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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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As a Brit I was actually familiar with our smack dealing escapades in the Orient, but possibly hadnt made the connection to the term 'Free Market', I have been educated.

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
As a Brit I was actually familiar with our smack dealing escapades in the Orient, but possibly hadnt made the connection to the term 'Free Market', I have been educated.

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Ya, believe it was literally some doing of that group what called themselves East India Trading Company. No joke, they exist and no joke they did seem rather shady in business practices. Please note my selective use of words. I do not feel like talking to Mr. Bruno again, he is not so nice a fellow and enjoys forgetting more about things what make one beg for release than he recalls.

Still, I told Mr. Bruno exactly one thing only.

"Mr. Bruno ..."


"Go Fuck Yourself!"


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Again, correct, it was the East India Trading Company, with their own private Army.
But, we are straying far from the current discussion, apologies for inadvertently steering the conversation this way.

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Everyone is welcome here and we talk about whatever - glad you popped in.


Member For 4 Years
Yes, I hasten to add that I am in no way responsible for the dastardly deeds done by my fellow countryman a couple of centuries ago.

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Anyway, to lighten the mood a bit, I hear you may be getting a rather colourful new President??


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Again, correct, it was the East India Trading Company, with their own private Army.
But, we are straying far from the current discussion, apologies for inadvertently steering the conversation this way.

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Not really going off topic by far. Seems it all winds up back to some aspect or another of tyranny being bandied about.

But yes, rather bleak discussion. Have you seen the new Velocity RDAs? They have a glass top cap / drip tip all built together. They also have a bottom feed pin for squonking. I may need to go whore myself out to get that cash stuff to go buy one.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Not really going off topic by far. Seems it all winds up back to some aspect or another of tyranny being bandied about.

But yes, rather bleak discussion. Have you seen the new Velocity RDAs? They have a glass top cap / drip tip all built together. They also have a bottom feed pin for squonking. I may need to go whore myself out to get that cash stuff to go buy one.

The Boreas comes with two velocity style decks --- it is an awesome atty. Can compete with as a dripper flavor-wise - in fact, it's competing with my squonkers for attention, which makes me a little sad, lol.

Yeah, I've been meaning to sell off a bunch of crap laying around the old homestead but that plan is going to have to be speeded up a bit to finance the world's greatest vapemail extravaganza ever.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Yes, I hasten to add that I am in no way responsible for the dastardly deeds done by my fellow countryman a couple of centuries ago.

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Anyway, to lighten the mood a bit, I hear you may be getting a rather colourful new President??

LOL I pay no mind to the differently attired puppets. They pay me no mind either.

I was born as a Southerner. Often, feel obliged to remind others I was not here to own slaves, nor am I. Can understand. None of us really bear responsibility for what is past. Granted yes, it's right to accept responsibility but only that which you are rightly warranted responsible..


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
The Velocity deck is popping up on quite a few very recent devices, think Griffin for one, it's a great design.

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Yeah have seen the deck on the Griffin. It seems to be becoming a standardized way to create decks. Which to a degree is great, to another degree hope it doesn't stifle diversity.


Member For 4 Years
Very true, mind you if your FDA rules are anything like the Euro TPD, these will stifle future development.

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
The Boreas comes with two velocity style decks --- it is an awesome atty. Can compete with as a dripper flavor-wise - in fact, it's competing with my squonkers for attention, which makes me a little sad, lol.

Yeah, I've been meaning to sell off a bunch of crap laying around the old homestead but that plan is going to have to be speeded up a bit to finance the world's greatest vapemail extravaganza ever.

Hmmm, Boreas too. Will need to keep that in my noggin for when I've done a few more tricks. so many Johns and Jills, hard to keep track of who owes what.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Very true, mind you if your FDA rules are anything like the Euro TPD, these will stifle future development.

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Agreed there. I so do think Silly Putty, Acetone, Ajax, 9 Volt batteries should not be coming to mind for me so easily, one never knows when the stubbing of the toes dubs them radicals or *gasp* terrorists.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Why don't you make a quick run to DC and visit the FDA where the real prostitutes are?

No, because I'd have to go fuck myself to get any pleasure. They'd not want to fuck with me, even for love of my money. Besides I'd not piss on any of them if they were drowning, might actually help them in some way I'd not be aware.

* climbs up two hammocks, finds bottle with some oddly glowing liquid in it, chugs *


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Ya, believe it was literally some doing of that group what called themselves East India Trading Company. No joke, they exist and no joke they did seem rather shady in business practices. Please note my selective use of words. I do not feel like talking to Mr. Bruno again, he is not so nice a fellow and enjoys forgetting more about things what make one beg for release than he recalls.

Still, I told Mr. Bruno exactly one thing only.

"Mr. Bruno ..."


"Go Fuck Yourself!"
My farting dog's name is Bruno....


Sorry crappy walmart camera.... that was a couple years ago. He was about one and a half there. Now he's 4!:sad: My Baby is getting older!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
No, because I'd have to go fuck myself to get any pleasure. They'd not want to fuck with me, even for love of my money. Besides I'd not piss on any of them if they were drowning, might actually help them in some way I'd not be aware.

I learned today that you can use juice for lube --- stock up


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
My farting dog's name is Bruno....

View attachment 50113

Sorry crappy walmart camera.... that was a couple years ago. He was about one and a half there. Now he's 4!:sad: My Baby is getting older!

Oh wow, such a cute mug. :) He is not the Mr. Bruno I talk about though. Hell, not sure Mr. Bruno was even the guy's name, just what some fool called him, or he said to call him. He was a prick at any given and not the kind I fancy meeting any more.

Your Bruno kind of looks like my Thistle. Thistle's got silver/gray whiskers on his chin though, bit more elongated snout. Sure enough you know what a black lab looks like. That's 'This' for you, with pit bull in his blood as well. He's probably only the second most loving dog I have. Groucho is the first. Big old teddy bear was out yesterday evening. He had to show 'Lock and Ham how to play. This let me get close enough to Lock to grab a leg, bring him down, get him in a collar.

He's been really going after other dogs. I was going to put him on a tie out. Bah. He slipped his collar. Told wife he needs a choker collar, not to be cruel or abusive. Point being he'd try slipping a choker, which indeed would not choke him, but it would snug against attempts to slip out of it. She doesn't like the idea. I honestly don't either but it's that our try finding a decent leather collar, which due to granularity won't slip. Wife also emailed a group what does rehab and adopts dogs out to forever homes.

Lock is not an aggressive dog. He is just high strung and needs a 'job', which we do not have to provide even if we wanted. Since that's how things are, he gets insecure which then means he goes after other dogs. It's his way of 'finding a job' for himself, the corrector or boss dog. I have tried asserting myself as the Big Dog, but there is a line between doing that and becoming abusive. I'm not abusive nor do I prefer to be and at times all I may do is walk away to avoid being. That is not Lock's fault nor mine. It is both our natures being high strung.

We do find moments we both find peace. It's sweet. :) But often these are too fleeting as he suffers Squirrel attacks too. I have to keep hold of him in order to get there with him as well. Which means, getting over his skittishness first. Yes, it requires time. I have time. It's not seeing him progress though which is the issue. The other dogs, no problem at all, they 'get it'. They all go to the happy happy joy joy place of not giving a fuck and being happy. "Ah, we're dogs and we're just here, they love us and feed us, cool." Lock doesn't 'come down' and that's loggerheads for me.

I'm hoping this group will take him and find him a good home, where he has a job. Awe Piss, rambling about dogs. *chuckles*


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ECF Refugee
I should send my dog to the FDA. Not only does she fart a lot, she's like a T Rex in a dog body. Everyone is scared shitless of her. My uncle said she's scarier than the 2 gangbangers who shot him in the face.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Wouldn't it sting like Ben Gay? Some of it has alcohol in it, I'm imagining quims & todgers searing in pain.

Damn me, mucking with letters.

I didn't say I tried it myself, lol.

PG and VG alone though --- makes sense.

The next time one of the pervs that hangs out in here tries to do a dolphin maybe we can get some verification


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I didn't say I tried it myself, lol.

PG and VG alone though --- makes sense.

The next time one of the pervs that hangs out in here tries to do a dolphin maybe we can get some verification

Yeah, we need that too. I'm making progress on the research and development of that bottle nosed vibrator, but only little at a time. Be nice to know of applications with lube. Shit, FDA will monitor battery sales. People better stock up on 18650s because that's all I have in mind to power this phallic love toy.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
You use Ben Gay for lube? What kind of a hooker are you anyways????

No, not used it. I prefer Astroglide, the water based lube. Don't like anything petroleum based. Dead stuff, in my nether? No thanks, bad enough wife swears something crawled in and died at times.

You've heard of methane? I made my own class of it, thousand fold more toxic. It is called Bethane and is capable of stripping paint, curling the nails of the dead, even reviving the dead to die again.

* goes to look at porn at *
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Good morning everyone and GFY!

So 90 days to apply and then not able to sell the products for 2 years because it is not FDA approved? WTF?

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Not quite. After 90 days, no new products can come to market. Anything already on the market can continue to be sold though for 2 years after that. This next part I'm not completely certain of, but I believe companies have that entire 2 years to apply (applications are almost guaranteed to be turned down IMHO, but...) and if they have applied I think they can keep whatever product they applied for on the market for up to 12 months from when they submitted the application, depending on how quickly the FDA reviews it. The real fucked up part is that if the FDA fails to do their job and review the app within 12 months, the product still has to pulled from the market.

So, let me get this straight, while us folks 'over the pond', are about to be screwed by some duckheads in some nowhere town called Brussels by a new Euro law called the Tobacco Products Directive, and I always thought that you guys over in US of A were the lucky ones ' that got away', now you're telling me that your FDA is jumping on the same dumb bandwagon??

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Nope, we are telling you the FDA just jumped on an even dumber bandwagon. The TPD sucks ass, the new FDA regs shoves dicks in the ass first and then sucks both ass and dicks.


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ECF Refugee
I see ya there, Doc! I wanted to throttle my bestie/partner today. Didn't mention he was going back to Florida TODAY. When I found out, he was in Dayton Ohio heading south. I cussed him out. He coulda grabbed a pail for me, he'll be passing right by!

Whatevs, He's going down just to get his bike. Tired of watching ME have all the fun. He wanted me to ride down, so we could ride back together. Nuh uh, I told him. "I'll meet you on the KY/TN border, and we'll do some switchbacks" Looks like a firm plan, going to throw a pail on the passenger seat and pray I don't have to lay it down with sparks and stuff. lol...
Lol... It seems planning and communication may not be his forte , brother... No worries... Let me know if you do end up near the banjo music, lol - got supima for ya!

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Hey all, good afternoon. No GFY's today , not from me anyway.
What's happening on that side of the pond, I'm seeing the FDA named everywhere today, or should I say being called names..
I infer some sort of our fucking TPD is being shoved up your asses as well..
When you think this is coming from people we've voted ourselves, well that should say it all. Civil servants, my ass.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Again, correct, it was the East India Trading Company, with their own private Army.
But, we are straying far from the current discussion, apologies for inadvertently steering the conversation this way.

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Large corporations now use taxpayer funded govt armies to protect their business interests.

Hank F. Spankman

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Here's a custom screen for the DNA200 owners if'n they want it

Good morning & GFY!
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