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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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ECF Refugee
My husband wants to put gates in front our our driveway, so they can't; he takes positively obsessive care of the lawn, and hates when dumb fucks can't drive straight and mess up the grass beside the drive, at the entrance.


ETA: of course, if we;re ever able to buy any acreage, he wants to fence it all in, and have signs every 50ft: "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." :giggle:

YES!!!! I've been saying this for the last eight years! <3


Diamond Contributor
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Gates and fences do very poorly in this environment or it would have happened long ago

We do have signs up along the "back 40" so to speak. Only have to enforce that every couple of years or so - and that is a joy :eek:

Never have found a sign to keep dipshits - especially tourists - out of my driveway

Even worse, we have some land across the road with a cabin in the back with a ridiculously long driveway.

Tried every sign in every configuration you can imagine to tell idiots it is a private driveway and not a road. Dumbasses - not less than once a day through summer - drive down it anyway and often have to back out backwards because sometimes there is no room to turn around

Fuck, this is 14 miles outside of town even, hundreds of miles from any stop lights and lug heads forget to read traffic signs :soapbox:

This sign ought to work.


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Man, I need to carry a cover painted in Fatboy. Statistically, if I have to wait for a fellow Ducatista, what is that, 250 bikes that will ride by first? Hey wait, I have roadside ass istance. Can I really use it for running outta gas?!? lol... better get em on speedial...
Dont you belong to H.O.G.? If I remember right part of the membership benefits is they will bring you a gallon of gas if you run out. Its been years since I was a member but if I remember correctly I had both my Harley and a Honda registered with my membership and the roadside assistance applied to all bikes under the membership registration.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Mornin' fugee fuckers. :D Cloudy here this AM, but looks like it might clear up in a bit. is having a hissyfit about Matthew, but doesn't look like it will do more to ATL than bring us some badly-needed rain.

GFYs errybody. Those in the southern Carolinas... well, Matthew might do it for you.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Mornin' fugee fuckers. :D Cloudy here this AM, but looks like it might clear up in a bit. is having a hissyfit about Matthew, but doesn't look like it will do more to ATL than bring us some badly-needed rain.

GFYs errybody. Those in the southern Carolinas... well, Matthew might do it for you.


Morning back at ya Andria - and the rest of you Fugee fucks too


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I would dearly love to know who thought up this stupid idea of sending shit across the country via UPS, then transferring it to the USPS???? Who couldn't find their collective ass with both hands, a map, and a flashlight????????

My beautiful bedspread got to Doraville, GA this AM, which isn't far at all from Lawrenceville; about 15 miles-ish -- and UPS turned it over to USPS. UPS could have brought to me today, but nooooooooooooooo, now I have to wait till tomorrow or even Saturday. Fuckheads!!!!!!!! :gaah::cuss2::headbang::cuss2::gaah:



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I would dearly love to know who thought up this stupid idea of sending shit across the country via UPS, then transferring it to the USPS???? Who couldn't find their collective ass with both hands, a map, and a flashlight????????

My beautiful bedspread got to Doraville, GA this AM, which isn't far at all from Lawrenceville; about 15 miles-ish -- and UPS turned it over to USPS. UPS could have brought to me today, but nooooooooooooooo, now I have to wait till tomorrow or even Saturday. Fuckheads!!!!!!!! :gaah::cuss2::headbang::cuss2::gaah:



FedEx does that up here all the time

It is a headache because FedEx will not accept PO Box #s for your address, but USPS does not deliver mail in my town.

USPS ends up rejecting about one in 10 FedEx ground shipments and it a ridiculous catch 22


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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FedEx does that up here all the time

It is a headache because FedEx will not accept PO Box #s for your address, but USPS does not deliver mail in my town.

USPS ends up rejecting about one in 10 FedEx ground shipments and it a ridiculous catch 22

Just another reason to be glad I'm getting older; by the middle of this century, I swear to god, they'll be letting people with an IQ of 50 run things. Since they're already letting those with an IQ of 80 run them. :facepalm:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I am so totally bored. Trying to read a cozy mystery, but geez, they're so formulaic, I might as well be reading Mary Higgins Clark. :facepalm: I swear, if I read one more time about a woman who's small and curvy and FEISTY, I may vomit. Nap time.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ohh wrong people with low iq's running things.

blame UPS they are the ones that did not want to deliver it and turned it over to the USPS.

Ran across this:

Imbecile was a medical category of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability, as well as a type of criminal. The term arises from the Latin word imbecillus, meaning weak, or weak-minded. It included people with an IQ of 26–50, between "idiot" (IQ of 0–25) and "moron" (IQ of 51–70).

Hank F. Spankman

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Ran across this:

Imbecile was a medical category of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability, as well as a type of criminal. The term arises from the Latin word imbecillus, meaning weak, or weak-minded. It included people with an IQ of 26–50, between "idiot" (IQ of 0–25) and "moron" (IQ of 51–70).

Where would "shmuck" & "putz" land?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Notice how the "roundheads," the "pilgrims," the "puritans," are always frowning. Like it's somehow "sinful" to be happy or amused. They were so totally lost to anything actually spiritual, since Soul's natural state is JOY.



Bronze Contributor
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Just another reason to be glad I'm getting older; by the middle of this century, I swear to god, they'll be letting people with an IQ of 50 run things. Since they're already letting those with an IQ of 80 run them. :facepalm:

Gee your very generous...................I was thinking that 60 IQ is the HIGH point nowadays.........and in my mind I"M generous...


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Evening fugee's and GFY :)

Not a bad day for me at all today! Had the best night sleep since the flood last night. That new recliner is very comfortable. Organized a bunch of my DIY mixing stuff, mixed up around 600 ml of juice, and even got a little work done :p Tried a new peach vape recipe and I swear ya can damn near taste the fuzz on that peach vape its so good!


Bronze Contributor
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Notice how the "roundheads," the "pilgrims," the "puritans," are always frowning. Like it's somehow "sinful" to be happy or amused. They were so totally lost to anything actually spiritual, since Soul's natural state is JOY.

They were "frowning" at all us regular folks..........sinner's to them..........

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Evening fugee's and GFY :)

Not a bad day for me at all today! Had the best night sleep since the flood last night. That new recliner is very comfortable. Organized a bunch of my DIY mixing stuff, mixed up around 600 ml of juice, and even got a little work done :p Tried a new peach vape recipe and I swear ya can damn near taste the fuzz on that peach vape its so good!
Glad to hear your groove is starting to return.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Notice how the "roundheads," the "pilgrims," the "puritans," are always frowning. Like it's somehow "sinful" to be happy or amused. They were so totally lost to anything actually spiritual, since Soul's natural state is JOY.


Those fuckers were some of the biggest killjoys and buzz kills in human history

No thank you

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