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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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My answer to that is "and I really need some sleep, unless you'd like to have some serious workplace accidents and workers comp claims."

I vouch that for my people, but worst that could happen to me is sprain my tongue while crabby yelling. Or accidently wandering in front of a railcar.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Mgmt just has to get it thru their thick heads that sleep is NOT optional. It must be done, and if sufficient time off isn't given, then sleeping will be done with eyes open... either way, the body WILL sleep.



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Mgmt just has to get it thru their thick heads that sleep is NOT optional. It must be done, and if sufficient time off isn't given, then sleeping will be done with eyes open... either way, the body WILL sleep.

I'm sure there are studies that have shown that employee effectiveness and productivity drops off after 10 hours of work. It turns into a case of diminishing returns.

Hank F. Spankman

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In the Beer Gospel according to Frank, "Thou shalt not fruit the beer!"
I don't necessarily follow that to the letter, but on the whole, any fruit notes should be subdued hints, not in-your-face I'M A DAMNED FRUIT-BEER!
My preference is Porters and Stouts anyway. I'm a dead sucker for coffee or chocolate (or BOTH!) in either.
I stated that IF YOU HAVE TO PUT CITRUS IN A BEER TO MAKE IT DRINKABLE, it's not worth drinking. I never said beer shouldn't be fruity. That's 2 totally separate things


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I stated that IF YOU HAVE TO PUT CITRUS IN A BEER TO MAKE IT DRINKABLE, it's not worth drinking. I never said beer shouldn't be fruity. That's 2 totally separate things
Whoa! Throttle back there Sparky!!! ;) I'm basically in agreement with you. (and what the hell is up with the new fascination with the "shandy" beers anyway??? WTF?) Fruit notes are fine in a beer - desirable in some actually. But I don't want a beer that tastes like it was mixed with orange juice. :gaah:


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I dunno...always loved Dos Equis once I squirted some lime juice in. And adding some lemon juice to the German weiss beers really brought out the flavor.

I do miss beer sometimes. I was particularly partial to the dark German beers. But, pancreatitis means no alcohol :huh:


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Seems like that work should fall under the federal hours of service limitation. I was a supervisor on the railroad and that didn't count. Engineers, conductors, electricians involved in anything signalwise, and a few others fell under that. 12 hours max, then a full 8 off.

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk

Federal aviation regulations has work requirements for mechanics under part 121 which is airlines, but for us we operate under part 135 which is air carriers and part 91 which is general aviation and there is no restrictions for mechanics. Pilots have duty/rest requirements but not mechanics.


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Mgmt just has to get it thru their thick heads that sleep is NOT optional. It must be done, and if sufficient time off isn't given, then sleeping will be done with eyes open... either way, the body WILL sleep.


A lot of time management dont care until something major happens that cost them a lot of money, and then they will pass the blame as much as they can. Before we had a major incident that brought about change, it was very common to see us working 18 hour days yet still be required to keep going. It use to be common knowledge that our operating manuals was written in blood because everything that was in it, someone really died for.


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A lot of time management dont care until something major happens that cost them a lot of money, and then they will pass the blame as much as they can. Before we had a major incident that brought about change, it was very common to see us working 18 hour days yet still be required to keep going. It use to be common knowledge that our operating manuals was written in blood because everything that was in it, someone really died for.

That's horrible and frightening :(

The Cromwell

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I dunno...always loved Dos Equis once I squirted some lime juice in. And adding some lemon juice to the German weiss beers really brought out the flavor.

I do miss beer sometimes. I was particularly partial to the dark German beers. But, pancreatitis means no alcohol :huh:
The bitter gene means no alc fer me. Alc tastes pretty horrible.


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You came to mind today when someone started telling me they adopted a parrot recently and it has started imitating the grandpa's snoring instead of talking, lol.

Is it a Grey? Merlin rarely talks, but can imitate any sound. Oobie is about 50/50 on talking and sound imitations.


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Is it a Grey? Merlin rarely talks, but can imitate any sound. Oobie is about 50/50 on talking and sound imitations.

My sister in law used to have a pair of cockatiels she kept in the laundry room. The male started imitating the sound of the washing machine on spin cycle. It had a belt problem or something and it squeaked. He made that noise, VERY loudly, every time he and his missus had, um, "relations." It was screamingly funny!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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My sister in law used to have a pair of cockatiels she kept in the laundry room. The male started imitating the sound of the washing machine on spin cycle. It had a belt problem or something and it squeaked. He made that noise, VERY loudly, every time he and his missus had, um, "relations." It was screamingly funny!

Me and the Mr. were at a friend's vaycay house in Hawaii and I was sitting on the porch in the dark all by my lonesome, thinking about the wildlife I'd like to see before heading home: being a fan of bacon, wild pig was definitely at the top of my list.

After sitting there day dreaming, vaping away, I started to hear a rustling in the bushes, followed by loud snorting noises. It was pretty faint at first, but got louder and louder and the minutes passed, until I was thoroughly convinced there was a wild pig in the yard!

I was so excited, jumped up from the lawn chair to run inside to get my husband, and was appalled to discover what I thought was wild pigs in the bushes was actually my husband who had fallen fast asleep on the couch----


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Do tell - I'm still at work damn it

actually working on some juice... tried an experiment - aging VG in a 1L white oak charred barrel... DID NOT work - VG is too thick for the wood to absorb, so it leaked... mixed up a big batch of the flavorings and PG ratio that I use for my vanilla custard (Pterodactyl Sauce) but realized I was short on FW Madagascar Vanilla (more on the way now...)... started thinking about the Holy Vanilla I had recently picked up from DIY Flavor Shack (smells SO DAMN GOOD that I also started a big batch of DIY vanilla - approximately 40 vanilla beans (mix of tahitian, madagascar bourbon and indonesian bourbon) in 24 oz of PG) and if that would 'kick it up a notch'... so, before I go balls deep in the custard (figuratively...) figured I should test my theory, somewhat... took about 30ml of the mixed Pterodactyl Sauce and added 3% Holy Vanilla... shook it like a dolphin looking for love and popped it in the UC (currently power steeping with the 480ml batch of Keister Bunny I mixed yesterday)... so... gonna give it about 2.5 hours in the UC and see how it vapes...
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