If VU needs a designated blaster of sponsored reviewers, just mail me an RPG-7 kit.
In all seriousness, we disagree, we like different things, but people get that here. I may be an asshole, but when I see something, even if it's something I DON'T like, being given an unfair chance.. well. I step up. Though I do love the Boreas, MVP device of my lot.
I can be one of the meanest people you ever meet in your entire life, I grew up in Bosnian War era Serbia and then thought I liked war so much I enlisted in the USMC to haul over to Afghanistan, twice.
But I can also be the nicest asshole you ever meet. What I did there, Grim was just the tip. ALL these reviewers are doing this. Not just Grimm. Nobody is honest, nobody is objective because they have SPONSORS. People watch this and make their buying decisions based on it. I won't sit back silent while people get fooled into buying things just because the Elitist Club over on Youtube is getting paid to say it's the best thing out.
My stance will never falter, I will stand at attention and I will fire in the face of lunacy.