I agree completely -- I've been sober for almost 24 yrs now, and sometimes the desire for a beer still hits me right between the eyes. I guess it may never stop. And I've been smoke-free for 2 yrs now... and had a smoking dream just this morning!
But I dunno if the enduring nags for a cigarette are really "cravings" -- I've FELT cravings, and they weren't nearly so easily dismissed as what I feel now sometimes -- to get rid of THOSE, I had to use WTA, whereas now I'm completely free of WTA, and down to about 3.5mg nicotine, but just vaping for a few minutes gets rid of those thoughts completely, I just forget about 'em -- real CRAVINGS, you don't forget those so easily, they ride around on your back stabbing you with a fork every 5 seconds. But yeah, WTA made them DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY. I guess it's not really possible to know the difference between a real craving and a passing thought, until you've actually experienced the difference.
And hey g'mornin' fugee gang; and GFYs merrily!
ETA: I'm STILL having to fiddle with my banner code -- last night, it said something weird, so I went to fiddle with it, so it would read -- at that time -- 2 yrs, 1 day, and 19 hrs. so I get here a few minutes ago, and now it's reading "2 yrs 1 day and 10 hrs". So I had to go fiddle it again, to make it say 2 yrs, 2 days, and 10 hrs.
Goofy ass thing!