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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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howdy, brother!

i seems to be on a DIY roll lately... helped the lady wife bottle 9 liters of homemade hooch (had 3 liters each of brandy, scotch, rye aging in white oak barrels - everclear, distilled water (dilute to desired proof) and flavoring - then let em sit - smaller barrel = faster aging... first batches bottled, second batches running - base cost comes out to $13-16/liter for top shelf rotgut), got first filtration done on NETs (figured since i wasn't SMOKIN da cigars, i should put em to use...) and coffee extract... going to start a big batch of Holy Vanilla this weekend (just waiting on rest of beans to come in - going to use Madagascar and Indonesian Bourbon vanilla and some Tahitian beans)... and have to get off my duff and get next round of samples mixed up - got a beignet flava that is calling my name in a sultry, siren tone... (dulcet, even)...

NOICE!!! You're not forgettin about puttin the raspberry cream in da Mouthgasm, are ya?!?


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I listen to a little bit of everything. But my favorite is anything that makes you feel something, those lyrics that make you stop and listen, a heart breaking voice that makes you feel you were a part of the story, the melody that gives you chills... Music is a lot of very different things depending on what you're listening to

Keep it up, and we're going to have to throw you a rope ladder... ;)


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ECF Refugee
Good morning and GFY everyone! Quiet night last night and slept straight through. We're not out of it yet, though, as we are still looking at rain through Thursday. Hope it won't be so bad though. The bayous are still rising in Houston and supposed to crest today. Up to 17" of rain is just way too much!
It's awful. We got really lucky here. Hang in there

Glad to see radar showing yall clear of rain for the moment. Hope everything dries out soon!

Hank F. Spankman

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I'd just like to know... WTF is "emo"? In the 90s when that was a "thing," I was kinda busy raising my son, so I didn't really have time for fads. Really, seriously got into Buffy the Vampire Slayer though.... when that was on, nobody talked to me OR my son, or we'd bite your head off and shit down your neck... individually or collectively.

Oh, and GFY errybody. If I wanna listen to the demon band Disturbed, I'll listen to Down with the Sickness.



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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lol - no - going to be doing a raspberry cream cheese filling version of the king cake juice, to be called "Moulin Rouge"... but don't have it yet - pump the brakes, brother :)
Can't wait to find out how that one turns out. Although the more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm gonna get some strange looks if I start waving my mod in peoples faces and saying "Taste this cream filled mouthgasm"
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