non-plussed, but my wife was OTT upset. I ran to the bar and got some ice and club soda, and helped her clean it off. MIL said.. " I knew right then, you had married the wrong guy". I was REALLY touched by that....
So sweet and what a fun story glad you are happy together no matter what road blocks came up. It's nice to see a happy couple


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Lol I wish I had that luck, buddy! I was married for 9 painful years. Actually met my gf while I was still affected with the vile cheating wench I called my wife. It's all worked out quite well. Who would complain trading one in for a newer, sportier model, right? lol

Hahaha.. My bestie has been through 4. Said he was working on a set of Pall bearers. He quit when he realized if he kept it up, there might not BE a casket.. Poor guy has given everything up, 4 times. Between that and a long love affair with Marching Powder, he might NEVER had had a pot to pee in. That's another story for another time.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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So sweet and what a fun story glad you are happy together no matter what road blocks came up. It's nice to see a happy couple

An important lesson came from it. I married the first time, because I was TOTALLY out of control. I knew it was settle down, or die. BAD reason. But darlin, a word of experience. I can tell you that as much as I would NEVER have believed it when I stood amidst the first ruins, that l would ever smile, love, or laugh again, life has a funny way of showing you how WRONG you are. Ask Hank! Things just have a way of working themselves out, and from the smoking ruins, comes BIG life....


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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True story. My ex told me I should go "get some" somewhere else. My thicker than average skull, I never did. Even after she fucking told me to cheat on her I couldn't do it lol


Lawd, I was the opposite. The 1st just wasn't into "it". Heat would kick on if she uncrossed her legs. I was pretty brazen. I had needs. She didn't even CARE. I couldn't live like that though. I had 2 lil fella's, and that was no way to be acting by the time they were getting old enough to have an inkling. It wasn't an EASY choice, but it was the RIGHT one.


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An important lesson came from it. I married the first time, because I was TOTALLY out of control. I knew it was settle down, or die. BAD reason. But darlin, a word of experience. I can tell you that as much as I would NEVER have believed it when I stood amidst the first ruins, that l would ever smile, love, or laugh again, life has a funny way of showing you how WRONG you are. Ask Hank! Things just have a way of working themselves out, and from the smoking ruins, comes BIG life....
Good advice right there I'll keep it in mind


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Holy smoke (I mean vape), gone for the day, caught up on 8 pages.....ya'all must a had a fantastic day....:stars:....tomorrow is my turn, intend to do nadda.......;)

GFY, Inspects! (good for you!) The measly one or two days most are lucky to have off, are NOT enough for those over 50. I could do 90 straight when I was young. Good thing I DID too. Because I sure as hell wouldn't want to do it any more.


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An important lesson came from it. I married the first time, because I was TOTALLY out of control. I knew it was settle down, or die. BAD reason. But darlin, a word of experience. I can tell you that as much as I would NEVER have believed it when I stood amidst the first ruins, that l would ever smile, love, or laugh again, life has a funny way of showing you how WRONG you are. Ask Hank! Things just have a way of working themselves out, and from the smoking ruins, comes BIG life....
Sounds like my life to a T....only I quit the marriage gig 20 years ago, THANK GOD....all my children are married except my youngest daughter who is still in college @ 25 yrs old......:cry:


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GFY, Inspects! (good for you!) The measly one or two days most are lucky to have off, are NOT enough for those over 50. I could do 90 straight when I was young. Good thing I DID too. Because I sure as hell wouldn't want to do it any more.
You got that shit right...I don't plan on working any longer in the next two years.
I'm selling my companies and heading to S America for good....:stars2::stars::stars2:
Folks can find me on my boat, somewhere on the east or west side of the Panama canal.....:)
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