I'm gonna have to agree with Lucy on this. I found the "mech" squonk vape just as good, if not better. I like it so much I traded my DNA200 for one of them
Our founder and President of Singe the nostril hair regrowing company.
"I like it so much, I bought the company!"
"Tra La La Laa Laa ..."
Sorry. Yes, I am insane at times. Y'all need to learn to live with it. We did, all 25 of me.
But yes, I agree. Using a mechanical imho puts regulated mods to shame. You need to learn to build nice coils. No, they don't need to be anywhere near
@raymo2u 's super artistic coils to do a good job. It might be nice if you can do that quality in building coils.
I'm not disrespecting that artistry at all. I am saying it is not needed to get to that point to have enjoyable vaping with mechanicals. Nicely built coils do well enough. They do not need to be super models. Do though take a little time in building them, getting them looking nice.
I had to fiddle a little with mine here today on the deck. One from a pair of dual coils was heating faster, better than the other. I kind of noticed it when changing wicks to change flavors. I tried not changing wicks and found it works better, for me, to change them. Wife also noticed it setting back across the room. "One's getting hotter," she told me.
Out came the needle nosed pliers, the mandrel. Took me about two to five minutes and I squared them away. They both fire very near in time with another. Both attaining a warm glow evenly. I went back to Hawk Sauce finding the coils being dry fired helped clear some lingering gunk. The juice when vaped tasted more mellow, better.
My coils? Two 28 awg Kanthal parallel wrapped 5 and a quarter turn round 3 mm diameter mandrel. Steam Engine site says each should be hitting at about 0.6 ohms, figured with 2 it would be about 1.2 ohms net. They're hitting like champs.