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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Sir Kadly

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Physics, televangelists and the like are different from politicians in that I have a choice on whether or not to fork over my hard-earned dough.

The biggest thing I resent about televangelists is the tax-free church status. The always makes my ass red
I thought it was chapped from the Alaska weather.

The Cromwell

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Psychics, televangelists and the like are different from politicians in that I have a choice on whether or not to fork over my hard-earned dough.

The biggest thing I resent about televangelists is the tax-free church status. The always makes my ass red
Who do you think pays for the public services that churches use?
Not them they pay no tax.....


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Some people never learned that it is better to be thought a fool then to open their mouths and remove all doubt. What is even worse is when an elected official does this constantly. Recently John Kerry proclaimed that refrigerators and air conditioners are more dangerous than ISIS. Well someone started a petition in support of john Kerry and I think we all should support this petition. Sign the petition to remove air conditioners from all US State Department property. :D


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Some people never learned that it is better to be thought a fool then to open their mouths and remove all doubt. What is even worse is when an elected official does this constantly. Recently John Kerry proclaimed that refrigerators and air conditioners are more dangerous than ISIS. Well someone started a petition in support of john Kerry and I think we all should support this petition. Sign the petition to remove air conditioners from all US State Department property. :D
I read that yesterday, goes to show how out of touch these fucking idiots really are.


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We should all donate our air conditioners and refrigerators to terrorists. Maybe that's the reason they're so wacked, no cold beer, poor sleeping conditions when it's a 120 in the shade.


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I bet a mules ass smells better than some of those gun wielding psychopaths. I hope Kerry sends them air conditioners, since the cooling units are so deadly.


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When politicians say bizarre shit like that, it takes everything in me to not shred my passport.


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Ain't nobody laying a finger on my air conditioner, which I need in order TO BREATHE! He can fuck off and die, as all ignorant people should do ASAP.



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I also invite Mr John fucking control-freak Kerry to spend the summer in Atlanta without air conditioning.



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I don't know why shit like that infuriates me so much, must of missed my last anger management class.


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I don't know why shit like that infuriates me so much, must of missed my last anger management class.

To me, it's right up there with Sheryl Crow claiming to use just one sheet of TP to wipe her ass. Ok, fine for THEM, but don't be trying to force that kind of stupidity on others! If you want to be some kind of self-righteous puritan idiot, be my guest! But don't expect ME to be one with you! Same for vegans trying to convert normal carnivorous homosapiens into vegans. I can't eat eggs or drink alcohol, but I don't go around telling everyone else they shouldn't!

Control freaks need to be ejected from the planet ASAP.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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To me, it's right up there with Sheryl Crow claiming to use just one sheet of TP to wipe her ass. Ok, fine for THEM, but don't be trying to force that kind of stupidity on others! If you want to be some of self-righteous puritan idiot, be my guest! But don't expect ME to be one with you! Same for vegans trying to convert normal carnivorous homosapiens into vegans. I can't eat eggs or drink alcohol, but I don't go around telling everyone else they shouldn't!

Control freaks need to be ejected from the planet ASAP.


That's Cromwell's department


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We should all donate our air conditioners and refrigerators to terrorists. Maybe that's the reason they're so wacked, no cold beer, poor sleeping conditions when it's a 120 in the shade.

I figured out a long time ago why they are pissed. It is a two fold reason. First they are not allowed to eat bacon. That in itself is enough to make anyone go crazy. Secondly they found out the 72 virgins is a bunch of guys just like them. Talk about a huge let down :giggle:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I figured out a long time ago why they are pissed. It is a two fold reason. First they are not allowed to eat bacon. That in itself is enough to make anyone go crazy. Secondly they found out the 72 virgins is a bunch of guys just like them. Talk about a huge let down :giggle:

Removed by staff (warning for rule #2):giggle:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Prolly a misprint....she meant Bounty PT, not TP....psychotic wackjob.

As far as I'm concerned, all those Hollywood types trying to "save the world" by telling everyone else how they should live, are ALL wackjobs. And Angelina Jolie too. She's a fucking ex-goth girl, actress, and now she's meeting the Queen of England and the Pope? What the HELL is wrong with the world????????? And why exactly does she feel she needs to raise the entire League of Nations????????



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I totally grok your frustration with the Since My Last Cigarette banner.... I had it set yesterday to show the *actual* correct elapsed time... so I get here this morning, and it's gone backward, apparently. :eek::facepalm::slowclap: So I had to go back to it and fiddle with it some more to make it show the correct elapsed time. Wonder what it'll be showing tomorrow. :giggle:


I'm not really frustrated with it - I think it's funny - and more than a bit ironic in context of the ECF nazi bullshit over this particular banner.

Technically, what is entered for what was my last cigarette is 07/31/2011 at 08:30 p.m. so it looks like it will still hit the date correctly - albeit a bit sideways. :p

Sheezus - four more days and it will be five freakin' years. At this point smoking a cigarette is more like a vague memory than anything else. And no - I haven't had one or even a part of one since. Done is done in this case.

I know some of you have struggled with this but: Cravings just don't 'disappear' - at least they didn't for me. But they do fizzle out over time and get weaker and further apart. At the five year mark... I can't recall having a craving in about six months or so. However - even at four and a half years out - still happened. For us decades long smokers it's a real myth that you can just vape for a few months and be done with a smoking addiction - which also explains the miserable fail rate for conventional NRT and pharma approaches to quitting.

Gonna go order me another liter of nic as an anniversary present. :confetti:


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Thx, but my vaporversary is Feb 1 -- yesterday was my no-smoke-a-versary! :D
Equally as noteworthy and worthy of celebration. :stars2:
Aug 25 is my no-smoke-a-versary, so a little less than a month to go to hit my first year.
It's still odd when I think about how I could not see myself not being a smoker, and now not being one, how hooked I was to the damn things. :headbang:


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Caaaaalllll Me Now!!!
Have a Toll Free number to the afterlife?? But I'm sure that there's a medium somewhere that can hook you up for just $3.95 per minute. (For Entertainment Purposes Only.)

There was a good write-up of her on several news outlets. CNN had a decent one. She only worked for the outfit for a few years, and her character was total fiction. The outfit was sued by the Feds (FTC?) and settled for paying millions in fines without admitting wrong-doing.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go call Peter Popoff and get my Miracle Spring Water to rub on my debit card so that thousands of dollars will miraculously appear in my bank account.


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I'm gonna have to reinstall Linux and see how XCom 2, Witcher, and a couple other games run these days.

Random Tapatalk Post

I don't get into much gaming on the system here. I like a python game of anagrams, another of solitaires. Have three or four gaming consoles which take turns getting dusted off briefly. I like Killer Instinct Gold, a little Animal Crossing, a bit of Harvest Moon. Used to play a bit The Mana World. I just do not find a lot of enjoyment in games. Of course, there's not much I do find enjoyment in. I'm kind of odd like that. Awe well. Guess I ought to go get the day started, critters fed, laundry started.

ETA: Awe well, looks like I have to put laundry off again. Those washing yesterday did not finish theirs. So, I have to wait until they do in order to do mine & the wife's. Plus yesterday our bedroom was flooded by about a half inch of water from the rain. Fixing the issue would cost far too much financially, as well the excavation would need done by hand lest a backhoe accidentally trigger something to knock over the cinder-block. Told my wife yesterday we may as well go buy ourselves another place. I would just dare any of our family to try to come visit. They probably find out they'd meet an an Unwelcome sign.

"Oh yeah? Well, go fuck yourself too world!"
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Have a Toll Free number to the afterlife?? But I'm sure that there's a medium somewhere that can hook you up for just $3.95 per minute. (For Entertainment Purposes Only.)

There was a good write-up of her on several news outlets. CNN had a decent one. She only worked for the outfit for a few years, and her character was total fiction. The outfit was sued by the Feds (FTC?) and settled for paying millions in fines without admitting wrong-doing.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go call Peter Popoff and get my Miracle Spring Water to rub on my debit card so that thousands of dollars will miraculously appear in my bank account.
Peter Popoff... That name just cracks me up.
Just have to be a man of god with that name.


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Peter Popoff... That name just cracks me up.
Just have to be a man of god with that name.
Once in a blue moon, I turn on one of his productions, errr.., programs just so that I can be freshly revolted by his actions.:tantrum:
The man has been busted several times for his fraudulent actions, yet there he is, still on the air. It's a miracle I tell you! :crazy:


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Once in a blue moon, I turn on one of his productions, errr.., programs just so that I can be freshly revolted by his actions.:tantrum:
The man has been busted several times for his fraudulent actions, yet there he is, still on the air. It's a miracle I tell you! :crazy:
He's still on the air!?!? After the James Randi thing?? Thought that shut him down...

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I'm not really frustrated with it - I think it's funny - and more than a bit ironic in context of the ECF nazi bullshit over this particular banner.

Technically, what is entered for what was my last cigarette is 07/31/2011 at 08:30 p.m. so it looks like it will still hit the date correctly - albeit a bit sideways. :p

Sheezus - four more days and it will be five freakin' years. At this point smoking a cigarette is more like a vague memory than anything else. And no - I haven't had one or even a part of one since. Done is done in this case.

I know some of you have struggled with this but: Cravings just don't 'disappear' - at least they didn't for me. But they do fizzle out over time and get weaker and further apart. At the five year mark... I can't recall having a craving in about six months or so. However - even at four and a half years out - still happened. For us decades long smokers it's a real myth that you can just vape for a few months and be done with a smoking addiction - which also explains the miserable fail rate for conventional NRT and pharma approaches to quitting.

Gonna go order me another liter of nic as an anniversary present. :confetti:

I agree completely -- I've been sober for almost 24 yrs now, and sometimes the desire for a beer still hits me right between the eyes. I guess it may never stop. And I've been smoke-free for 2 yrs now... and had a smoking dream just this morning!

But I dunno if the enduring nags for a cigarette are really "cravings" -- I've FELT cravings, and they weren't nearly so easily dismissed as what I feel now sometimes -- to get rid of THOSE, I had to use WTA, whereas now I'm completely free of WTA, and down to about 3.5mg nicotine, but just vaping for a few minutes gets rid of those thoughts completely, I just forget about 'em -- real CRAVINGS, you don't forget those so easily, they ride around on your back stabbing you with a fork every 5 seconds. But yeah, WTA made them DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY. I guess it's not really possible to know the difference between a real craving and a passing thought, until you've actually experienced the difference.

And hey g'mornin' fugee gang; and GFYs merrily! :)


ETA: I'm STILL having to fiddle with my banner code -- last night, it said something weird, so I went to fiddle with it, so it would read -- at that time -- 2 yrs, 1 day, and 19 hrs. so I get here a few minutes ago, and now it's reading "2 yrs 1 day and 10 hrs". So I had to go fiddle it again, to make it say 2 yrs, 2 days, and 10 hrs. :facepalm: Goofy ass thing!
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I agree completely -- I've been sober for almost 24 yrs now, and sometimes the desire for a beer still hits me right between the eyes. I guess it may never stop. And I've been smoke-free for 2 yrs now... and had a smoking dream just this morning!

But I dunno if the enduring nags for a cigarette are really "cravings" -- I've FELT cravings, and they weren't nearly so easily dismissed as what I feel now sometimes -- to get rid of THOSE, I had to use WTA, whereas now I'm completely free of WTA, and down to about 3.5mg nicotine, but just vaping for a few minutes gets rid of those thoughts completely, I just forget about 'em -- real CRAVINGS, you don't forget those so easily, they ride around on your back stabbing you with a fork every 5 seconds. But yeah, WTA made them DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY. I guess it's not really possible to know the difference between a real craving and a passing thought, until you've actually experienced the difference.

And hey g'mornin' fugee gang; and GFYs merrily! :)


ETA: I'm STILL having to fiddle with my banner code -- last night, it said something weird, so I went to fiddle with it, so it would read -- at that time -- 2 yrs, 1 day, and 19 hrs. so I get here a few minutes ago, and now it's reading "2 yrs 1 day and 10 hrs". So I had to go fiddle it again, to make it say 2 yrs, 2 days, and 10 hrs. :facepalm: Goofy ass thing!

Tomorrow I make two years since I quit smoking and at times I still get hit with the passing feeling of "Damn a cig would be nice about now" but I know that is the last thing I want. Im to the point that I dont like the smell of cigarette smoke and I cant stand the smell of anyone who just smoked a cigarette. Yet I still get those occasional cravings for one.


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Tomorrow I make two years since I quit smoking and at times I still get hit with the passing feeling of "Damn a cig would be nice about now" but I know that is the last thing I want. Im to the point that I dont like the smell of cigarette smoke and I cant stand the smell of anyone who just smoked a cigarette. Yet I still get those occasional cravings for one.
Wow, congrats!! :)


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Good thing for today, the coils I'm using are still hammering clouds & battery charge life is doing well. :) Will get to laundry around 13:30 EST, leaves time to get it finished up today. It had been put off a few days longer than usual to accommodate the weather & others needing to wash. At least the water goes downhill and exits the house quickly. Still I'm concerned about mold in the walls inside. It would seem too others who suffer from respiratory ailments would be concerned too. Oddly, they're not. Oh well.


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I'm surprised they're releasing him. Wasn't it just a few years back he got in trouble for seeking out info about Jodie Foster on one of his unsupervised weekend releases?

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Not too sure, might have been. Funny in a way if he's a guy thinking he would hook up with her. Happen to know she has no fondness of men, at least not in that way. If he's just looking to be a PITA, well, I'm sure folks will ensure he's not.

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho! Off to laundry I go. :)


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Tomorrow I make two years since I quit smoking and at times I still get hit with the passing feeling of "Damn a cig would be nice about now" but I know that is the last thing I want. Im to the point that I dont like the smell of cigarette smoke and I cant stand the smell of anyone who just smoked a cigarette. Yet I still get those occasional cravings for one.

But those really aren't cravings; they're passing thoughts, and I get those too. They're easily dismissed, which is how you know they aren't cravings. Cravings are 500 lb gorillas that sit on your neck and stab you with a fork and scream and holler and get in the way of every other thing in the world, you can't even THINK of anything else. That's what I used WTA to get rid of, and it worked! If you can vape and go on about your business and in a minute the thought is completely forgotten... that's not a craving.



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He's still on the air!?!? After the James Randi thing?? Thought that shut him down...

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Yes, he still out there on the airwaves. Some cable channels need the money apparently. Being busted by James Randi, among others, was not enough to deter the gullible faithful from continuing to give him money.


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But those really aren't cravings; they're passing thoughts, and I get those too. They're easily dismissed, which is how you know they aren't cravings. Cravings are 500 lb gorillas that sit on your neck and stab you with a fork and scream and holler and get in the way of every other thing in the world, you can't even THINK of anything else. That's what I used WTA to get rid of, and it worked! If you can vape and go on about your business and in a minute the thought is completely forgotten... that's not a craving.

Man, now I'm really scared to get off the wta.
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