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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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I'd just like to know... WTF is "emo"? In the 90s when that was a "thing," I was kinda busy raising my son, so I didn't really have time for fads. Really, seriously got into Buffy the Vampire Slayer though.... when that was on, nobody talked to me OR my son, or we'd bite your head off and shit down your neck... individually or collectively.

Oh, and GFY errybody. If I wanna listen to the demon band Disturbed, I'll listen to Down with the Sickness.

Sorry if someone already answered this but "emo" was not the 90's. That was the awesome goth era. They wore the huge pants (Tripp) and they covered their skin. They were the dark people (I aspired to be goth but my parents would not let me express myself. I was a closet goth. )

Emo's came out in 2008 and they tried to copy goth but failed utterly. They were the "emotional" people AKA the downfall of youth / pussies. Emo quote "Everyone is against me, I hate everyone, I love everyone, My parents hate me because they bought me the wrong iPhone." They fucking make me sick and started the harsh downward slide of American youth. They were 'posers' only pretending to be something they are not. Their hair sucks and their music blows. They also wore the skin tight pants and brightly colored clothes. They are the ones who started the stupid ass 'screamo' music. God damnit!! I want to vomit just typing this shit. (Sorry Andria, This is not aimed at you!) I really, really hate emos.

screenshot-www google com 2016-04-19 22-24-18.png


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seems way too many folks have been conditioned by culture, society and craptastic media to 'believe the hype' - they google search vaping and then click on the first sponsored (by big tobacco) link to do their "research"... sheeple, indeed

Yeah.. and a lot of them (and probably a lot of us too, back when) say stupid things like "I can quit if I wanna. I just don't wanna." Well, if you weren't ADDICTED, you'd WANNA, because that shit stinks, the vast majority of folks nowadays consider it a SOCIAL DISEASE, it costs a goddamn fortune, AND it contributes to disease and early death! Those who "don't wanna" are ADDICTS just like we were... and usually the #1 symptom of addiction is DENIAL -- "I can quit if I wanna." :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Sorry if someone already answered this but "emo" was not the 90's. That was the awesome goth era. They wore the huge pants (Tripp) and they covered their skin. They were the dark people (I aspired to be goth but my parents would not let me express myself. I was a closet goth. )

Emo's came out in 2008 and they tried to copy goth but failed utterly. They were the "emotional" people AKA the downfall of youth / pussies. Emo quote "Everyone is against me, I hate everyone, I love everyone, My parents hate me because they bought me the wrong iPhone." They fucking make me sick and started the harsh downward slide of American youth. They were 'posers' only pretending to be something they are not. Their hair sucks and their music blows. They also wore the skin tight pants and brightly colored clothes. They are the ones who started the stupid ass 'screamo' music. God damnit!! I want to vomit just typing this shit. (Sorry Andria, This is not aimed at you!) I really, really hate emos.

View attachment 48164

Well then I'm really glad my son never got into the emo shit. He damn well knew that we were on his side, no matter what -- though that didn't make him "entitled," because we were poor! We bitched at him constantly to get his homework done, because we loved him and wanted him to graduate with his class! He's a freakin genius, but suffered terribly with ADD... you know, he was really interested in and good at lots of stuff... SQUIRREL! That kind of kid. :D We actually had a lot of fun at home, family style... watching Buffy and other cool shows, TOGETHER. listening to great rock n roll... TOGETHER. Going out to look at meteor showers at 4am because THEY'RE COOL! Going to the library every week for a new stack of books for each of us because, well, BOOKS ARE GREAT!

Everyone who told us that teenagers are impossible were WRONG. They're just... explorers. :D And human beings. And if you treat them like human beings, they generally act like it.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Yeah.. and a lot of them (and probably a lot of us too, back when) say stupid things like "I can quit if I wanna. I just don't wanna." Well, if you weren't ADDICTED, you'd WANNA, because that shit stinks, the vast majority of folks nowadays consider it a SOCIAL DISEASE, it costs a goddamn fortune, AND it contributes to disease and early death! Those who "don't wanna" are ADDICTS just like we were... and usually the #1 symptom of addiction is DENIAL -- "I can quit if I wanna." :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


I never had any illusions about my addiction and had resigned myself to the fact I would probably die with it because I was not willing to live miserably without it.

I still can't believe I'm a non-smoker.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Okay folks, not to put a damper on the weird-fest, in favor of actual vaping posts - but who has opinions on Pima vs. Cotton Bacon. I have both in my greedy little hands and am undecided on which to use to rewick with Chalice III.

To muddy the waters, the seller included a nice size sample of Native Wicks platinum blend (whatever that means!)

I love Shiseido. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I never had any illusions about my addiction and had resigned myself to the fact I would probably die with it because I was not willing to live miserably without it.

I still can't believe I'm a non-smoker.

Ditto, ditto, ditto! In fact, I had already instructed both my husband and my son that when I was gone, before they closed my coffin and shoved me into the incinerator, to put a cigarette between my lips, so I could have one last smoke. :D

Shortly after I quit thx to vaping, my husband sez "I guess this means you don't want that cigarette between your lips before the incinerator?" :D

I'm still freaking amazed about it. :D :) :D :) :D



Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Well then I'm really glad my son never got into the emo shit. He damn well knew that we were on his side, no matter what -- though that didn't make him "entitled," because we were poor! We bitched at him constantly to get his homework done, because we loved him and wanted him to graduate with his class! He's a freakin genius, but suffered terribly with ADD... you know, he was really interested in and good at lots of stuff... SQUIRREL! That kind of kid. :D We actually had a lot of fun at home, family style... watching Buffy and other cool shows, TOGETHER. listening to great rock n roll... TOGETHER. Going out to look at meteor showers at 4am because THEY'RE COOL! Going to the library every week for a new stack of books for each of us because, well, BOOKS ARE GREAT!

Everyone who told us that teenagers are impossible were WRONG. They're just... explorers. :D And human beings. And if you treat them like human beings, they generally act like it.

Have I ever told you that I really like you? :) Everything you just said is what makes you a great mama!
My mom, while being strict to possibly the extreme, instilled a love of reading in me that has never faded. She taught me to read at the age of four. I got in trouble in Pre-kindergarten for bashing a kid over the head because he tried to pull a book out my hands. :D I love the places books can take me. In fact, my love of reading has grown so exponentially that I'm afraid I'm going to have to have a ginormous house to *ahem* house my library/office. :xD:

I love the way I can carry hundreds of books on my kindle anywhere BUT I miss the texture and scent of an actual book. I've had to store my books because, damn it to hell, every once in a while we get mice. We aren't dirty people but we do have a shitty house. :mad: I had one of my favorite books get destroyed by a mouse. I found one of the lil bastards dying from poison and :deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse::bomb::bomb::finger:

My older brother has a huge case of ADD. His doctors (been to several) said they never seen a worse case. He still lives with my mom and can not hold down a job. Everytime he gets one, "he moves too slow to suit the boss". Most of the time, he never makes it past the interview. My mom has tried everything to get him a job, from programs to just talking to the managers. So now all she can to is try to get him SS or disability. Something he can live off of if something were to happen to her. Its really sad and pathetic that some one won't hire someone because they move too slow. :(


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Ditto, ditto, ditto! In fact, I had already instructed both my husband and my son that when I was gone, before they closed my coffin and shoved me into the incinerator, to put a cigarette between my lips, so I could have one last smoke. :D

Shortly after I quit thx to vaping, my husband sez "I guess this means you don't want that cigarette between your lips before the incinerator?" :D

I'm still freaking amazed about it. :D :) :D :) :D


It's is amazing - it's a whole new lease on life.

Light seeker

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I confess, had a relapse. Quit cigs a year ago last February. Had a big new years party, bummed a cig or 10 while drinking .... And unfortunately started right back again. Pack a day, going up to 2.

Quit again a month later .... It was just as hard to get off them as the first time, had to return to 18mg juice.

I've learned, for me, it's like an alchoholic with drinks. I just cant smoke, otherwise I'll go down that deep dark tunnel again.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I confess, had a relapse. Quit cigs a year ago last February. Had a big new years party, bummed a cig or 10 while drinking .... And unfortunately started right back again. Pack a day, going up to 2.

Quit again a month later .... It was just as hard to get off them as the first time, had to return to 18mg juice.

I've learned, for me, it's like an alchoholic with drinks. I just cant smoke, otherwise I'll go down that deep dark tunnel again.

I have a deep-seated fear of that myself.

It took me 2.5 years of vaping, smoking, dual use, backsliding, vaping, smoking etc. to finally actually quit.

As much as I've grown to dislike tobacco I know I will always have that little part of my brain that will sabotage my new smoke free life - if I let it.

c flakes

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ECF Refugee
I think it would be very easy to become a smoker again.

It would depend on the trigger. I have a memorial for my late father next month. Last year at that time I was chain vaping 24mg, This year I won't be near home or anywhere near a vape shop.

Last spring was very stressful around here. Somehow I managed to get off smokes and stay off them.


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ECF Refugee
Sorry if someone already answered this but "emo" was not the 90's. That was the awesome goth era. They wore the huge pants (Tripp) and they covered their skin. They were the dark people (I aspired to be goth but my parents would not let me express myself. I was a closet goth. )

Emo's came out in 2008 and they tried to copy goth but failed utterly. They were the "emotional" people AKA the downfall of youth / pussies. Emo quote "Everyone is against me, I hate everyone, I love everyone, My parents hate me because they bought me the wrong iPhone." They fucking make me sick and started the harsh downward slide of American youth. They were 'posers' only pretending to be something they are not. Their hair sucks and their music blows. They also wore the skin tight pants and brightly colored clothes. They are the ones who started the stupid ass 'screamo' music. God damnit!! I want to vomit just typing this shit. (Sorry Andria, This is not aimed at you!) I really, really hate emos.

View attachment 48164

What do you expect with the pussification of America.


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Like many of yall, it is still hard to belive I am no longer a smoker. I was sure the only time I would quit is when they closed the casket lid on me and knocked the box off my smoke. Now thanks to vaping I am getting closer and closer to 2 years. I still have the occasional urge but have been able to not light up a smoke.

Maybe a year ago I was with this young lady and she lit a smoke. I told her to let me have a hit off it, took two drags from it and gave it back to her. It did nothing for me including create any urges. That is the only time I touched a cig since I quit smoking. Others smoking around me dont bother me at all. I dont like the smell of someone who just had a cig when they walk past me, but the smell of a cig burning I dont mind at all.


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One trick I have learned is to let others do my research for me.

Myself and my merry little band of vapers are all between 1-6 years vaping. When the living is easy staying off cigs is no problem but when SHTF its test time. And amazingly most of over time have hit stressful patches and stayed vaping so it works. But not all of us. Several have fallen but the one that scares me the most is a close friend who really had this vaping thing in the bag, he loved vaping, had his nic levels constant, good gear, text book perfect vaper. And now he's smoking 3 PAD again. There but for the grace of god......................

And ya all GFY!!!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
My older brother has a huge case of ADD. His doctors (been to several) said they never seen a worse case. He still lives with my mom and can not hold down a job. Everytime he gets one, "he moves too slow to suit the boss". Most of the time, he never makes it past the interview. My mom has tried everything to get him a job, from programs to just talking to the managers. So now all she can to is try to get him SS or disability. Something he can live off of if something were to happen to her. Its really sad and pathetic that some one won't hire someone because they move too slow. :(

All joking aside that sounds rough.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I confess, had a relapse. Quit cigs a year ago last February. Had a big new years party, bummed a cig or 10 while drinking .... And unfortunately started right back again. Pack a day, going up to 2.

Quit again a month later .... It was just as hard to get off them as the first time, had to return to 18mg juice.

I've learned, for me, it's like an alchoholic with drinks. I just cant smoke, otherwise I'll go down that deep dark tunnel again.

I had a cigarette, and oddly managed finishing three fourths of it this last week. I was going to go mow with a weed eater. Force of habit to 'wake up' to the doing. "Gimme one them chokers, I'll go get started."

Not going to flog myself over it. It was the first I had any cigarette or tobacco in nearly three months or more. It remains a big temptation here as three others continue smoking. I think I'm doing fairly well in resisting temptation.

Do not have cravings for cigarettes or tobacco now. This one was like I said, force of habit. I'll avoid it next time. Will have some form of vape on me.


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Good morning and GFY and Happy Hump Day! I missed most of yesterday and will try to go back and read what all transpired.

I caught the last topic. I haven't had a smoke since Feb 8, 2014. Vaping has taken away that awful thing, but the urges still come up from time to time, but at least they are not insurmountable and pass very quickly. I don't know what kind of stressors would get me back to them again, but hopefully I would ignore them if they came up. I don't take vaping for granted, because I know that it would be easy to fall back and don't fault anyone who does. All I can, or anyone can do is to keep going.


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Morning folks


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Here is kinda what I was implying when I said I was being over run.

This pic does not include the countless mechs from the mech days. Also not included are the stashed VT40's and SX Mini's. Or my wife's equaly large collection.



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I'm jelly! I have 4 mods, 2 of which no longer get used backups

I fell prey to people telling me China mods would die in minutes. Turns out they don't.

Then I look for deals on mods to start new people out and I always keep one so I know how to answer questions. Starts to add up.

Add in my wife's cast asides.

The pile grows.

Then I get all single battery mod and say why would I ever need more then one battery??

Then I get all 2-3 battery and say why would I ever use less??

The pile grows and grows.
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