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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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You let the Klan know when you wee ?!?

Aye that I do but my klan is me furry four legged kin. Nay, I do not hold to being involved in any form with the Klu Klux Klan. Yes, I have been to one of their 'jubilee' gatherings, once. Youngest brother had been invited to it and took me along as over watch for himself. No one caused us any trouble. They wanted us to join up but it was up to us. Me and him talked on the way home.

Him: "It's a bunch of shit to be so scared you hate everybody. That's all them guys were, chicken-shit. I'm not gonna be with them. I'm probably too stoned stupid to be scared of much."

Me: "Figured you would see the light they hid."

Him: "Yep, hate is more stupid than being messed up."

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Aye that I do but my klan is me furry four legged kin. Nay, I do not hold to being involved in any form with the Klu Klux Klan. Yes, I have been to one of their 'jubilee' gatherings, once. Youngest brother had been invited to it and took me along as over watch for himself. No one caused us any trouble. They wanted us to join up but it was up to us. Me and him talked on the way home.

Him: "It's a bunch of shit to be so scared you hate everybody. That's all them guys were, chicken-shit. I'm not gonna be with them. I'm probably too stoned stupid to be scared of much."

Me: "Figured you would see the light they hid."

Him: "Yep, hate is more stupid than being messed up."
Hate is like an acid that slowly consumes the vessel that contains it.


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I DO love the wood burning ritual. Of course, the payoff is when it is all stacked, dry, and CLOSE to the fire. Bitter cold outside, tons of snow, and sitting with the family in the living room with a nice hot wood stove. Sure is some serious work to get there. At $1/gallon for propane, it's just not worth it though. If I'm going to sweat buckets, I'd rather clear brush at that price.

3 or 4 years ago, Propane hit $4/gallon. I had 15 face cords stacked in one of the bays in my garage. Hell yeah, THAT saved me about $3000.

Well if you know the size of a three ton truck bed you'll know about how much beech, poplar, oak, walnut we got ricked up round back of the barn. Got it ricked from one side to the other, thinking it was five or six ricks back. Believe it was said it might have been two, two and a half full cords. Then we have another eight or more pickup loads up the holler a piece of poplar. Up yon hill we got a lot more oak, down other side of the bottom we got more oak, got some pine to get to when we get to it.

Got about maybe half a cord in the barn, got more beech up yon way toward the high voltage right away. This past year or so we had that tornado come through. We're getting a lot of 'free' firewood for the cutting up and hauling off. We also have a few folk we take a few loads to for nothing, they's old, infirm folk what ain't able. We give them a good burning mix cut easy to handle.

Last year fuel gas for heat ran us $4,000. It got up to being around $4/gallon then add in all WV's lovely taxing. We're gonna swap out to 'eltric cook stove. I also showed the whoa man folk how to cook atop the wood stove ifin need be. In Appalachia it seems the wood stove is one household appliance what brings wealth into the home. Wears out the bones some in the fixin for it but least you know you done nothin all day. :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Kanger is usually a decent product. I have a couple of the Kbox 120 mods that work real well even after being dropped many times and the kanger subtanks work real well if you like a restrictive airflow. Also have a couple Kanger nebox that uses the subtanks coils and its a nice little compact all in one vape that will hold 10 ml of juice.

Last week the ex told me she was out of work all week from pneumonia. Turns out she had COPD instead. I offered to set her up with a vape and got out a pico with a Kanger subtank mini on it. Had to try it out to make sure it vaped well and the flavor from it was great. Of course after taking the time and effort to find everything (all my stuff still in boxes from the flood), clean it all up, put in a new coil and all, the ex declares vapes are more dangerous for you than smoking.......Well I never claimed I was with her for her intellectual abilities so I put the vape away and told her to go light up another smoke seeing how its so safe.

I've read so many tales of vapers going out on a limb to help someone get started vaping, and it's almost always a totally wasted effort. If someone wants to vape -- like all of us, for example -- they will do whatever is necessary to make it happen. Those who can't be arsed will keep smoking and hacking and probably dying many years too early. Humans typically value things according to what they cost -- money, effort, etc -- things that come easy and/or free don't seem so valuable, much easier to blow off.

When I got the swollen feet and cankles at about 2 months as a vaper... I could have quit and gone back to smoking, but I didn't.

When I had the appendectomy and afterward relapsed to dual-use... I could have just said 'fuck it' and ditched the vape entirely, but I didn't.

When I got the horrible cravings after getting smoke-free AGAIN, I could have just said 'fuck it' and ditched the vape entirely and gone back to smoking AGAIN, but I didn't.

When the WTA bothered the shit outta my asthma, I could have ditched the WTA, or the vaping entirely and gone back to smoking, but I didn't; I kept trying, added Advair to my asthma regimen, and weaned off the WTA just as fast as I possibly could.

All the above leads me to the inescapable conclusion that... if someone really wants to vape, they'll find a way... they'll MAKE a way.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Well if you know the size of a three ton truck bed you'll know about how much beech, poplar, oak, walnut we got ricked up round back of the barn. Got it ricked from one side to the other, thinking it was five or six ricks back. Believe it was said it might have been two, two and a half full cords. Then we have another eight or more pickup loads up the holler a piece of poplar. Up yon hill we got a lot more oak, down other side of the bottom we got more oak, got some pine to get to when we get to it.

Got about maybe half a cord in the barn, got more beech up yon way toward the high voltage right away. This past year or so we had that tornado come through. We're getting a lot of 'free' firewood for the cutting up and hauling off. We also have a few folk we take a few loads to for nothing, they's old, infirm folk what ain't able. We give them a good burning mix cut easy to handle.

Last year fuel gas for heat ran us $4,000. It got up to being around $4/gallon then add in all WV's lovely taxing. We're gonna swap out to 'eltric cook stove. I also showed the whoa man folk how to cook atop the wood stove ifin need be. In Appalachia it seems the wood stove is one household appliance what brings wealth into the home. Wears out the bones some in the fixin for it but least you know you done nothin all day. :)

I live in a state recreation forest. Wood as far as the eye can see. Deadfall is fair game on Michigan public lands. One neighbor who already had hot water radiators in her house (she was the first full time resident, and her daughter owns one of the 12 or so houses here too) put in an outdoor wood boiler.

AMAZING!!!! No creosote worries (short, wide stack) and they can throw ANYTHING in there. Green, no problem 5' long, no problem. Her son just drives around on a tractor with a long cable. Hooks up deadfall and drags it home whenever he feels like it, builds a giant stack in the yard. Man, I cannot even STAND to be in her house more than 15 minutes in the winter. I'd sweat if I was in swim trunks! Gotta be 78 in there. She passed on, but I bet it was nice for the old lady to be that warm all winter.

$4K?!? Yeah, I guess at $4/gallon... I burn 1500 gals of propane on average. Being extremely frugal outside of hobbies and the truly important stuff, we turn off registers and close doors to rooms we don't often use. If I keep the wood stove running all winter, plus late fall and early spring, I can cut that down to about 300 gallons.

If you have radiator or hot water baseboard heat, I can't recommend the outdoor boiler option enough. To not have to split, or cut length to 16" would be HEAVEN.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Sure is quiet in here today. TV's starting in about 25 mins, then I got dishes, then a shower and hair washing... I might be back sometime after midnight. :D



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Evening fugees.......:vino:

Just returned from northern AZ, there was frost on the pumpkins, and SNOW on mountain peaks.

Beautiful view driving, glad I didn't have to get out of the car.....:popcorn:


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Migraine that I let go too far before I took my meds for it. I'm just going to sleep it off now.
Lynn...sorry to hear your not feeling well again....poor you, it's one thing after another. Hopefully luck is on your side tomorrow...!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Evening fugees.......:vino:

Just returned from northern AZ, there was frost on the pumpkins, and SNOW on mountain peaks.

Beautiful view driving, glad I didn't have to get out of the car.....:popcorn:

Sounds like some of the folks that post around here :D

AT least you had a nice view of thangs


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Evening fugee's and yes, Im draggin and freely admit it but I cant say why because if spanky found out I got more by accident today than he gets with 3 months of begging it would make him cry and I wouldnt want that on my conscience :giggle:

Oh yeah, GFY :D


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Evening fugee's and yes, Im draggin and freely admit it but I cant say why because if spanky found out I got more by accident today than he gets with 3 months of begging it would make him cry and I wouldnt want that on my conscience :giggle:

Oh yeah, GFY :D

Yeah, we don't need some blubbering heathen in the threads, spoiling your post-connubial vape

I'm sure his pipes are filthy by now


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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It's not raining here yet, but hopefully soon will be; I just heard a big wind come up. Heard on the news last night, we haven't had any rain in more than 70 days. But, better news, that fire in the Nat'l Forest that has burned almost 30,000 acres, is about 90% controlled. If we get that big rain they're forecasting, it should help a lot.



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It's not raining here yet, but hopefully soon will be; I just heard a big wind come up. Heard on the news last night, we haven't had any rain in more than 70 days. But, better news, that fire in the Nat'l Forest that has burned almost 30,000 acres, is about 90% controlled. If we get that big rain they're forecasting, it should help a lot.


Sending the rain your way!

Heard on the news tonight that Gatlinburg is being evacuated from the fires.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Haven't tried it, Juice....I buy shit and put it in the bookcase...:oops:

Prolly the true definition of a.......................... HOARDER?......:cry:

This is something you might want to try sooner rather than later


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Chances look really GOOD.....:)

Since you wished for rain, it'll prolly rain like a SOB for a month or two.....that's my luck anyway.....:devil:

We desperately need it! It hasn't been this dry here since the 10 yr drought ended in 2009... when that one ended, Six Flags was 6 ft under! :giggle: (it's a lot flatter, south and west of Atlanta, where Six Flags is).



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We desperately need it! It hasn't been this dry here since the 10 yr drought ended in 2009... when that one ended, Six Flags was 6 ft under! :giggle: (it's a lot flatter, south and west of Atlanta, where Six Flags is).

That is a problem with clay, doesn't absorb water like other soils.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I'll give it a shot next weekend....BUSY week ahead....take one day off and it's like the world is ending.....:(

TROOF! Well, 5 days. Then I spent today trying to put 30 lbs into a 5 lb bag...

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