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Hank F. Spankman

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And Thank You Hank, for making me both current and hip with my all girl crew. The Mrs. texted back last night. It included the sickeningly sweet surprise and adoration for the poemette, and she told me that her and the girls watched Deadpool. I responded to THAT with a "You watched Deadpool WITHOUT me?!? and this:

Jesus, they think I am clever and witty. I hope they never find out the truth. My friends are hilarious.
I do what I can, as little as that may be


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Good morning Doc! :)
Top of the morning, Nat - and top of the morning, krewe! Happy Friday!

Gotta do a little wage compensated adulting (yeah - pants required) then back to the cave - time to organize/ sort the vape area... get some stuff moved to the PIF box, figure out what attys/ tanks I am not using and clean and store the ones i plan to keep... and stash some things conveniently out of direct sight lines... you know... uh... for feng shui and shit...


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Top of the morning, Nat - and top of the morning, krewe! Happy Friday!

Gotta do a little wage compensated adulting (yeah - pants required) then back to the cave - time to organize/ sort the vape area... get some stuff moved to the PIF box, figure out what attys/ tanks I am not using and clean and store the ones i plan to keep... and stash some things conveniently out of direct sight lines... you know... uh... for feng shui and shit...

Yeah, today I'm going to rebuild 2 of my Boreases and put some of @raymo2u coils in them. :) I won't show any pics of how they look though. :D
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Ala Moo, lol.

When he posted his I figured I'd better redo do mine and it wasn't anything like that bad - much to my surprise
ROFL! yah - when he posted that pic, i got to thinking that flavor had dropped off a bit on mine, so i checked the coils... now, they didn't look nearly as rough as his, but i did wonder if a small bird had flown down the chimney and shit on my coils a little... cleaned and re-wicked yesterday - chuckin like a mofo again...


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I was thinking about getting a new charger this weekend, and had been planning on the XTAR VC4. But I just ran across the XTAR SV2 Rocket Charger, and wondered if anyone had some thoughts to share. Apart from the obvious that it's only able to charge 2 at a time.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Ha, with the Remora's out of the way, I can break out the good stuff. Since I am only standing in place and moaning, figure I'll get a lil coffee roasted.
Truth be told, it will likely only be degassed and just about properly mellowed by the time they return, so, so much for planning. I on the other hand, will likely not be as well suited for their return.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ha, with the Remora's out of the way, I can break out the good stuff. Since I am only standing in place and moaning, figure I'll get a lil coffee roasted.
Truth be told, it will likely only be degassed and just about properly mellowed by the time they return, so, so much for planning. I on the other hand, will likely not be as well suited for their return.
View attachment 52372

Kopi Lewak - good to the last dropping


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Good morning Morley! :) Happy puttering! :D

Morning Nat. Yep, puttering, piddling about is what I do. Little of this, some of that, maybe even a tad of what's that all get done. I may try doing a little writing today. It has seen itself neglected. Difficult focusing on it.

The story idea is great but its not. It is interesting but not.

Having one of those times where I feel completely failed, yet am ecstatically overjoyed and happy about it at the same time. To which the idiot psychologist assistant tells me "oh that's perfectly normal." Wife seems to think it may be bi-polar but she's not a doc.

Kind of would make sense though.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Do you take supplemental potassium?

In a way; I drink coconut water every day, usually twice a day. The Zico chocolate coconut water I drink has 480mg of potassium per 8 oz, along with calcium, magnesium, and a tiny bit of sodium. I mix it with a small amount of chocolate milk, which increases the calcium slightly.

Lawd, Andria! Sounds PAINFUL. I think Brother Inspects maybe was onto something there for ya. Sounds like you have to try SOMEthing. I hope you get back to your Crack O Noon schedule soon!

Slept till nearly 11 this morning, with not a single cramp! Maybe this bout is over. It's weird; this seems to be the manifestation of my "time of the month" nowadays, since the traditional manifestation of that has been over for about 7 yrs now. :D So again I have "cramps," but not in my belly, in my feet/legs! :D

Both of my parents suffer(ed) this too (my dad passed in 2006, but he had a prescription for quinine because of his; he was taking so many meds, the doc didn't wanna take the trouble to get into how to *fix* the problem, just treat the symptom with quinine -- just another example of a doc being more fond of his prescription pad than using his MIND). I feel REALLY bad for my mom with it, because she's confined to a wheelchair, so she can't even get up to walk it off. Being able to walk it off when they strike me seems a real blessing, compared to that.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Good morning, and GFY everyone. It's Friday, after today I have a three day weekend, screw the supposed "decency and wholesome convo" Juicy mentioned! Let the debauchery begin.

I agree! My ol man also has a 3 day weekend. And since we didn't do steaks for my b'day last weekend, and Monday is Memorial Day, was why I suggested doing them *this* weekend.. well, Monday. Plus... after the years of poverty we suffered, trying to get thru that last day before payday with whatever we could scrounge up outta the pantry, eating well on the night before payday REALLY thrills me! A big ol poke in the eye of poverty! :D

We don't do "substances" anymore for debauchery, and we're both too old for the fleshly variety... so bring on the 'spensive steaks! :D :D :D



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Morning Nat. Yep, puttering, piddling about is what I do. Little of this, some of that, maybe even a tad of what's that all get done. I may try doing a little writing today. It has seen itself neglected. Difficult focusing on it.

The story idea is great but its not. It is interesting but not.

Having one of those times where I feel completely failed, yet am ecstatically overjoyed and happy about it at the same time. To which the idiot psychologist assistant tells me "oh that's perfectly normal." Wife seems to think it may be bi-polar but she's not a doc.

Kind of would make sense though.
I'm pretty sure I'm bi-polar, on a CRAZY long wave schedule. Fortunately, I'll get 10-15 GREAT years, then 2 or 3 really miserable ones. So it's not half bad..


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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In a way; I drink coconut water every day, usually twice a day. The Zico chocolate coconut water I drink has 480mg of potassium per 8 oz, along with calcium, magnesium, and a tiny bit of sodium. I mix it with a small amount of chocolate milk, which increases the calcium slightly.

Slept till nearly 11 this morning, with not a single cramp! Maybe this bout is over. It's weird; this seems to be the manifestation of my "time of the month" nowadays, since the traditional manifestation of that has been over for about 7 yrs now. :D So again I have "cramps," but not in my belly, in my feet/legs! :D

Both of my parents suffer(ed) this too (my dad passed in 2006, but he had a prescription for quinine because of his; he was taking so many meds, the doc didn't wanna take the trouble to get into how to *fix* the problem, just treat the symptom with quinine -- just another example of a doc being more fond of his prescription pad than using his MIND). I feel REALLY bad for my mom with it, because she's confined to a wheelchair, so she can't even get up to walk it off. Being able to walk it off when they strike me seems a real blessing, compared to that.


I take quinine regularly, especially in the summer. It's in the tonic water, and just kinda goes along for the ride.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I take quinine regularly, especially in the summer. It's in the tonic water, and just kinda goes along for the ride.

I used to mix some tonic into ginger ale for the cramps (been off booze for so long now, it's hard to even remember gin & tonic anymore!). But my son the chemical brainiac pointed out that chemically, quinine was only treating the symptom, not addressing the actual cause -- and that struck home with me, so I started trying to find ways to fix whatever it is that causes the problem. That really amped up when I started vaping and the dehydration got so off the charts that my ankles turned into cankles and my feet were so sore and lumpy, I could barely walk. I remembered someone over At The Other Place recommending coconut water, and I was desperate enough to try anything -- and within a week of starting daily coconut water, my ankles were back to their slim and graceful selves, and feet no longer hurt at all. So I'm a total convert to coconut water!



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Ha, with the Remora's out of the way, I can break out the good stuff. Since I am only standing in place and moaning, figure I'll get a lil coffee roasted.
Truth be told, it will likely only be degassed and just about properly mellowed by the time they return, so, so much for planning. I on the other hand, will likely not be as well suited for their return.
View attachment 52372
pace yourself - you can be degassed and properly mellowed too...


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ha, with the Remora's out of the way, I can break out the good stuff. Since I am only standing in place and moaning, figure I'll get a lil coffee roasted.
Truth be told, it will likely only be degassed and just about properly mellowed by the time they return, so, so much for planning. I on the other hand, will likely not be as well suited for their return.
View attachment 52372

Moo's coffee is shit everybody


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Sulfur, Charcoal and saltpeter, right? I know where to get the saltpeter, she put it on the smoked salmon...
Charcoal, burn some wood. The black left is charcoal. Sulfur, you might find along creek beds. You smell rotten eggs and find flaky yellow rock you got it.

Its a weee bit more complex than that. Get some stump removal powder from lowes or Home Depot. Its like %96 pure Kno3 or salt peter. Then get some sulfer and black willow charcoal. The charcoal is key to effective powder. If you make a hardwood charcoal it will be a slow burning powder and have no power.
Then you need a ball mill. Let it turn into a fine powder in a ball mill for about 6 hours then add a bit of dextrin and mill it for another 30 minutes. Strain it, wet it down till slightly damp and then press it thru a screen to make it into powder grain. Let dry and then test it by putting a thin line of it on a piece of paper, light it and watch the burn rate. It should burn fast enough that it doesnt burn the paper. A six inch line half an inch wide should flash burn in less than a second.
Im getting around 900 fps using 30 grains on a .44 caliber. If I load 50 grains in my Dragoon I have seen +1300 fps and you better have a firm grip. Fucker kicks like a mule. 100 grains in my Hawkins will leave a mark.
Just make sure you understand what your doing before attempting it. Its extremely easy but I seen bad charcoal cause the round to not make it out the barrel.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Speaking of great holiday sales... yesterday, found this at VaporBeast for $19.97:


They had also popped up a 10% coupon while I was perusing their wares, so I ended up getting for $21.37, including shipping. I think I might have gotten the very last red one, but they still have the black and blue ones, if anyone's been considering a miniBook.

It's gonna look BITCHIN with my new Achilles 2! Which left Lancaster, PA this morning, so I expect I'll probably have it Monday, and the miniBook maybe Monday also. :) :) :)



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Speaking of great holiday sales... yesterday, found this at VaporBeast for $19.97:

View attachment 52377

They had also popped up a 10% coupon while I was perusing their wares, so I ended up getting for $21.37, including shipping. I think I might have gotten the very last red one, but they still have the black and blue ones, if anyone's been considering a miniBook.

It's gonna look BITCHIN with my new Achilles 2! Which left Lancaster, PA this morning, so I expect I'll probably have it Monday, and the miniBook maybe Monday also. :) :) :)


Don't forget that Monday is a postal holiday :(


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ROFL! yah - when he posted that pic, i got to thinking that flavor had dropped off a bit on mine, so i checked the coils... now, they didn't look nearly as rough as his, but i did wonder if a small bird had flown down the chimney and shit on my coils a little... cleaned and re-wicked yesterday - chuckin like a mofo again...

Merlin says Rowdy did it. I'm not surprised since Rowdy has managed to shit right into my water bottle as she flew over it. She has mad skillz on her poop bomb aim

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Speaking of great holiday sales... yesterday, found this at VaporBeast for $19.97:

View attachment 52377

They had also popped up a 10% coupon while I was perusing their wares, so I ended up getting for $21.37, including shipping. I think I might have gotten the very last red one, but they still have the black and blue ones, if anyone's been considering a miniBook.

It's gonna look BITCHIN with my new Achilles 2! Which left Lancaster, PA this morning, so I expect I'll probably have it Monday, and the miniBook maybe Monday also. :) :) :)

Moonday is a holiday.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I used to mix some tonic into ginger ale for the cramps (been off booze for so long now, it's hard to even remember gin & tonic anymore!). But my son the chemical brainiac pointed out that chemically, quinine was only treating the symptom, not addressing the actual cause -- and that struck home with me, so I started trying to find ways to fix whatever it is that causes the problem. That really amped up when I started vaping and the dehydration got so off the charts that my ankles turned into cankles and my feet were so sore and lumpy, I could barely walk. I remembered someone over At The Other Place recommending coconut water, and I was desperate enough to try anything -- and within a week of starting daily coconut water, my ankles were back to their slim and graceful selves, and feet no longer hurt at all. So I'm a total convert to coconut water!


CRAP! My feet and legs swelled for the first time (except for being long hours on planes, bah) a couple months ago, when I was wearing new boots and walking thousands of miles at Bike Week in Daytona Beach. Keeps coming back now, and I HATE Coconut water.. Any other remedies?!
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