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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Y'know, this is really one of the best things about having stocked up so well, pre 8/8. I went from wondering where I got all this money to buy vape gear (from not buying cigarettes of course!), to now, where I'm not buying either cigarettes OR vape gear... and me and the mate have been buying all kinds of shit! :giggle: That's why it really peeved me about that damn overdraft; I'm very careful with our finances, and that one surprised me, in the worst possible way. :facepalm: And it's not that we didn't have the money -- we've also been setting aside a little in my online savings acct -- it was a matter of not having a small amount in the right place! :facepalm: 1st world problems, I know. :D



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Moo...finally bought a new HD low boy....2017, had to order it, nobody in Arizona had the color scheme or exhaust I wanted.

Should be here in about a month.....:bliss:

I thought I smelled a story, but discretion being the better part of..

AWESOME!! A Low Boy! Sweeeeeeeet. Oooh, Milwaukee 8, right? I've read up on that motor. Sounds like they engineered it to take it higher in the years ahead. Which will just be a bolt on Stage 3 upgrade in a few years. The twin cams 96" begat 110", I'd think 120-125 reliably doable out of that 107" M8. There is no replacement for displacement.. ;)

Congrats, Dale! You must be SUPER excited. I bet fall is GOOD riding your way, too. WOO HOO!!! :)


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I will vote for the one that supports Vaping......
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Noice, Manny. I have 4 kids. Unfortunately, I have to try to decide which one will leave the world the less worse place when they are done. I wish I only had to worry about my current issues and who best supports them. But Vape Friendly WOULD be a bonus, although I am not sure the presidency will have much effect on the process, or our current dilemma's unless they make it a primary campaign issue.

GM lovey People, and GFY. It's a bit chilly, but the colors are turning. Time to break out the chaps.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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OMG, my calf muscles and my back are killing me after working like an Andes Peasant on that blasted 80 foot tall, 30% grade hill. The 20+ years of maintenance were a blessing in making it just spot work here and there to kill vines, cut undesirable trees that were threatening to not be tackle-able with less than a chainsaw in a few years, and pick up fallen branches and stuff. Hauling it all down to the fire pit isn't so bad anymore. A tarp on the switchback moves easily thanks to gravity.

I'm damn glad we were young when we started the project.The original condition was a tornado had passed 1 neighbor over 5 years before we bought it. It topped a LOT of big, beautiful pine trees, knocked a few down. Then the vines grew all up in the tangle and just become giant mounds of vine.

The house had been owned by a brother and sister heavy into gardening. At one time, it was glorious. Seen pics. Many of the plants they had still exist and thrive, but they had to be dug out of the tangle. They got old, and couldn't maintain the place but loved it too much to leave. It was untended for over 20 years. So the forest did what it does best, it reclaimed the yard. Then the guy before me bought it, and hacked through the bush enough to make a switchback trail to the lake to compliment the 100 crumbling, concrete stairs. He got a hernia for his efforts. His Mrs. wasn't helping him with the enormous job, and he finally gave up and decided to sell.

We were shown the house. The wife was a pack rat. There was boxes piled against the walls throughout the house, and a ravine in the FRONT yard was full of the debris the current owner made in completely renovating the house. He left one wall (the fireplace) to not need a building permit, and built a much bigger house on top of the old, and a new extended foundation. But the yard killed his ambition.

I fell for the yard. There were deer runs, and deer droppings EVERYwhere. And the privacy was unreal. So we bought it. It was a contentious sale, the husband clearly had some issues with the Mrs., he didn't REALLY want to sell, I think he was trying to force her to help him with all the work. Finally, he refused an offer only a few thousand less than asking. So we rewrote the offer. We offered him the full asking price, IF he would clean the old windows, lumber, mattresses, whatever from the ravine. He was going to refuse THAT offer too, and his realtor put his foot down. "Listen, you can refuse an offer that is fully what you are asking for, but not without paying our commission". That forced his hand. He was going to have to pony up 6% of the ask, to keep the place. Lol.

At closing, in Michigan you get to inspect the house before handing over the check. So we traipsed over, and all their stuff was out. OMG. That pack rat had hidden all the glorious oak trim with her tons of belongings. It wasn't till the house was cleared, that we realized every room had oak baseboards everywhere, oak toe rails, oak trim around every door and every oak window, 6 panel oak doors, oak CHAIR rail in many rooms, and even every CLOSET was fully trimmed INSIDE in oak. Baseboards, door jambs, toe rails, the works. And the house now looked HUMUNGOUS. It seemed much smaller filled with boxes.

So we really fell for the place, and when I think about the work we did. We were very ambitious then, and my Mrs. can outwork most men. She is a scrappy lil thing, and I know I'm in for a workout when we work together. We're both kind of perfectionists too, which meant doing most of everything ourselves. BIG projects. Ripping out rotting wooden porch and digging and pouring the foundation then block work and lime work for concrete stamped porch and walkways, a boulder retainer wall on the hill to extend the house yard. That sucker is 14 feet tall in the middle, and this was the only work we subbed. He SHOULD have made a 7' wall, a stepback, and then another 7' wall. See? Perfectionists. SO many projects, but our girls grew up here entirely. We were lucky to have much free time on our hands too, both to watch them grow and improve this property.

So I guess I am saying that despite feeling like someone kicked my ass, it was nice to work on the yard, and think about the long history I have with it. I friggin love this house. And thinking about all this, my heart really goes out to Doc. Having to rebuild once again, that is a lot of work and money to get back to where you were. Gonna look great though, Doc! We all can bear witness too, to your spirit and tenacity. You clearly weren't HAPPY about it, but you got right back in and swung away without pause. Enjoyed seeing the mettle in the Man.

Oh yeah, that damn yard gave ME an umbilical hernia too. THAT hurt like a sumbitch to get fixed.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Morning Moo :inlove:Love hearing you talk about your house! I miss you! :)

I love you, Sister! I miss you too. Everything working out at work? I saw you have an undesirable shift right now. Yuck. So you may be an empty nester soon? WooHoo! I have 1 more year, and the youngest goes to college. Going to be weird, but I am developing hobbies to take up the slack. ;)


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Morning Moo :inlove:Love hearing you talk about your house! I miss you! :)

Sister, this was my most favorite project of all. 2 years of loving work, I enjoyed every second.

The old basement steps down to a sub-basement. TALL ceilings down there, all new. One end of this room has a cinderblock wall on the north side of the house. Always cool there. The other two walls are below the garage floor, also very cool. So I framed that 12'x12' area out, insulated it to death, put in brick columns, brick bases, and a brick wall. Built wine racks from boxes of pre cut sticks and bags of screws. Needed much sanding, fitting, trimming out with oak.

Laid a solid oak floor, 3/4" plank. Bought a thermopane oak framed door slab, and hand built the solid oak frame, 3 pane oak side lights, the works. You can't see it in this pic, but above the door, is an oak frame in the brick that holds a split system temp control unit that holds 55F and 75% humidity 24/7. And about 25% of it is Riesling, Muscato, and various Champagnes and sparklers.

You make it to Michigan, and we will open anything you like!



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I love you, Sister! I miss you too. Everything working out at work? I saw you have an undesirable shift right now. Yuck. So you may be an empty nester soon? WooHoo! I have 1 more year, and the youngest goes to college. Going to be weird, but I am developing hobbies to take up the slack. ;)
No and no! My son won't be leaving any time soon I don't think. The seizures and shoulder surgery has set him back about a year on his final plans. :( But..he's determined. And I hate where I work and definitely hate these 7 day work weeks. We've been on those since the first of August and not seeing an end to them anytime soon. :( I did apply for a job at another company here. Better pay, closer to home, better working hours. Win-win! :)


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Sister, this was my most favorite project of all. 2 years of loving work, I enjoyed every second.

The old basement steps down to a sub-basement. TALL ceilings down there, all new. One end of this room has a cinderblock wall on the north side of the house. Always cool there. The other two walls are below the garage floor, also very cool. So I framed that 12'x12' area out, insulated it to death, put in brick columns, brick bases, and a brick wall. Built wine racks from boxes of pre cut sticks and bags of screws. Needed much sanding, fitting, trimming out with oak.

Laid a solid oak floor, 3/4" plank. Bought a thermopane oak framed door slab, and hand built the solid oak frame, 3 pane oak side lights, the works. You can't see it in this pic, but above the door, is an oak frame in the brick that holds a split system temp control unit that holds 55F and 75% humidity 24/7. And about 25% of it is Riesling, Muscato, and various Champagnes and sparklers.

You make it to Michigan, and we will open anything you like!

View attachment 63045
WOW!!! :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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No and no! My son won't be leaving any time soon I don't think. The seizures and shoulder surgery has set him back about a year on his final plans. :( But..he's determined. And I hate where I work and definitely hate these 7 day work weeks. We've been on those since the first of August and not seeing an end to them anytime soon. :( I did apply for a job at another company here. Better pay, closer to home, better working hours. Win-win! :)

I hope you get that better job! Yeah, road time is a waste. Best to be at home or making the $. I can commiserate, the driving is what sucks. Keep us posted!?


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Good morning, Lucy! How are you this morning? I could use more caffeine! Just made a grocery store run for cookie baking supplies. Time for a ride, and there should be a sweet reward when I get home. Mmmm.. chocolate chip mini muffins.. I'll bring some for the coffee! ;)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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You know me well don't you? ;)
You like well aged Germans?

OK, here's Jurgen Prochnow for ya.;)


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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He's holding his own for now.

He had a blood pressure drop last night than caused a big panic but he's doing good today so far

He forgot for a minute if he left his wallet home, and the drop happened when he discovered he still had his credit cards? I hope the Mr. Juicy just has gas or somethin... :) Prayers, dear.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Morning fugees....raining here this morning, and that is really weird....:confused:

Beautiful wine cellar Moo...!

Thank you, Dale. I did everything but the paint behind the racking. My Mrs. is a degreed Interior Designer. She painted areas of the drywall in faux brick to match, even used sand in the mortar paint. Then she spackled rough edges around them, and painted the rest of the walls to match a Bordeaux sample that we dried on white paper. If I ever drop and break a red, what I can't clean up will blend. :) It looks cool though, it looks like the whole cellar is brick, and someone plastered over it and pieces are breaking away.

I have to leave some spaces empty to get the full effect, which drives my OCD crazy. Nature abhors a vacuum...


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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What a GORGEOUS Michigan day for riding. Low 60's, which means wearing ALL the gear is not only possible, but very comfortable. The trees are just starting to turn, and the air was crisp.

I know some people think motorcycles are dangerous, but with stout boots, chaps, strong jeans, good jacket and gloves, and full helmet, I am invincible. ;)


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What a GORGEOUS Michigan day for riding. Low 60's, which means wearing ALL the gear is not only possible, but very comfortable. The trees are just starting to turn, and the air was crisp.

I know some people think motorcycles are dangerous, but with stout boots, chaps, strong jeans, good jacket and gloves, and full helmet, I am invincible. ;)
Raining all day here in the desert....very odd for October....but the temperature is normal...78+-....(more better than 118)...o_O


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Coolish (high 70s, says it "feels like" 80, at least, this afternoon) and cloudy all day here. I notice there's a cloud cover over an enormous part of the US right now; sometime next week, we might start catching a little rain from hurricane Matthew. Hope South Carolina doesn'[t get inundated this year.


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