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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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I got to enjoy it pre-Nicholson, gomez nuts. I find it incredibly rich, with a ton of linger. Some hype is legit.

I find almost all coffee distastefully lingering -- if I drink one cup in the morning, I taste that shit ALL DAY LONG. Hence, i drink tea in the morning. On the RARE occasions i do have a cup of coffee, it's decaf, because the regular gripes my stomach something awful, and I have it at night, like with dessert -- by the next morning, I don't taste it anymore.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I find almost all coffee distastefully lingering -- if I drink one cup in the morning, I taste that shit ALL DAY LONG. Hence, i drink tea in the morning. On the RARE occasions i do have a cup of coffee, it's decaf, because the regular gripes my stomach something awful, and I have it at night, like with dessert -- by the next morning, I don't taste it anymore.


I drank coffee my whole life - even as a child.

I was mainly raised by my Scandinavian grandparents and they practically put it in baby bottles even


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Yea, nothing like getting a cyber "slap" in the face -- which is what I got on the other site. I get it I'm OLD.
SEE, I got my EYE on YOU too!!! There was no "Slapping"!!! :p :vino:<3

Edit* My Eye's must be tired cause that last post has me SEARCHING!!
Are you talking about the picture thing?? im lost!!!!
Last edited:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I drank coffee my whole life - even as a child.

I was mainly raised by my Scandinavian grandparents and they practically put it in baby bottles even

Yeah, my grandparents always gave me coffee, with lots of milk and sugar. By the time I was 19, I was up to about 10 cups a day, and twitched so much I annoyed MYSELF! So I quit it, and the headache was so fucking godawful, I started drinking hot tea -- and have stuck with that ever since.

Then, when I was pregnant and started having cravings.... I craved COFFEE, of all weird things. Knew I couldn't do caffeine while pregnated, so I got a coffee maker and had fresh-brewed decaf -- which satisfied the craving admirably, but didn't mess with my stomach, but once he was born, the craving left me and I went back to black tea.

When I first started doing the 12 step meeting thing, naturally I drank coffee, like everyone else there -- and that's when I discovered how badly it messed with my stomach. So I started taking my own beverage with me, a soft drink or a huge glass of iced tea.

The other weird thing I craved while pregnant was open-faced hot roast beef sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy... at 3am. Many nights, my husband would say, "honey, I love you, but Elias Brothers isn't open right now. (snore)" :D



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I'm just stupid, drunk stupid, and broken hearted over someone that wasn't even mine, so what's that say about me? Blah and total Blah. But................Lucy loves me.
repairbot loves the shit outta ya :) and I have become pretty damn fond of you myself, in a strange interwebz sorta fashion



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The only thing I said was REMOVED BY STAFF - Racial epithets are Not Allowed. That's it. Now, it's obviously a "bad" word here------and that's ok. Some of my brotha's tend to "disagree" wit dat. However, I think it's probably a good idea since day aint here and shit. ya know?


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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The only thing I said was REMOVED BY STAFF - Racial epithets are Not Allowed. That's it. Now, it's obviously a "bad" word here------and that's ok. Some of my brotha's tend to "disagree" wit dat. However, I think it's probably a good idea since day aint here and shit. ya know?

How do you know that?


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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You know, you gotta have a thick skin to hang out in this thread - we act irreverent and use insults as greetings.

But you don't seem to understand that the language you posted is hateful even if meant as a joke.

I won't hang out here anymore period if people here think that is funny and not recognize how hateful and hurtful it is to a lot of people.



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You know, you gotta have a thick skin to hang out in this thread - we act irreverent and use insults as greetings.

But you don't seem to understand that the language you posted is hateful even if meant as a joke.

I won't hang out here anymore period if people here think that is funny and not recognize how hateful and hurtful it is to a lot of people.

omg No . I didn't mean anything bad. Seriously. I'm sorry.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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You know, you gotta have a thick skin to hang out in this thread - we act irreverent and use insults as greetings.

But you don't seem to understand that the language you posted is hateful even if meant as a joke.

I won't hang out here anymore period if people here think that is funny and not recognize how hateful and hurtful it is to a lot of people.


I kinda agree... over in another thread, someone was talking about carrying something on the "bitch seat" of his motorcycle... and I'm thinking, yeah, I wonder how many bitches an ignorant asshole like YOU is gonna get. But I didn't say anything; best to ignore ignorance or it just seems to spread.



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I kinda agree... over in another thread, someone was talking about carrying something on the "bitch seat" of his motorcycle... and I'm thinking, yeah, I wonder how many bitches an ignorant asshole like YOU is gonna get. But I didn't say anything; best to ignore ignorance or it just seems to spread.


When I was a teenager bitch seat was the middle seat in a pickup truck.
You got it for slippin and not calling shotgun first.
Usually no female was even involved.

But I guess for some bikers it's a seat with a back that the bikers girlfriend leans against when she rides with him.:facepalm:

Check "Other Terminology"

Bitch Seat 1.JPG


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I kinda agree... over in another thread, someone was talking about carrying something on the "bitch seat" of his motorcycle... and I'm thinking, yeah, I wonder how many bitches an ignorant asshole like YOU is gonna get. But I didn't say anything; best to ignore ignorance or it just seems to spread.


I'm am one thick skinned motherfucking woman. I enjoy humor in very bad taste - fuck - I sent a male Fugee a tampon in the mail. The other night on VaperTV I told some sicko to take a roofie and go date-rape himself. So, I'm no blushing violet and rarely shy away from controversy and have big balls for a someone of the fairer sex.

However, I would never just randomly talk like that to just anyone or spew that kind of nonsense without knowing my audience.

As someone who is only half white - most people guess me as Italian but I'm not - I hear all kinds of racist rants or so-called innocent comments about race that just make your jaw drop.

This is one of those instances. While I have no African blood (that I know of) I will not sit back and not say anything while someone says patently hurtful words for no reason except it makes them feel good for whatever reason.

End of my rant - for now.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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When I was a teenager bitch seat was the middle seat in a pickup truck.
You got it for slippin and not calling shotgun first.
Usually no female was even involved.

But I guess for some bikers it's a seat with a back that the bikers girlfriend leans against when she rides with him.:facepalm:

Check "Other Terminology"

View attachment 52471

Well, I found it offensive -- I used to ride in that spot on my husband's motorcycle, and the only time he calls me bitch, there's serious fighting going on! And if anyone else ever called me that... there would BE some serious fighting going on!

It should be called the "honey seat" -- for the biker's honey. Because fat stupid drunk assholes who call it a "bitch seat" aren't going to be getting any honey, that's for damn sure!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm am one thick skinned motherfucking woman. I enjoy humor in very bad taste - fuck - I sent a male Fugee a tampon in the mail. The other night on VaperTV I told some sicko to take a roofie and go date-rape himself. So, I'm no blushing violet and rarely shy away from controversy and have big balls for a someone of the fairer sex.

However, I would never just randomly talk like that to just anyone or spew that kind of nonsense without knowing my audience.

As someone who is only half white - most people guess me as Italian but I'm not - I hear all kinds of racist rants or so-called innocent comments about race that just make your jaw drop.

This is one of those instances. While I have no African blood (that I know of) I will not sit back and not say anything while someone says patently hurtful words for no reason except it makes them feel good for whatever reason.

End of my rant - for now.

I appear to be white... mostly. :D But as I mentioned earlier, I'm 1/8th semitic jew, and I have a STRONG suspicion that there is some african in there somewhere too. I grew up here in Atlanta, and back in the early 60's, you still saw those odious segregation signs -- I was too small a child to reach the big water fountain, so I used the short one -- and was immediately grabbed up and told I couldn't use that one, it was only for "colored" people. I knew right then, at the age of 3, that segregation was the stupidest shit I ever heard of, when that short water fountain was clearly for small people, and color be damned! My aunt Betty used to be a sun worshipper of the first order, until she began suffering skin cancers and stopped that stupid shit -- but in her prime, she was a GREAT deal darker than our current president. So I've never ever grok'ed why the color of someone's skin meant a single damn thing -- but it does seem to give ignorant people something to worry about!

Ditto all that about sexism, and homophobia, too... what's between a person's legs is FAR less important than what's between their ears! And the two have nothing at all to do with each other!



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If you believe in evolution we are all African. That is where human life began, and to this day the greatest amount of diversity in human DNA is found there. The early modern humans who wandered out of Africa populated the rest of Earth. So a person in China may be more closely related to a European or Native American than any two randomly chosen people in Africa.

People evolved due to climate. Those in Northern climates needed to develop lighter, thinner skin for vitamin D absorption, particularly women. Additionally, generally women in a population will have lighter skin than the men to absorb additional vitamin D due to child bearing, including in Africa. We need vitamin D to process calcium.

Yes, I think these things are interesting :)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I'll be honest - I DETEST politically correctness. At Christmas I tell people Merry Christmas, am a self-proclaimed faghag and call men's undergarments that look like a tank top wife-beaters.

When someone talks about riding bitch, I talk about riding dick. If they get mean, I talk about riding little dick.

You think I say crazy shit on this thread, in real life I act the same way at home and with my friends. Yes, I am out there and I know it.

But there is a difference between not being PC and being thoughtless.

As a disclaimer, one of my closest friends in the whole world is a much younger-than-me black man. My husband and I call him our son and we are very close. We rib each other ruthlessly. I snuck into his car and hung a watermelon air freshener from his rear-view mirror, I sneak into his office when he's away from his desk and leave flyers from the grocery store with ads for things like fried chicken circled. It's brutal. He has left me gifts of NADS (that unfortunately named facial hair removal product for women) and Midol in my desk drawer; he hosts a public radio music show and dedicates songs to me about Natives he knows dam good and well I hate just to tease me.

So, you can say I'm not against racial jokes at all - when it's appropriate.

I made a very tough decision a long time ago to never just sit back when I hear blatant racism. It's one thing to be "edgy" and post a cartoon that uses a racist word (I did not and have not seen the cartoon so will make no judgements on it). It's quite another to talk about race like "oh, there's no black people here so its okay to use the n-word"

I won't do it in real life and I won't do it here.

And I certainly don't want to hang around people that think that is okay.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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If you believe in evolution we are all African. That is where human life began, and to this day the greatest amount of diversity in human DNA is found there. The early modern humans who wandered out of Africa populated the rest of Earth. So a person in China may be more closely related to a European or Native American than any two randomly chosen people in Africa.

People evolved due to climate. Those in Northern climates needed to develop lighter, thinner skin for vitamin D absorption, particularly women. Additionally, generally women in a population will have lighter skin than the men to absorb additional vitamin D due to child bearing, including in Africa. We need vitamin D to process calcium.

Yes, I think these things are interesting :)

I think it's interesting too -- that first group who wandered out of Africa seems to have amounted to no more than perhaps 100,000... who proceeded to spread out and colonize the entire planet! Which accounts for the closely related DNA of all those outside of Africa. Also interesting is that those who learned to herd cattle developed the mutation which allowed them to digest milk past infancy -- we're the only species in which that's true. Those who come from people who never herded cattle, are lactose intolerant -- their primary ancestral gene pool never developed that mutation. And the dread scourge of sickle cell anemia is actually a mutation which protects against malaria, a very common and deadly disease in Africa -- sickle cell might eventually kill or shorten life drastically, but it enabled those people to live long enough to procreate and pass on their genes, and thus was a beneficial mutation.

All that stuff fascinates me!

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