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lol I just edited my post to tell ya I need to go to your house to eat. I like your menu much better
It's KFC, I'm sure there's on closer to you than I am, but you're still welcome to come join us if you want to. :)


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Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mac&cheese, biscuits, and lemon cake for dessert.:bliss::)
Not sure what Mark is serving but here its tater tots, sweet corn and veggie burgers

And I wasn't invited? brokenheart.gif Sounds like you both ate well!
Here it was hubby's birthday! Had his favorite - spaghetti and garlic bread. Did make him a chocolate pecan cake, too. We had to sing, too, and he sang along. Kids got him more fishing gear (like he doesn't have enough). We had a lot of fun. Going to watch the news and take a bath. See you all tomorrow, hugs!


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And I wasn't invited? View attachment 47799 Sounds like you both ate well!
Here it was hubby's birthday! Had his favorite - spaghetti and garlic bread. Did make him a chocolate pecan cake, too. We had to sing, too, and he sang along. Kids got him more fishing gear (like he doesn't have enough). We had a lot of fun. Going to watch the news and take a bath. See you all tomorrow, hugs!
OOOO Chocolate pecan cake sounds super yummy Happy Bday to the hubby.


#Team Jimi Supporter
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And I wasn't invited? View attachment 47799 Sounds like you both ate well!
Here it was hubby's birthday! Had his favorite - spaghetti and garlic bread. Did make him a chocolate pecan cake, too. We had to sing, too, and he sang along. Kids got him more fishing gear (like he doesn't have enough). We had a lot of fun. Going to watch the news and take a bath. See you all tomorrow, hugs!
Looks like your hubby shares a Birthday with my wife! Tell him we said Happy Birthday!


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Hey all, it's been a busy month for us. We are now licensed foster parents for our grandchildren..taking ongoing foster care classes..setting up trauma counseling for the kids after the death of their young mother..answering numerous questions...meetings with child protection..attend family court..hoping my son(their dad) gets his self together..nursing my hubby after rotator cuff surgery & ongoing PT..holding my job down as charge nurse..I'm just damn tired..but feel so awesomely Blessed that God provides me the strength and guidance to do it all!

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Hey all, it's been a busy month for us. We are now licensed foster parents for our grandchildren..taking ongoing foster care classes..setting up trauma counseling for the kids after the death of their young mother..answering numerous questions...meetings with child protection..attend family court..hoping my son(their dad) gets his self together..nursing my hubby after rotator cuff surgery & ongoing PT..holding my job down as charge nurse..I'm just damn tired..but feel so awesomely Blessed that God provides me the strength and guidance to do it all!
You are a busy lady! And Bless you for loving your grandkids so much. Going through that system is a real PITA!
I hope you all had a great day, stayed safe and laughed. The best medicine for whatever problems crop up. Hugs to you all!


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You are a busy lady! And Bless you for loving your grandkids so much. Going through that system is a real PITA!
I hope you all had a great day, stayed safe and laughed. The best medicine for whatever problems crop up. Hugs to you all!
Our day was great Church together, home to finish their in a little reading with them, off to KFC for dinner with a side order of newbikes from Target :)

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Ok I'm starting to think the mailman is taking my vape mail

Really? I hope not! I had neighbors who did that. Well, the packages would accidentally get delivered next door and they would never bring them over or even give them back to the mail carrier. I don't think they even vaped though! They were just huge jerks about EVERYTHING!!!:cuss2: They probably just threw them away. :( Just evil!!
@Thayer - I hope you finally end up getting your vape mail! :)

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Good very early morning VW family!!! :coffee2: What are you all up to today?? I've got more medical tests... Fun times! Lol
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!!!! :)
Took the kids to school,off to work, pick up kid's from school, get dinner , then the kids go to church . Never a dull moment around here lol

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Good very early morning VW family!!! :coffee2: What are you all up to today?? I've got more medical tests... Fun times! Lol
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!!!! :)
I hope the tests went well! Still sending healing vibes your way. Vaping 12:50 and blueberry crumble tonite, my dessert!
@Thayer , have you reported all this to your post office/master? They should be able to do something, mail theft is a federal charge!
Have a good night, sweet dreams!


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I hope the tests went well! Still sending healing vibes your way. Vaping 12:50 and blueberry crumble tonite, my dessert!
@Thayer , have you reported all this to your post office/master? They should be able to do something, mail theft is a federal charge!
Have a good night, sweet dreams!
They sent me to delivery and they fed me a line about how my carrier just came back from vacation and not much can be done


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That just doesn't sound right at all. What about filing an official complaint? I don't know how it works, but they should have to investigate all these missing packages. Crossing my fingers for you!


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I was getting my zamplebox taken/stolen from my front porch, it was left on the porch until I got home, just like it was for the last year with no problems. Then it was coming up missing, i found out it was when my strung out nephew would stop by to visit. So I just have everything delivered to my office.


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It is going ok, just about finished with a very long and tough week at work, I'm glad it's almost over. I manage a sales team and we're off to a slow start this year so playing catch up.
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It is going ok, just about finished with a very long and tough week at work, I'm glad it's almost over. I manage a sales team and we're off to a alow start this year so playing catch up.
I feel your pain bud. For a long while I was working 2 jobs. Day job is corporate sales rep and my night job was working overnight in a chemical lab moving highly volatile materials from one place to another. I had to give up the second job due to my dad's declining health. I probably won't be returning to it because of all the labor I was doing. I would work 16 hour days 5 days a week. I was barely seeing family and my wife. I originally was doing it to buy a nice house for our future family, but like I said my dad's health became the forefront issue. But over the course of time I saved enough for a down payment for a now it's just a matter of house hunting...which before I didn't have the time, but now I do. The dust has settled, so my wife and I will be looking this weekend :) <----novella complete lol

R.I.P. dad. I love you and miss you everyday!


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Wow, thats a big comitment bro, 2 full time jobs! I know what that's like and the rewards are just around the corner, that must be such a great feeling! The biggest investment that we make in our lifetime. I sold real estate for a while and to finally hand over those keys over is a great feeling for both the buyers and sellers too! Well happy hunting and I hope you find what you're looking for bro....g'night


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Wow, thats a big comitment bro, 2 full time jobs! I know what that's like and the rewards are just around the corner, that must be such a great feeling! The biggest investment that we make in our lifetime. I sold real estate for a while and to finally hand over those keys over is a great feeling for both the buyers and sellers too! Well happy hunting and I hope you find what you're looking for bro....g'night
Good night my newly found friend! Talk to you soon man....added you as a friend*

R.I.P. dad. I love you and miss you everyday!
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