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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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Pretty good, pretty good! Just so glad to see you here! Of all my old friends from ECF I've missed, you were near the top of the list! I noticed your absence from ECF for a good while before I got suspended and then never went back, back in Feb, and figured it was those asshats just not knowing how to deal with you. :D Really glad you're here now!!! :blowkiss:


Awww thans Andria! :)

I always enjoyed talking to you as well, and it was mainly by my doing I was booted. One night after a dozen beers or so I made a thread and lit into retarted. I was gone shortly after but so worth it. :devil:

But I will say this and it will be the only time I grant them any quarter, I was going through a real rough time and was being more aggressive than normal. Things have since gotten much better and am back to my take it easy self. So I may not act much like most remember me, but I'd rather be my normal self here than there. That guy deserved all the crap I gave him. :giggle:


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We worry a lot about our cat, and snakes; she's a hellacious hunter, and has caught and killed quite a few varmints round here, including some snakes, which my husband *thought* were non-poisonous. but one evening, when trying to call her in, we noticed her acting weird, staring at something on the driveway... my husband went to investigate, and he said -- after he killed it! -- he thought it was a copperhead, a young one, and I think those are every bit as venomous as mature ones, aren't they? She didn't get too close to it, though she was certainly aware of it. Maybe animals can smell the venom or something?


Young snakes don't hold back venom like adults they give it all they got the first shot, is what I have always read. And they may just have that animal instinct that this maybe one I don't want to mess with.

link please?

I think it is this one.


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Awww thans Andria! :)

I always enjoyed talking to you as well, and it was mainly by my doing I was booted. One night after a dozen beers or so I made a thread and lit into retarted. I was gone shortly after but so worth it. :devil:

But I will say this and it will be the only time I grant them any quarter, I was going through a real rough time and was being more aggressive than normal. Things have since gotten much better and am back to my take it easy self. So I may not act much like most remember me, but I'd rather be my normal self here than there. That guy deserved all the crap I gave him. :giggle:

He was the cause of me leaving, too -- suspended me for a totally bogus "infraction", and I thought... fuck them AND they horses they rode up on; I'd had an acct here since it opened, but was so far up ECF's ass, I never came back here. I was really amazed that my acct was still active here, it had been so long, and you shoulda seen me trying to remember my PW. :giggle:

But retarded1 is just a fuckhead assbreath, and apparently is dickless too. Which explains a lot! :giggle:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Young snakes don't hold back venom like adults they give it all they got the first shot, is what I have always read. And they may just have that animal instinct that this maybe one I don't want to mess with.

Maybe so. I know that in the house, she acts weird as hell about any bugs that show up -- she did this just last night in fact: she'll chase 'em out of cover, so they're running across the middle of the floor... then stand there and look at me, like "well, whatcha waiting for, mom? Get the swatter!" :giggle: 'Course, usually the only bugs we have to deal with here are those gi-normous palmetto bugs, so she may be as icked out by those as I am! She sure loves to chase 'em though. :giggle:



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No wonder I couldn't find it here. Grrr. Thats not across the street, its across the tracks. lol

Sorry! LOL! I always say "across the street" when I'm referring to the one I'm not currently logged into. Anyway, yeah, that was the one. I wasn't sure if it would be OK to post links to "across the tracks" just for the purposes of gossiping. :oops:

Kinda sad, but at least the dog has now been rescued... and clipped! :giggle:

OMG, that is one hairy dog! I would never have imagined one could get that bad. It's all mats, of course, or at least most of it. This is what they SHOULD look like. Well, for working dogs. Show dogs are always fluffed and buffed, and ours are just... well, they're just NATURAL. ;)

09-14-16 White woofs 2.jpg


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Hey, guys! I just got back in from morning chores, but I thought I'd direct you (those of you that might be interested) to the Nicotine Debate thread over across the street (General Vaping Discussion). R1 got slapped pretty hard a couple times and hasn't come back to defend himself, AND hasn't banned the people who slapped him. They were RIGHT, though. LOL! I just thought it was funny and wanted to share, in case anyone was interested.

OK, off to feed the dawgs and get some breakfast in us hoomans now. See ya later! :D

I went and read it, though I don't usually read anything over there -- but I have to say, it doesn't really surprise me if "regular" snuff (not Snus) may increase the cancer risk 3-10 times. My grandfather lived a very healthy, active, and well-fed on healthy veggies life... but he died of metasticized colon cancer... and I always wondered if his lifelong snuff habit might have contributed to it. He was a "dipper", not a sniffer, and though he was the neatest and cleanest dipper I've ever known (he never kept a cup around, he would go into the bathroom and close the door to spit), I always thought that surely some of that tobacco juice got down his throat, just from being in his mouth.

Then again, he was 80 when the cancer first appeared, and had a few more good years after surgery, but when the cancer came back when he was 85, it had already spread, and thus killed him when it got into his organs. I guess 85 is pretty good for anyone born and raised in the mtns of N. Ga in the very early 20th century (he was born in Cleveland, GA, in 1900).

Nobody gets outta here alive.



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I went and read it, though I don't usually read anything over there -- but I have to say, it doesn't really surprise me if "regular" snuff (not Snus) may increase the cancer risk 3-10 times. My grandfather lived a very healthy, active, and well-fed on healthy veggies life... but he died of metasticized colon cancer... and I always wondered if his lifelong snuff habit might have contributed to it. He was a "dipper", not a sniffer, and though he was the neatest and cleanest dipper I've ever known (he never kept a cup around, he would go into the bathroom and close the door to spit), I always thought that surely some of that tobacco juice got down his throat, just from being in his mouth.

Then again, he was 80 when the cancer first appeared, and had a few more good years after surgery, but when the cancer came back when he was 85, it had already spread, and thus killed him when it got into his organs. I guess 85 is pretty good for anyone born and raised in the mtns of N. Ga in the very early 20th century (he was born in Cleveland, GA, in 1900).

Nobody gets outta here alive.


Well, regardless, I just giggled because he got called out for "lying." It's always the truth if it's something he believes, but if someone has a different opinion, they're WRONG, and they get suspended or banned. It was refreshing to see the tables turned on him, if only for a short time. :D


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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OMG, that is one hairy dog! I would never have imagined one could get that bad. It's all mats, of course, or at least most of it. This is what they SHOULD look like. Well, for working dogs. Show dogs are always fluffed and buffed, and ours are just... well, they're just NATURAL. ;)

View attachment 61667

They are GORGEOUS!!!! I can see why they were the royal dogs of France! BEAUTIFUL!



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They are GORGEOUS!!!! I can see why they were the royal dogs of France! BEAUTIFUL!


Awww, thanks, I think they're gorgeous, too. Especially my boy Jasper (the one in front). He was wild when we got him at 6 months old, and it took me four years to get him to trust me enough to touch him without him crying and running away. He'll be 6 in January. He's the best guardian dog I could ever imagine. His job is to guard our chickens, but he takes it as seriously as if he were guarding a flock of sheep or goats. He smiles at me now, and invites me to play with him sometimes, and now when I touch him, he wags his tail. I cried the first time I saw him wag his tail when I petted him. He's a priceless gem, and totally irreplaceable. Every morning, and every evening, he stations himself out in the corral near the chicken coop, to make sure the chickens all get in or out safely. I smile every time I see that. :)

Kiara is 8 years old now (she's the one in my avatar), and getting too old to run very well, so she stays close-in while Jasper patrols the perimeter. They make a fabulous team. There's nary a coyote within 5 miles of here! LOL!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Awww, thanks, I think they're gorgeous, too. Especially my boy Jasper (the one in front). He was wild when we got him at 6 months old, and it took me four years to get him to trust me enough to touch him without him crying and running away. He'll be 6 in January. He's the best guardian dog I could ever imagine. His job is to guard our chickens, but he takes it as seriously as if he were guarding a flock of sheep or goats. He smiles at me now, and invites me to play with him sometimes, and now when I touch him, he wags his tail. I cried the first time I saw him wag his tail when I petted him. He's a priceless gem, and totally irreplaceable. Every morning, and every evening, he stations himself out in the corral near the chicken coop, to make sure the chickens all get in or out safely. I smile every time I see that. :)

Kiara is 8 years old now (she's the one in my avatar), and getting too old to run very well, so she stays close-in while Jasper patrols the perimeter. They make a fabulous team. There's nary a coyote within 5 miles of here! LOL!

Earning a pet's trust truly is a marvelous thing -- our cat was a stray tiny kitten when she found us; she's 5 now, and TO THIS VERY DAY, if anyone else comes in the house, she runs and hides -- just the sound of the doorbell is enough to send her under my husband's bed (the cat cave)! But when I reach for her, she licks my hand, and she lets my husband practically WEAR her! When it storms, she runs under my desk if he's not home... or under his bed, if he's in there in his room. :D

I can see why coyotes wouldn't want to tangle with your babies; they look big enough to bite a coyote in half! :giggle:



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Earning a pet's trust truly is a marvelous thing -- our cat was a stray tiny kitten when she found us; she's 5 now, and TO THIS VERY DAY, if anyone else comes in the house, she runs and hides -- just the sound of the doorbell is enough to send her under my husband's bed (the cat cave)! But when I reach for her, she licks my hand, and she lets my husband practically WEAR her! When it storms, she runs under my desk if he's not home... or under his bed, if he's in there in his room. :D

I can see why coyotes wouldn't want to tangle with your babies; they look big enough to bite a coyote in half! :giggle:


My Nana had a cat like yours. Sweet and loving to my grandma, but the most I ever saw of her was a blur of gray as she streaked under the bed or into a closet!

With Jasper's situation, it was more like trying to tame a juvenile wild wolf. I'm good with dogs. I figured I'd have him eating from my hand in a week at the most. And it took four years. He's a mighty force, though, you're right. He weighs 120 pounds and he's lean. (Kiara is getting a bit tubby in her old age, bless her.) Jasper has two escape hatches under the perimeter fence that I know of, and he goes out at night if he hears coyotes yipping in the distance and drives them farther. He's come back with a bit of blood on him a few times, but I honestly don't know if it was his or the coyotes'. They tend to circle and run in from behind while the dog is occupied with the one in front, and the times I did see blood, it was on his flanks, so I think maybe he got nipped once or twice. ;) Anyway, he's always back in time for breakfast, and if I happen to see him leaving for some reason, and call him, he ALWAYS comes back. That's unheard of with Pyrs. Once they're out and they have business to take care of, they don't generally pay much attention to us lowly two-legs. But he's a good boy. When Kiara was younger and could still "travel," they'd both sometimes get out, and they might be gone for days. Once they were gone for a week, and I was so pissed because what's the point of having a guardian dog if they're not home to guard? But Kiara doesn't go anywhere anymore, and Jasper always comes back to her. Now that he likes me, I think he'd still come back, even if Kiara wasn't here (but that's a thought I don't like to dwell on much).

I'm sorry I'm blathering on about these dogs, I just love them so much. They're my partners, they work 24 hours a day for nothing more than food and love, and we wouldn't be able to keep this farm running without them. :inlove:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My Nana had a cat like yours. Sweet and loving to my grandma, but the most I ever saw of her was a blur of gray as she streaked under the bed or into a closet!

With Jasper's situation, it was more like trying to tame a juvenile wild wolf. I'm good with dogs. I figured I'd have him eating from my hand in a week at the most. And it took four years. He's a mighty force, though, you're right. He weighs 120 pounds and he's lean. (Kiara is getting a bit tubby in her old age, bless her.) Jasper has two escape hatches under the perimeter fence that I know of, and he goes out at night if he hears coyotes yipping in the distance and drives them farther. He's come back with a bit of blood on him a few times, but I honestly don't know if it was his or the coyotes'. They tend to circle and run in from behind while the dog is occupied with the one in front, and the times I did see blood, it was on his flanks, so I think maybe he got nipped once or twice. ;) Anyway, he's always back in time for breakfast, and if I happen to see him leaving for some reason, and call him, he ALWAYS comes back. That's unheard of with Pyrs. Once they're out and they have business to take care of, they don't generally pay much attention to us lowly two-legs. But he's a good boy. When Kiara was younger and could still "travel," they'd both sometimes get out, and they might be gone for days. Once they were gone for a week, and I was so pissed because what's the point of having a guardian dog if they're not home to guard? But Kiara doesn't go anywhere anymore, and Jasper always comes back to her. Now that he likes me, I think he'd still come back, even if Kiara wasn't here (but that's a thought I don't like to dwell on much).

I'm sorry I'm blathering on about these dogs, I just love them so much. They're my partners, they work 24 hours a day for nothing more than food and love, and we wouldn't be able to keep this farm running without them. :inlove:

I love dogs too; we just want to get our backyard fenced before we get one, because neither of us wants to go walkies every single time the dog has to pee -- once a day is fine, not all day long! :D He wants a corgi; I want a long-haired dachshund -- we each wants dogs like those we grew up with! :giggle:

Getting to know a cat for the first time in my life, I have to say I'm amazed with them; they're so independent, so instinctive and knowing -- put a box of sand near a cat, the cat KNOWS what to do with it, no matter how deprived their early life! and lord, how they SLEEP! About 16-18 hrs a day, I think.



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I know, cats really know how to relax, don't they? We have five in the house and several wild "barn kitties" outside. I don't see the wild ones very often, but our cats are mostly sleeping when they're in the house. Or eating.

We have a huge fenced area around our house for our house dogs, but because of the stoopid Dobie who eats everything that will fit in her mouth, I have to go "walkies" with her every stinking time. It's so annoying when I'm busy with stuff and she starts whining to go out, so I drop everything and take her out, when all she wanted to do was lay in the grass. I feel bad, because she SHOULD be able to just hang around outside, but if I'm not watching her like a hawk, she starts stuffing herself with inedibles (grass, leaves, twigs, feathers, you name it). She had one obstruction surgery before we got her (she was a rescue, and now I know WHY!), and one after we got her. That was $1,500 we could ill afford, and we don't want to do it again, so she needs to be monitored all the time. Plus, she thinks the Pyrs are invading "neighbor dogs" because they're outside of HER fence, so she goes into paroxysms whenever she sees them, or even hears them bark. She makes me sooo tired. :rolleyes:


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I have HEARD, and know one person who did this successfully, that if you can somehow get a fresh raw egg down a dog that's been bitten by a rattlesnake, it will somehow make the venom less toxic. It makes no logical sense at all to me, but a lady I know in Texas had one of her 4 month old pups bitten in the face by one. She had heard about the egg thing, so what did she have to lose, right? She had to put the egg down her with a turkey baster in the corner of the mouth, because the pup's mouth was so swollen, she couldn't open it (she got bit in the face), but she got her to swallow the egg, and the dog was miserable that night, but the next day the swelling was down by half, and she could eat and drink. The following day, she said she could barely see any swelling at all, and the pup seemed fine. So I dunno. There are no vets within a reasonable distance of us, and none that keep antivenin on hand, so since I have chickens, I guess that's what I'll try, too, if the situation ever arises. If it works, great, and if it doesn't, well, Darwin will be proven right again. I swear, the stupid Dobie is constantly looking for some new and inventive way to commit suicide, and it's very tiring trying to prevent her all the time. :rolleyes:
Huh that's really interesting I'll have to read about that I really like obscure information like that. I wonder if the protein in the egg bonds to the venom in some way. Texas has quite a few areas like that too where even if you could make it to a vet it maybe too late by the time you get there being so rural. They didn't realize the dog had been bitten and put it up for the night and by the morning he was gone.

When I asked my vet about the cotton mouth and what I should do if it ever happened I was shocked they told me that dogs deal with venom better than people. And some bites can be treated with nothing but pain meds and anti-inflammatories. But since I live near Houston get them to the vet ASAP was their standard response.

It is something to do with chicken itself, Fiance's grandmother had a crooked finger from where she had gotten bit by a copperhead in the henhouse. The old black maid they had ripped the head off of a chicken and stuck the girl's finger down the chicken neck. The chicken turned green and Fiance's grandma was ok. It just drew the finger in, though.

Edited to add, the black maid was a PAID worker (not being racist :eek:) She knew those old tricks though. I read back through my post and it came off sounding bad to me so I clarified a little. KEEP in Mind this was the very early 1900's Fiance's dad was born in '41 and he was the youngest of 12 ;)
Last edited:


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Afternoon fugees...I love dogs too, especially Dachshunds...I had a male weiner dog for 18 years. Casey passed away a few years ago, it was like losing a child having such a friendly loving dog so many years.


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You can say WTF here.
You can even say What the fucking fuckity fuck.

Love the phonetics though. Military, pilot or other?

I just love the sound of it, and I am an other. My biggest regret is that I was medically unable to join the armed forces. So I resigned myself to learning everything I could about them from military history books and buying old military manuals to read in my free time. My Grandfather was in the Navy and Uncle was Army who eventually worked for the Pentagon but both my father and I were unable to serve. So he and I have a supreme admiration for all our fighting/protecting men and women here and abroad. I tell you this though if anyone ever comes here to start shit count me as a +1 for damn sure.

On a side note, and I am not sure how in the hell I missed this but my dog did not get stung by a wasp but split her nail while digging it up. So I just got back from the vet and after a little clip and bandage all is well again.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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For my other fellow NuTs while I go make dinner, and by that I mean call someone to deliver something. Just found this band not too long ago and love it!

I *HAVE TO* make ejuice tonight, so I told my husband that whatever we eat must be fast & easy! I think that's going to be a Stouffer's smoked turkey club panini for me, and 2 of Stouffers' steak-mushroom flatbread melts for him. :)

He's just happy because salmon is on the grocery list this time. :D



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I *HAVE TO* make ejuice tonight, so I told my husband that whatever we eat must be fast & easy! I think that's going to be a Stouffer's smoked turkey club panini for me, and 2 of Stouffers' steak-mushroom flatbread melts for him. :)

He's just happy because salmon is on the grocery list this time. :D


After being up all night baying my baby, sleeping in the floor on a pallet to make her comfortable at 39 with 3 slipped discs take out is the only option. I feel like someone hit me with a truck after I haven't slept in days. But the pain lets you know you're still alive.

And do tell what kind of juice are you concocting this evening?


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heard this one on the radio a minute ago, while we were on the way home from wally world. LOVE his voice...


For sure I know this one by heart Audioslave is awesome. Have to listen to this before taking off so ya'll are stuck with me for a minute more. :giggle:

ETA: I don't care what anyone says these guys and Creed let me rock out while feeling closer to THE MAN!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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For sure I know this one by heart Audioslave is awesome. Have to listen to this before taking off so ya'll are stuck with me for a minute more. :giggle:

ETA: I don't care what anyone says these guys and Creed let me rock out while feeling closer to THE MAN!

Yeah our son came to us at one point and said, 'well, I have some good news and some bad news... which do you want first?' So I said "gimme the bad first." He says... "Soundgarden is no more." Tears, wailing, gnashing of teeth. Then he says "But the singer is in a new band, and they might be even better." :giggle: I think they might be! :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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After being up all night baying my baby, sleeping in the floor on a pallet to make her comfortable at 39 with 3 slipped discs take out is the only option. I feel like someone hit me with a truck after I haven't slept in days. But the pain lets you know you're still alive.

And do tell what kind of juice are you concocting this evening?

My strawberry & cream of course. :D But the flavor percentages have come WAY down, since the original recipe! :)



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Yeah our son came to us at one point and said, 'well, I have some good news and some bad news... which do you want first?' So I said "gimme the bad first." He says... "Soundgarden is no more." Tears, wailing, gnashing of teeth. Then he says "But the singer is in a new band, and they might be even better." :giggle: I think they might be! :D


Don't know if you have heard this one but it's a favorite of mine as well. Ah the Strawberry Cream! I remember you talking about it way back when. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Don't know if you have heard this one but it's a favorite of mine as well. Ah the Strawberry Cream! I remember you talking about it way back when. :D

I do remember that one, another great one. That desert setting almost hearkens back to Soundgarden's Burden in My Hand video.



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I farking love decorating. :D Y'know we got that nice paint a couple wks ago, for the bedroom we're redecorating to get rid of the noxious green paint. And tonight, I ordered this:


It is so hard to find bedding that doesn't look girly! But this is going to be the bedroom of our 28 yr old son, so I wanted something adult and masculine, yet still very cozy. I'll be getting burgundy drapes next payday, and hoping my mom will pop for the $37 runner rug to go beside the bed, also burgundy.



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I farking love decorating. :D Y'know we got that nice paint a couple wks ago, for the bedroom we're redecorating to get rid of the noxious green paint. And tonight, I ordered this:

View attachment 61694

It is so hard to find bedding that doesn't look girly! But this is going to be the bedroom of our 28 yr old son, so I wanted something adult and masculine, yet still very cozy. I'll be getting burgundy drapes next payday, and hoping my mom will pop for the $37 runner rug to go beside the bed, also burgundy.

Burgundy is a good thing...:)

So is Bourbon, but I can't drink it....:(


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Burgundy is a good thing...:)
So is Bourbon, but I can't drink it....:(

Looks really nice Andria.

I used to drink a whole lot of "burgundy," but it was actually from california, so I guess it was actually "pinot noir," really loved that stuff. 14% alcohol. :D I liked it a little too well. :D

The decorating is fun as hell. I'm not like my mom, who also enjoys decorating --she enjoys it the 1-finger way, as in directing with her finger where to put what. :D I wanna run in there and start breaking the room down so I get to painting it! :giggle: Then rearranging all the furniture, which obviously is more in my husband's purview, but I'll be lending whatever help I can for that part. Online shopping is so fun, finding neat stuff for good prices without having to go out on a 12 day journey by camel to hit every dept store and specialty furnishings and spending 10 times as much!

We also gotta get back with DirecTV and get the whole house setup, and fuck comcast right in the ass I fucking hate them they suck worse than retarded1!!! And charge me out the ass for the privilege of sucking!!!!!



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I used to drink a whole lot of "burgundy," but it was actually from california, so I guess it was actually "pinot noir," really loved that stuff. 14% alcohol. :D I liked it a little too well. :D

The decorating is fun as hell. I'm not like my mom, who also enjoys decorating --she enjoys it the 1-finger way, as in directing with her finger where to put what. :D I wanna run in there and start breaking the room down so I get to painting it! :giggle: Then rearranging all the furniture, which obviously is more in my husband's purview, but I'll be lending whatever help I can for that part. Online shopping is so fun, finding neat stuff for good prices without having to go out on a 12 day journey by camel to hit every dept store and specialty furnishings and spending 10 times as much!

We also gotta get back with DirecTV and get the whole house setup, and fuck comcast right in the ass I fucking hate them they suck worse than retarded1!!! And charge me out the ass for the privilege of sucking!!!!!

I seldom buy anything at stores anymore too....why waste the time and gas.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Gearbest??? Oh please. Whoever wins anything might get it in 6 months. :giggle:


Okay, I just checked. I won the contest Aug 30 and the prize arrived today, Sept 16. I know at least one other winner of the same contest got their's last week.

Best of all, I didn't recall actually entering the contest - I rarely enter contests and only if I don't really have to do anything :p


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Okay, I just checked. I won the contest Aug 30 and the prize arrived today, Sept 16. I know at least one other winner of the same contest got their's last week.

Best of all, I didn't recall actually entering the contest - I rarely enter contests and only if I don't really have to do anything :p
That has to be a record for gearbest....!

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