You got that shit right...I don't plan on working any longer in the next two years.
I'm selling my companies and heading to S America for good....
Folks can find me on my boat, somewhere on the east or west side of the Panama canal.....
I'm HOPING I can make it through my 17 year old's college years. She plans on going locally, which means an apartment so she can study instead of drive, and weekend runs to bring groceries and money. I know the drill, just finishing one up. But financially, I am ready. I am SO worried about the wrong customer saying the wrong shit, or my crew doing something TRULY stupid, that hikes my insurance rates to the point of fuggit, cause that's all it is going to take now.
I looked into South America. Mmmm... not really for me. The Mrs. has a pretty good grasp of Spanish, but not me. Sanitation in many places still has MUCH to be desired. And I'm a blow boat guy. The Mrs. LOVES em, AFTER a few beers. Otherwise, scares the hell outta her.
I've chosen Malaysia. WORLD class medical, far better than the USA, and an International Insurance policy in Malaysia, is like $250/month for FAR better than I'm getting HERE for 6 TIMES that. $3000/month budget is KINGS standard of living, plus English speaking. First time home buyers get silly tax breaks, and your first car (which you won't need for awhile if you import yours) is also tax free. The ONLY thing that is silly priced, is alcohol. Muslim (not Jihadi type) majority. Fortunately, I has enough wine and booze in my collection, to last me my lifetime, and I DO get to bring that too, tax free. I figure I'll do that until I can file for max S.S., then come back and do the gator Gods Waiting Room thing. New Port Richey has been scoped, and VERY nice, pretty affordable.