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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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That's what I get. Was gong to take the Duke to MN, .and decided to be a sport and pull the big pump with the 04 dually. Broke down in Illinois, waiting on a rescue from MN. GOOD thing I found a good pub... gonna be a REALLY long day tomorrow..


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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That's what I get. Was gong to take the Duke to MN, .and decided to be a sport and pull the big pump with the 04 dually. Broke down in Illinois, waiting on a rescue from MN. GOOD thing I found a good pub... gonna be a REALLY long day tomorrow..

My like comes with extreme prejudice, lol

Bummer dude

Hank F. Spankman

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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It appears my fellow Fugees all took their Geritol early and hit the hay already :p

Not this fugee...I'm catching up on some paperwork...just I haven't taken my Geritol (yet).........

Except Dale, lol.

I'm doing paperwork also, but checking in once in awhile to break up the monotony :eek:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Really?.....not me...bought two hundred bucks worth on Labor day.....:tldr:

Thought about it .... but still haven't finished sorting what I do have.

Once the dumb target date hit, it hasn't been as hard to stop as I thought it would.

Whenever I get the urge to buy something I start sorting what I already have - and it is a mighty task.

Now that a lot of the stupid ass ID/age verification BS has sorted itself out, might set a monthly budget once I do get everything sorted out. Especially on what I will actually use vs. stuff that doesn't cut the mustard.

Gonna dump what I don't like and better organize what I do want before I get carried away again :p

A lot of stuff I didn't like at first is getting a second test run. Just am not going to keep stuff I'm not wild about just because it cost a lot or I want to like it but don't. Will replace the so-so shit with proven winners.


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All depends on your point of view. We once called the Taliban Freedom Fighters....

I was asking in the general sense. Firefighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters fight? Do they by chance fight freedom? If freedom is truly free then it seems it would be so for all humankind and there's no need to bring freedom to others or to liberate others that they may be free, fight to gain freedom. So, I can only think freedom fighters actually fight freedom. If you fight people to give them what is freely theirs anyway, are you not then imposing your will on them by having them be drawn to fighting you? Ergo, freedom is lost to the fighting.

Ashtavakra Gita

If one thinks of oneself as free, one is free, and if one thinks of
oneself as bound, one is bound. Here this saying is true, "Thinking
makes it so".

Liberation is distaste for the objects of the senses. Bondage is love of
the senses. This is knowledge. Now do as you please.

That should provide a little more subtext toward my thinking. Not that I'm Hindu or Yogi, I'm atheist, still it is beneficial, wise, respectful to learn about various philosophies and religions. Such learning often helps to better set morals and ethics.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Don't over-complicate. If you win, you are a Freedom-fighter. If you lose, a terrorist....

History is kindest to the victor.

That's because the victors get to write the history books -- the losers are often dead. Although there were plenty of still-living losers after the American Revolution, I think the brits still call it the "American Rebellion". :giggle: Notice how the most common name for that war we were discussing yesterday is the "Civil War" (an oxymoron if I ever heard one), down here there are STILL people who call it "The War Between the States" (i.e., between the USA and the CSA) and even "The War of Northern Aggression." Seriously.

And g'mornin' gang, I actually was awake while it was still AM, but had to start tea and bacon and check the weather to know if I could let my cat out, so I'm just now getting here. So GFYs, merrily.

And yes, I do retire from the forum if no one is saying much around midnight; books to read. :)



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Bathroom most important room in the house.
Kitchen second most important room.

Yes and no. I live 500 ft off the road with lots of trees and shrubbery so needless to say I have stepped out more than once to relieve myself. But it is nice to shower in your own place :)

Finally got the pantry unit I been building in my bathroom functional. Eight foot long, 5 shelves and already started putting a bunch of stuff from the kitchen counter on them shelves. Only thing really left on the pantry unit is to build the doors and final trim. My place is an old dairy milk barn that I converted years ago into a home. I built an upper cabinet above the fridge and one cabinet beside it but never really had the chance to build all the upper cabinets I wanted. Today I started laying the frame work for the cabinets I been wanting. One leg will be about 3 foot long and the other will be eight foot long. I'm going to do those the same way as I did the bathroom panty unit. Build it all but the doors and final trim and them I will be in position to start on an eight foot run of kitchen base cabinets that I will have to build.

Years and years ago I use to work on my days off for a friend who started a commercial carpentry/trim business. I did this for around three years where I would go offshore and work on helicopters for a week then come in and work as a carpenter hanging cabinets and trim work for a week. Damn near killed myself doing this but I learned a lot and now its paying off. Me being able to do this will end up costing me around $2 grand. If I had to hire someone to do it and buy the cabinets it would cost easily $15 grand. If I was 20 years younger like I was when I was doing carpentry work I could easily knock all this out in 4 or 5 days but being the old fart I seem to have become it will take me a few weeks but it is time well spent.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Don't over-complicate. If you win, you are a Freedom-fighter. If you lose, a terrorist....

History is kindest to the victor.

What I said was not complicated at all.

I point to an ancient Hindu sacred text which says, "think you're free and you're free, think you're bound and you're bound". I pointed to this because it is a valid point of reference of ancient wisdom. It reminds me in a way of Buddhist teachings.

I use simple logic to question what freedom-fighters fight.

I know firefighters fight fire to protect people from getting burned. Firefighters is the subject, fight is the verb, fire is the object.

Does that mean then, freedom-fighters fight freedom to keep people from being free? Freedom-fighters is the subject, fight again is the verb, freedom is the object.

If that is complicated it might be due to interference in some way. Might need to adjust the electrons on one end or another.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Like listening to the sound of one hand fapping.....

I get it. You are beacon of enlightenment.

Now, for a sense of humor....

You might have missed his post about how he's now taking Effexor -- from personal experience, I can tell you that when someone is in need of Effexor, the sense of humor has usually taken cover, in favor of survival. But one thing that Effexor does is allow the sense of humor (and the rest of one's natural personality) to make a comeback, so it should be returning pretty soon. :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
I did. Thank you. Might have been while I was in my coma. A decrepit lot are we. lol

I just remember how I was, just before I started taking Effexor 13 yrs ago -- Spinal Tap is one of my most-fave movies, it's so freaking hilarious... and I remember watching it with a perfectly straight face at one point, because my ability to laugh at ANYTHING had mysteriously vanished. That was one of the tipoffs I had, that therapy alone just wasnt gonna feed the bulldog; if you don't laugh at that movie, you're either dead, or so fucking depressed, you might as well be! Time for the big guns! :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
Yes and no. I live 500 ft off the road with lots of trees and shrubbery so needless to say I have stepped out more than once to relieve myself. But it is nice to shower in your own place :)

Finally got the pantry unit I been building in my bathroom functional. Eight foot long, 5 shelves and already started putting a bunch of stuff from the kitchen counter on them shelves. Only thing really left on the pantry unit is to build the doors and final trim. My place is an old dairy milk barn that I converted years ago into a home. I built an upper cabinet above the fridge and one cabinet beside it but never really had the chance to build all the upper cabinets I wanted. Today I started laying the frame work for the cabinets I been wanting. One leg will be about 3 foot long and the other will be eight foot long. I'm going to do those the same way as I did the bathroom panty unit. Build it all but the doors and final trim and them I will be in position to start on an eight foot run of kitchen base cabinets that I will have to build.

Years and years ago I use to work on my days off for a friend who started a commercial carpentry/trim business. I did this for around three years where I would go offshore and work on helicopters for a week then come in and work as a carpenter hanging cabinets and trim work for a week. Damn near killed myself doing this but I learned a lot and now its paying off. Me being able to do this will end up costing me around $2 grand. If I had to hire someone to do it and buy the cabinets it would cost easily $15 grand. If I was 20 years younger like I was when I was doing carpentry work I could easily knock all this out in 4 or 5 days but being the old fart I seem to have become it will take me a few weeks but it is time well spent.

I wish you lived closer to me. :D I'd love some new cabinetry in my kitchen and master bath. But I'll probably just end up painting my kitchen cabinets, and MAYBE someday just replacing the bath vanity with a slightly larger one -- maybe when I replace the useless bathtub in my master bath with a nice shower stall with glass doors. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I did the dishes, started a load of laundry.... dishwasher just went off, laundry's in the dryer. I'm seriously contemplating vacuuming the living room rug, but I'd hate to give my husband a coronary from such unexpected housework activity. :D It can wait till tomorrow. Always. Whatever it is... tomorrow. :giggle:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
— To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

My favorite Shakespeare; it gives me chills because it's so true.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
Screw dinner :giggle: I'm thinking jeweled pear tarts with cardamon sauce :D

That sounds amazing. I think I'll probably have vanilla ice cream for dessert. :giggle: My husband already ate all his ice cream, so I dunno what he'll get. :giggle: Semi-stale cookies, probably, but he won't care, they've got macadamia nuts in 'em.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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That sounds amazing. I think I'll probably have vanilla ice cream for dessert. :giggle: My husband already ate all his ice cream, so I dunno what he'll get. :giggle: Semi-stale cookies, probably, but he won't care, they've got macadamia nuts in 'em.


My Mr does most of the regular cooking. I'm in charge of what really counts : sugar and lard

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