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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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We have Wegmans for groceries here. Once you shop there, there is no other grocery store worth considering. Some people move back here for it. I went to school with the owner's daughters, nice girls.

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I've never heard anything except really positive things about Wegmans. I have yet to see one though but I'm looking forward to it


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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See, I never got the hatred of walmart. Where else can someone with the skill set of being a buggy pusher (not saying by a long shot all walmart employees are like that, just buggy pushers) able to have a job with a 401K and insurance available to them?

Have you ever talked to someone who actually has worked for Walmart? They might have some benefits available for full-time employees, but they do everything in their power to prevent people from becoming qualified for full-time.

They pay less than a living wage and they display all the information on the employee bulletin board to tell their underpaid employees exactly how to go about receiving Public Assistance, food stamps, and subsidized Health Care at our expense


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Maybe just my opinion, and I definitely apologize to anyone I offend with it. Sam did much more to make his fortune than buying cheap imported goods. A good part of his Profit came from very low cost labor that was displaced workers from manufacturing towns in the midwest, who had lost their jobs to Chinese Imports. He captured that labor force by offering them minimum wage jobs as opposed to having to relocate to find better paying jobs. This is all too common now, but Sam was the first to do it

The Cromwell

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Maybe just my opinion, and I definitely apologize to anyone I offend with it. Some did much more to make his fortune and buying cheap imported goods. The good part of his Prophet came from very low cost labor that was misplaced workers from manufacturing towns in the midwest, who have lost their jobs to Chinese Imports. He captured that labor force by offering the minimum wage jobs as opposed to having to relocate to find better paying jobs. This is all too common now, but Sam was the first to do it
Yep and Sam Walton emphasized buying US made products too. that has long since gone byebye though.
They do provide some needed jobs in areas that need jobs of any kiind.

I work with several ex Wally world employees.


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ECF Refugee
Have you ever talked to someone who actually has worked for Walmart? They might have some benefits available for full-time employees, but they do everything in their power to prevent people from becoming qualified for full-time.

They pay less than a living wage and they display all the information on the employee bulletin board to tell their underpaid employees exactly how to go about receiving Public Assistance, food stamps, and subsidized Health Care at our expense

Thats what I dont get. Jobs like Walmart, at least the hiring minimum wage jobs are primarily designed for school kids/college kids. Most people who hire on move up the pay scale. No they do not get rich but if you want to get rich there is such a thing as a career. My niece husband been at Walmart for like 10 years and he oversees the milk and eggs section. He makes $14 an hour. No education, no training and not minimum wage. My ex is a professional painter, and is considered one of the best painters in the area. She has been painting for close to 20 years and makes $18/hr which for this area is top pay, so I really dont see the disparity argument in pay.
Maybe people need to rethink this living wage argument a little. As much as Bush is hated and I myself think he is the idiot the village was missing, one of his actions shines a bright lite on a huge lie that has been spread all around. The Bush tax cuts have been attributed with creating 10 million jobs and raising the annual mean household income from 47K/year to 55K/year. The party that now is in charge deemed that tax cut to be only for the rich and banished it. Now the annual mean household income the last I looked was hovering around 51K/yr, while over 12 million jobs left and our job market has shrunk to levels that has not been seen since the late 70's.
If you want people to be able to live on what they earn then they must have opportunities. Blaming the businesses like Walmart is all smoke and mirrors. Since when does any business not have the right to earn a profit. We need jobs to come back, we need the economy to improve and its not going to happen as long as we continue to keep the same clowns in Washington. That is who you really need to vent your anger on, the idiots in BOTH parties who do nothing but make themselves richer. They are the ones keeping people from having the opportunities to chase the American dream.
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