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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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My laptop is an older Dell and has had many variety's of Linux ran on it. Never had any issues with it. My older desktop was the same way. I could boot up into Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Mint Mate or Mint Cinnamon and had no problems with it. The new desktop is a top end gamer machine with the Nvidia GTX970 graphics card and the ISO disc video drivers wont drive my graphics card. As soon as boot up hits graphical interface, it blacks out.
I can easily pop the side off the new PC, put in an older graphics card, install the OS with the drivers I need for the new graphics card and be good to go except as soon as I open the side panel, I void the warranty.
YOu might have to go old-school and do a CLI install, then install the GTX 970 drivers. There are a few leads on the Ubuntu Forums for getting that card to work if you haven't checked them already. (I've had varying degrees of success and failure using the Edgers PPA, if you get to that, so YMMV.)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Boreas is why I'm an ecf refugee.

Our regs are worse than Europe's. At least you folks still get to vape. The FDA has essentially banned it for the US.

And the UK still has the option on the table, last I heard, to leave the EU. We don't have any kind of option like that, unless it's just plain old revolution -- didn't we already do that dance, revolting against tyranny that was attempted to be foist upon us because of MONEY????


ETA: And hey g'mornin' lervely peeps, and a cordial GFYs. :)



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We've been doing the MLK school of protest for 3 years now. And look where it has got us. I think we're nearing the time of needing to throw cartons of cigarettes in the Boston Harbor.
Yeah? And tossing cartons of smokes into the bay - aside from being expensive - would likely get us a nice new name... like domestic terrorist. Yeah. That would help our cause... gotta be peaceful and gotta work the system... even if you hate it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Yeah? And tossing cartons of smokes into the bay - aside from being expensive - would likely get us a nice new name... like domestic terrorist. Yeah. That would help our cause... gotta be peaceful and gotta work the system... even if you hate it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

Or, we could bust caps in their ass and remove any doubt...


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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And the UK still has the option on the table, last I heard, to leave the EU. We don't have any kind of option like that, unless it's just plain old revolution -- didn't we already do that dance, revolting against tyranny that was attempted to be foist upon us because of MONEY????


ETA: And hey g'mornin' lervely peeps, and a cordial GFYs. :)


A one-eyed, yawning, GFY Andrea and my Fuggie friends.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Yeah? And tossing cartons of smokes into the bay - aside from being expensive - would likely get us a nice new name... like domestic terrorist. Yeah. That would help our cause... gotta be peaceful and gotta work the system... even if you hate it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

We shouldn't be giving tobacco to the dolphins until after the accidental you know what.


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Good morning and GFY! :coffee:

This is what I surmised awhile ago. Remember I'm a bored mathematician who had time to research.

* Federal taxes on cigarettes are $1.01. Supposedly 9 million Americans have quit smoking through vaping. I estimated this has cost the US government $16,000,000 per day in lost revenue.
* State taxes are higher, double to as much as 9-10x higher (hello, NY). And they're relying on MSA payments as well to exist.
* Health care costs. We are often lied to that smoking related disease drives up costs. False. The longer a person lives, the more costs s/he racks up, especially in old age. And once elderly, those costs tend to fall on Medicare.
* Social Security/other pension payments. The government is much better off if you die before retiring or shortly thereafter.


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Good morning and GFY! :coffee:

This is what I surmised awhile ago. Remember I'm a bored mathematician who had time to research.

* Federal taxes on cigarettes are $1.01. Supposedly 9 million Americans have quit smoking through vaping. I estimated this has cost the US government $16,000,000 per day in lost revenue.
* State taxes are higher, double to as much as 9-10x higher (hello, NY). And they're relying on MSA payments as well to exist.
* Health care costs. We are often lied to that smoking related disease drives up costs. False. The longer a person lives, the more costs s/he racks up, especially in old age. And once elderly, those costs tend to fall on Medicare.
* Social Security/other pension payments. The government is much better off if you die before retiring or shortly thereafter.
Was talking to someone the other day about job security in the future. "Start a mortuary and funeral service company." says I. All them Boomers are gonna start dying off soon..


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Anybody know how much it costs to legally change one's name? I need to change mine to 'Andrea' and be done with it.


Sorry, didn't you see the one-eyed yawning no coffee yet disclaimer ANDRIA? I barely even got a squonk in yet for the love of Mike!!!

PS in Alaska is costs about $250, depending on the cost of running the legal ad in the local newspaper


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Anybody know how much it costs to legally change one's name? I need to change mine to 'Andrea' and be done with it.
Me, too, since that's usually what I get called (I'm Audrey).
Depending on your state, it's only a few hundred dollars and the time of filing the paperwork and doing the court petition.
But I have to say, your names are perfect just the way they are. ;)


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It's bad enough I have a last name only 3 people have pronounced correctly in nearly 5 decades of being on the planet, but my mom also gave me a first name 60% of people also get wrong :D I like being unique, but it wears on me sometimes.


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Cripes, my own mother who gave me a whacko hippie 1960s spelling of my given first name misspells it sometimes.

I happened on a theory recently about why my mom spelled mine like that. I was born in '61... just 5 yrs earlier, so it would have been a recent thing for them at the time, there was this big ship-at-sea disaster with a ship called the Andrea Doria.... so they just sorta concatenated the two, and came up with "Andria". I dunno, just something that occurred to me recently when I was reading a murder mystery where the original murder was in 1956, and the Andrea Doria disaster was mentioned.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I happened on a theory recently about why my mom spelled mine like that. I was born in '61... just 5 yrs earlier, so it would have been a recent thing for them at the time, there was this big ship-at-sea disaster with a ship called the Andrea Doria.... so they just sorta concatenated the two, and came up with "Andria". I dunno, just something that occurred to me recently when I was reading a murder mystery where the original murder was in 1956, and the Andrea Doria disaster was mentioned.


Seems inauspicious to burden a child with the name of a sinking ship


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Seems inauspicious to burden a child with the name of a sinking ship

I agree, though my first 24 yrs bore a striking resemblance to some kind of disaster (pre-rehab!). Though at that time, I was called by my middle name, 'Jill' -- after rehab, my ex thought it made sense for me to start using my first name instead, as it sounded more 'adult' -- I agreed, so I dropped Jill like a hot rock -- but of course my mom, stepfather, aunt, and all my cousins still call me that. One time one of my cousins called me on the phone; my husband answered, and when she asked for 'Jill," he said, 'there's no one here by that name.'



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I think I'm named for Audrey Hepburn, but my mother denies it.

I always wondered if my mom named me after Jill St John, but she too denies it. Actually it's a miracle I wasn't named 'Jelly' -- when the nurse first brought me to her, she asked my mom (still waking up from the twilight (scope cocktail) they used for childbirth then), asked what she was going to name me... my mom sez "Jelly" -- nurse sez "JELLY??" My mom sez "yeah, y'know, like peanut butter and jelly!" :facepalm:



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I always wondered if my mom named me after Jill St John, but she too denies it. Actually it's a miracle I wasn't named 'Jelly' -- when the nurse first brought me to her, she asked my mom (still waking up from the twilight (scope cocktail) they used for childbirth then), asked what she was going to name me... my mom sez "Jelly" -- nurse sez "JELLY??" My mom sez "yeah, y'know, like peanut butter and jelly!" :facepalm:


What flavor of jelly I wonder?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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So whatchall doing for mom's day? We got my mom a card the other day, and thought we'd venture to home depot today and try to find her a nice houseplant. Gave her a clematis last year, and it's doing great, beautiful purple flowers on it, but she's in that damn wheelchair, can't really get outside to even see it, nevermind enjoy it. I thought a houseplant would be better so she can actually see and enjoy it, stuck in the house.



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the earth was not the center of the universe or thought it was NOT flat.
Evil spirits cause illness, etc...
WHHHUUUUUTTTTT?!?!?!?!??? You're telling me that's not the TRUTH? :wtf:
Damn your eyes man!!

Last I checked, there were about 7 billion points of view on this planet. And that's all they are - views. Not right, not wrong, neither perfect nor flawed.


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So whatchall doing for mom's day?
Umpiring three games. :( Then a rendezvous with the wife and fam at Ivars Salmon House on Lake Union for fish & chips out on the lake barge. :) My mom is out of town tending to the SIL who had a nasty infection in her finger/hand and won't be back till Wednesday, otherwise she'd be part of the party.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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So whatchall doing for mom's day? We got my mom a card the other day, and thought we'd venture to home depot today and try to find her a nice houseplant. Gave her a clematis last year, and it's doing great, beautiful purple flowers on it, but she's in that damn wheelchair, can't really get outside to even see it, nevermind enjoy it. I thought a houseplant would be better so she can actually see and enjoy it, stuck in the house.


I insist on sitting on my ass and vaping all day while waiting for the kids to call.

Once the kids left home and it freed up a lot of extra cash, I used to have a tradition where I'd spend the day browsing the internet to buy myself something outrageous. But I already did that yesterday, due to vapocalypse and all, lol.

My mother is a never-do-well so I sent her present early last month when she called hinting about needing a waffle iron. Yes-there is a reason I'm this way folks, lol.

The Cromwell

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WHHHUUUUUTTTTT?!?!?!?!??? You're telling me that's not the TRUTH? :wtf:
Damn your eyes man!!

Last I checked, there were about 7 billion points of view on this planet. And that's all they are - views. Not right, not wrong, neither perfect nor flawed.

Points of view are by definition flawed as they are only a point of view not the whole truth.
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