I fell prey to people telling me China mods would die in minutes. Turns out they don't.
Then I look for deals on mods to start new people out and I always keep one so I know how to answer questions. Starts to add up.
Add in my wife's cast asides.
The pile grows.
Then I get all single battery mod and say why would I ever need more then one battery??
Then I get all 2-3 battery and say why would I ever use less??
The pile grows and grows.
Stop it.
GOOD MORNING, ERTAWT's, Happy Tuesday and if you haven't been lucky enough yet today to have someone do it for you, then GFY!
Wow, apologies for not saying good night. I usually have to club myself to sleep come 2am but last night I dozed off in my chair by 10pm. Feels GOOD, man!