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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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ECF Refugee
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Large corporations now use taxpayer funded govt armies to protect their business interests.

They been doing it quite a while. Look up the Whiskey Rebellion here in America. See how George Washington tried shutting down small business to let bug business corner a market. This was done via taxation policy and direct force.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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They been doing it quite a while. Look up the Whiskey Rebellion here in America. See how George Washington tried shutting down small business to let bug business corner a market. This was done via taxation policy and direct force.
But... but... that was back when the USA had real freedoms? Right?
After all he was the father of our country.....



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ECF Refugee
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Here's a custom screen for the DNA200 owners if'n they want it

Good morning & GFY!

Brother Spanky, I don't want to fuck the FDA. They're already making me say B.O.H.I.C.A, B.O.H.I.C.A as it is and they aren't offering anything as lube, in fact they are using steel wool covered dicks to lead the way. Why do I want to fuck with them any more. No, I say unfuck them because they aren't worth a fuck.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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But... but... that was back when the USA had real freedoms? Right?
After all he was the father of our country.....


So a person might think, eh? Ah well, now we got folks singing out for another revolution. LOL We'll just come back round again. History will repeat. Unless we lift the needle over this skip. We need to evolve, not revolve.


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And silly old me thought that it TPD was wrong..... Wow, the FDA really rewrote the rulebook on Fuckups.

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Aye, such a pitiful cluster fuck it's worse than two wet dogs humping in a hurricane. These are our government's advocates and protectors of health? Right, let us go back to cigarettes to die even with lifesaving vaping available. No, not our health they have in mind, no fooling me.


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Perhaps... Need time for more experts to review it.

My one thought is it gets dismissed for the legal bit that says things can't be so vague as to not allow the common person to comprehend the law. I'm thinking it's called the Doctrine of Vagueness but not sure. It looks vague because as a common person I'm not understanding their desire to sacrifice human life for greed.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So, is Donald the saviour on the white charger?? Haha, sorry, I really shouldn't have thrown that one in. I'll get me coat.

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I know, I'm getting far too cocky for my own good.

LOL Nay, sit yer arse down. Ye be fine.

Be nice if he actually did pull something off and it was more than hollow saber rattling and theatrics. Have too much doubt though, or assurance actually that the rattling sabers is all. While a POTUS has power, they are not meant to be some god on high able to change it all with a wink.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What pisses me off the most is that they claim to have what is best for our health and safety in mind.

Hey FDA, grow a pair and just announce, "oh hey everyone, we are greedy assholes who don't give a flying fuck about health. We would appreciate if you all would start smoking again so big tobacco will keep paying us. Oh and if you could be so kind as to get a smoking related disease that would be great. Big Pharma is starting to get a little jealous too. Thank you and as always, Bend over and enjoy your tax money hard at work"

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Its best to boot up onto a disc first to see if the OS will run or not. My problem is the boot up disc wont run my graphics and there is ways around it, if I want to void my warrenty. I will figure it out, probably next trip home.

What I am thinking is using my laptop to create an ISO image on a USB with the version of Linux I want that has the current drivers I need. Seen a youtube video on it earlier today. Once I am able to boot up onto the CD or USB, Linux will give me a full graphics interface installation that is usually quick and easy.
Laptops are the most problematic for getting Linux installations to works on properly. Namely, two items cause issues: graphics cards and wireless cards. Pre-searching the forums for the distribution that you're going to be trying for issues with those two can save you some headaches.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Yes, I hasten to add that I am in no way responsible for the dastardly deeds done by my fellow countryman a couple of centuries ago.

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Anyway, to lighten the mood a bit, I hear you may be getting a rather colourful new President??

I fall to this truth when it comes to the issues of slavery and racism. Doesn't seem to help. Besides, until my generation, my fore-kin lived in different countries.


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:zombie::coffee2: :coffee:
'Mornin all, and a hearty GFY.
Coffee in hand and the the neurons are starting to align in the proper firing order.
Another fun-filled weekend in store, umpiring only five games. And little chance of taking another 80mph fastball to the bicep this weekend - no Big Boy Ball games on my schedule. The bruise from that one is all kinds of wonderful colors now..:cuss2:


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ECF Refugee
What pisses me off the most is that they claim to have what is best for our health and safety in mind.

Hey FDA, grow a pair and just announce, "oh hey everyone, we are greedy assholes who don't give a flying fuck about health. We would appreciate if you all would start smoking again so big tobacco will keep paying us. Oh and if you could be so kind as to get a smoking related disease that would be great. Big Pharma is starting to get a little jealous too. Thank you and as always, Bend over and enjoy your tax money hard at work"

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The ones taking the hardest hit from us quitting smoking is actually our government. I posted about this yesterday in the Womper room on ECF.

A guy I know went on a cruise while I was still a smoker. A carton of marbs was running me $50 at the time. this guy brought me back 2 duty free cartons for a total of $40. More than half the price of a carton is taxes. To make the math easier lets say half the price is taxes.
When I smoked I averaged 2 1/2 cartons a week. That's around $500 a month I spent on smoking or $6K a year. $3K of that was taxes. Now if you take 100 people like me that quits smoking, that adds up to $300K a year in lost taxes. Just think what the estimated 5 million people who quit smoking because of vaping has cost our government in lost taxes.
Now lets add to this loss of our government the fact of the tobacco settlement which is suppose to pay yearly for like 25 years from 1999. Pretty much all the states sold bonds on future payouts so they could get that money right away. Now the bonds are coming due and they don't have the smokers to be able to get as much money as they forecasted and are facing huge shortfalls.
So yeah, BT and BP have a stake in this but no where near what our greedy government is facing.


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Laptops are the most problematic for getting Linux installations to works on properly. Namely, two items cause issues: graphics cards and wireless cards. Pre-searching the forums for the distribution that you're going to be trying for issues with those two can save you some headaches.

My laptop is an older Dell and has had many variety's of Linux ran on it. Never had any issues with it. My older desktop was the same way. I could boot up into Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Mint Mate or Mint Cinnamon and had no problems with it. The new desktop is a top end gamer machine with the Nvidia GTX970 graphics card and the ISO disc video drivers wont drive my graphics card. As soon as boot up hits graphical interface, it blacks out.
I can easily pop the side off the new PC, put in an older graphics card, install the OS with the drivers I need for the new graphics card and be good to go except as soon as I open the side panel, I void the warranty.


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ECF Refugee
So, well worth $79 if I can get it for that price?
in my opinion, yes - the two other sigs i have have held up like tanks (armored vehicles with large bore guns kind, not fill with ejuice kind) and this definitely seems to be very solidly built - only complaint i have seen is some folks kvorkin' about the plastic buttons... and those seem not only very solid, but a complete non issue, imo - may pick up a second one in the next 90 days...


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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My laptop is an older Dell and has had many variety's of Linux ran on it. Never had any issues with it. My older desktop was the same way. I could boot up into Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Mint Mate or Mint Cinnamon and had no problems with it. The new desktop is a top end gamer machine with the Nvidia GTX970 graphics card and the ISO disc video drivers wont drive my graphics card. As soon as boot up hits graphical interface, it blacks out.
I can easily pop the side off the new PC, put in an older graphics card, install the OS with the drivers I need for the new graphics card and be good to go except as soon as I open the side panel, I void the warranty.

That is such a bullshit policy, open it and void the warranty. First order of business on ANY machine I buy is to open it, fully populate the ram slots, and install an SSD to make the boot drive. They all want SILLY money to include an SSD in the build.

WHICH, by the by, can be had for a smoking deal here:

Bought the College Dawter a new Dell m3800 laptop for a grad present. SWEET machine. SO thin, and a 4K screen. I fell so in love with it while upgrading ram, and adding SSD boot, I decided to order one for myself. So Ms. Roxy, I'll be passing through Tony Packo's town soon, and may have a spare laptop if you still have need.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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Thanks, Miss Lucy, anyway, if what I just surmised is correct, what made the FDA jump in bed with the Euro TPD bunch?? Always thought yours was 'the land of the free' at least, free market, for sure.

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Money.. in both cases. Because Big Tobacco and Big Pharma have LOTS, and "big vapor" doesn't even exist, nevermind with giant pots of money.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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As long as any protests are civil. Don't want (another) black eye from the media for being public assholes.

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We've been doing the MLK school of protest for 3 years now. And look where it has got us. I think we're nearing the time of needing to throw cartons of cigarettes in the Boston Harbor.
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