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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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My glasses broke last night and when I got my old backups out of the drawer I dropped them, stepped on them and broke them too:eek:

My mister, who is usually great in this type of crisis is being not-so-handy in this one. Meanwhile, I'm half blind.

Not so sure I'm up to trying to drive one-eyed to town to try to get some cheaters - or see if the one's I think are in my desk-drawer actually are

No optometrist within 300 miles of where I sit now :headbang:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My glasses broke last night and when I got my old backups out of the drawer I dropped them, stepped on them and broke them too:eek:

My mister, who is usually great in this type of crisis is being not-so-handy in this one. Meanwhile, I'm half blind.

Not so sure I'm up to trying to drive one-eyed to town to try to get some cheaters - or see if the one's I think are in my desk-drawer actually are

No optometrist within 300 miles of where I sit now :headbang:

That sucks. I'd make that man go get me some cheaters, or take me; I'm blind as a bat without my cheaters -- up tp 3.75 diopter now, and for really close stuff, I have to wear a pair of special-ordered 4-diopter. I'm thinking it's about high time to get some REAL GLASSES -- Transitions and bifocal, so I can stop with the glasses-shuffle everytime I leave the house or get behind the wheel. :facepalm:


The Cromwell

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Indeed. The only things I look forward to LESS, are root canals and the start of march madness. Those damn squeaking shoes drive me completely around the bend to kill-that-motherfucker-before-he-squeaks-again!

You and I agree on that. all pro and semi pro sports could go away and it would not bother me one bit.
Perhaps people would memorize stats on politicians instead of sports stars and would vote a bit more intelligently.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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My glasses broke last night and when I got my old backups out of the drawer I dropped them, stepped on them and broke them too:eek:

My mister, who is usually great in this type of crisis is being not-so-handy in this one. Meanwhile, I'm half blind.

Not so sure I'm up to trying to drive one-eyed to town to try to get some cheaters - or see if the one's I think are in my desk-drawer actually are

No optometrist within 300 miles of where I sit now :headbang:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Just..... The whole fucking month

Likewise. Aside from the asinine basketball and basketball fans and basketball fucking TAKING OVER tv for the whole month, here in GA, March could bring either sunbathing weather... or ice storms. You never know how to fucking dress! Oh, and the godcursed yellow-green snow on everyhing outdoors... EVERYTHING. And so much of it in the air, that even though I'm not allergic to tree pollen, just the sheer quantity of powdery shit in the air is very challenging for an asthmatic.



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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It's like deja vu...
"A local vape shop wants me to work for them..."
"Ya might not want to because..."
"Ya might want to because..."
"Think about this that and the other first"
etct etc etc
followed by...
Deleted - Unregistered Supplier Discussions are not allowed.

In what sane world does this conversation cross over into the intent of that rule? That's right, I forgot, the lunatics are running the asylum. :crazy:


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Afternoon fugee's and GFY!

Been up since early and busy as hell, so busy I started getting light headed and not feeling right and had to shut it down for a while today. Seeing how I have no furniture at all I decided to start in my bathroom and build an 8 foot cabinet unit. That I been wanting to do for a while any ways but now it will be able to put stuff on shelves and get those damn saw horses out of my living room thats piled with crap. So that is step one. made a lot of head way and was to the point of puting the table saw on the saw horses in the yard so I could rip some 1 X 4's for the front support when I started feelig real fucked up. Just too much at once and I need a break, will get back after it and try to finish the bathroom later today and tonight.
Step two is the kitchen. Need to build all new lower cabinets. Ths week will sux!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Afternoon fugee's and GFY!

Been up since early and busy as hell, so busy I started getting light headed and not feeling right and had to shut it down for a while today. Seeing how I have no furniture at all I decided to start in my bathroom and build an 8 foot cabinet unit. That I been wanting to do for a while any ways but now it will be able to put stuff on shelves and get those damn saw horses out of my living room thats piled with crap. So that is step one. made a lot of head way and was to the point of puting the table saw on the saw horses in the yard so I could rip some 1 X 4's for the front support when I started feelig real fucked up. Just too much at once and I need a break, will get back after it and try to finish the bathroom later today and tonight.
Step two is the kitchen. Need to build all new lower cabinets. Ths week will sux!

If you're re-building... I was thinking maybe you oughta put your house on stilts. :giggle: Just a thought... :D



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Been up since early and busy as hell, so busy I started getting light headed and not feeling right and had to shut it down for a while today. Seeing how I have no furniture at all I decided to start in my bathroom and build an 8 foot cabinet unit. That I been wanting to do for a while any ways but now it will be able to put stuff on shelves and get those damn saw horses out of my living room thats piled with crap. So that is step one. made a lot of head way and was to the point of puting the table saw on the saw horses in the yard so I could rip some 1 X 4's for the front support when I started feelig real fucked up. Just too much at once and I need a break, will get back after it and try to finish the bathroom later today and tonight.
Step two is the kitchen. Need to build all new lower cabinets. Ths week will sux!

Please take a little advice from a fellow chronic over-dooer. After what you been through, take it slow. I got a little overambitious last week, after ignoring similar advice, and wound up in peripheral shutdown, listening to the paramedics desperately trying to get a line in.

I've decided that the frustration of not getting shit done, is far less unpleasant than having those sticky electrodes torn off my hairy chest, much less all the chaos before that occurs.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I will never "get" the re-enactment mindset - especially those on the losing side :giggle:

I sorta get it; I've been a fan of vampire tales since I was about 10 yrs old, and at that age, melodrama was right up my alley, so my cousins usually got railroaded into participating in "plays," re-enacting various vampire tales. :D I grew out of it, but I suppose in some folks, the urge lives on, or else there wouldn't be so many actors and actresses -- and for every one that makes it, there's probably a thousand or more frustrated actors who'd love to get their big break! Frustrated actors who also love history... there's the re-enactors. ;)



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I sorta get it; I've been a fan of vampire tales since I was about 10 yrs old, and at that age, melodrama was right up my alley, so my cousins usually got railroaded into participating in "plays," re-enacting various vampire tales. :D I grew out of it, but I suppose in some folks, the urge lives on, or else there wouldn't be so many actors and actresses -- and for every one that makes it, there's probably a thousand or more frustrated actors who'd love to get their big break! Frustrated actors who also love history... there's the re-enactors. ;)


Still don't get it - I loved playacting at age 10 also. Also get wanting to be an actor, just can't wrap my mind around re-enacting :eek:

Even our little town has community theatre for frustrated coulda-been actors, lol.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Still don't get it - I loved playacting at age 10 also. Also get wanting to be an actor, just can't wrap my mind around re-enacting :eek:

Even our little town has community theatre for frustrated coulda-been actors, lol.

There's just something so gothic romantic about the Civil War era; a lot of people are seriously into it -- I grew out of THAT at about age 13 (I think because I realized just how uncomfortable a 16" waist would really be, in a whalebone corset! -- I hated bras, a corset would be MURDER!), but some people are really into that history in a huge way.

I think it probably helps a lot that it was the first photographed war, so there is a lot of source material for really accurate re-enactments.



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If you're re-building... I was thinking maybe you oughta put your house on stilts. :giggle: Just a thought... :D


Would be impossible to put the cement slab my house is on on stilts. The good thing is they say that was a 100 year storm so chances of it happening again in my lifetime is small. The bad thing is that it could happen again tomorrow. Just never know. A few years back they came thru and widened and deepened the runoff creek that flows thru the middle of my property and haven't had any even close call floods since they did that except the one that hit last month. Just never know, ya know.

Please take a little advice from a fellow chronic over-dooer. After what you been through, take it slow. I got a little overambitious last week, after ignoring similar advice, and wound up in peripheral shutdown, listening to the paramedics desperately trying to get a line in.

I've decided that the frustration of not getting shit done, is far less unpleasant than having those sticky electrodes torn off my hairy chest, much less all the chaos before that occurs.

I hear you bad wolf and sadly that always been a problem of mine. If work needed doing then I needed to be doing the work. Guys at work use to get mad at me a lot for that, I never wanted to stop until the work was finished which meant they looked bad if they went to take breaks and I was still at it. Never my intention to make anyone look bad, just the work ethics that's been ingrained in me as long as I can remember. I'm biting at the bit now to get back at it but I know the smart thing to do is to wait a few more hours for the temp to come down some more.

YES! Both Chop and Wolf need to take it easy!!! :cuss2: I don't like hearing of fellow forumites overworking themselves :hug:

I'm trying Celt, honest :D


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I guess I just can't imagine wanting to go out and reinact war.

It's something I view as - at its best - something to be avoided if possible. If it can't be avoided (not a pacifist here, just a realist) it is a brutal contest of the wills, both physical and mental.

But, whatever - they can do it all they want - and I'll not do it all I want, lol.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Would be impossible to put the cement slab my house is on on stilts. The good thing is they say that was a 100 year storm so chances of it happening again in my lifetime is small. The bad thing is that it could happen again tomorrow. Just never know. A few years back they came thru and widened and deepened the runoff creek that flows thru the middle of my property and haven't had any even close call floods since they did that except the one that hit last month. Just never know, ya know.

Hmmm... Maybe a house like those in the SC low country -- garage down below on the concrete, house up above. So maybe if there's another flood disaster, you lose some vehicles, maybe some tools, maybe the water heater... but not the whole house.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Would be impossible to put the cement slab my house is on on stilts. The good thing is they say that was a 100 year storm so chances of it happening again in my lifetime is small. The bad thing is that it could happen again tomorrow. Just never know. A few years back they came thru and widened and deepened the runoff creek that flows thru the middle of my property and haven't had any even close call floods since they did that except the one that hit last month. Just never know, ya know.

I hear you bad wolf and sadly that always been a problem of mine. If work needed doing then I needed to be doing the work. Guys at work use to get mad at me a lot for that, I never wanted to stop until the work was finished which meant they looked bad if they went to take breaks and I was still at it. Never my intention to make anyone look bad, just the work ethics that's been ingrained in me as long as I can remember. I'm biting at the bit now to get back at it but I know the smart thing to do is to wait a few more hours for the temp to come down some more.

I'm trying Celt, honest :D

Folks up here build garages on cement slab foundations and build the house on top of the garage in your type of situation. Don't know if your building codes allow for that.

EDIT: Like Andria said


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Hi gang, hope the summer has gone well for you all, I am seeing the leaves change here already, I love fall, but hate what follows:slowclap:

I'm so jelly. We've got another month of sweating. Though a good bit of the humidity has backed off, it won't be gone till the end of the month; it might start getting a little cool around Halloween. Maybe. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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No, they called it an act of freedom fighters. You have firefighters that fight fires. What does that mean freedom fighters, fight?

Still think we have peace by acting peacefully, not preparing for war. I'm told that is idealism. Guess I'll remain idealistic.

The problem is that there are any number of humans that consider a peaceful man a handy target/victim. I'd love to learn aikido -- start nothing, but always finish what someone else starts, just by turning their action back on them. Instant karma. :D


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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No, they called it an act of freedom fighters. You have firefighters that fight fires. What does that mean freedom fighters, fight?

Still think we have peace by acting peacefully, not preparing for war. I'm told that is idealism. Guess I'll remain idealistic.
All depends on your point of view. We once called the Taliban Freedom Fighters....


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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The problem is that there are any number of humans that consider a peaceful man a handy target/victim. I'd love to learn aikido -- start nothing, but always finish what someone else starts, just by turning their action back on them. Instant karma. :D


I've always ascribed to the "walk softly and carry a big stick," philosophy when among potential hostiles


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The problem is that there are any number of humans that consider a peaceful man a handy target/victim. I'd love to learn aikido -- start nothing, but always finish what someone else starts, just by turning their action back on them. Instant karma.

Would you consider Krav Maga or Dim Mak instead? Only joking. Its all good stuff.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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All depends on your point of view. We once called the Taliban Freedom Fighters....

Some Mujahideen became Taliban, others formed the Northern Alliance.

This "my enemy's enemy is my friend" policy has not always worked out well for us. We also backed Iraq when it was at war with Iran:facepalm:

Frankly, I set a very high bar before asking our soldiers to put their lives on the line
Last edited:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Would you consider Krav Maga or Dim Mak instead? Only joking. Its all good stuff.

I just love the way that aikido turns you into a mirror against hostile moves; you reflect them back on their instigator, so you're not actually hurting anyone, you're letting them beat themselves up. :D


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