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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Its a weee bit more complex than that. Get some stump removal powder from lowes or Home Depot. Its like %96 pure Kno3 or salt peter. Then get some sulfer and black willow charcoal. The charcoal is key to effective powder. If you make a hardwood charcoal it will be a slow burning powder and have no power.
Then you need a ball mill. Let it turn into a fine powder in a ball mill for about 6 hours then add a bit of dextrin and mill it for another 30 minutes. Strain it, wet it down till slightly damp and then press it thru a screen to make it into powder grain. Let dry and then test it by putting a thin line of it on a piece of paper, light it and watch the burn rate. It should burn fast enough that it doesnt burn the paper. A six inch line half an inch wide should flash burn in less than a second.
Im getting around 900 fps using 30 grains on a .44 caliber. If I load 50 grains in my Dragoon I have seen +1300 fps and you better have a firm grip. Fucker kicks like a mule. 100 grains in my Hawkins will leave a mark.
Just make sure you understand what your doing before attempting it. Its extremely easy but I seen bad charcoal cause the round to not make it out the barrel.

Black powder making 101 notes, filed for later use, especially notes black willow char. Looks to see if ball mill is what he's heard refereed to as an automatic pistil & mortar. * looking it, sees, nods * Barrel with ss shot in it, used as the pistil, the barrel the turning mortar or versa vicea. Same difference. Or, rock tumbler. :) * looks up dextrin * Ah, Benefiber(tm) but they got 1lb of yellow on amazon $4, probably better to use. * watches as DEA, BATF raid Amazon now *


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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CRAP! My feet and legs swelled for the first time (except for being long hours on planes, bah) a couple months ago, when I was wearing new boots and walking thousands of miles at Bike Week in Daytona Beach. Keeps coming back now, and I HATE Coconut water.. Any other remedies?!

I don't like it either, just by itself. I get the Zico chocolate flavored, and add a little chocolate milk to make it a little sweeter and creamier. It's really tasty like that, and still works extremely well! It doesn't taste like coconut-anything; just tastes like chocolate milk!

I suppose you could try potassium supplements; I just prefer dietary sources, as usually that helps absorption, and also usually helps prevent any accidental "overdosing". With the Zico, you also get the calcium, magnesium, and a little sodium, so the balance is good, and helps to balance the body's electrolytes much more easily, rather than having to take a buttload of pills.



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Black powder making 101 notes, filed for later use, especially notes black willow char. Looks to see if ball mill is what he's heard refereed to as an automatic pistil & mortar. * looking it, sees, nods * Barrel with ss shot in it, used as the pistil, the barrel the turning mortar or versa vicea. Same difference. Or, rock tumbler. :) * looks up dextrin * Ah, Benefiber(tm) but they got 1lb of yellow on amazon $4, probably better to use. * watches as DEA, BATF raid Amazon now *
get rid of the SS balls. Only use lead or brass. SS can spark.


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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yes, it was Mikhail.

Yep, the one who was determined to be "authentically himself", which seemed to translate to "authentically an asshole" -- go be your authentic asshole self somewhere else! :D

I can't be anyone else but myself, either... but when the self I'm feeling like is antisocial, I stay out of the forum! Until I feel like playing nice with others! :D



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I also had a blind horse. She loved the goats. She watched over Mandy when she was a baby. Mandy lived in old Grandma horse's stall with her the first couple months.
That's good then that the goats didn't have horns to dig into the blind horse's eyeballs. I'm just sayin what happened to my sister's horse. Glad you didn't have to go through the same thang.
Goats eating through fences??? What kind of fences are you folks using?
The kind that don't hold water -----> or goats. :rolleyes:


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Yep, the one who was determined to be "authentically himself", which seemed to translate to "authentically an asshole" -- go be your authentic asshole self somewhere else! :D

I can't be anyone else but myself, either... but when the self I'm feeling like is antisocial, I stay out of the forum! Until I feel like playing nice with others! :D

Yea, nothing like getting a cyber "slap" in the face -- which is what I got on the other site. I get it I'm OLD.


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That's good then that the goats didn't have horns to dig into the blind horse's eyeballs. I'm just sayin what happened to my sister's horse. Glad you didn't have to go through the same thang.

The kind that don't hold water -----> or goats. :rolleyes:

My goats were dehorned. It's not a good thing when they come running and jump up on you like dogs do when they're happy to see you, and a horn goes through your lip. Just safer for others to remove the horns.

My blind horse didn't have eyes. She was a top show jumper in the early 70s, and got cataracts. Her owners tried experimental laser surgery, which was extremely experimental back then. It did not go well, and burned out her eyes. She was an amazing horse though. Perfect for beginners provided they remembered to steer. She would stop if she felt them slipping. She refused to go faster if she felt they didn't have the skills, lol! She died a week after her 30th birthday.


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My goats were dehorned. It's not a good thing when they come running and jump up on you like dogs do when they're happy to see you, and a horn goes through your lip. Just safer for others to remove the horns.

My blind horse didn't have eyes. She was a top show jumper in the early 70s, and got cataracts. Her owners tried experimental laser surgery, which was extremely experimental back then. It did not go well, and burned out her eyes. She was an amazing horse though. Perfect for beginners provided they remembered to steer. She would stop if she felt them slipping. She refused to go faster if she felt they didn't have the skills, lol! She died a week after her 30th birthday.
Yea, these were neighbor's goats and my sister's horse was a very rare Albino. Her skin was pink, her eyes were pink and we had to coat her skin every day with special powder from the vet. She lived until 35 but was blind for about 10 years before she passed. We had a regular horse fence. The neighbors had at least 60 goats going yeah, it wasn't a very good time. I just wish people would keep their animals in their own yards. Period. I don't care if it's a goat, a horse, a dog, anything. If it's YOUR pet, keep it in YOUR yard.


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I should keep this pic, to refer to anytime I feel down about my cellulite thighs. Or the rest of my body, as a matter of fact. :D My belly may have taken on a life of its own, but compared to that, I'm a centerfold! :D

Andria, you are GORGEOUS!!!!!! Keep the fucking pic if you want, but you are great. Older women are really like wine, only men with some intelligence can respect that. Others, well, they don't matter. Ya know?:inlove:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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You're a good person Andria. I hardly ever feel anti-social, but, when I do, I may lash out, then feel bad about it, then ...... watch this!!!!!

Thx Atcha... I do try to be a good person, mainly because I got really sick of my karma kicking me in the ass... but sometimes I'm moody, and some of those moods are mean as a snake. :D So I go read a book, then. If even that doesn't help... I go to bed!

I certainly don't flaunt my asshole moods as if I'm proud of them! :facepalm:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Andria, you are GORGEOUS!!!!!! Keep the fucking pic if you want, but you are great. Older women are really like wine, only men with some intelligence can respect that. Others, well, they don't matter. Ya know?:inlove:

I'm really not gorgeous; I'm 55 and showing every fucking day of it! Sometimes I ask my husband, how can you stand this? (referring to my body). He grabs some portion of my anatomy and gives it a honk, and says "Because it's mine. I love it all!" So at least he makes the right noises anyway. :D



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Dear person!!!!! Cyber slap taken. I get it.
I'm really not gorgeous; I'm 55 and showing every fucking day of it! Sometimes I ask my husband, how can you stand this? (referring to my body). He grabs some portion of my anatomy and gives it a honk, and says "Because it's mine. I love it all!" So at least he makes the right noises anyway. :D

Wow. That's wonderful. Maybe some day, someone will love me like that. I doubt it, but hey, life goes on, ya know?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Dear person!!!!! Cyber slap taken. I get it.

Wow. That's wonderful. Maybe some day, someone will love me like that. I doubt it, but hey, life goes on, ya know?

The secret of our success as a couple is that we both realize how lucky we are to find someone who will TOLERATE us, and stick around. :D We snipe and bicker and yell... what my parents don't realize when we do that around them and they fuss at us about it, is that it's COMMUNICATION. If that stops, usually the relationship does too. We had nearly a year of couple therapy about 12-13 yrs ago, so we could get to "you infuriate me, you asshole, but I love you, you fucking imbecile!" :D



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The secret of our success as a couple is that we both realize how lucky we are to find someone who will TOLERATE us, and stick around. :D We snipe and bicker and yell... what my parents don't realize when we do that around them and they fuss at us about it, is that it's COMMUNICATION. If that stops, usually the relationship does too. We had nearly a year of couple therapy about 12-13 yrs ago, so we could get to "you infuriate me, you asshole, but I love you, you fucking imbecile!" :D

That sounds great Andria. It's not ever going to happen for me. Most likely,not. The weird thing is, I really, truly LOVED my husband. It wasn't returned, so I thought there was something wrong with me. After a while, I didn't want my son to grow up watching abuse, so I kicked him out. Now, this is the odd part. My ex-husband was a Captain in the Army by the time he was 22. His whole family is Jewish and they have so much money ----it's scary. When I told my husband to leave, the whole family dis-owned him so it was a very big deal. I can remember when we were married, having the "in-laws" come to visit. He had to "teach" me, what fork to hold, what spoon to hold, at every occasion. If I spoke wrongly, I'd be chastised. NO! There's NO such thing as NEVER, etc. Being from Louisiana, it was too much. These people would show up from New Jersey in a $500,000 converted bus, and I was expected to know all the ins and outs of properness.


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Another fast son turns six. He's invited to a bar mitzvah for one of his cousins. He comes back, all dressed up and cute. And tells me about the new hospital they are building and all the swimming pools at his Aunt Kathy's house. That's fine and dandy, and trust me, I love Aunt Kathy. But, all of a sudden these people completely dis-regarded my son after the divorce. It wasn't until 3 years ago that my son was invited to go to Thanksgiving with them.


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Fast forward 18 years...............................I told him, Son, you're not invited to go to a "Cottage". It's NOT like the cottages in Texas. These people are filthy rich. I mean RICH. Guess what, he didn't believe me.
I was awoken in the middle of the night, 2 months after my mother died, by my kid, asking me: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT MY FAMILY! Well, of course, I hung up on him. After telling him that his father who was never there should have been the one to tell him.
Ugh. Sorry folks


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That sounds great Andria. It's not ever going to happen for me. Most likely,not. The weird thing is, I really, truly LOVED my husband. It wasn't returned, so I thought there was something wrong with me. After a while, I didn't want my son to grow up watching abuse, so I kicked him out. Now, this is the odd part. My ex-husband was a Captain in the Army by the time he was 22. His whole family is Jewish and they have so much money ----it's scary. When I told my husband to leave, the whole family dis-owned him so it was a very big deal. I can remember when we were married, having the "in-laws" come to visit. He had to "teach" me, what fork to hold, what spoon to hold, at every occasion. If I spoke wrongly, I'd be chastised. NO! There's NO such thing as NEVER, etc. Being from Louisiana, it was too much. These people would show up from New Jersey in a $500,000 converted bus, and I was expected to know all the ins and outs of properness.

My first husband was raised as an orthodox jew, though he left that faith years before he and I ever met. But to his family, I was the "goy" interloper -- even though his first wife was no more jewish than I am! (in point of fact, one of my great-grandmothers was jewish, left Germany in the early 1920s when they saw the anti-semitic writing on the wall -- but since that was my father's grandmother, to my ex's family, it "didn't count" -- being thru the male line).

But my ex also seemed to think he was my teacher, rather than my mate. Which, along with my alcoholism, goes a long way to explain why he and I were married less than a year -- though we lived together for a couple yrs beforehand. We both also suffered the delusion that we were going to "change" the other. Which is another point in my husband's favor: he loves me just the way I am, and always has, and I love him the same -- both of us HAVE changed, a great deal, in our near-29 yrs of marriage, and all for the better -- but we did it TOGETHER, hand in hand all the way, not because one of us insisted on it -- we simply grew up, individually but together, and also as a couple.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Its a weee bit more complex than that. Get some stump removal powder from lowes or Home Depot. Its like %96 pure Kno3 or salt peter. Then get some sulfer and black willow charcoal. The charcoal is key to effective powder. If you make a hardwood charcoal it will be a slow burning powder and have no power.
Then you need a ball mill. Let it turn into a fine powder in a ball mill for about 6 hours then add a bit of dextrin and mill it for another 30 minutes. Strain it, wet it down till slightly damp and then press it thru a screen to make it into powder grain. Let dry and then test it by putting a thin line of it on a piece of paper, light it and watch the burn rate. It should burn fast enough that it doesnt burn the paper. A six inch line half an inch wide should flash burn in less than a second.
Im getting around 900 fps using 30 grains on a .44 caliber. If I load 50 grains in my Dragoon I have seen +1300 fps and you better have a firm grip. Fucker kicks like a mule. 100 grains in my Hawkins will leave a mark.
Just make sure you understand what your doing before attempting it. Its extremely easy but I seen bad charcoal cause the round to not make it out the barrel.
Quite the "how to"! Thank you Morley!


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ECF Refugee
Sorry, I'm cracking up here!!!! White girl, sayin REMOVED, SEE ABOVE POST.
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