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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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The only basics I need to know are: it contains PG/VG, nicotine, and flavors; I have to have 85% PG; and my nic level is around 5mg -- other than that, I enter flavor percentages in the calculator and let it do the work it's meant to do.

I created that recipe myself, because every other strawberry & cream recipe I looked at contained ingredients with diketones, which I prefer not to use at all if i can help it, or ingredients that I didn't have, or they called for long steeps which I mostly refuse to consider. Suggestions on percentages of the shisha strawberry ran from 2%-4%, but when I tried 4% and even 8%, all it tasted was "thin" -- so I used the technique I'd learned in the TFA thread at ECF, of using half main flavor, half supporting flavors, and going somewhat over 25% flavoring -- after first mixing it, it needed just a little tweaking -- I had a bit too much DX Bavarian -- but other than that, it was my first fully-from-scratch recipe and was a terrific success -- it's still my ADV, after more than 16 months.



I understand your points, I do. I too dislike the maths because I'm not that great with them, at least not in a situation that is timed or tested. What I am saying though is I'm seeing a way to make the maths simple for myself and in that, see away to do the DIY effectively for myself. *chuckles* I will still use the calculators, hell, not saying I won't. At least though, I can see how the calculators do it. To me that is helpful to know in case lo and behold something mechanical breaks down "okay, lemme gets pencil, paper or stick and clear dirt spot, I can figure this out." Think we're both seeing how to skin a cat, both of us got good ways to doing it, neither is right or wrong. *chuckles* I've said before, I do shit backwards and the hardest way, always have and always will. *LOL*


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That is too far.

Think I need a nap.

Anytime I even see a bunch of math, or formulas, my eyes cross, and my attention just goes SQUIRREL! If I hadn't devised my budgeting setup in a spreadsheet myself, I couldn't even figure IT out -- but it works according to my own convoluted understanding, so I can deal with it. :D I've even explained the whole thing to my husband, in case he ever needed to figure it out in my absence -- god forbid! :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I understand your points, I do. I too dislike the maths because I'm not that great with them, at least not in a situation that is timed or tested. What I am saying though is I'm seeing a way to make the maths simple for myself and in that, see away to do the DIY effectively for myself. *chuckles* I will still use the calculators, hell, not saying I won't. At least though, I can see how the calculators do it. To me that is helpful to know in case lo and behold something mechanical breaks down "okay, lemme gets pencil, paper or stick and clear dirt spot, I can figure this out." Think we're both seeing how to skin a cat, both of us got good ways to doing it, neither is right or wrong. *chuckles* I've said before, I do shit backwards and the hardest way, always have and always will. *LOL*

The weak link in mine is the internet connection -- but, I have a few copies of that recipe with various changes in the sweetener and the PG % which I've printed out, so if I need to mix and there is something wrong with either the whole internet (my connection) or that website, I can get by.

And yeah, I used to work recipes out in a spreadsheet before I discovered and how much easier it made things -- so I CAN get by without it, but usually don't have to.



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Anytime I even see a bunch of math, or formulas, my eyes cross, and my attention just goes SQUIRREL! If I hadn't devised my budgeting setup in a spreadsheet myself, I couldn't even figure IT out -- but it works according to my own convoluted understanding, so I can deal with it. :D I've even explained the whole thing to my husband, in case he ever needed to figure it out in my absence -- god forbid! :D



Ayup, I gets the Squirrel going on too. Hehehe. Now you sees why I use a screwed up systems too. Fuuuck, maths. *glassy eyed blank stare*

Hank F. Spankman

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Was probably more along the lines of getting clobbered over the head with a frying pan.

How's that black eye doing Spanky?
Lol she's tried, believe me. It doesn't have the same effect when I just laugh at her as she stands there rubbing whatever bodily part she "hit" me with, or throwing whatever instrument she used

Hank F. Spankman

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Ayup, I gets the Squirrel going on too. Hehehe. Now you sees why I use a screwed up systems too. Fuuuck, maths. *glassy eyed blank stare*
Oh Morley!...


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I'm lucky - my Mister is a border-line-quasi doomsday prepper type and all I had to do is show him the CNN clip here on VU and all chains of budget restraint faded away. It was like magic!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm lucky - my Mister is a border-line-quasi doomsday prepper type and all I had to do is show him the CNN clip here on VU and all chains of budget restraint faded away. It was like magic!

Yeah it's funny, this deeming shit has made my husband get a lot more reasonable too -- I was citing the various things I need to get before August 10 -- nicotine, PG/VG, that Achilles 2 atty... and he says, well that's $200... I said, right... and $200 is about what I'd be spending PER MONTH on smoking, if I didn't vape, but this $200 can be spread over THREE months. It really put the whole thing into perspective for him. :D



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Oh Morley!...

OMFG! Is that one of those Fishbone RDAs? It looks like one. Also looks like you're churning cloud BIG.

I wants it, wants it I tell you. Woot! Bet you're using those sneaky pins from Fat Daddy's. Yes, yes, Wants it.

To fucking hell with weed eating, mowing. It'll be until Aug 10 before I fix my weed eater. Must buy vape stuff.

At least so says I until the dreaded Witch, erm wife decides otherwise. * cringe * Oh no, I got the perfect weapon on her. She buys shirts from her work. Ha!

Hank F. Spankman

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OMFG! Is that one of those Fishbone RDAs? It looks like one. Also looks like you're churning cloud BIG.

I wants it, wants it I tell you. Woot! Bet you're using those sneaky pins from Fat Daddy's. Yes, yes, Wants it.
It's a Velocity v2 clone from 3Fvape. Comes with a BF pin installed AND the glass cap


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Just a quick 'Hello' to everyone in this Thread- I'm on my third username (might be fourth?) at ECF, due to the ridiculously heavy handed moderation team, and their rules.
Used to be a good forum, long time ago.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

Forget those losers, this is the place to hang out.


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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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SCORE! Just sold an `86 Honda my youngest daughter so graciously left me in our yard instead of paying the last repair bill three years ago.



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ECF Refugee
Anytime I even see a bunch of math, or formulas, my eyes cross, and my attention just goes SQUIRREL! If I hadn't devised my budgeting setup in a spreadsheet myself, I couldn't even figure IT out -- but it works according to my own convoluted understanding, so I can deal with it. :D I've even explained the whole thing to my husband, in case he ever needed to figure it out in my absence -- god forbid! :D

lol! Trust me, I feel the SAME way. All I do ...ALL day at work is look at formulas, codes--- edit codes --- re-write codes, mind boggling stuff. By the end of the day my brain is mush.


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Just a quick 'Hello' to everyone in this Thread- I'm on my third username (might be fourth?) at ECF, due to the ridiculously heavy handed moderation team, and their rules.
Used to be a good forum, long time ago.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

Welcome! So what is your ecf name?


Member For 4 Years
If I post that I'll be on my fourth or is it fifth, after they read it.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
To be honest, I rarely go on that Forum anymore, and if I do I cannot use Tapatalk,I can only visit ECF on the PC, and mainly only to read a specific thread or post- I really don't need to Post there anymore.


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ECF Refugee
If I post that I'll be on my fourth or is it fifth, after they read it.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
To be honest, I rarely go on that Forum anymore, and if I do I cannot use Tapatalk,I can only visit ECF on the PC, and mainly only to read a specific thread or post- I really don't need to Post there anymore.

PM me :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
lol! Trust me, I feel the SAME way. All I do ...ALL day at work is look at formulas, codes--- edit codes --- re-write codes, mind boggling stuff. By the end of the day my brain is mush.

Strangely... some code doesn't bother me at all -- high-level stuff like HTML/CSS. Gobbledegook like javascript makes my eyes cross though. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
If I post that I'll be on my fourth or is it fifth, after they read it.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
To be honest, I rarely go on that Forum anymore, and if I do I cannot use Tapatalk,I can only visit ECF on the PC, and mainly only to read a specific thread or post- I really don't need to Post there anymore.

Y'know, I've been here ranting about how retarded1 and classless can both eat big bags of dicks for over 3 months now, but they haven't banned me -- I'll never go back, but that's my choice, not theirs. I hardly think that just telling us who you are is going to have any repercussions.



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ECF Refugee
If you did a dual boot with something like Linux mint, it wont take long that you seldom use windows again and there is a huge community of helpful peeps for it.
Uh, why don't you do an f-disk and install Linux then? Just asking.....
Wasn't a fan of 8 or 8.1, but I think with 10 they fixed alot of the mistakes of 8, and to me it feels like it performs better as well. Still don't like how hard they made it for someone who knows what they are doing to change things, but I admit that by hiding alot of the stuff I'm used to playing with that they did make it harder for certain friends and family to screw things up.
One thing you should learn is to NEVER purchase a computer with the OS you don't want, installed. It's a recipe for complete and total disaster - not to mention you PAID for it. So, that in itself is a No-No(if you don't use it). Windows 10 is better than 8, however, the one thing they are pushing is the "Cloud" server. And that means....Azure. These programmers LOVE Hadoop technology and it's NOT fail-proof. In their infinite wisdom of trying to create the perfect security measures, they have created a MONSTER.
Just my opinion of course.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Y'know, I've been here ranting about how retarded1 and classless can both eat big bags of dicks for over 3 months now, but they haven't banned me -- I'll never go back, but that's my choice, not theirs. I hardly think that just telling us who you are is going to have any repercussions.


No shit - what was your two or three names already banned?
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