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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Hank F. Spankman

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Sry, got busy for a minute there. But Cristine Scabbia says "hi!" lol



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm soooo totally not a fan of his. I'm afraid to listen to it. Haven't heard it on the radio either lol

I kinda like his singing... but I can't look at him, all those THINGS sticking out of his face... gahhhhh. And he always looks so angry; between the anger and the THINGS, he looks the way I'd imagine a demon looks.... not really pleasant to look at.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'd just like to know... WTF is "emo"? In the 90s when that was a "thing," I was kinda busy raising my son, so I didn't really have time for fads. Really, seriously got into Buffy the Vampire Slayer though.... when that was on, nobody talked to me OR my son, or we'd bite your head off and shit down your neck... individually or collectively.

Oh, and GFY errybody. If I wanna listen to the demon band Disturbed, I'll listen to Down with the Sickness.



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I'm soooo totally not a fan of his. I'm afraid to listen to it. Haven't heard it on the radio either lol

Well surprisingly it nearly sounds as though he may have taken opera singing lessons. I do not know if he has, or not, only that his vocals in this song are powerful and outstanding. He really impressed me. But we all find what we enjoy.


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I'd just like to know... WTF is "emo"? In the 90s when that was a "thing," I was kinda busy raising my son, so I didn't really have time for fads. Really, seriously got into Buffy the Vampire Slayer though.... when that was on, nobody talked to me OR my son, or we'd bite your head off and shit down your neck... individually or collectively.

Oh, and GFY errybody. If I wanna listen to the demon band Disturbed, I'll listen to Down with the Sickness.


That's one of their good tunes. By the by, I also must say GFYE. I'm taking a brief writing holiday. Going to kick over the idea of character dossiers or plowing on into writing manuscript draft. The story will remain in place until I decide by Monday. I am simply at a split between following technique, or producing the product. Feel the product is ready to be started on, yet do not know if that is the correct path. Damn if I do, damned if I don't. So, taking a little break to let my kidneys figure it out. :)


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Speaking of being a lucky bastard about going to concerts, I was gifted tickets to Rush last summer, and Satriani in February.

Also got paid to help out with some weekend festivals, which granted me all access passes. The all access included free beer. Some of the artist I met were...

Bruce Boulliet
Los Lonely Boys
Gary Hoey
Ben Woods
Larry Mitchell
Roni Lee
Rudy Sarzo
Lita Ford
Queensryche (bunch of assholes)
Chaotic Resemblance


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I'd just like to know... WTF is "emo"? In the 90s when that was a "thing," I was kinda busy raising my son, so I didn't really have time for fads. Really, seriously got into Buffy the Vampire Slayer though.... when that was on, nobody talked to me OR my son, or we'd bite your head off and shit down your neck... individually or collectively.

Oh, and GFY errybody. If I wanna listen to the demon band Disturbed, I'll listen to Down with the Sickness.


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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I kinda like his singing... but I can't look at him, all those THINGS sticking out of his face... gahhhhh. And he always looks so angry; between the anger and the THINGS, he looks the way I'd imagine a demon looks.... not really pleasant to look at.


It took me a lil bit to not recoil when the face piercings first started. I now find that one or two can be VERY attractive. Each additional one becomes more and more difficult to sport, and not look like a freak. Has to be VERY tasteful or I just GAH. Like them gaping big ear rings. Naw.. gonna look a lil silly when you're SIXTY, folks.It can be done, but it sure helps to start OUT beautiful. I've warmed to it, considerably. Edgy looks are interesting. Like the ADORABLE lady I met at the pool in Vegas. Had the CUTEST fade, and legs hairier than mine! I was equally attracted and repelled. Part of it is keeping an open mind.


This one is WAY out there, but I can't deny she has an eerie beauty.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It took me a lil bit to not recoil when the face piercings first started. I now find that one or two can be VERY attractive. Each additional one becomes more and more difficult to sport, and not look like a freak. Has to be VERY tasteful or I just GAH. Like them gaping big ear rings. Naw.. gonna look a lil silly when you're SIXTY, folks.It can be done, but it sure helps to start OUT beautiful. I've warmed to it, considerably. Edgy looks are interesting. Like the ADORABLE lady I met at the pool in Vegas. Had the CUTEST fade, and legs hairier than mine! I was equally attracted and repelled. Part of it is keeping an open mind.
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This one is WAY out there, but I can't deny she has an eerie beauty.
View attachment 48124

The only face piercing I can stand the sight of is the gemstone in the nostril; very fetching, but I could never deal with it personally, far too much sinus trouble and allergies. I always wonder how they deal with it when they get a cold. :facepalm:

I also like the red gemstones that married Indian ladies sometimes sport on their foreheads instead of paint in that spot, but I'm not sure how they appkly it, if it's glued or pierced or what.

I like pierced ears of course, and even some with multiple piercings there, but some take it entirely too far. My own pierced ears seem to no longer be pierced; long history of sebaceous cysts in my earlobes has apparently sealed the holes with scar tissue, and because of those cysts, I don't dare let anyone but a doctor pierce my ears (a doctor had to do it the first time), which I can't afford. So I stay earring-less.



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It took me a lil bit to not recoil when the face piercings first started. I now find that one or two can be VERY attractive. Each additional one becomes more and more difficult to sport, and not look like a freak. Has to be VERY tasteful or I just GAH. Like them gaping big ear rings. Naw.. gonna look a lil silly when you're SIXTY, folks.It can be done, but it sure helps to start OUT beautiful. I've warmed to it, considerably. Edgy looks are interesting. Like the ADORABLE lady I met at the pool in Vegas. Had the CUTEST fade, and legs hairier than mine! I was equally attracted and repelled. Part of it is keeping an open mind.
View attachment 48121
View attachment 48122

View attachment 48123

This one is WAY out there, but I can't deny she has an eerie beauty.
View attachment 48124
Partly an open mind, partly the beauty of the person, mostly their confidence. It takes a lot of confidence to wear something not "mainstream idea of beauty" and rock it. It's the look that draws your eye, and the confidence that draws your interest


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Partly an open mind, partly the beauty of the person, mostly their confidence. It takes a lot of confidence to wear something not "mainstream idea of beauty" and rock it. It's the look that draws your eye, and the confidence that draws your interest
That's profoundly observed!


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lol.. Mornin, Lizzy! How the F R U? Happy GFYT.
trundling along with the adulting... blergh... looking more and more forward to May 19 (heading to North Louisiana with the lady wife for shenanigans and crawfish, with a quick stop by Cotton in Monroe (some epic southern cookery there) and a visit to glacierbabe, then down to Lafayette for more crawfish and cajun shenaniganery)


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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trundling along with the adulting... blergh... looking more and more forward to May 19 (heading to North Louisiana with the lady wife for shenanigans and crawfish, with a quick stop by Cotton in Monroe (some epic southern cookery there) and a visit to glacierbabe, then down to Lafayette for more crawfish and cajun shenaniganery)

Sounds like an excellent strategy! Oh, I'm jelly about getting to meet GB! She's amazing. Speaking of Jill Handy, this SO sums up GB. I KNEW she'd find success!


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Quick slide through - hope y'all are having a grand day!

By the looks, I'm going to have to be a little more open-minded with my musical genres... I'm pretty narrow-minded, I guess, when it comes to tunes. Keep it simple, don't scream at me, and speak (sing) ENGLISH!!!!!!!! Intricate harmonies, soul-stirring melodies..... Yeah, that works for me.


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morning doc!
howdy, brother!

i seems to be on a DIY roll lately... helped the lady wife bottle 9 liters of homemade hooch (had 3 liters each of brandy, scotch, rye aging in white oak barrels - everclear, distilled water (dilute to desired proof) and flavoring - then let em sit - smaller barrel = faster aging... first batches bottled, second batches running - base cost comes out to $13-16/liter for top shelf rotgut), got first filtration done on NETs (figured since i wasn't SMOKIN da cigars, i should put em to use...) and coffee extract... going to start a big batch of Holy Vanilla this weekend (just waiting on rest of beans to come in - going to use Madagascar and Indonesian Bourbon vanilla and some Tahitian beans)... and have to get off my duff and get next round of samples mixed up - got a beignet flava that is calling my name in a sultry, siren tone... (dulcet, even)...


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Quick slide through - hope y'all are having a grand day!

By the looks, I'm going to have to be a little more open-minded with my musical genres... I'm pretty narrow-minded, I guess, when it comes to tunes. Keep it simple, don't scream at me, and speak (sing) ENGLISH!!!!!!!! Intricate harmonies, soul-stirring melodies..... Yeah, that works for me.

Poor Ozzie... oh wait, that's the ONLY time I can pick up what he's layin down..


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Quick slide through - hope y'all are having a grand day!

By the looks, I'm going to have to be a little more open-minded with my musical genres... I'm pretty narrow-minded, I guess, when it comes to tunes. Keep it simple, don't scream at me, and speak (sing) ENGLISH!!!!!!!! Intricate harmonies, soul-stirring melodies..... Yeah, that works for me.
I listen to a little bit of everything. But my favorite is anything that makes you feel something, those lyrics that make you stop and listen, a heart breaking voice that makes you feel you were a part of the story, the melody that gives you chills... Music is a lot of very different things depending on what you're listening to

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howdy, brother!

i seems to be on a DIY roll lately... helped the lady wife bottle 9 liters of homemade hooch (had 3 liters each of brandy, scotch, rye aging in white oak barrels - everclear, distilled water (dilute to desired proof) and flavoring - then let em sit - smaller barrel = faster aging... first batches bottled, second batches running - base cost comes out to $13-16/liter for top shelf rotgut), got first filtration done on NETs (figured since i wasn't SMOKIN da cigars, i should put em to use...) and coffee extract... going to start a big batch of Holy Vanilla this weekend (just waiting on rest of beans to come in - going to use Madagascar and Indonesian Bourbon vanilla and some Tahitian beans)... and have to get off my duff and get next round of samples mixed up - got a beignet flava that is calling my name in a sultry, siren tone... (dulcet, even)...
WOW! sounds cool! the vanilla sounds awesome!
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