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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I never got that one, but I was frequently advised that the inside of the fridge was NOT the TV. :D


My mother was the queen of "momisms"

Your arm's not broken

Were you raised by wolves?

I brought you into this world and I can take you out

She also called us "heathen Philistines" a lot


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Come IN Tokyo....any Fugees alive this afternoon?................:vino:

Beautiful day in Death Valley (aka) Arizona.....low 80's, sunshine.....couldn't ask for a better day.

Hope that hurricane drifts toward the EAST....FAR east......:cuss2:

I read you, Harleymoto. Release your payload at the target and then you are clear for a landing on starboard boiler room.
I hope you got to DO something with that beautiful day! Golf?!

It was stunning here in Michigan today again. Cool, sunny. I got ambitious late in the day, and committed myself to a 400 mile forest tour up north to see colors and ride the banks of the Au Sable river. Super fun, but my back and ass are telling me to give up any thoughts of distance traveling. Got the stink eye from a small town sheriff for launching a little too aggressively at his only light. How many stink eyes before they yank your license?


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I read you, Harleymoto. Release your payload at the target and then you are clear for a landing on starboard boiler room.
I hope you got to DO something with that beautiful day! Golf?!

It was stunning here in Michigan today again. Cool, sunny. I got ambitious late in the day, and committed myself to a 400 mile forest tour up north to see colors and ride the banks of the Au Sable river. Super fun, but my back and ass are telling me to give up any thoughts of distance traveling. Got the stink eye from a small town sheriff for launching a little too aggressively at his only light. How many stink eyes before they yank your license?
I would assume the Ducati .....:giggle::giggle:


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I would assume the Ducati .....:giggle::giggle:

Yep, Bender has been in the shop for a couple weeks. Insurance came through on the scratches, which don't bother me, so instead I'm treating her to the S.E. Stage 3 kit of pair of 55cu/in jugs, new pistons and rings, adjustable lifters, some other parts upgrades and a mwild cam. She's not vain. Those are EXPERIENCE marks. She just wants to breathe free. Hey, I bought my baby bigger jugs!


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Yep, Bender has been in the shop for a couple weeks. Insurance came through on the scratches, which don't bother me, so instead I'm treating her to a the SE Stage 3 kit of pair of 55cu/in jugs, new pistons and rings, and a mwild cam. She's not vain. Those are EXPERIENCE marks.
lmao.....I ordered the bucket seat for the S, or what is basically the revised fatboy ass can't take it like it used too....I mean that in a non-**** way.....:wave:

Edit: We can can h-omo here?.....:giggle:


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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lmao.....I ordered the bucket seat for the S, or what is basically the revised fatboy ass can't take it like it used too....I mean that in a non-**** way.....:wave:

Oh, GOOD thing. I have the stock on the RGU. I find it fine. But I bought an '04 V-rod from Ebay out of Boston. Flew there to ride it home. All backroads through Pennsylvania coal country. IT had a stock seat, that was a pile of 2x4's wrapped in vinyl. I was standing at lights and rubbing my ass fierce. Didn't care WHO looked at me. I got down to alternating cheeks to always have one building repair points. It was friggin brutal.


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Oh, GOOD thing. I have the stock on the RGU. I find it fine. But I bought an '04 V-rod from Ebay out of Boston. Flew there to ride it home. All backroads through Pennsylvania coal country. IT had a stock seat, that was a pile of 2x4's wrapped in vinyl. I was standing at lights and rubbing my ass fierce. Didn't care WHO looked at me. I got down to alternating cheeks to always have one building repair points. It was friggin brutal.
Oh shit, you had me laughing my ass off.....:giggle:


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Oh, GOOD thing. I have the stock on the RGU. I find it fine. But I bought an '04 V-rod from Ebay out of Boston. Flew there to ride it home. All backroads through Pennsylvania coal country. IT had a stock seat, that was a pile of 2x4's wrapped in vinyl. I was standing at lights and rubbing my ass fierce. Didn't care WHO looked at me. I got down to alternating cheeks to always have one building repair points. It was friggin brutal.
Been there done that while riding on the back of one from here to Myrtle Beach. I'd use the pegs. I rented a car to drive back. The ex asshole that owned it made sure HE had a comfy seat but didn't give a damn as to whether I had one. I charged the rental car to his card. :giggle: F***er!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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You're most certainly welcome. :inlove:

Good evening, Lynn! :blowkiss:
I was just about to check out. Been a LONG day. The back and the butt from the bike, the calf muscles still scream from standing on that blasted hill all day.. all of these things I suffered young too, so it isn't old age, or not ALL of it anyway. I am ready for a vacation. ;)


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Good evening, Lynn! :blowkiss:
I was just about to check out. Been a LONG day. The back and the butt from the bike, the calf muscles still scream from standing on that blasted hill all day.. all of these things I suffered young too, so it isn't old age, or not ALL of it anyway. I am ready for a vacation. ;)
I know the feeling hon! I'm ready for a vacation too but it won't be happening anytime soon! :(


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2 different companies. The first one was 6pm-4:30am..40 minute ride home. The one I'm at now is 4pm-11pm but it only takes 15 minutes to get home. The first job was mostly 10 hour days but 5 days a week. Now I work 7 hour days, 7 days a week. I think I liked 10 hour days better! :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Good morning. Hope everyone is doing well and continues doing so today, even despite the invasion of cannibalistic bread alien zombies. I saw a bagel devour two slices of toast earlier and a cake attacked the zucchini bread. There might have been offspring from a sexual assault which happened in that case, there were some dancing Ho Ho cupcakes which seemed rather green.

The big cheese is calling for emergency water bombing of the nefarious bread. "We'll all just get drunk, nothing but silliness to come of it," he told reporters. Some fool commented on what the big cheese said but it was unintelligible. The little cheese said, "not enough degrees for them to be criticizing the big cheese that one." The military is on full alert with water hoses and beer steins.

National security advisor Boy U. Fleece announced cautionary measures. "If you find yourself flooded by beer, drink don't drown. We will get beer nuts, crackers and other assorted appetizers out to you as soon as we can." Today's weather forecast calls for horseshoe rains with a touch irradiated fog. Stay tuned to WKNGZ The station where navel gazing is all the rage, and joy too. Run 'er slow. :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well... I meant to get up much earlier than this, but I got stuck in a great book last night and couldn't tear myself away till much later than I had planned. *sigh* So, I'll get a couple things done today, but maybe not as much as I'd planned.

GFYs errybody! Sunny here now, but I'm thinking that might not last... Go 'way, Matthew, you enormous asshole.


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Good morning. Hope everyone is doing well and continues doing so today, even despite the invasion of cannibalistic bread alien zombies. I saw a bagel devour two slices of toast earlier and a cake attacked the zucchini bread. There might have been offspring from a sexual assault which happened in that case, there were some dancing Ho Ho cupcakes which seemed rather green.

The big cheese is calling for emergency water bombing of the nefarious bread. "We'll all just get drunk, nothing but silliness to come of it," he told reporters. Some fool commented on what the big cheese said but it was unintelligible. The little cheese said, "not enough degrees for them to be criticizing the big cheese that one." The military is on full alert with water hoses and beer steins.

National security advisor Boy U. Fleece announced cautionary measures. "If you find yourself flooded by beer, drink don't drown. We will get beer nuts, crackers and other assorted appetizers out to you as soon as we can." Today's weather forecast calls for horseshoe rains with a touch irradiated fog. Stay tuned to WKNGZ The station where navel gazing is all the rage, and joy too. Run 'er slow. :)

that would get moved to the outside over there....
A hot button topic :rolleyes:


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Thinking about how surrealistic fictional sarcasm could warrant banning from ECF gives me a chuckle. It was clearly written as humorous commentary upon current events, without involving the current events. So yes, it's worth a chuckle. :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I tried out the stocking-mask today, to get some more dust removal done, and it worked really well! Other than being slightly winded just from the exertion, I suffered no breathlessness whatever! Yay! So now more books can be boxed, and the shelves moved out. Progress!



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I tried out the stocking-mask today, to get some more dust removal done, and it worked really well! Other than being slightly winded just from the exertion, I suffered no breathlessness whatever! Yay! So now more books can be boxed, and the shelves moved out. Progress!


That's awesome!

How's the rest of my peeps today?


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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This peep is ok.

How is the husband unit doing?

Ohh and you too. I know this has been a strain on ya.
Hang in there lady friend O mine.

Oh and don't know if my Wanko is ever going to get here!

Webe hanging okay.

A Wanko crisis? What are you going to do?!?


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ohh just wait and take out my frustrations on the kids on my lawn I suppose.


I don't like lawns and don't have one.

I hate people turning around in my driveway :giggle: which they do incessantly for some reason.

I live almost at the end of a dirt road with only 6 houses on it. Why my driveway and not the fucker I really can't stand at the very end?:mad:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years

I don't like lawns and don't have one.

I hate people turning around in my driveway :giggle: which they do incessantly for some reason.

I live almost at the end of a dirt road with only 6 houses on it. Why my driveway and not the fucker I really can't stand at the very end?:mad:

My husband wants to put gates in front our our driveway, so they can't; he takes positively obsessive care of the lawn, and hates when dumb fucks can't drive straight and mess up the grass beside the drive, at the entrance.


ETA: of course, if we;re ever able to buy any acreage, he wants to fence it all in, and have signs every 50ft: "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." :giggle:


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