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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Hank F. Spankman

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Do you know ecf emailed Augvape and vendors 4 weeks AFTER banning me to ask if I was lying about that? Sad my word wasn't good enough, and that they didn't do this before exiling me :(

And you're surprised? Remember that *charming* email I got from retarded1, informing me that I "wasn't fooling anyone"? :facepalm:

That sort of attitude -- and the egregious insult -- is why I never went back. If they'd suspended me for something I actually did, sure I'd have been pissed, but I'd have taken it like a big girl. But the insult just sealed it.



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I need to mow my lawn (maybe twice)

Got a g2 on order, should be here end of this week. Preorder in on Merlin. I'm not apprehensive about this preorder like I was with the cloupor Chana, but again the wait begins. Still gotta get some more VG ordered.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I never understood that idea of cutting the mate off from sex.... seems a perfect example of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. Because you know... if you cut the mate off from sex... you cut yourself off too. How is that better???????????



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I never understood that idea of cutting the mate off from sex.... seems a perfect example of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. Because you know... if you cut the mate off from sex... you cut yourself off too. How is that better???????????


That's one of the main reasons my ex is an ex. Like I told her. ya don't cook, ya don't clean, ya don't fuck and ya don't care. Strike four, get the fuck out!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That's one of the main reasons my ex is an ex. Like I told her. ya don't cook, ya don't clean, ya don't fuck and ya don't care. Strike four, get the fuck out!

I simply don't get it -- if a woman doesn't want to have sex with a man, why not call herself a lesbian and be done with it?



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Not after my wife finds out I broke the vape gear embargo and pre-ordered a Merlin...nope, pretty sure there will be no humpin for me.
Yeah, I'm kind of banned, too. Too much stuff, she says. Well, now I try to get mods in the same color scheme as what I already have and just rotate them into use and the rest in my vape cabinet. And tanks? She can't tell one from the other! I'm still on the fence about preordering the Merlin. My vape budget is pretty well blown at least for the next 3 years.

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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Yeah, I'm kind of banned, too. Too much stuff, she says. Well, now I try to get mods in the same color scheme as what I already have and just rotate them into use and the rest in my vape cabinet. And tanks? She can't tell one from the other! I'm still on the fence about preordering the Merlin. My vape budget is pretty well blown at least for the next 3 years.

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk
In my case it's a combination of
A) I broke my vape budget a couple months in a row (but they were good deals)
B) I got lucky and won 3 different giveaways in that same time period
C) I had some gear generously gifted to me by a friend.
So she figures I can go a couple months without spending to make up for my overspending, especially considering the free stuff I also got. And she's right, I can, I just don't want to. Or maybe I really can't and I need to join a support group for those of us afflicted with shinyitis.


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I never understood that idea of cutting the mate off from sex.... seems a perfect example of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. Because you know... if you cut the mate off from sex... you cut yourself off too. How is that better???????????


For me it was I didn't want to have sex with THAT man. Hard to get myself interested in someone who was emotionally and financially abusing me, and cheating on me. Those things are definite mood killers.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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For me it was I didn't want to have sex with THAT man. Hard to get myself interested in someone who was emotionally and financially abusing me, and cheating on me. Those things are definite mood killers.

Well yeah, there's that, too -- in which case, the only cure is ANOTHER man. Me, I'd love to still be intimate with my husband... but my utter lack of estrogen makes it much too painful, so he kindly doesn't ask. He also seems to value my continued existence enough not to badger me about taking hormones which would probably fix the problem... but undoubtedly pose a whole new cancer risk -- he's delighted that I've quit smoking and thus stopped contributing to my existing cancer risk!

Just part of getting older, I guess. *sigh*



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Well yeah, there's that, too -- in which case, the only cure is ANOTHER man. Me, I'd love to still be intimate with my husband... but my utter lack of estrogen makes it much too painful, so he kindly doesn't ask. He also seems to value my continued existence enough not to badger me about taking hormones which would probably fix the problem... but undoubtedly pose a whole new cancer risk -- he's delighted that I've quit smoking and thus stopped contributing to my existing cancer risk!

Just part of getting older, I guess. *sigh*


A buddy of mine and his wife had the same issue. She went thru the change and sex became real painful for them. He suggested using some lube and she didn't want no part of that. Said it made too much of a mess so he came up with an alternate way. Told her as long as she didn't develop a case of lock jaw then every thing will be fine. From what he told me, she didn't mind the lube so much after that :giggle:


Diamond Contributor
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A buddy of mine and his wife had the same issue. She went thru the change and sex became real painful for them. He suggested using some lube and she didn't want no part of that. Said it made too much of a mess so he came up with an alternate way. Told her as long as she didn't develop a case of lock jaw then every thing will be fine. From what he told me, she didn't mind the lube so much after that :giggle:

Sorry but it has to be asked. ...

Do they use dolphin safe lube? :devil:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well yeah, there's that, too -- in which case, the only cure is ANOTHER man. Me, I'd love to still be intimate with my husband... but my utter lack of estrogen makes it much too painful, so he kindly doesn't ask. He also seems to value my continued existence enough not to badger me about taking hormones which would probably fix the problem... but undoubtedly pose a whole new cancer risk -- he's delighted that I've quit smoking and thus stopped contributing to my existing cancer risk!

Just part of getting older, I guess. *sigh*



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
A buddy of mine and his wife had the same issue. She went thru the change and sex became real painful for them. He suggested using some lube and she didn't want no part of that. Said it made too much of a mess so he came up with an alternate way. Told her as long as she didn't develop a case of lock jaw then every thing will be fine. From what he told me, she didn't mind the lube so much after that :giggle:

Lube doesn't help the tissue to stretch as it has to do in order to be comfortable -- lube is no help at all for that.



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Well yeah, there's that, too -- in which case, the only cure is ANOTHER man. Me, I'd love to still be intimate with my husband... but my utter lack of estrogen makes it much too painful, so he kindly doesn't ask. He also seems to value my continued existence enough not to badger me about taking hormones which would probably fix the problem... but undoubtedly pose a whole new cancer risk -- he's delighted that I've quit smoking and thus stopped contributing to my existing cancer risk!

Just part of getting older, I guess. *sigh*


Something I understand there. That was part of why I wanted to come of the testosterone the last time visiting the endocrinologist. Face a lot greater risk for heart diseases, strokes, cancers and a plethora of other nasty stuff. Still, I'm assured it is far better to be closer to normal than not with testosterone levels so low as to barely register, without therapy. In my case, there's no kick starting my own body to create.

Recently been feeling bone growth, again having been put back on it. And no, not a euphemism. I was five foot three prior to going on it to start. I grew to six foot three in about a month, hurt like a bitch. Then, got off a while and shrank to about six foot even. If some of the pangs are indicative, I may wind up at seven foot tall. Yeah, getting there will hurt like a bitch too. Already wear a size twelve shoe, sleep in a queen sized bed. My feet hang over the bottom a little. Not sure we could fit a king size in this room.

Screwy as hell, forty four and still a growing boy. Oh well, at least it's on this side of the irises. Speaking of my Pap's irises are in bloom now. :) I got some from my grandmother's for my wife as a surprise. Pap had brought them from the woods and filled the bank across the road with them for grandma. She looked out one day and saw them in full bloom. "Pappy, look it's pretty. How did they all of the sudden show up," she asked.

"Mother, I'm sure I've no idea t'all," he replied with a grin. I fairly well got my wife the same way. She'll be needing to thin them either this or next year.
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