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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Just being total failures at doing their jobs. Which reflects on us as a company, when our customers don't get their packages. And I've tried for three days to get a human being from usps on the phone with no luck. The main automated number from usps is so infuriating I'd rather be beaten with a red hot car antenna than deal with that thing again

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A red hot car antenna! I'm saving that idea. WICKED!
I've also found that a fist wrapped around an RX200 full of batteries would also definitely deliver much more wallop than one without. And they look SO innocent..


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Not my beverage of choice by any means, but if I have to drink Tang, it tastes better than way. Though maybe the fact that it's 190 proof just means it takes less time to stop noticing the taste.

Hahaha.... Do NOT ever try to drink 190 proof. It is SO hygroscopic, it will strip the moisture from your mouth in a hot second, and leave significant tissue damage... Just sayin...


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I have to buy a chest freezer, I'm hurting for space in the frig-freezer.

I am too! I'm down to 4mg now, and with what I have, I probably have about 30 yrs worth already, but the teenagers across the street loved that little bit they bummed from me so much, now they want me to make some for them, at 6mg/50-50 PG/VG. *sigh* So I guess I gotta get more nic and squeeze it in somehow. Next really big check, gotta get one of those 4 gal glyCube PG/VG deals.



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Yep, not to be trifled with. I've rode in a car with a big puddle of 24mg soaked into my pants, for 8 hours. I didn't need to vape, for sure. 100mg I don't freak if i get a bit on my hand. Just rinse and dry, no panic. But 1000mg, I will be wearing ALL the gear for. Gloves, apron, goggles AND a SUPER well ventilated area plus a fresh air respirator. I imagine any significant exposure would kill pretty quick.
A bathtub full of warm water wouldn't hurt.

(For jumpin in if needed)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Hahaha.... Do NOT ever try to drink 190 proof. It is SO hygroscopic, it will strip the moisture from your mouth in a hot second, and leave significant tissue damage... Just sayin...
On a related note, when a buddy of yours hands you a vodka bottle half full of colorless liquid (and thus presumably vodka, what else would it be right?) and says "Try this" do not take a swig without first asking if he knows someone with a still. I stripped the paint off his siding just by breathing on it after that shot of shine.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I am too! I'm down to 4mg now, and with what I have, I probably have about 30 yrs worth already, but the teenagers across the street loved that little bit they bummed from me so much, now they want me to make some for them, at 6mg/50-50 PG/VG. *sigh* So I guess I gotta get more nic and squeeze it in somehow. Next really big check, gotta get one of those 4 gal glyCube PG/VG deals.


BTW, I meant to comment on this -- I did ask that kid if he was a smoker, before he was a vaper, and he was, so I do think it's perfectly correct for me to help him out with ejuice, so that he doesn't ever have to smoke again -- he's 17, and most of y'all know exactly what smoking at that age means -- 20-40 yrs enslavement to cigarettes. Best to head that off before it gets a real foothold! He's got a decent lil mod, a Pico I think, and a genuine Svoemesto Kayfun on top of it, so he's doing fine for himself -- but at 17, it's hard for him to get ejuice unless his parents buy it for him, and while they're thrilled that he no longer smokes, they're often not home, they both seem to work 2 jobs. So I'll keep helping him out, and the FDA can bite my ass.



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Yeah I don't care for any of the INW cherries; for my Cherry-Vanilla Pipe, I use TFA's cherry extract along with that Vanilla for Pipe and Deluxe TDM, and a bit of Vanilla Swirl too, though I may use Shisha Vanilla next time. I tried adding a little DNB to it last time, but haven't worked up the courage to try that yet. It's gotta be well steeped by now. That DNB smelled so weird in the bottle, is why I'm feeling hesitant to try that latest iteration.

DNB has to be used very very sparingly, like a drop or two to 10 ml. It is good if your going for the cig a like feel for a vape but too much and it will ruin a vape flavor. Its very situational for when you use DNB in your mixing and personally I would not use it in a pipe style vape flavor.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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BTW, I meant to comment on this -- I did ask that kid if he was a smoker, before he was a vaper, and he was, so I do think it's perfectly correct for me to help him out with ejuice, so that he doesn't ever have to smoke again -- he's 17, and most of y'all know exactly what smoking at that age means -- 20-40 yrs enslavement to cigarettes. Best to head that off before it gets a real foothold! He's got a decent lil mod, a Pico I think, and a genuine Svoemesto Kayfun on top of it, so he's doing fine for himself -- but at 17, it's hard for him to get ejuice unless his parents buy it for him, and while they're thrilled that he no longer smokes, they're often not home, they both seem to work 2 jobs. So I'll keep helping him out, and the FDA can bite my ass.


Yeah, it's situations like this is why I changed me mind on "should non-smokers be encouraged to vape" issue.

New smokers are still being born everyday unfortunately


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Hahaha.... Do NOT ever try to drink 190 proof. It is SO hygroscopic, it will strip the moisture from your mouth in a hot second, and leave significant tissue damage... Just sayin...

151 proof came close enough for me. Mom bought her and me a pint of Barcadi's once. She took a shot for her drink, handed the bottle back to me. "All yours." Well, of course I turned it right up and started chugging down. Got nearly all of it down, stopped for a breath. She looked at me in pure disbelief. "You know what you're drinking there boy?"

Looked at the label. "Well, shit. What you doing Ma, trying to kill me yet again?" It burned for a bit but I did get the boot of it out. Then sparked the ghost. Mom just shook her head. "You'll be drunk as hell in ten minutes." I laughed at her because this was before being on the testosterone, "Sure, but my drunk won't last but two minutes."

Worst I've drunk was some extra hard apple cider. They called it radiator fluid. Not too sure what they did to process it but damn did it knock you down. Took me five minutes of being drunk on it.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I just realized that the iStick TC100W I got on Tuesday is still at 2/3 charge. 16.2Wh last a long time at 16W. I was gonna get two lghg2 (22Wh) for it but that seems like overkill at this point.

I swear by the 50 watt Istick - I use them at work because they just always function without fuss and they only need recharging a few times a week if you tootle puff.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yeah, it's situations like this is why I changed me mind on "should non-smokers be encouraged to vape" issue.

New smokers are still being born everyday unfortunately

And he and his friends were already smokers, before they discovered vaping. Vaping may be a cool fad for kids, but if it keeps them from smoking, especially if they're already smokers before they try it, then they should have access to all the vapeware they want. It would be great to prevent a whole new generation from becoming slaves to be exploited by both BT and the gov't.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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BTW, I meant to comment on this -- I did ask that kid if he was a smoker, before he was a vaper, and he was, so I do think it's perfectly correct for me to help him out with ejuice, so that he doesn't ever have to smoke again -- he's 17, and most of y'all know exactly what smoking at that age means -- 20-40 yrs enslavement to cigarettes. Best to head that off before it gets a real foothold! He's got a decent lil mod, a Pico I think, and a genuine Svoemesto Kayfun on top of it, so he's doing fine for himself -- but at 17, it's hard for him to get ejuice unless his parents buy it for him, and while they're thrilled that he no longer smokes, they're often not home, they both seem to work 2 jobs. So I'll keep helping him out, and the FDA can bite my ass.


DO exercise caution and discretion, your young friend too. Under the eyes of the law, it's "Contributing to the delinquency of a minor" to provide adult products to those not yet 18. Or 21, if we're talking booze.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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DO exercise caution and discretion, your young friend too. Under the eyes of the law, it's "Contributing to the delinquency of a minor" to provide adult products to those not yet 18. Or 21, if we're talking booze.

I know... because the gov't wants to get in there first, with their contributing to delinquency. :D I've suffered allergies my whole life; I'm pretty sure I was an alcoholic YEARS before it was legal for me to drink, just from all the "elixirs" I had to take for my allergies -- benadryl, dimetapp, even tylenol, all were alcohol-based elixirs when I was a child. Thank god they finally addressed THAT problem and took that shit out of kids' medicine!



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BTW, I meant to comment on this -- I did ask that kid if he was a smoker, before he was a vaper, and he was, so I do think it's perfectly correct for me to help him out with ejuice, so that he doesn't ever have to smoke again -- he's 17, and most of y'all know exactly what smoking at that age means -- 20-40 yrs enslavement to cigarettes. Best to head that off before it gets a real foothold! He's got a decent lil mod, a Pico I think, and a genuine Svoemesto Kayfun on top of it, so he's doing fine for himself -- but at 17, it's hard for him to get ejuice unless his parents buy it for him, and while they're thrilled that he no longer smokes, they're often not home, they both seem to work 2 jobs. So I'll keep helping him out, and the FDA can bite my ass.

Yep....I was smoking a PAD at 15 yrs. old.....if vaping was available...I think of health, and the money which could have been stockpiled, rather than gone up in smoke...:cry:


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Good morning, Doc! GFY! I sure hope you don't have a torn rotator. I did mine, trying to pull start a Hotsie. Took a couple years before I got any reasonable amount of use out of it, without pain and setbacks. In your job, it'll be tough to baby it sufficiently, long enough, for it to heal well or quickly. And everyone I've talked to who opted for surgical relief, regrets it.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Morning fugees....or afternoon....regardless, have a great Saturday if you're not working.

Have a bunch of things I need to get done today........:blech:...would rather do NOTHING....:bliss:

Same here; I gotta get back on my organization of vape shit... the flavor carousel today. When I walked in here this morning and saw the clean counter where there is normally 879 different bottles and mods and attys and syringes and driptips and etc all over the place, I was like... WOAH! :D



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Same here; I gotta get back on my organization of vape shit... the flavor carousel today. When I walked in here this morning and saw the clean counter where there is normally 879 different bottles and mods and attys and syringes and driptips and etc all over the place, I was like... WOAH! :D

That is a good feeling to see organization, believe me I know, guilty as charged....:D


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yep....I was smoking a PAD at 15 yrs. old.....if vaping was available...I think of health, and the money which could have been stockpiled, rather than gone up in smoke...:cry:

Which is exactly why I SPIT on their stupid law, I piss all over it! Fucking morons think that saying that minors can't do something, means they WON'T? And a big fat HAH! to that idiot idea!



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Well, I just got a bit of a surprise. I ordered myself a Geek Vape 521 tab. I received a CM 521 tab instead. Not gonna complain because I actually like the CM better, was just trying to save myself a few bucks. But it does kinda bug me when a vendor swaps something out without notifying ya, even if what they send is actually better.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Well, I just got a bit of a surprise. I ordered myself a Geek Vape 521 tab. I received a CM 521 tab instead. Not gonna complain because I actually like the CM better, was just trying to save myself a few bucks. But it does kinda bug me when a vendor swaps something out without notifying ya, even if what they send is actually better.

Yeah, it always makes me wonder if it was a legitimate mistake or if that is the kind of service you can expect in the future. Just send whatever is close and handy doesn't always cut it


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Well, I just got a bit of a surprise. I ordered myself a Geek Vape 521 tab. I received a CM 521 tab instead. Not gonna complain because I actually like the CM better, was just trying to save myself a few bucks. But it does kinda bug me when a vendor swaps something out without notifying ya, even if what they send is actually better.
May have been just a mistake, Kad...I've had similar happen, contacted the vendor and he said the guy in packaging goofed.


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Never. I don't cloud the atmosphere, so there's no precipitation. ;)

I cloud where I work.... I cloud at the bus stop.... Sometimes the clouds scare people...... I had a ***** head last night ask me for a Vape and I said ....ok here try it....... He took a 120watt drag like a 5 or 6 second pull...... Started coughing and then started dancing and pointing to the sky ?

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