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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I fell prey to people telling me China mods would die in minutes. Turns out they don't.

Then I look for deals on mods to start new people out and I always keep one so I know how to answer questions. Starts to add up.

Add in my wife's cast asides.

The pile grows.

Then I get all single battery mod and say why would I ever need more then one battery??

Then I get all 2-3 battery and say why would I ever use less??

The pile grows and grows.

Stop it. ;)

GOOD MORNING, ERTAWT's, Happy Tuesday and if you haven't been lucky enough yet today to have someone do it for you, then GFY!
Wow, apologies for not saying good night. I usually have to club myself to sleep come 2am but last night I dozed off in my chair by 10pm. Feels GOOD, man!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Stop it. ;)

GOOD MORNING, ERTAWT's, Happy Tuesday and if you haven't been lucky enough yet today to have someone do it for you, then GFY!
Wow, apologies for not saying good night. I usually have to club myself to sleep come 2am but last night I dozed off in my chair by 10pm. Feels GOOD, man!
Errr, it is Wednesday.


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Good morning all & GFY! I've been off analogs for 1 year & 2 months & can't hardly stand the smell of cigs or people who have just smoked! It is to the point were I haven't been to a casino in months! First because I was chain vaping so hard that it actually started to turn the juice in my tanks dark & at that point I was still on 12mg nic! Now it's mostly because I can't stand the smell & as far as I know they won't let me vape in the non-smoking area! It has saved about $400 a month though in gambling expenses between the wife & I! Anyway I'm starting to count down the days until I get 3 days in a row off! I have next Wed.thru Fri (actually Mon but I only count adulting days) off just because I can & because Princess Flo is going under sedation to get her teeth cleaned Wed.! Mama is really worried about her going under but I'm not gonna worry about something that hundreds of animals go thru daily! Not only that for cats it's the easiest way for all involved! I can't imagine the stress on her or the damage she would do to the vets because she is so so strong & her teeth & claws are so so sharp! BTW Fugees! Alot of you missed a good troll ass kicking last night over on the Fugee debate thread! The mods here are wonderful! They gave back way better than they were given without banning the beast or banning it to the troll thread with he who shall not be named! Long story short it didn't have the constitution of other trolls & just kinda disappeared! Way fun to be a part of!
GOD I LOVE THIS PLACE!:blowkiss::inlove::stars::stars2::hearts::shades:


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Yeah.. and a lot of them (and probably a lot of us too, back when) say stupid things like "I can quit if I wanna. I just don't wanna." Well, if you weren't ADDICTED, you'd WANNA, because that shit stinks, the vast majority of folks nowadays consider it a SOCIAL DISEASE, it costs a goddamn fortune, AND it contributes to disease and early death! Those who "don't wanna" are ADDICTS just like we were... and usually the #1 symptom of addiction is DENIAL -- "I can quit if I wanna." :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
I could quit vaping if I wanted to, I just don't want to. :p


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Good morning


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I think it would be very easy to become a smoker again.
I don't. Roughly three months after switching, I had a cigarette with a friend. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of it, but then that feeling of irritation in my windpipe that I was so glad to be rid of showed up, and by the time I was 3/4 though it, I put it out. I knew then that I was well and truly done with cigs; that as long as I had access to my vapes, I wouldn't return to smoking. That was a bit over two years ago. Now when I'm around people who are smoking, I wonder: Why do they still do that when there's a much better way?


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I don't. Roughly three months after switching, I had a cigarette with a friend. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of it, but then that feeling of irritation in my windpipe that I was so glad to be rid of showed up, and by the time I was 3/4 though it, I put it out. I knew then that I was well and truly done with cigs; that as long as I had access to my vapes, I wouldn't return to smoking. That was a bit over two years ago. Now when I'm around people who are smoking, I wonder: Why do they still do that when there's a much better way?
Have to agree with you there, I feel the same about it. I've been without a cig for 6 years this sept


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Okay folks, not to put a damper on the weird-fest, in favor of actual vaping posts - but who has opinions on Pima vs. Cotton Bacon. I have both in my greedy little hands and am undecided on which to use to rewick with Chalice III.

To muddy the waters, the seller included a nice size sample of Native Wicks platinum blend (whatever that means!)
Add another vote for RAYON. :)


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Have to agree with you there, I feel the same about it. I've been without a cig for 6 years this sept

WOOHOO!!! Congrats Whiskey! That is an AWESOME long time. 4 for me this August.

Haha... I SAY that when I started vaping, I quit smoking immediately, which is PARTIALLY true. I never smoked another whole cigarette again. But for the first few months, I did work out an arrangement that was comfortable for me. My best friend smokes A LOT. Yeah, I've tried, many times. Kitting him, great flavors, whatevs. Some people aren't quitting. Anyway, we spend a lot of time on the road, and he was happy to let me light his cigarettes for him. Less work for him, and I got that favorite first drag. Sort of took the sting out of a cold-turkey quit, and worked for me.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Add another vote for RAYON. :)

I dunno man, I was pretty die hard Rayon, until I was given this Supima Gold. Stuff works LIKE rayon, maybe even BETTER, and I think it tastes MUCH cleaner. Concerns I've heard from people I trust in the industry, over the chemicals used to process rayon give me a lil pause too. I think I'ma stay with the Supima awhile.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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For that matter, if you want me to send you some to try, pm me... I have an elegant sufficiency

Sent from Tapavapatalk

That stuff is a rope too! For the Tsunami, I cut off EXACTLY 1" of it, and divided it into 3 pretty fat wicks. 3mm ID coil is about perfect for 1/3 of that 1" length, and the length was perfect to just get the tails onto the deck. I'll easily get 60 or 70 wicks out of what you gave me, last me MORE than a year.


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I picked up my supima gold on flea Bay, after extended convo with seller... I got a pound of it for $29 shipped... Let me know if you would like a link

Sent from Tapavapatalk
I went from cotton balls to various other wicks - ekowool, RxW, KGD, then rayon. I've been with rayon for awhile now, but am curious about that pima. I'm always game to try different things. Flea Bay, you say. I'll check it out.

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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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An elegant sufficiency. I must remember that, sounds SO much nicer than gross overabundance or ridiculous excess.
"I have consumed an elegant sufficiency of Bourbon"..
Good luck saying that once you are already shit faced from having consumed that elegant sufficiency. At that point I'd have to stick to one syllable words, such as "I ... drunkkk ... toooooo mush ... boozsh. Duuuude ... Whersh mah ... carrr "


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Good luck saying that once you are already shit faced from having consumed that elegant sufficiency. At that point I'd have to stick to one syllable words, such as "I ... drunkkk ... toooooo mush ... boozsh. Duuuude ... Whersh mah ... carrr "

Drunk and Car never enter my vocab simultaneously. I was lucky to have gotten away with it when young and stupid, without hurting anyone. DID get pulled over and charged 10 years ago, when I was frickin sober. Passenger was passed out, car smelled like booze? Passed the field tests, was offered the breathalyzer. I was like "Why man, I walked your line, did my backwards alphabet?" Cop said, "You missed a few letters". I was STONE cold sober. Called BS and demanded a blood test. It WAS fun watching the judge ream a State Po for gross exaggeration on his report (bloodshot eyes, stumbling, strong alcohol on breath, slurring), when the blood work result came back negative. Even so, that entertainment cost me $1,500 in legal fees, and a 1 night stay in the tank for "suspicion". Not doing that again.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Drunk and Car never enter my vocab simultaneously. I was lucky to have gotten away with it when young and stupid, without hurting anyone. DID get pulled over and charged 10 years ago, when I was frickin sober. Passenger was passed out, car smelled like booze? Passed the field tests, was offered the breathalyzer. I was like "Why man, I walked your line, did my backwards alphabet?" Cop said, "You missed a few letters". I was STONE cold sober. Called BS and demanded a blood test. It WAS fun watching the judge ream a State Po for gross exaggeration on his report (bloodshot eyes, stumbling, strong alcohol on breath, slurring), when the blood work result came back negative. Even so, that entertainment cost me $1,500 in legal fees, and a 1 night stay in the tank for "suspicion". Not doing that again.
OK, the 'where's my car' thing is actually a true story. Got completely trashed New Years Eve at my favorite Karaoke bar (don't think I've ever been that drunk before or since tbh) and woke up the next day, looked out the window (of my house), and my car wasn't there. The only thing I remembered for sure from the night before was that my ex had showed up while I was there. (small town living, a bunch of people we both know hung out there)
So I called her and in my still somewhat drunk slurred voice truly said "Dude, where's my car, and how did I get home?" She told me that when she got there I was pretty trashed so she took my keys and gave em to one of her friends who was there that wasn't drinking and had them bring me home. She made me wait till she was sure I was sober before she'd let me go back to pick it up.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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OK, the 'where's my car' thing is actually a true story. Got completely trashed New Years Eve at my favorite Karaoke bar (don't think I've ever been that drunk before or since tbh) and woke up the next day, looked out the window (of my house), and my car wasn't there. The only thing I remembered for sure from the night before was that my ex had showed up while I was there. (small town living, a bunch of people we both know hung out there)
So I called her and in my still somewhat drunk slurred voice truly said "Dude, where's my car, and how did I get home?" She told me that when she got there I was pretty trashed so she took my keys and gave em to one of her friends who was there that wasn't drinking and had them bring me home. She made me wait till she was sure I was sober before she'd let me go back to pick it up.

Nice! Mighta saved your life and/or someone elses, if not just tens of thousands and a royal PITA. Good on her! Did you a large.

The laws sure have changed from when I was clubbing! I actually got pulled over doing 60 in a 35, almost blind drunk. The city police there had a reputation to being VERY favorable to residents, and very UNfavorable to outsiders. That policeman noted that I was two blocks from home, and asked me if I thought I could make it home OK. Followed me just to make sure. NO ticket, for anything. That would not happen today, ANYwhere.


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Good morning and GFY!

While I rarely have urges to smoke, and can be with smokers, I find I actually still like the smell of cigarettes. I know, what's wrong with me, right? My sense of smell seems to be quite good now, so I'm supposed to hate it, yet I don't.

I'm not sure I could smoke now. Something happened along my vaping journey and I can't m2l anymore. Now, the more airflow, the better for me. It happened so gradually, I didn't realize for awhile I had started lung hitting. A year ago, I hated attys with more airflow. Now that's what I want and need. I never understood that until it happened to me as well.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Nice! Mighta saved your life and/or someone elses, if not just tens of thousands and a royal PITA. Good on her! Did you a large.

The laws sure have changed from when I was clubbing! I actually got pulled over doing 60 in a 35, almost blind drunk. The city police there had a reputation to being VERY favorable to residents, and very UNfavorable to outsiders. That policeman noted that I was two blocks from home, and asked me if I thought I could make it home OK. Followed me just to make sure. NO ticket, for anything. That would not happen today, ANYwhere.
No doubt, I was young and dumb back then. For some reason, realizing that I had no idea how I got home, even when it turned out I hadn't driven myself, was enough to keep me from ever drinking that heavily again unless I was somewhere that I didn't have to drive home from.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Have I ever told you that I really like you? :) Everything you just said is what makes you a great mama!
My mom, while being strict to possibly the extreme, instilled a love of reading in me that has never faded. She taught me to read at the age of four. I got in trouble in Pre-kindergarten for bashing a kid over the head because he tried to pull a book out my hands. :D I love the places books can take me. In fact, my love of reading has grown so exponentially that I'm afraid I'm going to have to have a ginormous house to *ahem* house my library/office. :xD:

I love the way I can carry hundreds of books on my kindle anywhere BUT I miss the texture and scent of an actual book. I've had to store my books because, damn it to hell, every once in a while we get mice. We aren't dirty people but we do have a shitty house. :mad: I had one of my favorite books get destroyed by a mouse. I found one of the lil bastards dying from poison and :deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse::bomb::bomb::finger:

My older brother has a huge case of ADD. His doctors (been to several) said they never seen a worse case. He still lives with my mom and can not hold down a job. Everytime he gets one, "he moves too slow to suit the boss". Most of the time, he never makes it past the interview. My mom has tried everything to get him a job, from programs to just talking to the managers. So now all she can to is try to get him SS or disability. Something he can live off of if something were to happen to her. Its really sad and pathetic that some one won't hire someone because they move too slow. :(

Ummm... has your bro tried nicotine? ;)

All I knew about being a mama, when I found I was about to become one, was enough to make me cry, because my own mama... well, she never should have been anybody's mama, as she's never grown up whatsoever... I cried because i was so afraid I'd be as horrible at it as she was, and screw my kid up royally. So... to the library I went! Checked out everything I could find about pregnancy and childbirth... then I got my very own copy of Spock's Baby and Child Care, which rarely left my sight fror the first 5 yrs of his life. That man is SMART!

The jury is still out on whether I screwed him up or not... but at least he's honest, and still likes to hang around with his ol parents, so I guess something was done right. He's still my favorite "book club." We had so much fun reading book series together... he was mad that I wouldn't read all the Tolkien he loves, but I never could get into that elf shit. :D



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Good morning and GFY!

While I rarely have urges to smoke, and can be with smokers, I find I actually still like the smell of cigarettes. I know, what's wrong with me, right? My sense of smell seems to be quite good now, so I'm supposed to hate it, yet I don't.

I'm not sure I could smoke now. Something happened along my vaping journey and I can't m2l anymore. Now, the more airflow, the better for me. It happened so gradually, I didn't realize for awhile I had started lung hitting. A year ago, I hated attys with more airflow. Now that's what I want and need. I never understood that until it happened to me as well.
Probably happened when you were doing all that testing of the Boreas at up to 200w! Good morning and GFY to you!

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I confess, had a relapse. Quit cigs a year ago last February. Had a big new years party, bummed a cig or 10 while drinking .... And unfortunately started right back again. Pack a day, going up to 2.

Quit again a month later .... It was just as hard to get off them as the first time, had to return to 18mg juice.

I've learned, for me, it's like an alchoholic with drinks. I just cant smoke, otherwise I'll go down that deep dark tunnel again.

I'm the same, and I'm glad I learned it when I'd been smoke-free for less than 4 months. They got their hooks solidly back into me within 3 days -- back to a pk a day, then it took another month to pull those nasty hooks back out, and when I finally did and got smoke-free again, 10 days later the cravings came back and I had to try WTA or go right back to smoking *again* -- and it took 15 months to get WTA's hooks outta me!

But now I've got an emergency bottle of WTA in the freezer with my nicotine -- if cravings ever assault me again, it's WTA for me, not cigarettes.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Stop it. ;)

GOOD MORNING, ERTAWT's, Happy Tuesday and if you haven't been lucky enough yet today to have someone do it for you, then GFY!
Wow, apologies for not saying good night. I usually have to club myself to sleep come 2am but last night I dozed off in my chair by 10pm. Feels GOOD, man!

That must be why you thought it was Tuesday. It's Wednesday! :D

I keep my mental calendar by whatever I watched on TV last night... Last night was Agents of Shield and Limitless, so today must be Wednsday. So on that note...



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I went from cotton balls to various other wicks - ekowool, RxW, KGD, then rayon. I've been with rayon for awhile now, but am curious about that pima. I'm always game to try different things. Flea Bay, you say. I'll check it out.

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the vendor is OutaSight2000 or some such - again, though, if you would like me to send you some to try, just PM me


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Probably happened when you were doing all that testing of the Boreas at up to 200w! Good morning and GFY to you!

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk

No, I first started doing it on m2l tanks! Then it seemed suddenly I wanted all the air I could get. Eventually I couldn't use my beloved m2l attys anymore, and began selling them. I still have a couple I didn't sell before the other place gave me the boot :( Being high end, I'm not sure if they will sell here or not, but I guess I should try. And unfortunately I have zero feedback here, and the other place stripped my verified status and all my feedback so people can't use that to check me out.


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No, I first started doing it on m2l tanks! Then it seemed suddenly I wanted all the air I could get. Eventually I couldn't use my beloved m2l attys anymore, and began selling them. I still have a couple I didn't sell before the other place gave me the boot :( Being high end, I'm not sure if they will sell here or not, but I guess I should try. And unfortunately I have zero feedback here, and the other place stripped my verified status and all my feedback so people can't use that to check me out.
I'll vouch for you, although I have zero feedback on this forum myself. But just about everyone knows you though.

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No, I first started doing it on m2l tanks! Then it seemed suddenly I wanted all the air I could get. Eventually I couldn't use my beloved m2l attys anymore, and began selling them. I still have a couple I didn't sell before the other place gave me the boot :( Being high end, I'm not sure if they will sell here or not, but I guess I should try. And unfortunately I have zero feedback here, and the other place stripped my verified status and all my feedback so people can't use that to check me out.
You're pretty well known around these parts, and a lot of people here still use mtl tanks. Worth a shot

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No, I first started doing it on m2l tanks! Then it seemed suddenly I wanted all the air I could get. Eventually I couldn't use my beloved m2l attys anymore, and began selling them. I still have a couple I didn't sell before the other place gave me the boot :( Being high end, I'm not sure if they will sell here or not, but I guess I should try. And unfortunately I have zero feedback here, and the other place stripped my verified status and all my feedback so people can't use that to check me out.
I for one, vape MTL, I usually vape DL during the day and when I'm relaxing at night switch to MTL. a GOOD mtl tank with similar dra to a wide open kf4 or erlkoenigin, would be perfect, and will sell. I'm lucky that ive been around a while, and have those 3 tanks, there isnt a whole lot out these days that isn't out in the stratosphere pice wise.
we have a lot of mtl vapors here. most of them feel like they have to vape in shame, others try and make a DL tank work.
you've seen the mtl thread, I'm considering starting another thread for mtl myself. This one seems to focus on the short tanks, rather than average size. Size isn't the issue.

edit:: new thread
Last edited:


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Yeah, one of my popular threads at the other place was for m2l vapers, to try to make them aware of good gear that had never become popular. My roots are tootle puffing, and I was always seeking out those hidden gems, especially nicely made, budget friendly ones.

Mt Erlkonigin was the last one I sold. I still have my Rose v2, Estia, Prometey 3 and some others as well. I would also like to donate money from the sales to my friend's son who has terminal cancer. At the very least he is going to need some expensive things soon like a lift to take him upstairs, and other items they can't afford :(

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Yeah, one of my popular threads at the other place was for m2l vapers, to try to make them aware of good gear that had never become popular. My roots are tootle puffing, and I was always seeking out those hidden gems, especially nicely made, budget friendly ones.

Mt Erlkonigin was the last one I sold. I still have my Rose v2, Estia, Prometey 3 and some others as well. I would also like to donate money from the sales to my friend's son who has terminal cancer. At the very least he is going to need some expensive things soon like a lift to take him upstairs, and other items they can't afford :(
that's terrible therem I'm sorry to hear about that.


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we have a lot of mtl vapors here. most of them feel like they have to vape in shame, others try and make a DL tank work. you've seen the mtl thread, I'm considering starting another thread for mtl myself. This one seems to focus on the short tanks, rather than average size. Size isn't the issue.

edit:: new thread

Thx for that! I'll be there!



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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No, I first started doing it on m2l tanks! Then it seemed suddenly I wanted all the air I could get. Eventually I couldn't use my beloved m2l attys anymore, and began selling them. I still have a couple I didn't sell before the other place gave me the boot :( Being high end, I'm not sure if they will sell here or not, but I guess I should try. And unfortunately I have zero feedback here, and the other place stripped my verified status and all my feedback so people can't use that to check me out.

I've piffed a lot of my MTL gear, after getting ruined by the Petri and that giant bore lung hitting mouthpiece. I would LOVE to find someone who might enjoy classics like the KFL (Pif'd one, can't seem to part with the other) Ithaka, Penelope, Prometey etc. but I just can't seem to let em go! They are a part my vape history. Not that I saved a VOLT or anything, ;) But, you know.. NOT rational to keep MTL except that I do still enjoy a little 510 HH357 time, for flavor testing.

That said, I just re-engineered a very interesting RDA I had but didn't care for, The Ology. It had side air flow, that went INTO a bar that splits the RDA into two chambers. GREAT for mixers, as you can put one flavor in one side, and another in the other, and taste the combined without actually combining. Then there is a hole in that bar, that directs the air onto the BACK side of the coil. Different, but it was very much a MTL draw, and just average.

Well, I did the math, and the thin wall drip tip I was using, had .044sq in. of hole area. The two air holes had .016sq in. of area. So they were really QUITE restrictive. I then drilled two identical holes opposite each other, in the side wall of the bell cap, just above the juice well lip so the air could curve up and INTO the coils. NOW, I had .032 sq in. of airflow, and air coming in from the back AND the front of the coils. WHOLE nother beastie! This thing is ROCKIN, HARD! I have NO qualms saying it is better than my Petri. So yah, that's another reason it is tough to give up the MTL devices, some are an easy mod away from being GREAT direct to lung devices.
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