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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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And look at the other side of the coin Andria. I been in and out of the hospital many times. I been on the operating table many times. Insurance for me is $1500 dedeuctable and still, they paid out the ass for my healthcare and a huge loss to the insurance company. At one time a few years ago I seen something from my insurance that showed lifetime claims and it was over $400K. I haven't paid nearly that much during the 30 years I worked. At the moment I am trying to figure out a way to keep my insurance for once the pay stops which should of been this week, the insurance also stops. Without it I cant afford health care anymore.

And you know why you need all that healthcare, don't you? Because A DOCTOR FUCKED YOU UP. If that doc had simply done his job properly, you wouldn't have needed HALF that much, maybe not even a quarter. Seems to me THEY should be paying YOU, to put you back right. And as you've noted, a lot of your current problems are because of a MEDICATION which THEY say you "need." And because of that stent which THEY say you "need." It makes you wonder, doesn't it, what would happen if you decided you didn't really need their "help"?

I needed surgery myself, back in 2014. By law, they cannot turn away anyone from the emergency room. So they took out my appendix and saved my life. Then tried to start gouging me for money. I have no job, and no insurance, and not even my husband, the sole support of the household, makes all that much, so there was a sharp limit on how much they could gouge. I'm still paying the surgeon; they were the only ones that didn't really play ball, but I've got them down to less than $700, and getting lower all the time. I'll get them paid, and still be able to afford my usual minimal healthcare that I require for my asthma.



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Member For 4 Years
And you know why you need all that healthcare, don't you? Because A DOCTOR FUCKED YOU UP. If that doc had simply done his job properly, you wouldn't have needed HALF that much, maybe not even a quarter. Seems to me THEY should be paying YOU, to put you back right. And as you've noted, a lot of your current problems are because of a MEDICATION which THEY say you "need." And because of that stent which THEY say you "need." It makes you wonder, doesn't it, what would happen if you decided you didn't really need their "help"?

I needed surgery myself, back in 2014. By law, they cannot turn away anyone from the emergency room. So they took out my appendix and saved my life. Then tried to start gouging me for money. I have no job, and no insurance, and not even my husband, the sole support of the household, makes all that much, so there was a sharp limit on how much they could gouge. I'm still paying the surgeon; they were the only ones that didn't really play ball, but I've got them down to less than $700, and getting lower all the time. I'll get them paid, and still be able to afford my usual minimal healthcare that I require for my asthma.


Insurance is great! When my son was born he wasn't breathing, had a hole in one of his lungs and they got him breathing again. Then 24hrs after his birth he had 35+ seizures while still in the NICU, he had zero medications, zero shots. Found out it was due to a blood clot in his brain which caused a stroke which led to the seizures. Without insurance it would of cost my wife and I $100k+ we payed less then $10k out of our pocket. Mind you while my wife was pregnant she took her vitamins only, doesn't drink, healthy per any tests she's given and eats clean. They ran blood tests on us to see if we had a clotting disease and found nothing. In the 15 months he's been alive our insurance has payed nearly $150k for him and we've payed maybe 1/10 of that out of or pockets. Without insurance we would of been screwed and taken us a year or 2 to pay off the bills while only eating ramen noodles.

And for the best insurance plan my work offers I pay less then $2,000 a month, it also lowers my income which saves me in taxes!

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
And you know why you need all that healthcare, don't you? Because A DOCTOR FUCKED YOU UP. If that doc had simply done his job properly, you wouldn't have needed HALF that much, maybe not even a quarter. --@AndriaD

I am finding that last axiom by him to be rather objectively correct. Daily walks for myself prove quite settling and also tend upon invoking weight loss in a healthy manner. :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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All it takes, "I no longer consent." Then, once you stand and cease consenting, do not ever further consent again, pack up and go home yourself instead. Where is home? Well, I'd hope we all know by heart, balls to bones but if you need a hint check out the Tenth Amendment.

Each of us individually is a Sovereign, we are each our own master. We no longer need the master & slave way of thought. When we choose to consent and put the STATE upon pedestal of godly status, well then, "they" become the master. So, let's all stop consenting and tell STATE to go unfuck itself.

I wish I could like this post 10,000 times. I don't consent to paying for something I don't need, and can't afford anyway. I don't consent to having my privacy invaded with gratuitous urinalysis. I don't consent to having Big Brother looking over my shoulder anymore than I can fucking avoid.

ANARCHY!!!!!!!!! That's what we need. Get rid of ALL those bureaucratic "departments" and "agencies".



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Me too except for after my mom died. But I got all the weight off finally. Now, I need to lose about 7 pounds from all the Easter food and candy. I'm a chocoholic. hehehehe

I'm more of a pastry-holic. Chocolate, meh, it's ok, but nothing to get bent out of shape about. But muffins! cupcakes! cookies! pies! DOUGHNUTS!!! Man, I could gain 20 lbs just from that sentence. :giggle:
But I bet I know where you and I could reach a full meeting of the minds: CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE!!!!!!!!!!! :bunny:



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But if you love jello, and you love shrimp, why wouldn't you combine them?:sneaka:
A new food!!!! Shrimpello!!!!!!!!
That is why Obamacare or any health care reform pisses me off because they dont reform shit. They go after the insurance instead. My general doctor that I been seeing for years proves this point. I go see him and pay $30. The he bills my insurance for $120. That is $150 for 10 minutes of his time. Ridiculous.
If our elected officials was really concerned about health care reform then they would go after the real problem, and that goes for both partys
I pay $100 for my doctor because she is under Aetna. But, she's worth it and the idiots who are under Aetna are well.............idiots. She gives me a break because she gets more from insurance companies that do have her in their plan. She REALLY is one of the good ones. And REALLY cares. She's a psychiatrist and is the one who finally got me the meds I needed to concentrate for my ADHD. For once in my life I'm really enjoying being able to read something without having to go over the sentence 5 times.
Such an annoying day. 24 hours out of the hospital and my son after his checkup had to be admitted for Jaundice!! i blame his mom for having ab negative blood. Grrr!!!
Awe hugs to you! My son had to stay for a week with jaundice. I'm sure he will be fine but he's in my prayers.


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ECF Refugee
I'm more of a pastry-holic. Chocolate, meh, it's ok, but nothing to get bent out of shape about. But muffins! cupcakes! cookies! pies! DOUGHNUTS!!! Man, I could gain 20 lbs just from that sentence. :giggle:
But I bet I know where you and I could reach a full meeting of the minds: CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE!!!!!!!!!!! :bunny:

OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE!!! OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last week I ate 5 chocolate covered Shipley's doughnuts. hehehehe :bunny:


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ECF Refugee
Insurance is great! When my son was born he wasn't breathing, had a hole in one of his lungs and they got him breathing again. Then 24hrs after his birth he had 35+ seizures while still in the NICU, he had zero medications, zero shots. Found out it was due to a blood clot in his brain which caused a stroke which led to the seizures. Without insurance it would of cost my wife and I $100k+ we payed less then $10k out of our pocket. Mind you while my wife was pregnant she took her vitamins only, doesn't drink, healthy per any tests she's given and eats clean. They ran blood tests on us to see if we had a clotting disease and found nothing. In the 15 months he's been alive our insurance has payed nearly $150k for him and we've payed maybe 1/10 of that out of or pockets. Without insurance we would of been screwed and taken us a year or 2 to pay off the bills while only eating ramen noodles.

And for the best insurance plan my work offers I pay less then $2,000 a month, it also lowers my income which saves me in taxes!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We used to have really good insurance too and it covered a lot. But now, it's bad. Doesn't pay for much at all.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE!!! OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last week I ate 5 chocolate covered Shipley's doughnuts. hehehehe :bunny:

One of my TRUE weaknesses is a cross between: sour cream doughnuts... or krullers. Never can make up my mind which I like better. :giggle: But yeah... chocolate cream pie, with a fucking MOUNTAIN of whipped cream. Because anything that's good with whipped cream... IS BETTER WITH EVEN MORE WHIPPED CREAM!!!!!!! :giggle:



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
ANARCHY!!!!!!!!! That's what we need. --@AndriaD

I agree. But, and there always is a but, ... I do not desire seeing the kind most may think. Might is right, as the founding of anarchy is quite in err too. We need not violence to live without masters & slaves, in fact I would say that violence would only lead right back to here. This is why revolutions do not work, they revolve or go in a circle leaving us right back to where we began. Instead we need an evolution or a means of going higher in our aspirations, forward, not backward.
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ECF Refugee
A new food!!!! Shrimpello!!!!!!!!


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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In the mean time I would settle for single payer. Anyone who thinks free market is going to fix out of control health care costs prolly needs psychiatric coverage - which most plans don't offer.
There is a reason that most ins does not cover psychiatric care.
If Psychiatric care was covered by insurance then maybe we would not have such idiots in govt.
People could think clearer before pulling the levers.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years

Goddamn slacker morons at USPS, need to get their fucking empty heads OUT OF THEIR ASSES!!!!!!!!!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I like the USPS.
Much cheaper than the alternatives.
And service is reasonable.
Perhaps the best functioning govt agency there is.

Best functioning??? And they can't get something in a regular envelope from NC to GA in 4 days? Yeah, really good function there. :facepalm:

I'm thinking you could probably WALK from NC to GA in less than 4 days.


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Best functioning??? And they can't get something in a regular envelope from NC to GA in 4 days? Yeah, really good function there. :facepalm:

I'm thinking you could probably WALK from NC to GA in less than 4 days.

Well that does say bad things about the rest of the govt agencies now doesn't it?

It would take me 6 months to walk that distance.
Bad feet and back.
And I am ugly too ;)

I get stuff quick from NC, maybe it is a GA thing?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
Well that does say bad things about the rest of the govt agencies now doesn't it?

It would take me 6 months to walk that distance.
Bad feet and back.
And I am ugly too ;)

I get stuff quick from NC, maybe it is a GA thing?

No, I've gotten things from bullcity the very next day after ordering, even without ordering it via the expensive shipping -- and Raleigh/Durham is slightly further from ATL than Fayetteville, but both are near interstate connections. There's simply no excuse for this.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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To be honest, I had a feeling there was going to be a problem when I saw the last tracking update on the 20th. Look at this shit:


Notice how the last 3 all say 7:11pm... even though the last one shows the 20th instead of the 19th? And it just happens to also be at 7:11pm? yeah right. :facepalm: I think they've lost the fucker. But I can't call till Tuesday to make them start hunting for it.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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To be honest, I had a feeling there was going to be a problem when I saw the last tracking update on the 20th. Look at this shit:

View attachment 80346

Notice how the last 3 all say 7:11pm... even though the last one shows the 20th instead of the 19th? And it just happens to also be at 7:11pm? yeah right. :facepalm: I think they've lost the fucker. But I can't call till Tuesday to make them start hunting for it.


It's hard not to take this shit personally, lol

When they lose my shit, mis-represent updates, etc I feel like they are intentionally withholding my packages just to be spiteful because they are uncaring bastards who have no life of their own so they are messing with my happiness and needs because they are petty, incompetent fucktards


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
It's hard not to take this shit personally, lol

When they lose my shit, mis-represent updates, etc I feel like they are intentionally withholding my packages just to be spiteful because they are uncaring bastards who have no life of their own so they are messing with my happiness and needs because they are petty, incompetent fucktards

Exactly that. Incompetent lazy braindead fucktards with lifetime sinecures from which they can't be fired. It burns my ass royally!!!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
When I was a child getting an actual package in the mail was a rare event. A once a year event - maybe. You wanted something you went to a store dammit.

Well, there's this thing called the internet that started about 20 yrs ago, maybe you've heard of it? which saves us all from paying full retail and clogging up parking lots and shopping malls. I really wish more people had heard of it!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Nope. Al Gore had not invented it yet in the 1960's.

Yeah, that was a lot more than 20 yrs ago. :D Which says a lot for what an old fart I am, that I actually remember the 60s -- I even still know all the lyrics to all the Beatles' songs. :D They broke my heart in 1970, and I never stopped hating Yoko. :giggle:

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I actually remember the 60s

Uh huh, that might explain all problems then. Most I know do not remember the 1960's. Even my mom who adamantly declares she used not a thing, does not remember the 60's. Of course, when we sat down to enjoy some various recreational activities and she joins right on her declaration of being all straight edged? Well, it kind of went out the nearest window. :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Uh huh, that might explain all problems then. Most I know do not remember the 1960's. Even my mom who adamantly declares she used not a thing, does not remember the 60's. Of course, when we sat down to enjoy some various recreational activities and she joins right on her declaration of being all straight edged? Well, it kind of went out the nearest window. :)

Well, I was in single digits in the 60s, so yeah, I do remember them. I was too young for any of the things that might make it difficult to remember, and I have an EXCELLENT memory -- not quite *eidetic*, but close.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well, apparently the USPS *FOUND* my fucking pkg! ARGHGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


Delayed????? YA THINK?????????? Asshats!!!!!!!!!!!


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