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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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ECF Refugee
afternoon fugee's and GFY! :D

Went in this morning and had the angiogram done on the left side of my heart and doc told my mom Im as good as new now. He didnt have to put in anymore stints and my heart is as healthy as a dead horse now :giggle: I did stop breathing on the table a few times they told me and need to see a sleep specialist. Doc said I have bad sleep apnea where I just stop breathing. Something else to deal with now. I am uder strict orders no lifting or and real activity for the next 72 hours so wont be able to work on my place for a few days.

@MorelyMagicMist glad your doing better bro!


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afternoon fugee's and GFY! :D

Went in this morning and had the angiogram done on the left side of my heart and doc told my mom Im as good as new now. He didnt have to put in anymore stints and my heart is as healthy as a dead horse now :giggle: I did stop breathing on the table a few times they told me and need to see a sleep specialist. Doc said I have bad sleep apnea where I just stop breathing. Something else to deal with now. I am uder strict orders no lifting or and real activity for the next 72 hours so wont be able to work on my place for a few days.

@MorelyMagicMist glad your doing better bro!
Well than, have a few cocktails, helps with sleep.......:vino:

Glad to hear you'll be around awhile, doc.....:wave:


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That's one of the better aspects of living in the south -- winters mild enough that they don't toss salt all over the place from November to March -- and then when it does give us some white stuff on the ground, we all very sensibly stay home till it melts in a day or two. :) Usually. :D You don't find cars all rusted from the bottom up too much down here.

No rust here, either, it gets so cold, the snow and ice aren't slippery, so no salt is needed. Actually, out here and farther west, it's usually gravel that's used, not salt. Keeps the glass replacement places in business, but at least your undercarriage doesn't rust out. ;)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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No rust here, either, it gets so cold, the snow and ice aren't slippery, so no salt is needed. Actually, out here and farther west, it's usually gravel that's used, not salt. Keeps the glass replacement places in business, but at least your undercarriage doesn't rust out. ;)

That's interesting about the no salt; in Michigan, any car more than a year old is basically held together with salt and rust. :D

Didn't you say you have a Grand Pyrenees dog? Did you see the story on, about the Grand Pyrenees dog they found in some barn somewhere, which hadn't been outdoors in some ungodly number of years, and it was so covered in fur that when they clipped it, it amounted to THIRTY-FIVE POUNDS OF FUR?!?!?!?!



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
afternoon fugee's and GFY! :D

Went in this morning and had the angiogram done on the left side of my heart and doc told my mom Im as good as new now. He didnt have to put in anymore stints and my heart is as healthy as a dead horse now :giggle: I did stop breathing on the table a few times they told me and need to see a sleep specialist. Doc said I have bad sleep apnea where I just stop breathing. Something else to deal with now. I am uder strict orders no lifting or and real activity for the next 72 hours so wont be able to work on my place for a few days.

@MorelyMagicMist glad your doing better bro!

At least the apnea can be managed. Glad your ticker is better and on the mend. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's interesting about the no salt; in Michigan, any car more than a year old is basically held together with salt and rust. :D

Didn't you say you have a Grand Pyrenees dog? Did you see the story on, about the Grand Pyrenees dog they found in some barn somewhere, which hadn't been outdoors in some ungodly number of years, and it was so covered in fur that when they clipped it, it amounted to THIRTY-FIVE POUNDS OF FUR?!?!?!?!

Its Great Pyrenees :teehee:


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ECF Refugee
afternoon fugee's and GFY! :D

Went in this morning and had the angiogram done on the left side of my heart and doc told my mom Im as good as new now. He didnt have to put in anymore stints and my heart is as healthy as a dead horse now :giggle: I did stop breathing on the table a few times they told me and need to see a sleep specialist. Doc said I have bad sleep apnea where I just stop breathing. Something else to deal with now. I am uder strict orders no lifting or and real activity for the next 72 hours so wont be able to work on my place for a few days.

@MorelyMagicMist glad your doing better bro!
Oh this is FANTASTIC news choppy!!!! woooohoooooooooooooooooooo!


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ECF Refugee
HURRAY!!!!!!!! :stars::stars2::stars:

I've been hoping ever since I got here to find him here, raising hell. Lord knows, the tiny minds at ECF just can't deal with him. :giggle:


Hello and welcome, welcome and hello.
Reign!!! You're here!!! Awesome and welcome! :stars:

Thanks so much guys, I can't tell you how great it is to see all of you again. Time to have some real fun without having to censor myself, looking forward to it. :D Hope all is well with you all.

Though I maybe a little slow today, Marley (my pit mix) got stung by a wasp last night so I have been up most of the night playing vet tech. Maybe after I pour some coffee in my eyes I will snap back to it. But she is doing fine besides a little pain luckily I had some vetprofen and tramadol on hand from when she split a dew claw.

Maybe now she won't dig them up and eat them. :confused:


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Didn't you say you have a Grand Pyrenees dog? Did you see the story on, about the Grand Pyrenees dog they found in some barn somewhere, which hadn't been outdoors in some ungodly number of years, and it was so covered in fur that when they clipped it, it amounted to THIRTY-FIVE POUNDS OF FUR?!?!?!?!

Yup, we have two. It's "Great" Pyrenees, but they're certainly grand. :) I can't believe 35 pounds of hair off one dog, unless it was full of stuff. WET stuff. Hair just doesn't weigh that much. Ours get pretty bad in the "transition" months of spring and fall when there's mud, but otherwise they stay pretty clean. Their hair is amazing stuff. Even if they show up black with mud in the morning, by afternoon they're white again. It just seems to slide off 'em.

Maybe now she won't dig them up and eat them. :confused:

Or not. We have one that's SOOOOO stupid, she keeps trying to eat stinging ants (red ones, but not fire ants, I don't think), and anything that buzzes. Bees, wasps, flies, whatever. She's been stung in the mouth so many times it's not funny. Her whole snout swells up and she looks so miserable, but the next day she's out trying to catch the next one. Keeping stuff out of her mouth is a full time job. o_O


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ECF Refugee
Yup, we have two. It's "Great" Pyrenees, but they're certainly grand. :) I can't believe 35 pounds of hair off one dog, unless it was full of stuff. WET stuff. Hair just doesn't weigh that much. Ours get pretty bad in the "transition" months of spring and fall when there's mud, but otherwise they stay pretty clean. Their hair is amazing stuff. Even if they show up black with mud in the morning, by afternoon they're white again. It just seems to slide off 'em.

Or not. We have one that's SOOOOO stupid, she keeps trying to eat stinging ants (red ones, but not fire ants, I don't think), and anything that buzzes. Bees, wasps, flies, whatever. She's been stung in the mouth so many times it's not funny. Her whole snout swells up and she looks so miserable, but the next day she's out trying to catch the next one. Keeping stuff out of her mouth is a full time job. o_O

That sounds just like my little girl.

And it's probably just wishful thinking on my part she is a hunter and will be until she's unable to. Two days ago she nearly got into it with a cotton mouth, but luckily I got her inside and took the snake somewhere more fitting for it to live.


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And it's probably just wishful thinking on my part she is a hunter and will be until she's unable to. Two days ago she nearly got into it with a cotton mouth, but luckily I got her inside and took the snake somewhere more fitting for it to live.

OMG, yes, the SNAKES! The only poisonous ones we have here are rattlers, but there are lots of smaller garter snakes, and a few bull and rat snakes. The dogs (the stupid house dogs, not the Pyrs) just love to pounce on them when they find them and pick 'em up and shake 'em, and I'm so afraid one day they're going to get hold of a rattler. Luckily, those are few and far between, but there have been a couple here over the years, and it's only a matter of time, I suppose.


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ECF Refugee
OMG, yes, the SNAKES! The only poisonous ones we have here are rattlers, but there are lots of smaller garter snakes, and a few bull and rat snakes. The dogs (the stupid house dogs, not the Pyrs) just love to pounce on them when they find them and pick 'em up and shake 'em, and I'm so afraid one day they're going to get hold of a rattler. Luckily, those are few and far between, but there have been a couple here over the years, and it's only a matter of time, I suppose.

Ugh rattlers, my ex-wife's Dad lost a dog to a rattler in East Texas awhile back. But where I am they're not common at all the two major offenders we have are copperheads and cotton mouths. Don't you just wish they could understand what you are trying to say when it comes to things like that?

But if I had a nickel for every time I said,"One day you're going to fuck with something that's going to kill you." I'd make Trump look like the cart pushing can guy.


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I have HEARD, and know one person who did this successfully, that if you can somehow get a fresh raw egg down a dog that's been bitten by a rattlesnake, it will somehow make the venom less toxic. It makes no logical sense at all to me, but a lady I know in Texas had one of her 4 month old pups bitten in the face by one. She had heard about the egg thing, so what did she have to lose, right? She had to put the egg down her with a turkey baster in the corner of the mouth, because the pup's mouth was so swollen, she couldn't open it (she got bit in the face), but she got her to swallow the egg, and the dog was miserable that night, but the next day the swelling was down by half, and she could eat and drink. The following day, she said she could barely see any swelling at all, and the pup seemed fine. So I dunno. There are no vets within a reasonable distance of us, and none that keep antivenin on hand, so since I have chickens, I guess that's what I'll try, too, if the situation ever arises. If it works, great, and if it doesn't, well, Darwin will be proven right again. I swear, the stupid Dobie is constantly looking for some new and inventive way to commit suicide, and it's very tiring trying to prevent her all the time. :rolleyes:


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ECF Refugee
I have HEARD, and know one person who did this successfully, that if you can somehow get a fresh raw egg down a dog that's been bitten by a rattlesnake, it will somehow make the venom less toxic. It makes no logical sense at all to me, but a lady I know in Texas had one of her 4 month old pups bitten in the face by one. She had heard about the egg thing, so what did she have to lose, right? She had to put the egg down her with a turkey baster in the corner of the mouth, because the pup's mouth was so swollen, she couldn't open it (she got bit in the face), but she got her to swallow the egg, and the dog was miserable that night, but the next day the swelling was down by half, and she could eat and drink. The following day, she said she could barely see any swelling at all, and the pup seemed fine. So I dunno. There are no vets within a reasonable distance of us, and none that keep antivenin on hand, so since I have chickens, I guess that's what I'll try, too, if the situation ever arises. If it works, great, and if it doesn't, well, Darwin will be proven right again. I swear, the stupid Dobie is constantly looking for some new and inventive way to commit suicide, and it's very tiring trying to prevent her all the time. :rolleyes:

Huh that's really interesting I'll have to read about that I really like obscure information like that. I wonder if the protein in the egg bonds to the venom in some way. Texas has quite a few areas like that too where even if you could make it to a vet it maybe too late by the time you get there being so rural. They didn't realize the dog had been bitten and put it up for the night and by the morning he was gone.

When I asked my vet about the cotton mouth and what I should do if it ever happened I was shocked they told me that dogs deal with venom better than people. And some bites can be treated with nothing but pain meds and anti-inflammatories. But since I live near Houston get them to the vet ASAP was their standard response.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Damn. Left Minnesota after a crazy assed 3 day shutdown on Wednesday at 4pm, got home Thursday at 4:30am. Slept till 10am, then left for the NEXT shutdown and haven't slept a wink since. FINALLY home, and those sheets look like a giant burrito of paradise. Gnite frenz, and don't forget to GFY. :)


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Hey, guys! I just got back in from morning chores, but I thought I'd direct you (those of you that might be interested) to the Nicotine Debate thread over across the street (General Vaping Discussion). R1 got slapped pretty hard a couple times and hasn't come back to defend himself, AND hasn't banned the people who slapped him. They were RIGHT, though. LOL! I just thought it was funny and wanted to share, in case anyone was interested.

OK, off to feed the dawgs and get some breakfast in us hoomans now. See ya later! :D


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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Yup, we have two. It's "Great" Pyrenees, but they're certainly grand. :) I can't believe 35 pounds of hair off one dog, unless it was full of stuff. WET stuff. Hair just doesn't weigh that much. Ours get pretty bad in the "transition" months of spring and fall when there's mud, but otherwise they stay pretty clean. Their hair is amazing stuff. Even if they show up black with mud in the morning, by afternoon they're white again. It just seems to slide off 'em.

Well, here's the pic they showed on -


And here's the story --

Kinda sad, but at least the dog has now been rescued... and clipped! :giggle:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Thanks so much guys, I can't tell you how great it is to see all of you again. Time to have some real fun without having to censor myself, looking forward to it. :D Hope all is well with you all.

Pretty good, pretty good! Just so glad to see you here! Of all my old friends from ECF I've missed, you were near the top of the list! I noticed your absence from ECF for a good while before I got suspended and then never went back, back in Feb, and figured it was those asshats just not knowing how to deal with you. :D Really glad you're here now!!! :blowkiss:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Ugh rattlers, my ex-wife's Dad lost a dog to a rattler in East Texas awhile back. But where I am they're not common at all the two major offenders we have are copperheads and cotton mouths. Don't you just wish they could understand what you are trying to say when it comes to things like that?

But if I had a nickel for every time I said,"One day you're going to fuck with something that's going to kill you." I'd make Trump look like the cart pushing can guy.

We worry a lot about our cat, and snakes; she's a hellacious hunter, and has caught and killed quite a few varmints round here, including some snakes, which my husband *thought* were non-poisonous. but one evening, when trying to call her in, we noticed her acting weird, staring at something on the driveway... my husband went to investigate, and he said -- after he killed it! -- he thought it was a copperhead, a young one, and I think those are every bit as venomous as mature ones, aren't they? She didn't get too close to it, though she was certainly aware of it. Maybe animals can smell the venom or something?


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