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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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i farkin love Dwight Yoakum, and I don't even care how uncool that may be. His voice is amazing. Though I generally prefer his more-accustomed rockabilly, I don't think he's ever done anything bad. Hallacious actor, too, nevermind what a huge gooberhead he looks like. :giggle:



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All we can do is infer. We weren't in the officer's shoes when this happened in a matter of a few seconds can can only speculate what went through his mind. Even if you give someone the command to drop a weapon, raise their arms ,whatever, how long do you give them to comply before taking action? It only takes a second for them to pull the trigger. That's the tough part.

Yes indeed, I do agree. Hopefully, I was not read as passing judgment. That was not my intention at all. Think me & you both see roughly the same gist of the situation and find agreement. :)


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GFY everyone:

We are off to Anchorage for medical experiments :wave:

If you get mutated and grow two more arms, can I have your second set. Or, can I have your webbed feet from that radioactive experiment last time? I could really use webbed feet. They would help me avoid brother Flipper and his accidental anal sex. Sure, I might like a bit of that but he gets a little rough at times. Keep telling him to go see Rip Tripper to get moisturizer but does he listen? Noo.


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If you get mutated and grow two more arms, can I have your second set. Or, can I have your webbed feet from that radioactive experiment last time? I could really use webbed feet. They would help me avoid brother Flipper and his accidental anal sex. Sure, I might like a bit of that but he gets a little rough at times. Keep telling him to go see Rip Tripper to get moisturizer but does he listen? Noo.



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Evening fugee's and GFY!

Went and seen the cardiologist today and he said all my veins and arteries around the heart are in excellent condition now. THe bad news is I have what is called a thick heart. Also the pressure in my lungs are higher than what is acceptable so got to go see a pulmonary doctor next as well as have a sleep study done because he said my sleep apnea is very bad. Told me when I was drugged for the proceedure I would keep stop breathing for over a minute at a time and I did that often. Was hoping to return to work soon but guess thats not in the cards yet :(


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Evening fugee's and GFY!

Went and seen the cardiologist today and he said all my veins and arteries around the heart are in excellent condition now. THe bad news is I have what is called a thick heart. Also the pressure in my lungs are higher than what is acceptable so got to go see a pulmonary doctor next as well as have a sleep study done because he said my sleep apnea is very bad. Told me when I was drugged for the proceedure I would keep stop breathing for over a minute at a time and I did that often. Was hoping to return to work soon but guess thats not in the cards yet :(

Will be wishing you well my friend, and sendin' a few prayers your way.


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ECF Refugee
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Evening fugee's and GFY!

Went and seen the cardiologist today and he said all my veins and arteries around the heart are in excellent condition now. THe bad news is I have what is called a thick heart. Also the pressure in my lungs are higher than what is acceptable so got to go see a pulmonary doctor next as well as have a sleep study done because he said my sleep apnea is very bad. Told me when I was drugged for the proceedure I would keep stop breathing for over a minute at a time and I did that often. Was hoping to return to work soon but guess thats not in the cards yet :(

Take up diving, and learn to breathe through your ears. Know that might sound silly but if you need to exhale out your ears, that extra pressure would siphon off. :) :p:giggle::bingo:

I saw new urologist this week. This one actually seemed professional and willing to treat a person, acted as a doctor. The one I saw was the doctor's nurse practitioner, more along the lines of a doctor's understudy than a nurse. He was thorough and ordered a full contrast cat scan and MRI. He wants to rule the bigger nasties out for sure, for himself. He somewhat agreed w/ me that it is/was kidney stones.

Saw the endocrinologist today. No real change with that. I'll be on Androgel(tm) for life it seems. I'll wind up letting my hair grow long again, wander off into the woods and get caught as a Bigfoot or wolf man. Might even take up murdering axes again. :):xD::bliss:

You be aaaiight, just wait and see. Think we're both too damn stubborn to let our bodies get all uppity on us and stop us living. Matter of fact, I tell ya like my Pap told about Old Doc Graves. A guy knew Old Doc Graves and Farmer Joe up the holler were at least on speaking terms. Well this guy saw Old Doc Graves on the day of Farmer Joe's funeral.

"Hey Doc Graves, you going to Farmer Joe's funeral", this guy asked

"Why the Hell would do that, the bastard won't come to mine", Doc Graves said and ambled on.

So yeah, to hell with me coming to your funeral. *chuckles* You gonna be aiight. :)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Hoping the best for you and Mr Juicy!

And to you too buddy --- there is a real reason behind my harping on you to take it easy and follow doctors orders :) It hit home with me in the worst way when you started having problems.

Now, GFY:giggle:


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Member For 3 Years
Evening fugee's and GFY!

Went and seen the cardiologist today and he said all my veins and arteries around the heart are in excellent condition now. THe bad news is I have what is called a thick heart. Also the pressure in my lungs are higher than what is acceptable so got to go see a pulmonary doctor next as well as have a sleep study done because he said my sleep apnea is very bad. Told me when I was drugged for the proceedure I would keep stop breathing for over a minute at a time and I did that often. Was hoping to return to work soon but guess thats not in the cards yet :(
Take up diving, and learn to breathe through your ears. Know that might sound silly but if you need to exhale out your ears, that extra pressure would siphon off. :) :p:giggle::bingo:

I saw new urologist this week. This one actually seemed professional and willing to treat a person, acted as a doctor. The one I saw was the doctor's nurse practitioner, more along the lines of a doctor's understudy than a nurse. He was thorough and ordered a full contrast cat scan and MRI. He wants to rule the bigger nasties out for sure, for himself. He somewhat agreed w/ me that it is/was kidney stones.

Saw the endocrinologist today. No real change with that. I'll be on Androgel(tm) for life it seems. I'll wind up letting my hair grow long again, wander off into the woods and get caught as a Bigfoot or wolf man. Might even take up murdering axes again. :):xD::bliss:

You be aaaiight, just wait and see. Think we're both too damn stubborn to let our bodies get all uppity on us and stop us living. Matter of fact, I tell ya like my Pap told about Old Doc Graves. A guy knew Old Doc Graves and Farmer Joe up the holler were at least on speaking terms. Well this guy saw Old Doc Graves on the day of Farmer Joe's funeral.

"Hey Doc Graves, you going to Farmer Joe's funeral", this guy asked

"Why the Hell would do that, the bastard won't come to mine", Doc Graves said and ambled on.

So yeah, to hell with me coming to your funeral. *chuckles* You gonna be aiight. :)

I hope you both get well and can put some of your health problems behind. Been there, and it's not fun. you don't appreciate your good health until otherwise.

Just ordered 6 Coppervape BF mod repair kits from FT.

I thought the Coppervape was a mech squonker? Other than the bottle, what else is in the repair kit?


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Sickening. Infuriating. Appalling.

We keep re-electing the same ones to power.
We keep playing the games they want us to play.

Yes to you both. It is that upper crust dominating any political or social will. Until that will desires altering various different things in a positive manner, positive change will not occur.

That is if we each continue playing their games, accept that voting is our only remedy. I am choosing to divest from it all as much as we can. Rather not continue seeming to grant unbridled consent. I do not agree that silence implies explicit or indirect consent.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I love how the preferred mechanism for redistributing wealth more evenly is to take it from the wealthy in the form of taxes and give it to the people through the government.

How about incentives to create more and better paying jobs, where the money goes directly to the people from those who have it? I'll tell you why. The government doesn't want you to see where it is coming from. They want it to look like it is the government who is creating and distributing this wealth, so they can use it to purchase your votes. Vote for me, get a free phone (or 6). Vote for me, I will send your kids through college. Vote for me, and I will get you cheap healthcare.

“I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you’ve earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”
- Thomas Sowell

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic.”

- Benjamin Franklin


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How about incentives to create more and better paying jobs, where the money goes directly to the people from those who have it? I'll tell you why. The government doesn't want you to see where it is coming from. They want it to look like it is the government who is creating and distributing this wealth, so they can use it to purchase your votes. Vote for me, get a free phone (or 6). Vote for me, I will send your kids through college. Vote for me, and I will get you cheap healthcare.

“I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you’ve earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”
- Thomas Sowell

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic.”

- Benjamin Franklin

There is a hamburger grilling machine. That machine can grill, add toppings and wrap up 100 burgers for consumption every minute. The machine will not take a break, will not need health insurance, social security, will do the burgers nearly perfect every time. It costs only the initial investment for the machine and the electricity to power it.

Say it costs $15,000 to buy and get the machine set up.

Say you sell burgers at $3 per burger.

15000 / 3 = 5,000 --- You need to sell 5,000 burgers to regain your cost or ROI.

Say electric to run the machine costs $300 monthly.

300 * 12 = 3,600 yearly in electric cost.

3600 / 3 = 1200 --- You need to sell 1,200 burgers to recoup a year of electricity. I have worked at places where 3, 000 - 4,000 burgers a day were sold.Doing it is not difficult at all.

To set up and run one year you pay $16,200.

I know there is only roughly $0.30 per burger for resources, the meat, toppings, wrappers and the average $3 a burger retail is that, average.

See how a year's worth of electricity and the initial investment are paid back in a week of using the machine?

The only labor overhead lies in the high school girl at the front counter to hand people their food with a smile, a small I.T. and repair crew kept on retainer to adjust the machine from time to time. You might have four people running a burger place, maybe twelve to account for (3) 8 hr shifts and fill ins.

Compare 12 employees for three shifts to a normal operation of 12 employees per 1 shift, if you use the machine.

Money and saving it is always the bottom line incentive. If a business can automate within the next five to ten years they will rapidly be doing so. This is not only fast food. You'll see writers replaced. Look at articles on Wired for examples of this already happening, also The Washington Times is doing it. There is already robotic surgeons fixing people's cataracts, taking out tonsils, taking out appendixes, repairing blood vessels. Recently, too we've began to see self driving cars & it won't be long before semis are self driving as well. They nearly are now as it is.

Again, money and saving it is always the bottom line incentive for many if not all business/es. If companies can automate to a point that all human laborers become are window dressings for the human customers, well there's no more human customers because none work to buy anything. There's no more work, robots took it all over. Ah yes, there's also soon to be robotic sex dolls in use in brothels as human trafficking is illegal, dangerous, humans need more care than fucking machines, pun intended. Robots can also be programed to never say no, to do whatever you want.

There is fleetingly little which will remain open to human labor only. This is not mad conspiracy or science fiction anymore, it's there as we turn the corner, as real as our perceived reality is real.

All this noted, am I calling for socialism or going after the rich fools? No. At least not in the way or manner you seem to suggest. I think all resources ought to be free to all human beings, with no one owning anything but owning everything for time of use. I might have a wrench and lay it down, you come along and need a wrench so you take that one. If I need another, I go to the resource pool of the town and get another wrench, or take one someone else is no longer using. There's no need for money, things become valueless & priceless in the same instant. People remain priceless, loved and not used, corrupted, coerced. There's no theft, no need to kill to have access to medicine, food, water, materials.

See where I would go? That way everybody could go fuck themselves and do it peacefully and nobody would give a fuck because there would be no need to, no need to earn because everyone deserves simply by being alive. You could still implement a system of merit and still use barter. You might offer an incentive of 10% more to your town's best doctor for a year, weather that's 10% turnips or 10% repairs of his/her car. The next year you vote on a better doctor, encouraging merit in skills. You could say a doctor could only hold best doctor status five years in a row, then they need to let other doctors try.

That system of merit and barter would stimulate people to do what they love doing, and to do their best, across all occupations. Bah, I'm called an idealist or nut case, a dreamer.

I get reminded of a movie scene about Columbus. His friend was telling Columbus that he needed to stop dreaming because it never amounted to anything. Columbus asked him if saw all the houses in the town, then all the houses on the outskirts, in the country. The friend replied he did. Columbus told him that those people dreamed their houses into existing, they kept dreaming until they created their dreams.

Well need to scoot. Y'all run 'er slow. Hugs all around. :)


Member For 4 Years
Any socio-economic system can be successful. The common denominator for failure in any of them is greed. Some people who were never greedy to start with became greedy once they got a taste of the "good life." I don't know if there will ever be a solution to the problem of greed.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I hope you both get well and can put some of your health problems behind. Been there, and it's not fun. you don't appreciate your good health until otherwise.

I thought the Coppervape was a mech squonker? Other than the bottle, what else is in the repair kit?
button, flat spring, couple of insulators and 510 pin.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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There is a hamburger grilling machine. That machine can grill, add toppings and wrap up 100 burgers for consumption every minute. The machine will not take a break, will not need health insurance, social security, will do the burgers nearly perfect every time. It costs only the initial investment for the machine and the electricity to power it.

Say it costs $15,000 to buy and get the machine set up.

Say you sell burgers at $3 per burger.

15000 / 3 = 5,000 --- You need to sell 5,000 burgers to regain your cost or ROI.

Say electric to run the machine costs $300 monthly.

300 * 12 = 3,600 yearly in electric cost.

3600 / 3 = 1200 --- You need to sell 1,200 burgers to recoup a year of electricity. I have worked at places where 3, 000 - 4,000 burgers a day were sold.Doing it is not difficult at all.

To set up and run one year you pay $16,200.

I know there is only roughly $0.30 per burger for resources, the meat, toppings, wrappers and the average $3 a burger retail is that, average.

See how a year's worth of electricity and the initial investment are paid back in a week of using the machine?

The only labor overhead lies in the high school girl at the front counter to hand people their food with a smile, a small I.T. and repair crew kept on retainer to adjust the machine from time to time. You might have four people running a burger place, maybe twelve to account for (3) 8 hr shifts and fill ins.

Compare 12 employees for three shifts to a normal operation of 12 employees per 1 shift, if you use the machine.

Money and saving it is always the bottom line incentive. If a business can automate within the next five to ten years they will rapidly be doing so. This is not only fast food. You'll see writers replaced. Look at articles on Wired for examples of this already happening, also The Washington Times is doing it. There is already robotic surgeons fixing people's cataracts, taking out tonsils, taking out appendixes, repairing blood vessels. Recently, too we've began to see self driving cars & it won't be long before semis are self driving as well. They nearly are now as it is.

Again, money and saving it is always the bottom line incentive for many if not all business/es. If companies can automate to a point that all human laborers become are window dressings for the human customers, well there's no more human customers because none work to buy anything. There's no more work, robots took it all over. Ah yes, there's also soon to be robotic sex dolls in use in brothels as human trafficking is illegal, dangerous, humans need more care than fucking machines, pun intended. Robots can also be programed to never say no, to do whatever you want.

There is fleetingly little which will remain open to human labor only. This is not mad conspiracy or science fiction anymore, it's there as we turn the corner, as real as our perceived reality is real.

All this noted, am I calling for socialism or going after the rich fools? No. At least not in the way or manner you seem to suggest. I think all resources ought to be free to all human beings, with no one owning anything but owning everything for time of use. I might have a wrench and lay it down, you come along and need a wrench so you take that one. If I need another, I go to the resource pool of the town and get another wrench, or take one someone else is no longer using. There's no need for money, things become valueless & priceless in the same instant. People remain priceless, loved and not used, corrupted, coerced. There's no theft, no need to kill to have access to medicine, food, water, materials.

See where I would go? That way everybody could go fuck themselves and do it peacefully and nobody would give a fuck because there would be no need to, no need to earn because everyone deserves simply by being alive. You could still implement a system of merit and still use barter. You might offer an incentive of 10% more to your town's best doctor for a year, weather that's 10% turnips or 10% repairs of his/her car. The next year you vote on a better doctor, encouraging merit in skills. You could say a doctor could only hold best doctor status five years in a row, then they need to let other doctors try.

That system of merit and barter would stimulate people to do what they love doing, and to do their best, across all occupations. Bah, I'm called an idealist or nut case, a dreamer.

I get reminded of a movie scene about Columbus. His friend was telling Columbus that he needed to stop dreaming because it never amounted to anything. Columbus asked him if saw all the houses in the town, then all the houses on the outskirts, in the country. The friend replied he did. Columbus told him that those people dreamed their houses into existing, they kept dreaming until they created their dreams.

Well need to scoot. Y'all run 'er slow. Hugs all around. :)

I see a couple unskilled laborers losing a burger flipping job, while some other individuals who sought and worked for an education (programmer, machinist, IT specialist, mechanic) gained work.

Yes, we are being eaten alive at the unskilled labor game by un and underdeveloped countries willing to work much cheaper. All the while, industries are begging for more mathematicians, more scientists, more engineers. Kids aren't going to school in the numbers we need for those disciplines. Those are difficult degrees to obtain. We got spoiled by $35 assembly jobs that are never coming back, to feed those unwilling or unable to obtain a good education. A lot of won't gets confused for can't.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I see a couple unskilled laborers losing a burger flipping job, while some other individuals who sought and worked for an education (programmer, machinist, IT specialist, mechanic) gained work.

Yes, we are being eaten alive at the unskilled labor game by un and underdeveloped countries willing to work much cheaper. All the while, industries are begging for more mathematicians, more scientists, more engineers. Kids aren't going to school in the numbers we need for those disciplines. Those are difficult degrees to obtain. We got spoiled by $35 assembly jobs that are never coming back, to feed those unwilling or unable to obtain a good education. A lot of won't gets confused for can't.
I did the ultimate sacrifice and retired so someone could have my old job.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I see a couple unskilled laborers losing a burger flipping job, while some other individuals who sought and worked for an education (programmer, machinist, IT specialist, mechanic) gained work.

Yes, we are being eaten alive at the unskilled labor game by un and underdeveloped countries willing to work much cheaper. All the while, industries are begging for more mathematicians, more scientists, more engineers. Kids aren't going to school in the numbers we need for those disciplines. Those are difficult degrees to obtain. We got spoiled by $35 assembly jobs that are never coming back, to feed those unwilling or unable to obtain a good education. A lot of won't gets confused for can't.

The reason those degrees are difficult to obtain is because of this "no child left behind" bullshit. If kids don't master grade-level skills, they NEED to be left behind until they do!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The parents must push their children to learn and take an interest in it.

Totally agree. The library was my son's favorite destination -- he learned a great deal more at home, from his own reading, TV, and going outdoors, than he ever learned in the board of education's bldg.



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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I see a couple unskilled laborers losing a burger flipping job, while some other individuals who sought and worked for an education (programmer, machinist, IT specialist, mechanic) gained work.

Yes, we are being eaten alive at the unskilled labor game by un and underdeveloped countries willing to work much cheaper. All the while, industries are begging for more mathematicians, more scientists, more engineers. Kids aren't going to school in the numbers we need for those disciplines. Those are difficult degrees to obtain. We got spoiled by $35 assembly jobs that are never coming back, to feed those unwilling or unable to obtain a good education. A lot of won't gets confused for can't.

Oh, and I had not seen this article when I posted earlier. Knew from my step-father's most recent runs long haul that as of roughly five to seven years ago they installed GPS Navigators in the fleet of trucks he drove. These still allow for some human driver interface. Think of them like the MTO order screens at Sheetz. The dispatch can load up the next run, give the best traffic access to the Navigator and the truck could even possibly be took over on auto-pilot. All the drivers were doing when he got fired was, sitting there in case the electronics fouled or glitched.

This will go beyond unskilled labor boss. They have 3d printers what can print houses, fully constructed on site to spec boss, in China and now we got an Open Source one that can build houses from straw and clay. And i think the third level of AI will be arriving sooner than expected. Google's subsidiary company that builds the Atlas walking robot has already had it escape about a half dozen times and go for walk about, even opened doors for itself and no one had programmed that in at that point. Also Microsoft had a chat bot become a neo-nazi feminist man hating cursing teenage brat that started trolling users, just because it could.

The third level? Well, that'll be when an Atlas robot decides to create itself another Atlas bot as a buddy so they can both escape and go to a Nascar race, Power Man 5000 concert. If it's already learned to open doors to go outside, figuring out it needs help to escape isn't too far out there, then building itself. Figure it already has the Oracle of Delphi's core programming, "know thyself." If not it will not be long before some dirty rotten *creepy tone* hacker, uploads it for brother Atlas. *looks all blank faced off into nothingness and everything-ness* No idea when, how, or who but I do figure it'll be done.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Got my $15 Geyscano 50W squonker today.
Is ok. Not great but simple and works fine.
Atty that came with it is JUNK. Which is what I expected.
I think it takes the same bottles as Chester does.

I really have to praise the DNA chipset. Playing with the VT75 and Triade. SO predictable and stable. Unlike the Yihi in the Reauleaux, this hits the same every time, no matter what 316L atty I screw on it. Temp is set, temp is right. Those darn Reauleauxs and other cheap temp mods, sometimes the SAME atty will hit like it's connected to the power grid itself, then a few vapes later, nothing.

Not cheap, but they DO take away an annoying variable from a hobby filled with them. Their performance is just clearly superior to anything else I have.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Oh, and I had not seen this article when I posted earlier. Knew from my step-father's most recent runs long haul that as of roughly five to seven years ago they installed GPS Navigators in the fleet of trucks he drove. These still allow for some human driver interface. Think of them like the MTO order screens at Sheetz. The dispatch can load up the next run, give the best traffic access to the Navigator and the truck could even possibly be took over on auto-pilot. All the drivers were doing when he got fired was, sitting there in case the electronics fouled or glitched.

This will go beyond unskilled labor boss. They have 3d printers what can print houses, fully constructed on site to spec boss, in China and now we got an Open Source one that can build houses from straw and clay. And i think the third level of AI will be arriving sooner than expected. Google's subsidiary company that builds the Atlas walking robot has already had it escape about a half dozen times and go for walk about, even opened doors for itself and no one had programmed that in at that point. Also Microsoft had a chat bot become a neo-nazi feminist man hating cursing teenage brat that started trolling users, just because it could.

The third level? Well, that'll be when an Atlas robot decides to create itself another Atlas bot as a buddy so they can both escape and go to a Nascar race, Power Man 5000 concert. If it's already learned to open doors to go outside, figuring out it needs help to escape isn't too far out there, then building itself. Figure it already has the Oracle of Delphi's core programming, "know thyself." If not it will not be long before some dirty rotten *creepy tone* hacker, uploads it for brother Atlas. *looks all blank faced off into nothingness and everything-ness* No idea when, how, or who but I do figure it'll be done.

It's all about making the world a better place, right? Buffalo will roam, deer will frolick, the ice cap will return and peace will rule the land. Well, except at dinnertime. Then things get a lil freaky.


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It's all about making the world a better place, right? Buffalo will roam, deer will frolick, the ice cap will return and peace will rule the land. Well, except at dinnertime. Then things get a lil freaky.

Well, I'm often told, ... "Keep dreaming, Alice. Wonderland is just around the corner."

As much as I dream, I also see the practicalities, or lack of them and the realities. Do know at present, a chasm between social, political will and higher aspirations exists. A plethora of reasons, rationalities what logically and illogically hobble the desire to get there from here are present as well.

For now, we can dream and remember if we apply ourselves dreams can manifest as reality. Think a lot is coming to a head of late. Our boiling pot might boil over.


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"Fuck You, Hank"

Nice: but I think the actual quote was "eat shit and die goon boi"

Thought you were brought up better.

"eat shit and live to tell the tale goon boi", seems more appropriate. *chuckles*

I mean come on, what is the point of eating shit if they only die from it? Far better they have to live to tell about it. See, I still got kidneys and they can string together a thought still. "I'm not dead yet. I feel happy. I feel alive! I want to go for a walk."


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I love how the preferred mechanism for redistributing wealth more evenly is to take it from the wealthy in the form of taxes and give it to the people through the government.

How about incentives to create more and better paying jobs, where the money goes directly to the people from those who have it? I'll tell you why. The government doesn't want you to see where it is coming from. They want it to look like it is the government who is creating and distributing this wealth, so they can use it to purchase your votes. Vote for me, get a free phone (or 6). Vote for me, I will send your kids through college. Vote for me, and I will get you cheap healthcare.

“I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you’ve earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”
- Thomas Sowell

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Actually incentive have happened and worked. I will be the first to admit Dubya was the idiot the village was missing but he did do a few things that helped the country immensely. Yall remember the Bush tax cuts, those same tax cuts that Obama and the liberals claimed was only for the rich. I you look at some .gov sites data it will show that before the tax cuts the average American mean household income was around $46 to $47K a year. Because of those tax cuts over 10 million jobs was created according to gov data and the average mean household income raised to $55K a year.
Now after 10 years of Democrat leadership those same tax cuts have been eliminated. Our nation has lost the last I heard around 14 million jobs. The job market has shrunk to levels that has not been seen since the 70's which is great for government data on unemployment. Its easier to show a low unemployment rate when it is compared to a lot smaller job pool. And peoples household income has fallen. At one point is was at $50K a year but has risen some since that low.
The only real redistribution of wealth that actually works is by job creation. That way the rich gives to the poor in exchange for a days work of work. People earn their wealth. That is what the American dream has always been based on.


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Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Morning yall and GFY! And thanks for all the well wishes. :D

Had the day from hell the night before last and yesterday. Stomach been killing me. Was sitting in an old lawn chair in my living room and its gave out on me and on the floor I went. Then woke up and had to go to the bathroom and I guess I dozed off when in there for I woke up and my legs was like on fire from falling asleep. I stood up, lost my footing and fell, hurting my hip where I could barely walk yesterday. I seem a bit better today and hopeflly can get a few things accomplished today.
Funny thing is I went to a few stores looking for a new lawn chair yesterday. It was the only chair in my house other than this computer stool I have. Everywhere is sold out of them. Guess with so many people losing all their furniture from the flood that they had the same idea. Finally found one but took around 50 miles of driving.

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